Thinking in the Flesh



I follow no leader but Christ
and join in communion with none but your blessedness
that is, with the chair of Peter.
I know that this is the rock
on which the Church has been built.
St. Jerome, A.D. 396 A.D., Letters 15:2


or watch here.


Those are words that even fifteen years ago would have been happily echoed by most faithful Catholics around the globe. But now, as Pope Francis lies in ‘critical condition,’ so too, perhaps, is trust in “the rock on which the Church has been built” also in critical condition… Continue reading

The Gift of Tongues: It’s Catholic


or watch with Closed Captioning here


There is a video circulating of popular Catholic exorcist, Fr. Chad Rippberger, that throws into question the catholicity of the “gift of tongues” mentioned frequently by St. Paul and Our Lord Jesus himself. His video, in turn, is being used by a small but increasingly vocal segment of self-described “traditionalists” who, ironically, are actually departing from Sacred Tradition and the clear teaching of Sacred Scripture, as you’ll see. And they’re doing a lot of damage. I know — because I’m on the receiving end of both the attacks and confusion that is dividing Christ’s Church.Continue reading

Still Ink in My Pen



Someone asked me the other day if I’m writing another book. I said, “No, though I’ve thought about it.” In fact, early on in this apostolate after I wrote my first book, The Final Confrontation, the spiritual director of these writings said I should quickly get another book out. And I did… but not on paper.Continue reading

The Programme


It is not therefore a matter of inventing
a “new programme.”
The programme already exists:

it is the plan found in the Gospel
and in the living Tradition…
Novo Millennio Inuente, n. 29



There is a simple but profound “programme” that God is bringing to fulfillment in these times. It is to prepare for Himself a spotless Bride; a remnant that is holy, that has broken with sin, that embodies the restoration of the Divine Will that Adam forfeited at the beginning of time.Continue reading

The Necessity of the Interior Life


I chose you and appointed you to
go and bear fruit that will remain…
(John 15:16)

It is not therefore a matter of inventing
a “new programme.”
The programme already exists:
it is the plan found in the Gospel
and in the living Tradition…
it has its centre in Christ himself,
who is to be known, loved and imitated,
so that in him we may live
the life of the Trinity,
and with him transform history
until its fulfilment in the heavenly Jerusalem.
Novo Millennio Inuente, n. 29


Listen here:


Why is it that some Christian souls leave a lasting impression upon those around them, even just by encountering their silent presence, while others who seem gifted, even inspiring… are soon forgotten?Continue reading

Real Christianity


Just as Our Lord’s face was disfigured in His Passion, so too, the face of the Church has become disfigured in this hour. What does she stand for? What is her mission? What is her message? What does real Christianity look like? Is it the “tolerant”, “inclusive” wokism that seems to have possessed the upper echelons of the hierarchy and many laity… or something altogether different?

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The Spectre of Global Communism


The encroachment year after year
of well-placed globalists advocating
socialism and Communism,
with world bodies attempting to eradicate Christianity,
is well organized.
It is relentless, intrusive, insidious, and Luciferian,
catapulting civilization to a place
it has never aspired to, nor worked towards.
The goal of self-appointed global elite
is total replacement of biblical values
in Western Civilization.
—author Ted Flynn,
The Warning and the Great Miracle,
p. 177


There is a stunning prophecy that I have been reflecting on over the holidays and now, as 2025 unfolds. A sobering reality is washing over me daily as I “watch and pray” in light of the “signs of the times.” It is also the “now word” at the beginning of this new year — that we are facing the spectre of global Communism
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What a Beautiful Name it is


First published January 23, 2020…


I woke his morning with a beautiful dream and a song in my heart—the power of it still flowing through my soul like a river of life. I was singing the name of Jesus, leading a congregation in the song What a Beautiful Name. You can listen to this live version of it below as you continue to read:
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Jesus is God


My house is quiet this Christmas morning. No one is stirring — not even a mouse (because I’m pretty sure the farm cats took care of that). It’s given me a moment to reflect on the Mass readings, and they are unequivocal:

Jesus is God. Continue reading

The Rising Morning Star


Missing from nearly all Protestant prophecy is what we Catholics call the “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.” That’s because Evangelical Christians almost universally omit the intrinsic role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in salvation history beyond Christ’s birth—something Scripture itself does not even do. Her role, designated from the very beginning of creation, is closely linked to that of the Church, and like the Church, is oriented entirely toward the glorification of Jesus in the Holy Trinity.

