COULD the Antichrist already be on earth? Will he be revealed in our times? Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they explain how the edifice is in place for the long foretold “man of sin”…Continue reading
COULD the Antichrist already be on earth? Will he be revealed in our times? Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they explain how the edifice is in place for the long foretold “man of sin”…Continue reading
scientism | ˈsʌɪəntɪz(ə)m | noun:
excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques
We must also face the fact that certain attitudes
deriving from the mentality of “this present world”
can penetrate our lives if we are not vigilant.
For example, some would have it that only that is true
which can be verified by reason and science…
—Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2727
SERVANT of God Sr. Lucia Santos gave a most prescient word regarding the coming times that we are now living:
IS it possible to break God’s heart? I would say that it is possible to pierce His heart. Do we ever consider that? Or do we think of God as being so big, so eternal, so beyond the seemingly insignificant temporal works of men that our thoughts, words, and actions are insulated from Him?Continue reading
IN the coming trials upon the world, are there going to be places of refuge to protect God’s people? And what about “the rapture”? Fact or fiction? Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they explore the Time of Refuges.Continue reading
IN this Great Storm “like a hurricane” that is spreading across the earth, there will also be an “eye” of the Storm—a Day of Mercy and last opportunity to repent… before the Day of Justice.Continue reading
LONG time readers know that I have been compelled in recent months to address issues related to science in the context of this pandemic. These subjects, on face value, may seem to fall outside the parameters of an evangelist (though I’m a news reporter by trade).Continue reading
WHEN COVID-19 began to spread beyond China’s borders and churches began to close, there was a period over 2-3 weeks that I personally found overwhelming, but for reasons different than most. Suddenly, like a thief in the night, the days I had been writing about for fifteen years were upon us. Over those first weeks, many new prophetic words came and deeper understandings of what has already been said—some which I’ve written, others I hope to soon. One “word” that troubled me was that the day was coming when we would all be required to wear masks, and that this was part of Satan’s plan to continue to dehumanize us.Continue reading
SAINTS and mystics call it the “great day of change”, the “hour of decision for mankind.” Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they show how the coming “Warning,” which is drawing nearer, appears to be the same event in the Sixth Seal in the Book of Revelation.Continue reading
“WHAT’S the use? Why bother planning anything? Why start any projects or invest in the future if everything is going to collapse anyway?” These are the questions some of you are asking as you begin to grasp the seriousness of the hour; as you see the fulfillment of prophetic words unfolding and examine the “signs of the times” for yourself.Continue reading
THE garments of the Bride of Christ have become filthy. The Great Storm that is here and coming will purify her through persecution—the Fifth Seal in the Book of Revelation. Join Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor as they continue to explain the Timeline of events that are now unfolding… Continue reading