Science Will Not Save Us


‘Civilizations collapse slowly, just slowly enough
so you think it might not really happen.
And just fast enough so that
there’s little time to maneuver.’

The Plague Journal, p. 160, a novel
by Michael D. O’Brien


WHO doesn’t love science? The discoveries of our universe, whether the intricacies of DNA or the passing of comets, continue to fascinate. How things work, why they work, where they come from—these are perennial questions from deep within the human heart. We want to know and understand our world. And at one time, we even wanted to know the One behind it, as Einstein himself stated:Continue reading

Video: On Prophets and Prophecy


ARCHBISHOP Rino Fisichella once said,

Confronting the subject of prophecy today is rather like looking at wreckage after a shipwreck. —”Prophecy” in Dictionary of Fundamental Theology, p. 788

In this new webcast, Mark Mallett helps the viewer understand how the Church approaches prophets and prophecy and how we should see them as a gift to discern, not a burden to bear.Continue reading

The Refuge for Our Times


THE Great Storm like a hurricane that has spread across all of humanity will not cease until it has accomplished its end: the purification of the world. As such, just as in the times of Noah, God is providing an ark for His people to safeguard them and preserve a “remnant.” With love and urgency, I beg my readers to waste no more time and begin climbing the steps into the refuge God has provided…Continue reading

Time Out!


I SAID that I would write next on how to confidently enter the Ark of Refuge. But this cannot be addressed properly without our feet and hearts firmly rooted in reality. And frankly, many aren’t…Continue reading

Our Lady: Prepare – Part III

Star of the Sea by Tianna (Mallett) Williams
Our Lady’s love and protection over the Barque of Peter, the faithful Church


I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. (John 16:12)


THE following is the third and last part of what can be summarized in the word “Prepare” that Our Lady has laid on my heart. In some ways, it’s as though I have prepared 25 years for this writing. Everything has come into more focus over the past few weeks—like a veil has been lifted and that which was seen dimly is now clearer. Some things I’m going to write below may be hard to hear. Some, you may have already heard (but I believe you will hear with new ears). This is why I have begun with the beautiful image above that my daughter recently painted of Our Lady. The more I gaze at it, the more strength it gives me, the more I feel Mamma with me… with us. Remember, always, that God has provided Our Lady as a sure and safe refuge.Continue reading

The Labor Pains are Real

The Sheep have been scattered…


I’m in Chicago and the day all the churches closed down,
before the announcement,
I woke up at 4 am from a dream with Mother Mary. She said to me,
“All of the churches will close today. It has begun.”
—from a reader


OFTEN a pregnant woman will feel slight contractions in her body several weeks before child birth, what are known as “Braxton Hicks” or “practice contractions.” But when her water breaks and she begins hard labor, it is the real deal. Even though the first contractions may be tolerable, her body has now begun a process that cannot be stopped.Continue reading