Since writing this follow-up to Mystery Babylon, I am stunned to see how America continues to fulfill this prophecy, even a few years later… First published August 11th, 2014.
WHEN I began to write Mystery Babylon in 2012, I was taken aback at the remarkable, mostly unknown history of America, where the forces of darkness and light had a hand in her birth and formation. The conclusion was stunning, that despite the forces of good in that beautiful nation, the mysterious foundations of the country and its present state seem to fulfill, in dramatic fashion, the role of “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth.” [1]cf. Rev 17:5; for an explanation as to why, read Mystery Babylon Again, this present writing is not a judgment upon individual Americans, many whom I love and have developed deep friendships with. Rather, it is to shed light on the seemingly deliberate collapse of America that continues to fulfill the role of Mystery Babylon…Continue reading
↑1 | cf. Rev 17:5; for an explanation as to why, read Mystery Babylon |