As you will read, the “Flame of Love” of her Immaculate Heart is the rising morning star that will have the dual purpose of crushing Satan and establishing the reign of Christ on earth, as it is in Heaven…

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When the Sacrifice is No Longer Greater


At the end of November, I shared with you the powerful counter-witness of Kirsten and David MacDonald against the strong tide of the culture of death that is sweeping through Canada. As the country’s suicide rate soared through euthanasia, Kirsten — bedridden with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) — became a prisoner in her own body. Yet, she refused to take her life, instead offering it up for “priests and humanity.”  I went to visit them both last week, to spend time together watching and praying in the last days of her life.Continue reading

Dream of the Drones

For the dreams that disturbed them had proclaimed this beforehand,
lest they perish unaware of why they endured such evil.
(Wisdom 18:19)


In light of major headlines of large drones mysteriously appearing over North American cities, I am compelled to share some vivid dreams I had some 20 years ago… Continue reading

Taking Back Your Health


I think it was no coincidence that, as governments around the world were declaring a “pandemic”, the Lord put a fire in me to write Taking Back God’s CreationIt was a powerful “now word”: it is time to acknowledge again the wonderful gifts God has bestowed on us for our health, healing, and well-being within creation itself — gifts that have been lost to the iron fist of the Big Pharma complex and their abetters, and to a lesser degree, the occult and New Age practitioners.Continue reading

The Mystery of the Kingdom of God


What is the Kingdom of God like?
To what can I compare it?
It is like a mustard seed that a man took
and planted in the garden.
When it was fully grown, it became a large bush
and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches.

(Today’s Gospel)


Every day, we pray the words: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Jesus would not have taught us to pray as such unless we were to expect the Kingdom yet to come. At the same time, the first words of Our Lord in His ministry were:Continue reading

VIDEO: Our Warrior


Are we placing too much hope in our politicians to turn our world around? Scriptures say, “It’s better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8)… to put confidence in the weapons and warriors Heaven itself gives us.Continue reading

Who is the True Pope?


Recent headlines from Catholic news outlet LifeSiteNews (LSN) have been shocking:

“We shouldn’t be afraid of concluding that Francis isn’t pope: here’s why” (October 30, 2024)
“Prominent Italian priest claims Francis is not the pope in viral sermon” (October 24, 2024)
“Doctor Edmund Mazza: Here’s why I believe the Bergoglian pontificate is invalid (November 11, 2024)
“Patrick Coffin: Pope Benedict left us clues that he did not validly resign” (November 12, 2024)

The authors of these articles must know the stakes: if they are right, they are on the vanguard of a new sedevacantist movement that will reject Pope Francis at every turn. If they’re wrong, they are essentially playing chicken with Jesus Christ Himself, whose authority resides with Peter and his successors to whom He has given “the keys of the Kingdom.”Continue reading

The Voice

In your distress,

when all these things shall have come upon you,
you shall finally return to the LORD, your God,
and listen to His voice.
(Deuteronomy 4:30)


WHERE does truth come from? Where is the Church’s teaching derived from? What authority does she have to speak definitively?Continue reading

When Politics Becomes Lethal


…we must not underestimate the disturbing scenarios
that threaten our future,
or the powerful new instruments
that the “culture of death”
has at its disposal.
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n. 75

I have tried to avoid entering the realm of politics. But a recent headline on Drudge Report caught my attention. It is so over-the-top that I am compelled to comment:Continue reading

The Coming Counterfeit

The Mask, by Michael D. O’Brien


First published, April, 8th 2010.


