An Ox and an Ass

“The Nativity”,
Lorenzo Monaco; 1409


First published December 27th, 2006


Why lies he in such mean estate, where ox and ass are feeding?  —What Child Is This?,  Christmas Carol


NO retinue of guards. No legion of angels. Not even the welcome mat of the High Priests. God, incarnate in the flesh, is greeted into the world by an ox and ass.

While the early Fathers interpreted these two creatures as symbolic of the Jews and pagans, and thus all of humanity, a further interpretation came to mind at Midnight Mass.


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Christmas Myrrh


IMAGINE it’s Christmas morning, your spouse leans over with a smile and says, “Here. This is for you.” You unwrap the gift and find a small wooden box. You open it and a waft of perfume rises from little resin chunks.

“What is it?” you ask.

“It’s myrrh. It was used in ancient times for embalming a corpse and burning as an incense at funerals. I thought it would be great at your wake someday.”

“Uh… thanks… thanks, dear.”


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Christ in You



First Published December 22nd, 2005


I HAD many little things to do today in preparation for Christmas. As I passed people—the cashier at the till, the guy filling up with gas, the courier at the bus stop—I felt drawn to their presence. I smiled, I said hello, I chatted with strangers. As I did, something marvelous began to happen.

Christ was looking back at me.

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An Interview on the End Times


ARE we truly living in the "end times"? This is the question Salt + Light Television host Pedro Guevara Mann puts to EHTV’s Mark Mallett in a blunt and compelling interview from a Catholic viewpoint. Mark answers the questions many of us are asking, putting the question of the "end times" into perspective without overlooking the dramatic signs of our day. This is the interview that took place in Toronto for the October 15th edition of S + L’s Perspectives.

To watch An Interview on the End Times,
go to



The Second Coming


FROM a reader:

There is so much confusion regarding the “second coming” of Jesus. Some call it the “Eucharistic reign”, namely His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Others, the actual physical presence of Jesus reigning in the flesh. What is your opinion on this? I am confused…


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What is Truth?

Christ In Front Of Pontius Pilate by Henry Coller


Recently, I was attending an event where a young man with a baby in his arms approached me. “Are you Mark Mallett?” The young father went on to explain that, several years ago, he came across my writings. “They woke up me up,” he said. “I realized I had to get my life together and stay focused. Your writings have been helping me ever since.” 

Those familiar with this website know that the writings here seem to dance between both encouragement and the “warning”; hope and reality; the need to stay grounded and yet focused, as a Great Storm begins to swirl around us. “Stay sober” Peter and Paul wrote. “Watch and pray” Our Lord said. But not in a spirit of morose. Not in spirit of fear, rather, joyful anticipation of all that God can and will do, no matter how dark the night becomes. I confess, it’s a real balancing act for somedays as I weigh which “word” is more important. In truth, I could often write you every day. The problem is that most of you have a difficult enough time keeping up as it is! That’s why I’m praying about re-introducing a short webcast format…. more on that later. 

So, today was no different as I sat in front of my computer with several words on my mind: “Pontius Pilate… What is Truth?… Revolution… the Passion of the Church…” and so on. So I searched my own blog and found this writing of mine from 2010. It summarizes all of these thoughts together! So I have republished it today with a few comments here and there to update it. I send it in hopes that perhaps one more soul who is asleep will awaken.

First published December 2nd, 2010…



“WHAT is truth?” That was Pontius Pilate’s rhetorical response to Jesus’ words:

For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice. (John 18:37)

Pilate’s question is the turning point, the hinge on which the door to Christ’s final Passion was to be opened. Until then, Pilate resisted handing Jesus over to death. But after Jesus identifies Himself as the source of truth, Pilate caves into the pressure, caves into relativism, and decides to leave the fate of Truth in the hands of the people. Yes, Pilate washes his hands of Truth itself.

If the body of Christ is to follow its Head into its own Passion— what the Catechism calls “a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers,” [1]CCC 675 — then I believe we too will see the time when our persecutors will dismiss the natural moral law saying, “What is truth?”; a time when the world will also wash its hands of the “sacrament of truth,”[2]CCC 776, 780 the Church herself.

