Trumpets of Warning! — Part IV

Exiles of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans


FIRST published September 7th, 2006, this word has grown in strength in my heart just recently. The call is to prepare both physically and spiritually for exile. Since I wrote this last year, we have witnessed the exodus of millions of people, particularly in Asia and Africa, due to natural disasters and war. The main message is one of exhortation: Christ reminding us that we are citizens of Heaven, pilgrims on our way home, and that our spiritual and natural environment around us should reflect that. 



The word “exile” keeps swimming through my mind, as well as this:

New Orleans was a microcosm of what is to come… you are now in the calm before the storm.

When Hurricane Katrina struck, many residents found themselves in exile. It did not matter if you were rich or poor, white or black, clergy or layman—if you were in its path, you had to move now. There is a global “shake up” coming, and it will produce in certain regions exiles. 


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I Will Tend My Sheep



LIKE the dawning of the Sun, is the rebirth of the Latin Mass.



The first signs of morning are like a dim halo on the horizon which grows brighter and brighter until the horizon is engulfed in light. And then the Sun comes.

So too, this Latin Mass signals the dawning of a new era (see The Breaking of the Seals). At first, its effects will be barely noticed. But they will grow brighter and brighter until the horizon of humanity is engulfed in the Light of Christ.

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Harmless Harry?



FROM a reader:

While I enjoy your writings, you need to get a life with regard to Harry Potter. It’s called fantasy for a reason.

And from another reader on this “harmless fantasy”:

Thank you so much for speaking out on this issue.  I was one who found the books and movies to be “harmless”… until I went with my teenage son to see the latest movie this summer.

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Harry Potter and The Great Divide



FOR several months, I have been hearing the words of Jesus roll through my heart:

Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; a father will be divided against his son and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law… why do you not know how to interpret the present time? (Luke 12:51-56)

Plain and simple, we are seeing this divide occur before our very eyes on a global scale.


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Protestants, Mary, and the Ark of Refuge

Mary, presenting Jesus, a Mural in Conception Abbey, Conception, Missouri


From a reader:

If we must enter into the ark of protection provided by our Mother, what will happen to Protestants and Jews? I know many Catholics, priests as well, who reject the whole idea of entering the “ark of protection” Mary is offering us—but we don’t reject her out of hand as other denominations do. If her pleas are falling on deaf ears in the Catholic hierarchy and much of the laity, what about those that don’t know her at all?


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The Third Watch

The Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem



AS I wrote in The Time of Transition, I sensed a quickening in that God is going to speak very plain and direct to us through His prophets as His plans reach fulfillment. This is the time to listen carefully—that is, to pray, pray, pray! Then you will have the grace to understand what God is saying to you in these times. Only in prayer will you be given the grace to hear and comprehend, to see and to perceive.

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The Great Sign



MODERN mystics and seers tell us that after the so-called “illumination of conscience,” in which everyone on the face of the earth will see the condition of his or her soul (see The Eye of the Storm), an extraordinary and permanent sign will be given at one or many apparitions sites.

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