THE warning in my heart continues to grow about a coming deception, which may in fact be the one described in 2 Thess 2:11-13. What follows after the so-called “illumination” or “warning” is not only a brief but powerful period of evangelization, but a dark counter-evangelization that will, in many ways, be just as convincing. Part of the preparation for that deception is knowing beforehand that it is coming:

Indeed, the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets… I have said all this to you to keep you from falling away. They will put you out of the synagogues; indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you of them. (Amos 3:7; John 16:1-4)

Satan not only knows what is coming, but has been planning for it for a long time. It is exposed in the language being used…Continue reading

The Itty Bitty Path

The gate is narrow
and the way is hard
that leads to life,
and those who find it are few.

(Matt 7:14)


It seems to me that this path has become narrower, rockier, and more treacherous than ever before. Now, the teardrops and sweat of the saints begin to emerge beneath one’s feet; the true test of one’s faith becomes a steeper incline; the bloody footprints of the martyrs, still damp with their sacrifice, glisten in the fading twilight of our times. For the Christian today, it is a path that either fills one with terror…. or calls one deeper. As such, the path is less trampled, evidenced by fewer and fewer souls willing to take this journey that, ultimately, follows in the footsteps of our Master.
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This is the Trial

By your perseverance, you will secure your lives.
(Luke 21:19)


A letter from a reader…

Just watched your video with Daniel O’Connor.  Why is God delaying His mercy and justice?!  We live in times more evil than before the great flood and in Sodom and Gomorrah.  The great Warning would seem to “shake” the world and result in major conversions.  Why do we continue to live in so much evil and darkness in this world, where believers can barely stand any more?!  God is AWOL [“away without leave”] and satan is slaughtering believers every day, and the assault does not end… I have lost hope in His plan.

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The Popes and the Dawning Era


The LORD addressed Job out of the storm and said:
Have you ever in your lifetime commanded the morning
and shown the dawn its place
for taking hold of the ends of the earth,
till the wicked are shaken from its surface?”
(Job 38: 1, 12-13)

We thank you because your Son is to come again in majesty to
judge those who have refused to repent and acknowledge you;
while to all who have acknowledged you,
worshiped you, and served you in penitence, He will
say: Come, you blessed of my Father, take possession
of the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning
of the world.
—St. Francis of Assisi,The Prayers of Saint Francis,
Alan Name, Tr. © 1988, New City Press


THERE can be no doubt that the pontiffs of the last century have been exercising their prophetic office so as to awaken believers to the drama unfolding in our day (see Why Aren’t the Popes Shouting?). It is a decisive battle between the culture of life and the culture of death… the woman clothed with the sun—in labor to give birth to a new era—versus the dragon who seeks to destroy it, if not attempt to establish his own kingdom and “new age” (see Rev 12:1-4; 13:2). But while we know Satan will fail, Christ will not. The great Marian saint, Louis de Montfort, frames it well:

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Dear Holy Father… He is Coming!


TO His Holiness, Pope Francis:


Dear Holy Father,

Throughout the pontificate of your predecessor, St. John Paul II, he continually invoked us, the youth of the Church, to become “morning watchmen at the dawn of the new millennium.” [1]POPE JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9; (cf. Is 21:11-12)

…watchmen who proclaim to the world a new dawn of hope, brotherhood and peace. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Guanelli Youth Movement, April 20th, 2002,

From Ukraine to Madrid, Peru to Canada, he beckoned us to become “protagonists of the new times” [2]POPE JOHN PAUL II, Welcome Ceremony, International Airport of Madrid-Baraja, May 3rd, 2003; that lay directly ahead of the Church and the world:

Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ! —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father to the Youth of the World, XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12)

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1 POPE JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9; (cf. Is 21:11-12)
2 POPE JOHN PAUL II, Welcome Ceremony, International Airport of Madrid-Baraja, May 3rd, 2003;

Medjugorje… and Hairsplitting

All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing.
(Ecclesiastes 1:8)


