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Church and State?

WE hear it more and more today: there needs to be a greater separation between Church and State. But what is really meant by some is that the Church simply needs to disappear. In this prophetic and instructive webcast, Mark sets the record straight as to what the proper role of the Church and State are in human affairs… and how the Church urgently needs to raise her voice of truth at this late hour.



Global Revolution!

Quest for Freedom

Seven Seals of Revolution

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Why Religion?

MANY people believe in God, but say they want nothing to do with religion. “It creates division, war, and scandal,” they object. So, if I have a relationship with God, and I pray, do I need religion? In this episode, Mark looks at where religions have come from and why, in particular, we have the Catholic religion. Do we need religion after all?

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The Value of One Soul

WE are all called to sanctity, but we are not all called to the same kind of mission. As a result, some Christians feel insignificant and that their lives have little impact. In this episode, Mark shares a powerful encounter with the Lord that helped him to understand that nothing in the Kingdom is insignificant because of the value of even one soul…

Laborers Are Few

THERE is an “eclipse of God” in our times, a “dimming of the light” of truth, says Pope Benedict. As such, there is a vast harvest of souls in need of the Gospel. However, the other side to this crisis is that laborers are few… Mark explains why faith is not a private matter and why it is everyone’s calling to live and preach the Gospel with our lives—and words.

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My Testimony

SCRIPTURE tells us that there is power in our testimony. For the first time, Mark gives his entire testimony in this webcast… a powerful story of God’s mercy and grace working when it seems most undeserved.