The Great Theft


The first step towards regaining the state of primitive liberty
consisted in learning to do without things.
Man must divest himself of all the trappings
laid on him by civilization and return to nomadic conditions —
even clothing, food, and fixed abodes should be abandoned.
—philosophical theories of Weishaupt and Rousseau;
from World Revolution (1921), by Nessa Webster, p. 8

Communism, then, is coming back again on the Western world,
because something died in the Western world—namely, 
the strong faith of men in the God that made them.
—Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen,
“Communism in America”, cf.


OUR Lady told Conchita Gonzalez of Garabandal, Spain, “When Communism comes again everything will happen,” [1]Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal – The Finger of God), Albrecht Weber, n. 2 but she did not say how Communism would come again. At Fatima, the Blessed Mother warned that Russia would spread her errors, but she did not say how those errors would spread. As such, when the Western mind imagines Communism, it likely darts back to the USSR and the Cold War era.

But the Communism emerging today looks nothing like that. In fact, I sometimes wonder if that old form of Communism still preserved in North Korea — gray ugly cities, lavish military displays, and closed borders — is not a deliberate distraction from the real communist threat spreading over humanity as we speak: The Great ResetContinue reading


1 Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal – The Finger of God), Albrecht Weber, n. 2