Tell me brothers and sisters, has this not already begun?


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1 CCC 675
2 CCC 776, 780

The Pope, a Condom, and the Purification of the Church


TRULY, if one does not understand the days we live in, the recent firestorm over the Pope’s condom remarks could leave the faith of many shaken. But I believe it’s part of God’s plan today, part of His divine action in the purification of His Church and eventually the whole world:

For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God… (1 Peter 4:17) 

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Clothed in Christ


ONE could summarize the recent five writings, from The Tiger in the Cage to The Rocky Heart, in the simple phrase: clothe yourself in Christ. Or as St. Paul put it:

…put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the desires of the flesh. (Rom 13:14)

I want to wrap those writings together, to give you a simple image and vision of what Jesus asks of you and me. For many are the letters I receive that echo what I’ve written in The Rocky Heart… that we want to be holy, but grieve that we fall so short of holiness. It’s often because we strive to be a butterfly before entering the cocoon…


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The Rocky Heart


FOR several years, I have asked Jesus why it is that I am so weak, so impatient in trial, so seemingly devoid of virtue. “Lord,” I have said a hundred times, “I pray every day, I go to Confession every week, I say the Rosary, I pray the Office, I’ve gone to daily Mass for years… why, then, am I so unholy? Why do I buckle under the smallest trials? Why am I so quick-tempered?” I could very well repeat the words of St. Gregory the Great as I try to respond to the Holy Father’s call to be a “watchman” for our times.

Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Note that a man whom the Lords sends forth as a preacher is called a watchman. A watchman always stands on a height so that he can see from afar what is coming. Anyone appointed to be a watchman for the people must stand on a height for all his life to help them by his foresight.

How hard it is for me to say this, for by these very words I denounce myself. I cannot preach with any competence, and yet insofar as I do succeed, still I myself do not live my life according to my own preaching.

I do not deny my responsibility; I recognize that I am slothful and negligent, but perhaps the acknowledgment of my fault will win me pardon from my just judge. —St. Gregory the Great, homily, Liturgy of the Hours, Vol. IV, p. 1365-66

As I prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, begging the Lord to help me understand why I am so sinful after so many efforts, I looked up at the Crucifix and heard the Lord finally answer this painful and pervasive question…


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IF you read Custody of the Heart, then you know by now how often we fail to keep it! How easily we are distracted by the smallest thing, pulled away from peace, and derailed from our holy desires. Again, with St. Paul we cry out:

I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate…! (Rom 7:14)

But we need to hear again the words of St. James:

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  (James 1:2-4)

Grace is not cheap, handed over like fast-food or at the click of a mouse. We have to fight for it! Recollection, which is taking custody again of the heart, is often a struggle between the desires of the flesh and the desires of the Spirit. And so, we have to learn to follow the ways of the Spirit…


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Custody of the Heart

Times Square Parade, by Alexander Chen


WE are living in dangerous times. But few are those who realize it. What I’m speaking of is not the threat of terrorism, climate change, or nuclear war, but something more subtle and insidious. It is the advance of an enemy that has already gained ground in many homes and hearts and is managing to wreak ominous destruction as it spreads throughout the world:


I am speaking of spiritual noise. A noise so loud to the soul, so deafening to the heart, that once it finds its way in, it obscures the voice of God, numbs the conscience, and blinds the eyes to seeing reality. It is one of the most dangerous enemies of our time because, while war and violence do harm to the body, noise is the killer of the soul. And a soul that has shut off the voice of God risks never hearing Him again in eternity.


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The Value of One Soul


WE are all called to sanctity, but we are not all called to the same kind of mission. As a result, some Christians feel insignificant and that their lives have little impact. In this episode, Mark shares a powerful encounter with the Lord that helped him to understand that nothing in the Kingdom is insignificant because of the value of even one soul… 

To watch this moving episode: The Value of One Soul, go to:

Recently, someone wrote:

I do hope things are okay with you at present. DO not be afraid to be honest with your listeners if finance is TOO tight at present. We do need to hear.  There are just so many needing at present and we all have to constantly choose, so please let us know.

