Made In China?





[China] is on the road to fascism, or maybe is heading towards a dictatorial regime with strong nationalist tendencies. —Cardinal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong, Catholic News Agency, May 28, 2008


AN American Veteran said to a friend, “China will invade America, and they will do it without firing a single bullet.”

That may or may not be true. But as we look at our store shelves, there is something strange in that nearly everything we buy, even some food and pharmaceuticals, is being “Made in China” (one could say that North Americans have already given away “industrial sovereignty.”) These goods are becoming increasingly cheaper to buy, fueling more consumerism.

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China Rising


ONCE again, I hear a warning in my heart regarding China and the West. I have felt compelled to watch this nation carefully for two years now. We have seen it plagued with one natural disaster after another and one man-made disaster after the next (while its army continues to build.) The result has been the displacement of tens of millions of people—and that was before this month’s earthquake.

Now, dozens of China’s dams are on the verge of bursting. The warning I hear is this:

Your land will be given to another’s if there is not repentance for the sin of abortion.  

An American mystic, who was dead for many hours and then called to life again by our Mother into a powerful ministry, recounted to me personally a vision in which he saw “boatloads of Asian people” coming to American shores.

Our Lady of All Nations, in an alleged apparition to Ida Peerdeman said,

I will set my foot down in the midst of the world and show you: that is America, ” and then, [Our Lady] immediately points to another part, saying, “Manchuria—there will be tremendous insurrections.” I see Chinese marching, and a line which they are crossing. —Twenty Fifth Apparition, 10th December, 1950; The Messages of The Lady of All Nations, pg. 35. (Devotion to Our Lady of All Nations has been ecclesiastically approved.)

I repeat again the warning which I brought to Canada’s capital two years ago. If we continue to ignore the daily murder of our unborn in Canadian hospitals and abortuaries, and destroy the sanctity of marriage, the freedom we enjoy will  abruptly come to an end. (As I write this, Pro-Life billboards are being ruled objectionable by Advertising Standards Canada, and the Canadian Federation of Students voted to support a ban of Pro-Life groups on university campuses.) How can we expect God’s protection when we ignore His laws and especially ignore this time of grace to repent? How can we claim innocence when 3D ultrasounds show us distinctly the person in the womb? When science finds that at 11 weeks or earlier, unborn babies feel the pain of an abortion?  When we are fighting to save premature babies on one wing of the hospital, and killing the same-aged child on another? It is brutal! It is hypocritical! It is unbelievable! And its consequences may soon be irreversible.

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The Seven Year Trial – Part I


TRUMPETS of Warning-Part V laid the groundwork for what I believe is now rapidly approaching this generation. The picture is becoming clearer, the signs speaking louder, the winds of change blowing harder. And so, our Holy Father looks tenderly at us once again and says, “Hope” …for the coming darkness will not triumph. This series of writings address the “seven year trial” which may be approaching.

These meditations are the fruit of prayer in my own attempt to better understand the Church’s teaching that the Body of Christ will follow its Head through its own passion or “final trial,” as the Catechism puts it. Since the book of Revelation deals in part with this final trial, I have explored here a possible interpretation of St. John’s Apocalypse along the pattern of Christ’s Passion. The reader should keep in mind that these are my own personal reflections and not a definitive interpretation of Revelation, which is a book with several meanings and dimensions, not the least, an eschatological one. Many a good soul has fallen on the sharp cliffs of the Apocalypse. Nonetheless, I have felt the Lord compelling me to walk them in faith through this series. I encourage the reader to exercise their own discernment, enlightened and guided, of course, by the Magisterium.


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Signs From the Sky

The Perseus Comet, “17p/holmes”


Two days ago, the words “THE STORM HAS ARRIVED” came to mind. Since publishing the writing below on November 5th, 2007, a world food shortage crisis has developed; the world economy has become extremely fragile; the alarm has been raised over new incurable “superbugs“; major storms are pummeling the world; powerful earthquakes are appearing or re-appearing suddenly in odd places with growing frequency; and Russia and China continue to make headlines as they flex their military muscle, raising more concerns over “wars and rumors of wars.” Perhaps we don’t feel these events quite as intensely yet in North America because of our “wealth and comfort buffer,” but God is speaking to the whole world, not just the West. We are beginning to experience, as a global community, common signs. 

Perhaps the greatest sign is that which is rising in the hearts of many I speak to. The sense of “imminence” of “something” has perhaps never been greater. These events will continue, and increase in intensity. As a hurricane is weak in the beginning, but becomes strong enough that one has to take “safe measures”, so too are we at a point where I believe we are being told to take “safe measures.”  When a woman begins to experience intense labor pains, she goes to the hospital. The safe measures I am concerned with are those of the soul. Are you prepared? Are you in a state of grace? Are you listening carefully through prayer to the still small voice in your heart directing you for these times?

I also recommend a re-reading of The Prodigal Hour. Again, it was written prior to my knowledge of a food crisis. And I wrote this prologue, prior to today’s earthquake in China. We pray for them, and for the victims of the many natural and man-made disasters around the globe.

A writing comes to mind as I speak of these things, and as many of you speak of these things as well. Do you feel like a fool for Christ? Blessed are you! Re-read: Ark of fools

The times have arrived. The winds of change are strong, and beginning to blow  with hurricane force. Fix your eyes on Christ, for the Eye of the Storm is coming… 


Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to place; and awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky. (Luke 21:10-11)

“word” that we have arrived at the threshold of The Day of the Lord came to me the evening after I wrote One Word. That night, October 23rd, 2007, a comet suddenly “exploded” in the constellation of Perseus (it is now visible to the naked eye). Immediately my heart leapt when I read this in the news; I felt strongly that this was significant and a sign.


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In the Name of Jesus – Part II


TWO things happened after Pentecost as the Apostles began to proclaim the Gospel in the name of Jesus Christ. Souls began to convert to Christianity by the thousands. The second is that the name of Jesus sparked a renewed persecution, this time of His mystical body.


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In The Name of Jesus


AFTER the first Pentecost, the Apostles were infused with a deeper understanding of who they were in Christ. From that moment on, they began to live, move, and have their being “in the name of Jesus.” Continue reading