Not the Wind Nor the Waves


DEAR friends, my recent post Off Into the Night ignited a flurry of letters unlike anything in the past. I am so deeply grateful for the letters and notes of love, concern, and kindness that have been expressed from all over the world. You have reminded me that I am not speaking into a vacuum, that many of you have been and continue to be deeply affected by The Now Word. Thanks be to God who uses all of us, even in our brokenness.Continue reading

Off Into the Night


AS renovations and repairs have begun to wind up at our farm since the storm six months ago, I find myself in a place of utter brokenness. Eighteen years of full time ministry, at times living on the verge of bankruptcy, isolation and trying to answer God’s call to be a “watchman” whilst raising eight children, pretending to be a farmer, and keeping a straight face… have taken their toll. Years of wounds lie open, and I find myself breathless in my brokenness.Continue reading

When He Calms the Storm


IN previous ice ages, the effects of global cooling were devastating on many regions. Shorter growing seasons led to failed crops, famine and starvation, and as a result, disease, poverty, civil unrest, revolution, and even war. As you just read in The Winter of Our Chastisementboth scientists and Our Lord are predicting what seems to be the onset of another “little ice age.” If so, it may shed a new light on why Jesus spoke of these particular signs at the end of an age (and they are virtually a summary of the Seven Seals of Revolution also spoken of by St. John):Continue reading