…and Love is a Person. When that Person, Jesus Christ, is rejected, that paves the way for another to be loved in His place:Continue reading
…and Love is a Person. When that Person, Jesus Christ, is rejected, that paves the way for another to be loved in His place:Continue reading
We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of the virus… We may well have a doubling of world poverty by early next year. This is a terrible global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdowns as your primary control method.—Dr. David Nabarro, World Health Organization (WHO) special envoy, October 10th, 2020; The Week in 60 Minutes #6 with Andrew Neil; gloria.tv
…we were already calculating 135 million people around the world, before COVID, marching to the brink of starvation. And now, with the new analysis with COVID, we’re looking at 260 million people, and I’m not talking about hungry. I’m talking about marching toward starvation… we literally could see 300,000 people die per day over a 90-day period. —Dr. David Beasley, Executive Director of The United Nations World Food Program; April 22nd, 2020; cbsnews.comContinue reading
IT was the end of a long winter concert tour across Canada—nearly 5000 miles in all. My body and mind were exhausted. Having finished my last concert, we were now a mere two hours from home. Just one more stop for fuel, and we would be off in time for Christmas. I looked over at my wife and said, “All I want to do is light the fireplace and lie like a lump on the couch.” I could smell the woodsmoke already.Continue reading
SO much is happening in the world as 2020 draws to a close. In this webcast, Mark Mallett and Daniel O’Connor discuss where we are in the biblical Timeline of events that are leading to the end of this era and the purification of the world…Continue reading
And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod,
they departed for their country by another way.
(Matthew 2:12)
AS we near Christmas, naturally, our hearts and minds are turned toward the coming of the Savior. Christmas melodies play in the background, the soft glow of lights adorn homes and trees, the Mass readings express great anticipation, and normally, we await the gathering of family. So, when I woke up this morning, I grimaced at what the Lord was compelling me to write. And yet, things the Lord has shown me decades ago are being fulfilled right now as we speak, becoming clearer to me by the minute.
So, I am not trying to be a depressing wet rag before Christmas; no, the governments are doing that well enough with their unprecedented lockdowns of the healthy. Rather, it is with sincere love for you, your health, and above all, your spiritual well-being that I address a less “romantic” element of the Christmas story that has everything to do with the hour in which we are living.Continue reading
“FEAR is not a good counsellor.” Those words from French Bishop Marc Aillet have echoed in my heart all week. For everywhere I turn, I meet people who are no longer thinking and acting rationally; who cannot see the contradictions in front of their noses; who have handed to their unelected “chief medical officers” infallible control over their lives. Many are acting in a fear that has been driven into them through a powerful media machine — either the fear that they are going to die, or the fear that they are going to kill someone by simply breathing. As Bishop Marc went on to say:
Fear… leads to ill-advised attitudes, it sets people against one another, it generates a climate of tension and even violence. We may well be on the verge of an explosion! —Bishop Marc Aillet, December 2020, Notre Eglise; countdowntothekingdom.com
WE are living through incredibly fast-changing and confusing times. The need for sound direction has never been greater… and neither has the sense of abandonment many of the faithful feel. Where, many are asking, is the voice of our shepherds? We are living through one of the most dramatic spiritual tests in the history of the Church, and yet, the hierarchy has remained mostly silent — and when they do speak these days, we often hear the voice of the Good Government rather than the Good Shepherd.Continue reading
The Caduceus — a medical symbol used around the world
…and in Freemasonry — that sect provoking a global revolution
Avian influenza in the jetstream is how it happens
2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking.
The world is now at the start of the influenza pandemic
The State is rioting, using the street outside. It’s coming to your windows.
Sequence the virus and determine its origin.
It was a virus. Something in the blood.
A virus which should be engineered at a genetic level
to be helpful rather than harmful.
—From the 2013 rap song “Pandemic” by Dr. Creep
(Helpful to what? Read on…)
WITH each passing hour, the scope of what is taking place in the world is becoming clearer — as well as the degree to which humanity is almost completely in the dark. In the Mass readings last week, we read that prior to Christ’s coming to establish an Era of Peace, He permits a “veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations.” [1]Isaiah 25:7 St. John, who often echoes Isaiah’s prophecies, describes this “web” in economic terms:Continue reading
↑1 | Isaiah 25:7 |