Yes, there are always needs in this ministry since our family of ten depends entirely upon God’s providence through this ministry to make ends meet. We do not charge subscriptions to the webcasts, and aside from the sale of my music and books, the shortfall comes from donations which have, in fact, dropped off sharply. Our largest donations in the past couple of months came from two priests! So, yes, we are in great need at this point. I am always hesitant to ask, always hoping that our needs are simply anticipated by others, so that I have to do less begging. But perhaps that’s presumptuous.

Thank you for remembering us, and helping us to continue this ministry, which is now reaching thousands throughout the world. 

To support this ministry, click on the button:


Thank you!

Can I Be Light?


JESUS said that His followers are the "light of the world." But often, we feel inadequate—that we could not possibly be an "evangelist" for Him. Mark explains in Can I Be Light?  how we can more effectively let the light of Jesus shine through us…

To watch Can I Be Light? go to


Thanks for your financial support of this blog and webcast.



Laborers Are Few


THERE is an "eclipse of God" in our times, a "dimming of the light" of truth, says Pope Benedict. As such, there is a vast harvest of souls in need of the Gospel. However, the other side to this crisis is that laborers are few… Mark explains why faith is not a private matter and why it is everyone’s calling to live and preach the Gospel with our lives—and words.

To watch Laborers Are Few, go to



Two More Days




THE phrase “day of the Lord” should not be understood as a literal “day” in length. Rather,

With the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. (2 Pt 3:8)

Behold, the Day of the Lord shall be a thousand years. —Letter of Barnabas, The Fathers of the Church, Ch. 15

The tradition of the Church Fathers is that there are “two more days” remaining for humanity; one within the boundaries of time and history, the other, an everlasting and eternal day. The next day, or “seventh day” is the one I have been referring to in these writings as an “Era of Peace” or “Sabbath-rest,” as the Fathers call it.

The sabbath, which represented the completion of the first creation, has been replaced by Sunday which recalls the new creation inaugurated by the Resurrection of Christ.  —Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2190

The Fathers saw it fitting that, according to the Apocalypse of St. John, towards the end of the “new creation,” there would be a “seventh day” rest for the Church.


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The Last Two Eclipses



JESUS said, “I am the light of the world.”  This “Sun” of God became present to the world in three very tangible ways: in person, in Truth, and in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus said it this way:

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)

Thus, it should be clear to the reader that’s Satan’s objectives would be to obstruct these three avenues to the Father…


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The Collapse of America and The New Persecution


IT was with a strange heaviness of heart that I boarded a jet to the United States yesterday, on my way to give a conference this weekend in North Dakota. At the same time our jet took off, Pope Benedict’s plane was landing in the United Kingdom. He has been much on my heart these days—and much in the headlines.

As I was leaving the airport, I was compelled to buy a news magazine, something I rarely do. I was caught by the title “Is American Going Third World?”  It is a report about how American cities, some more than others, are beginning to decay, their infrastructures collapsing, their money virtually run out. America is ‘broke’, said a high-level politician in Washington. In one county in Ohio, the police force is so small due to cutbacks, that the county judge recommended that citizens ‘arm yourselves’ against criminals. In other States, street lights are being shut off, paved roads are being turned into gravel, and jobs into dust.

It was surreal for me to write about this coming collapse a few years ago before the economy began to tumble (see The Year of the Unfolding). It is even more surreal to see it happening now before our eyes.


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The Mind of Christ

Finding in the Temple, by Michael D. O’Brien


DO you really want to see change in your life? Do you really want to experience the power of God that transforms and liberates one from the powers of sin? It doesn’t happen on its own. No more than a branch can grow unless it draws from the vine, or a newborn baby can live unless it suckles. New life in Christ through Baptism is not the end; it is the beginning. But how many souls think that that is enough!