IN recent weeks, the Vatican has surprised many with announcements pertaining to the mystical realm. The late Fr. Stefano Gobbi, who founded the Marian Movement of Priests, was declared a Servant of God and his Cause for canonization opened; the canonization process of another Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, was issued a nihil obstat to proceed after a brief pause; the Vatican affirmed the current bishop’s judgement regarding the alleged apparitions at Garabandal that “there are no elements to conclude that they are supernatural”; and the phenomenon surrounding the decades-old and ongoing apparitions at Medjugorje were given an official ruling, namely, a nihil obstat. Continue reading

Love Grown Cold



THERE is a Scripture lingering on my heart for months now, one I would consider a chief “sign of the times”:

Many false prophets will arise and deceive many; and because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold. (Matt 24:11-12)

What many people may not connect is “false prophets” with the “increase of evildoing.” But today, there is a direct connection.Continue reading

Apostasy… From the Top?


In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things,
that the great apostasy in the Church begins at the top.

—Cardinal Luigi Ciappi,
cited in The Still Hidden Secret,
Christopher A. Ferrara, p. 43



IN a statement on the Vatican’s website, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone provided an interpretation of the so-called “Third Secret of Fatima” suggesting that the vision had already been fulfilled by the attempted assassination of John Paul II. To say the least, many Catholics were left perplexed and unconvinced. Many felt there was nothing in this vision that was too astonishing to be revealed, as Catholics had been told in decades prior. What exactly disturbed popes so much that they allegedly kept the secret hidden all those years? It’s a fair question.Continue reading

Real Food, Real Presence


IF we seek Jesus, the Beloved, we should seek Him where He is. And where He is, is there, on the altars of His Church. Why then is He not surrounded by thousands of believers every day in the Masses said throughout the world? Is it because even we Catholics no longer believe that His Body is Real Food and His Blood, Real Presence?Continue reading

This Great Scattering


Woe to the shepherds of Israel
who have been pasturing themselves!
Should not shepherds pasture the flock?

(Ezekiel 34:5-6)


IT’S clear the Church has entered a period of great confusion and division — exactly what Our Lady predicted at Akita when she said:

The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. —to the late Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, Japan, October 13th, 1973

It follows that if the shepherds are in disarray, so too, will be the sheep. Spend an hour or two on social media and you’ll find Catholics openly and bitterly divided in unexpected ways.Continue reading

Luisa’s Cause Resumes


A storm has swirled of late around Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Her Cause for canonization was reportedly “paused” earlier this year due to a private letter from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) to another bishop. The Korean bishops and a couple others issued negative statements against the Servant of God that were theologically weak. Then a rash of YouTube videos appeared from a priest calling the messages of Luisa, which bear some 19 Imprimaturs and Nihil Obstats, pornographic” and “demonic.” His bizarre rants (more “toxic radical traditionalism“) played well into those who have not properly studied the messages of this Servant of God, which reveal as it were the “science” of the Divine Will. Moreover, it was a direct contradiction of the Church’s official position that remains in effect to this day:
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When We Doubt


SHE looked at me like I was crazy. As I spoke at a conference about the Church’s mission to evangelize and the power of the Gospel, a woman seated near the back had a contorted look on her face. She would occasionally whisper mockingly to her sister sitting beside her and then return to me with a stupefied gaze. It was hard not to notice. But then, it was hard not to notice her sister’s expression, which was markedly different; her eyes spoke of a soul searching, processing, and yet, not certain.Continue reading

Fatima and The Unhumans

Vladimir Lenin launched the communist revolution
under which as many as 60 million died
(according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn)


SINCE Christ’s ascension, the history of mankind has seen the rise and fall of fearsome armies and dictators. From the final persecutions of the Roman Empire to the onslaught of Islam to the rise of fascist regimes, recent centuries are not without their troubling figures. But it was only when Communism was about to explode upon the horizon that Heaven saw fit to send Our Lady with a dire warning:Continue reading

Video: Towards the Eye of the Storm


THE nearer we draw to the eye of the Great Storm, the more trials, chaos, and grace are increasing. But so too are divisions among the Body of Christ. From modernism to radical traditionalism, the emergence of factions within the Church threatens to tear apart her unity.Continue reading