Counting the Cost



First published March 8th, 2007.

are rumblings throughout the Church in North America about the growing cost of speaking the truth. One of them is the potential loss of the coveted “charitable” tax status the Church enjoys. But to have it means that pastors cannot put forward a political agenda, particularly during elections.

However, as we’ve seen in Canada, that proverbial line in the sand has been eroded by the winds of relativism. 

Calgary’s own Catholic bishop, Fred Henry, was threatened during the last federal election by an official of Revenue Canada for his forthright teaching on the meaning of marriage. The official told Bishop Henry that the charitable tax status of the Catholic Church in Calgary might be jeopardized by his vocal opposition to homosexual “marriage” during an election. Lifesite News, March 6th, 2007 

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The Time of Times


I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who sat on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals. (Rev 5:1)



AT a recent conference where I was one of the speakers, I opened the floor to questions. A man stood up and asked, “What is this sense of imminence that so many of us feel as though we are “out of time?”” My answer was that I too felt this strange internal alarm. However, I said, the Lord often grants a sense of imminence to actually give us time to prepare in advance.Continue reading