The Winter of Our Chastisement


There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars,
and on earth nations will be in dismay….
(Luke 21:25)


I heard a startling claim from a scientist nearly a decade ago. The world is not warming—it is about to enter a cooling period, even a “little ice age.” He based his theory on examining past ice ages, solar activity, and the natural cycles of the earth. Since then, he has been echoed by dozens of environmental scientists from around the world who posit the same conclusion based on one or more of the same factors. Surprised? Don’t be. It’s another “sign of the times” of the approaching multi-faceted winter of chastisement…Continue reading

Was Pope Francis’ Election Invalid?


A group of cardinals known as “St. Gallen’s mafia” apparently wanted Jorge Bergoglio elected to advance their modernist agenda. News of this group emerged a few years ago and has led some to continue to allege that the election of Pope Francis is, therefore, invalid. Continue reading

Silence or the Sword?

The Capture of Christ, artist unknown (c. 1520, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon)


SEVERAL readers have been taken aback by the recent alleged messages of Our Lady around the world to “Pray more… speak less” [1]cf. Pray More… Speak Less or this:Continue reading


Final Thoughts from Rome

The Vatican across the Tiber


significant element of the ecumenical conference here was the tours we took as a group throughout Rome. It became immediately apparent in the buildings, architecture and sacred art that the roots of Christianity cannot be separated from the Catholic Church. From St. Paul’s journey here to the early martyrs to the likes of St. Jerome, the great translator of the Scriptures who was summoned to the Church of St. Laurence by Pope Damasus… the budding of the early Church clearly sprung from the tree of Catholicism. The idea that the Catholic Faith was invented centuries later is as fictitious as the Easter Bunny.Continue reading

Random Thoughts from Rome


I arrived in Rome today for the ecumenical conference this weekend. With all of you, my readers, on my heart, I took a walk into the evening. Some random thoughts as I sat on the cobblestone in St. Peter’s Square…


STRANGE feeling, looking down on Italy as we descended from our landing. A land of ancient history where Roman armies marched, saints walked, and the blood of countless many more was shed. Now, highways, infrastructure, and humans bustling about like ants without the fear of invaders gives the semblance of peace. But is true peace merely the absence of war?Continue reading

The New Beast Rising…


I am travelling to Rome this week to attend an ecumenical conference with Cardinal Francis Arinze. Please pray for all of us there that we may move toward that authentic unity of the Church that Christ desires and the world needs. The truth will set us free…


TRUTH is never inconsequential. It can never be optional. And therefore, it can never be subjective. When it is, the result is almost always tragic.Continue reading