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Finding Peace

Photo by Carveli Studios


DO you long for peace? In my encounters with other Christians in the past few years, the most evident spiritual malady is that few are at peace. Almost as if there is a common belief growing among Catholics that a lack of peace and joy is simply part of the suffering and spiritual attacks upon the Body of Christ. It is “my cross,” we like to say. But that is a dangerous assumption bringing about an unfortunate consequence upon society as a whole. If the world is thirsting to see the Face of Love and to drink from the Living Well of peace and joy… but all they find are the brackish waters of anxiety and the mud of depression and anger in our souls… where will they turn?

God wants His people to live in interior peace at all times. And it is possible…Continue reading

The Face of Love


THE world is thirsting to experience God, to find the tangible presence of the One who created them. He is love, and therefore, it is the Presence of Love through His Body, His Church, that can bring salvation to a lonely and hurting humanity.

Charity alone will save the world. —St. Luigi Orione, L’Osservatore Romano, June 30th, 2010


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The Coming New Evangelization




THE darker the world becomes, the brighter the stars of Christian witness will be. We may be in a spiritual winter, but a “new springtime” is coming. In this webcast, Mark explains why the Gospel has yet to reach the ends of the earth and why the opportunity to evangelize has never been greater and yet never so difficult… and that God is preparing us for the new evangelization, which is here and coming…

 To watch The Coming New Evangelization, go to

God Speaks… to Me?


IF I may once again bare my soul to you, that somehow you may benefit from my weakness. As St. Paul said, "I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me." Indeed, may He dwell with you!



Since my family moved to a small farm on the Canadian prairies, we have been met with one financial crisis after another through vehicle breakdowns, wind storms, and all kinds of unexpected costs. It has led me to great discouragement, and at times even despair, to the point where I began to feel abandoned. When I would go to pray, I would put in my time… but began to doubt that God was really paying much attention to me—a form of self-pity.

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The Pearl of Great Price

Pearl of Great Price
by Michael D. O’Brien


The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it. (Matt 13:44-46)


IN my last three writings, we have talked about finding peace in suffering and joy in the big picture and finding mercy when we least deserve it. But I could summarize it all in this: the kingdom of God is found in the will of God. That is to say, the will of God, His Word, unlocks for the believer every spiritual blessing from Heaven, including peace, joy, and mercy. The will of God is the pearl of great price. Understand this, seek this, find this, and you will have everything.


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By the Rivers of Babylon

Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem by Rembrandt van Rijn,
Rijks Museum, Amsterdam, 1630 


FROM a reader:

In my prayer life and in praying for very specific things, particularly my husband’s abuse of pornography and all the things that result from this abuse, such as loneliness, dishonesty, mistrust, isolation, fear etc. Jesus tells me to be full of joy and gratitude. I get that God allows us so many burdens in life so that our souls may be purified and perfected. He wants us to learn to recognize our own sinfulness and self -love and realize we can’t do anything without Him, but He also tells me specifically to carry it with joy. This seems to elude me… I don’t know how to be joyful in the midst of my pain. I get that this pain is an opportunity from God but I don’t understand why God allows this kind of evil in my home and how am I expected to be joyful about it? He just keeps telling me to pray, give thanks and be joyful and laugh! Any thoughts?


Dear reader. Jesus is truth. He would never, therefore, ask us to dwell in falsehood. He would never demand us to "give thanks and be joyful and laugh" about something as grievous as your husband’s addiction. Nor does He expect someone to chuckle when a loved one dies, or loses his house in a fire, or is laid off from a job. The Gospels do not speak of the Lord laughing or smiling during His Passion. Rather, they recount how the Son of God endured a rare medical condition called hoematidrosis in which, due to severe mental anguish, blood capillaries burst, and the ensuing blood clots are then carried away from the skin surface by sweat, appearing as drops of blood (Luke 22:44).

So, then, what do these Scripture passages mean:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! (Phil 4:4)

In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thess 5:18)


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FROM a reader:

So what do I do when I forget that sufferings are His blessings to bring me closer to Him, when I am in the middle of them and get impatient and angry and rude and short tempered… when He’s not always at the forefront of my mind and I get caught up in emotions and feelings and the world and then the opportunity to do the right thing is lost? How do I ALWAYS keep Him in the forefront of my heart and mind and not (re)act like the rest of the world that doesn’t believe?

