THERE is no question that one of the aspects of this writing apostolate is to warn and prepare the reader for the colossal changes coming, and already begun in the world—what I sensed the Lord several years ago call a Great Storm. But the warning has less to do with the physical world—which is already changing dramatically—and more to do with the spiritual dangers that are beginning to sweep through humanity like a Spiritual Tsunami.
Like many of you, I sometimes want to run from these realities; I want to pretend that life will go on as normal, and I am sometimes tempted to believe it will. Who wouldn’t want it to? I often think of St. Paul’s words calling us to pray…
…for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity. (1 Tim 2:2)
Peace… the human heart yearns for peace. Let me live, and let live.
And yet, there is no peace for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, such as in Iraq, where they have been brutally driven out of the country by Islamic militants after 2000 years of existence there. For them, the prophetic word “Exiles” that I shared with you eight years ago is now a reality. In fact, I believe we are seeing the fifth seal of Revelation unfolding before our very eyes in the persecutions that have begun there, where Christians are being slaughtered.
When he broke open the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the witness they bore to the word of God. They cried out in a loud voice, “How long will it be, holy and true master, before you sit in judgment and avenge our blood on the inhabitants of the earth?” Each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to be patient a little while longer until the number was filled of their fellow servants and brothers who were going to be killed as they had been. (Rev 6:9-11)
The word exiles has remained constant in my heart all these years—the sense that we will see tens of millions of peoples displaced, even here in North America. Hurricane Katrina may be but a microcosm of what is coming…
But no, even this is not as important as the spiritual dangers that are advancing like a tidal wave. For what good is it to save the body but lose the soul?
There has been a deep grief in my soul these days; I find myself near tears at the most unexpected turns. Because so few see the absolute illusion that our society has become. We are almost literally spellbound by the towering shelves of goods—most of it junk that barely lasts a year. We are mesmerized by screen after screen, whether it is in the palm of our hand or hanging (all 6o inches of it) on our walls, as we have become zombie-like staring into our social media as society walks right by. And all of it comes with an empty, electronic soundtrack of asinine hip-hop laced with meaningless and base lyrics.
All of it has put many, many to sleep. I am reminded of Pope Francis’ opening words in Evangelii Gaudium:
The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is
the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience. Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades. This is a very real danger for believers too. Many fall prey to it, and end up resentful, angry and listless. That is no way to live a dignified and fulfilled life; it is not God’s will for us, nor is it the life in the Spirit which has its source in the heart of the risen Christ. —POPE FRANCIS, Evangelii Gaudium, n. 2
How true it is, as another pope said, that “the sin of the century is the loss of the sense of sin.” [1]POPE PIUS XII, Radio Message to the U.S. National Catechetical Congress in Boston (October 26,1946): Discorsi e Radiomessaggi VIII (1946) 288 Even I, on the writing end of these words, must be shaken by the Lord at times as He comes to me in tears and says:
…are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. (Mark 14:37-38)
It’s our very sleepiness to the presence of God that renders us insensitive to evil: we don’t hear God because we don’t want to be disturbed, and so we remain indifferent to evil… ‘the sleepiness’ is ours, of those of us who do not want to see the full force of evil and do not want to enter into his Passion. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Catholic News Agency, Vatican City, Apr 20, 2011, General Audience
And so, once again, we must wake up to the real world around us. [2]cf. He Calls While We Slumber It is not a matter of becoming paranoid or reclusive. Rather, it is to shake us from our apathy and idolatry and, actually, “put us out there” to engage in the battle for souls—the only real battle that matters.
There is a Perfect Storm fomenting all around us. Many of the more prophetic aspects of my writings are unfolding as I sensed the Lord said they would… from the rise of China, [3]cf. Of China and China Rising; also Made in China to the removing of the restrainer, [4]cf. Removing the Restrainer to a coming economic collapse, [5]cf. 2014 and the Rising Beast to the unfolding of the seals of Revelation in real time. [6]cf. Seven Seals of Revolution With the permission of my spiritual director, I shared with readers some of the personal passages from my diary from four years ago. [7]cf. So Little Time Left Again and again I have sensed the Lord say that “time is short.” One day, I asked the Lord what He meant, and the response was “Short, as in you think short.” As I take in all that I have felt the Lord inspire me to write… (heavens, nearly a thousand writings and a book to date)… I realize that, for me at least, “short” is anytime within my lifetime. Few understand what is coming… [8]cf. The Last Judgments and fewer are prepared. It will be too soon for too many—but even this, God may use to reveal His mercy (see Mercy in Chaos).
All that said, there is also a deep joy in my heart—a peace that surpasses all understanding. It is the joy of knowing Jesus that transcends all circumstances and time.
