AS I look at my email box full of appeals for donations from many Catholic ministries… as I read the headlines and the growing unemployment rate… as we near Christmas when everyone is preparing for family time, I wonder, how can I ask for help for this ministry?
But last night, my wife nudged me and said, you have to. It’s true. Few realize that I no longer do concert tours, and only take minimal select bookings. The reason is that this writing and video apostolate now require all of my time. It’s where my spiritual director has asked me to focus my energy. I am okay with and obedient to that. But the majority of our ministry and family income has dried up. It’s at times like this where you look up at the ceiling in the middle of the night and wonder if you’re really doing God’s will, when ministry and family expenses far outweigh the income trickling in. Book sales and webcast subscriptions are paying some bills, but not nearly enough.
I trust in God that I am doing His will. I trust in Him working through my spiritual director and speaking through my best friend, my dear wife; I trust in the support and encouragement of many holy and faithful priests and in the fruit I’ve read in hundreds of letters I’ve received, that Jesus is truly doing something through this ministry, despite myself.