This precious letter summarizes the wound in my own heart, the fierce struggle and literal war that has broken out in my soul. There is so much in this letter that opens the door for light, beginning with its raw honesty…


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Peace In Presence, Not Absence


HIDDEN it seems from the ears of the world is the collective cry I hear from the Body of Christ, a cry that is reaching the Heavens: “Father, if it is possible take this cup away from me!” Letters I receive speak of tremendous family and financial strain, lost security, and growing concern over The Perfect Storm that has emerged on the horizon. But as my spiritual director often says, we are in “boot camp,” training for this present and coming “final confrontation” that the Church is facing, as John Paul II put it. What appears to be contradictions, endless difficulties, and even a sense of abandonment is the Spirit of Jesus working through the firm hand of the Mother of God, forming her troops and preparing them for the battle of the ages. As it says in that precious book of Sirach:

My son, when you come to serve the LORD, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, undisturbed in time of adversity.  Cling to him, forsake him not; thus will your future be great. Accept whatever befalls you, in crushing misfortune be patient; for in fire gold is tested, and worthy men in the crucible of humiliation. (Sirach 2:1-5)


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Time to Set Our Faces


WHEN it came time for Jesus to enter His Passion, He set His face toward Jerusalem. It is time for the Church to set her face toward her own Calvary as the storm clouds of persecution continue to gather on the horizon. In the next episode of Embracing Hope TV, Mark explains how Jesus prophetically signals the spiritual condition necessary for the Body of Christ to follow its Head on the Way of the Cross, in this Final Confrontation that the Church is now facing…

 To watch this episode, go to



Time to Prepare


SPIRITUAL preparation to meet the Lord is something we should do every second of our lives… but in the next episode on Embracing Hope, the viewer is given a prophetic word to prepare physically. How? What? Mark answers those questions as he urges the viewer to not only spiritually, but physically prepare for the times ahead…

To watch this new webcast, go to

Please remember that this apostolate, its writings and webcasts, depend entirely upon your prayers and financial support. God bless you. 




In All of Creation


MY sixteen year old recently wrote an essay on the improbability that the universe occurred by chance. At one point, she wrote:

[Secular scientists] have been working so hard for so long to come up with “logical” explanations for a universe without God that they have failed to truly look at the universe itself .—Tianna Mallett

Out of the mouths of babes. St. Paul put it more directly,

For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them. Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made. As a result, they have no excuse; for although they knew God they did not accord him glory as God or give him thanks. Instead, they became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened. While claiming to be wise, they became fools. (Rom 1:19-22)



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Begin Again


WE live in an extraordinary time where there are answers to everything. There is not a question on the face of the earth that one, with access to a computer or someone who has one, cannot find an answer. But the one answer that still lingers, that is waiting to be heard by the multitudes, is to the question of mankind’s deep hunger. The hunger for purpose, for meaning, for love. Love above everything else. For when we are loved, somehow all other questions seem to diminish the way stars fade away at daybreak. I am not speaking about romantic love, but acceptance, unconditional acceptance and concern of another.Continue reading

Ezekiel 12

Summer Landscape
by George Inness, 1894


I have longed to give you the Gospel, and more than that, to give you my very life; you have become very dear to me. My little children, I am like a mother giving birth to you, until Christ is formed in you. (1 Thess 2:8; Gal 4:19)


IT has been nearly a year since my wife and I picked up our eight children and moved to a small parcel of land on the Canadian prairies in the middle of nowhere. It is probably the last place I would have chosen.. a wide open ocean of farm fields, few trees, and plenty of wind. But all other doors closed and this was the one that opened.

As I prayed this morning, pondering the rapid, almost overwhelming change in direction for our family, words came back to me that I had forgotten that I had read shortly before we felt called to move… Ezekiel, Chapter 12.