We often hear at this time of year about the “Christmas spirit”. I believe there is more to this than the obvious glee that comes with holidays and being together with family. It is the supernatural sense that God gives, even to the whole world, of the nearness of Christ’s coming—like the sense of joy and relief that comes as the first rays of dawn begin to dispel the night. And every year, God gives this gift to the world… but so few recognize it for what it is. Even we Christians arrive at Christmas distracted by all the gifts, rich food, alcohol, late nights, idle chatter—in a word, indulgence—that push away the reality that Jesus has come. That the King of kings has really come among us, and will come again!
This past year, ever since the day I felt the physical presence of Our Lady in my office, [9]cf. Our Compass I have had the “Christmas spirit” in my heart… the sense that Jesus is coming soon. [10]read The Rising Morning Star to understand what I mean be His “coming” I believe this is one of the “effects of grace of the Flame of Love” that she is ready to give believers, the “warmth” of Christ’s nearness. [11]cf. The Convergence and the Blessing, More on the Flame of Love, and The Rising Morning Star
Have you ever wondered about that passage at the end of the Book of Revelation where the messenger says:
“Behold, I am coming soon. I bring with me the recompense I will give to each according to his deeds…” The one who gives this testimony says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” (Rev 22:12, 20)
That was written two thousand years ago. So when does “soon” mean soon? While the Apocalypse can be understood as being partially fulfilled at certain moments in history (note that the word apocalypse means “unveiling”), the early Church Fathers almost unanimously held that it was a book describing future events. And thus, the words “I am coming soon” would mean “I am coming soon when the prophetic words of this book near their fulfillment.”
Of course, those words also mean that Jesus could come at any time for any one of us from sudden illness, a car accident, or what have you. That’s why I really don’t worry too much about “dates” because my date with God might be tonight (and nearly 100 percent of date predictions are wrong because Divine Mercy is fluid). Nonetheless, this is a poor excuse for those intellects who then dismiss prophetic revelations, most especially the apparitions of Our Lady, the “woman clothed with the sun”, who is THE “great sign” [12]cf. Rev 12:1 that the prophecies of Revelation are about to be fulfilled.
And so, as often happens with me at Christmas, Heaven gives some very hard words to write. And so, with Our Lord and Lady’s grace, I hope to pen these words in the few days left. But I want to close with a word I received four years ago that my spiritual director gave me permission to publish… because I sensed the Father saying this very word again today:
November 13th, 2010: My son, the sorrow in your heart is but a drop of the sorrow in your Father’s heart. That after so many gifts and attempts to draw men back to Me, they have stubbornly refused My grace.
All of Heaven is prepared now. All the angels stand ready for the great battle of your times. Write about it (Rev 12-13). You are on its threshold, mere moments away. Stay awake then. Live soberly, do not fall asleep in sin, for you may never wake up. Be attentive to My word, which I will speak through you, My little mouthpiece. Make haste. Waste no time, for time is something you do not have.
Bless you for your support!
Bless you and thank you!
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What people are saying…
I have listened to my newly purchased CD of “Vulnerable” over and over again and can’t get myself to change the CD to listen to any of the other 4 CDs of Mark’s that I bought at the same time. Every Song of “Vulnerable” just breathes Holiness! I doubt any of the other CDs could touch this latest collection from Mark, but if they are even half as good
they are still a must-have.
—Wayne Labelle
Traveled a long way with Vulnerable in the CD player… Basically it is the Soundtrack of my family’s life and keeps the Good Memories alive and helped get us through a few very rough spots…
Praise God for Mark’s Ministry!
—Mary Therese Egizio
Mark Mallett is blessed and anointed by God as a messenger for our times, some of his messages are offered in the form of songs that resonate and resound within my innermost being and in my heart….How is Mark Mallet not a world-renowned vocalist???
—Sherrel Moeller
I purchased this CD and found it absolutely fantastic. The blended voices, the orchestration is just beautiful. It lifts you up and sets you down gently in the Hands of God. If you are a new fan of Mark’s, this is the one of the best he has produced to-date.
—Ginger Supeck
I have all Marks CDs and I love them all but this one touches me in many special ways. His faith is reflected in each song and more than anything that’s what is needed today.
↑1 | POPE PIUS XII, Radio Message to the U.S. National Catechetical Congress in Boston (October 26,1946): Discorsi e Radiomessaggi VIII (1946) 288 |
↑2 | cf. He Calls While We Slumber |
↑3 | cf. Of China and China Rising; also Made in China |
↑4 | cf. Removing the Restrainer |
↑5 | cf. 2014 and the Rising Beast |
↑6 | cf. Seven Seals of Revolution |
↑7 | cf. So Little Time Left |
↑8 | cf. The Last Judgments |
↑9 | cf. Our Compass |
↑10 | read The Rising Morning Star to understand what I mean be His “coming” |
↑11 | cf. The Convergence and the Blessing, More on the Flame of Love, and The Rising Morning Star |
↑12 | cf. Rev 12:1 |