I thought I was a Christian, till He revealed myself to me
I protested and cried, “Lord, it cannot be.”
“Be not afraid, My child, it is necessary to see,
that to be My disciple, the truth must set you free.”Continue reading
I thought I was a Christian, till He revealed myself to me
I protested and cried, “Lord, it cannot be.”
“Be not afraid, My child, it is necessary to see,
that to be My disciple, the truth must set you free.”Continue reading
It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness, if I’m not correct, hearing voices… —Joyce Behar, The View; foxnews.com
THAT was television host Joyce Behar’s conclusion to the assertion by a former White House staffer that U.S. Vice President Mike Pence claims that “Jesus tells him to say things.” Continue reading
The Mallett Clan, 2018
Nicole, Denise with husband Nick, Tianna with husband Michael and our grand baby Clara, Moi with my bride Lea and our son Brad, Gregory with Kevin, Levi, and Ryan
WE want to thank those who responded to our appeal for donations for this full-time writing apostolate. About 3% of our readership has contributed, which will help us to cover the salary of our staff. But, of course, we need to raise funds for other ministry expenses and our own bread and butter. If you are able to support this work as part of your Lenten almsgiving, just click the Donate button at the bottom.Continue reading
WE do not see because we have eyes. We see because there is light. Where there is no light, the eyes sees nothing, even when fully open.Continue reading
Mark’s testimony concludes with Part V today. To read Parts I-IV, click on My Testimony.
NOT only did the Lord want me to unequivocally know the value of one soul, but also how much I was going to need to trust in Him. For my ministry was about to be called in a direction I did not anticipate, though He had already “forwarned” me years before that music is a doorway to evangelize… to the Now Word. Continue reading
Mark and Lea in concert with their children, 2006
Mark’s testimony continues… You can read Parts I – III here: My Testimony.
HOST and producer of my own television show; an executive office, company vehicle, and great co-workers. It was the perfect job.Continue reading
Mark Mallett
MARK is coming to the Toronto, Canada this weekend to speak at a Catholic Women’s Conference, and a Special Evening for Mothers & Daughters. Details below…
The following is a continuation of Mark’s testimony. To read Parts I and II, go to “My Testimony”.
WHEN it comes to Christian community, a fatal mistake is to think that it can be heaven on earth all the time. The reality is that, until we reach our eternal abode, human nature in all its weakness and vulnerabilities demands a love without end, a continual dying to oneself for the other. Without that, the enemy finds room to sow the seeds of division. Whether it is the community of marriage, family, or followers of Christ, the Cross must always be the heart of its life. Otherwise, community will eventually collapse under the weight and dysfunction of self-love.Continue reading
Leading a youth retreat in Alberta, Canada
This is a continuation of Mark’s testimony. You can read Part I here: “Stay, and Be Light”.
AT the same time that the Lord was setting my heart on fire again for His Church, another man was calling us youth into a “new evangelization.” Pope John Paul II made this a central theme of his pontificate, boldly stating that a “re-evangelization” of once Christian nations was now necessary. “Whole countries and nations where religion and the Christian life were formerly flourishing,” he said, were now, “lived ‘as if God did not exist’.”[1]Christifideles Laici, n. 34; vatican.vaContinue reading
↑1 | Christifideles Laici, n. 34; vatican.va |
This week, I want to share my testimony with readers, beginning with my calling into ministry…
THE homilies were dry. The music was dreadful. And the congregation was distant and disconnected. Whenever I left Mass from my parish some 25 years ago, I often felt more isolated and cold than when I came in. Moreover, in my early twenties then, I saw that my generation was completely gone. My wife and I were one of the few couples that still went to Mass.Continue reading
Mark and Lea Mallett
TO be honest, I really don’t have any plans. No, really. My plans many years ago were to record my music, travel around singing, and continue to make albums until my voice croaked. But here I am, sitting in a chair, writing to people all over the world because my spiritual director told me to “go where the people are.” And here you are. Not that this is a total surprise to me, though. When I began my music ministry over a quarter century ago, the Lord gave me a word: “Music is a doorway to evangelize.” The music was never meant to be “the thing”, but a doorway.Continue reading