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The Coming Restoration of the Family

Family, by Michael D. O’Brien


One of the most common concerns I hear is from family members worried about their loves ones who have fallen away from the faith. This response was first published February 7th, 2008…


WE often say “Noah’s ark” when we speak of that famous boat. But it wasn’t just Noah who survived: God saved a family

Together with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, Noah went into the ark because of the waters of the flood. (Gen 7:7) 

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The End of Our Era


THE end of the world? The end of an era? When does the Antichrist appear? Will it be in our time?  Following Sacred Tradition, Mark answers these questions and more in a fascinating video that will both educate and prepare the viewer for the times we are presently living in.

To watch The End of Our Era, click here:


(Make sure you check out the Related Reading links at the bottom of each video that will lead you back to the relevant writings!)  

The "Time of Grace"… Expiring? (Part II)

Photo by Geoff Delderfield


There is a small window of sunshine here in Western Canada where our little farm is situated. And a busy farm it is! We have recently added chickens to our milk cow and seeds to our garden, as my wife and I and our eight children are doing everything we can to become more self-sufficient in this costly world. It is supposed to rain all weekend, and so I am trying to get some fencing done in the pasture while we can. As such, I have not had time to write anything new or produce a new webcast this week. However, the Lord continues to speak in my heart of His great mercy. Below is a meditation I wrote around the same time as A Miracle of Mercy, published earlier this week. For those of you who are in that place of hurting and shame because of your sinfulness, I recommend the writing below as well as one of my favorites, One Word, which can be found in Related Reading at the end of this meditation. As I’ve said before, rather than giving me something new to write, the Lord often urges me to republish something written in the past. I am amazed at how many letters I receive at those times… as if the writing was prepared in the past moreso for that moment.  

The following was first published November 21st, 2006.


I DID not read the Mass readings for Monday until after writing Part I of this series.  Both the First Reading and the Gospel are virtually a mirror of what I wrote in Part I…



The first reading says this:

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show his servants what must happen soon… blessed are those who listen to this prophetic message and heed what is written in it, for the appointed time is near. (Revelations 1:1, 3)

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A Miracle of Mercy

Rembrandt van Rijn, “The return of the prodigal son”; c.1662


MY time in Rome at the Vatican in October, 2006 was an occasion of great graces. But it was also a time of great trials.

I came as a pilgrim. It was my intention to immerse myself in prayer through the surrounding spiritual and historical edifice of the Vatican. But by the time my 45 minute cab ride from the Airport to St. Peter’s Square was over, I was exhausted. The traffic was unbelievable—the way people drove even more startling; every man for himself!

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Some Questions and Answers


OVER the past month, there have been several questions which I feel inspired to respond to here… everything from fears over Latin, to storing up food, to financial preparations, to spiritual direction, to questions on visionaries and seers. With God’s help, I will try to answer them.

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Deluge of False Prophets



First published May28th, 2007, I have updated this writing, more relevant than ever…


IN a dream which increasingly mirrors our times, St. John Bosco saw the Church, represented by a great ship, which, directly before a period of peace, was under great attack:

The enemy ships attack with everything they’ve got: bombs, canons, firearms, and even books and pamphlets are hurled at the Pope’s ship.  Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco, compiled and edited by Fr. J. Bacchiarello, S.D.B.

That is, the Church would be flooded with a deluge of false prophets.


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THE Church is undergoing an intense purification, both corporately and individually. St. Paul provides a key to not only enduring your trials, but going through them with joy and acceptance. The answer is to remember…

 To watch this episode, click here: Embracing Hope TV. Remember, these webcasts are now freely available to everyone!


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The World is Going to Change



AS I prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, I heard the words clearly in my heart:

The world is going to change.

The sense is that there is an enormous event or turn of events coming, which will change our day to day lives as we know them. But what? As I have pondered this question, a few of my writings have come to mind…

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Great Shaking, Great Awakening


IT’S a word converging from many parts of the world: a “great shaking” is coming, both physically and spiritually. Mark draws together various modern prophetic voices in the Catholic Church, including Sacred Scripture, to prepare the viewer for an event that may be coming sooner than later.

To watch this video, go to Embracing Hope TV.

Caution: this video is for a mature audiences only. If you experience any technical issues watching the webcast, please read our help page: Help.