VIDEO: The Prophecy At Rome


A POWERFUL prophecy was given in St. Peter’s Square in 1975 — words that seem to be unfolding now in our present time. Joining Mark Mallett is the man who received that prophecy, Dr. Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries. They discuss the troubling times, the crisis of faith, and the possibility of the Antichrist in our days — plus the Answer to it all!Continue reading

The War On Creation – Part III


THE doctor said without hesitation, “We need to either burn or cut out your thyroid to make it more manageable. You will need to stay on medication for the rest of your life.” My wife Lea looked at him like he was crazy and said, “I can’t get rid of a part of my body because it’s not working for you. Why don’t we find the root cause of why my body is attacking itself instead?” The doctor returned her gaze as if she was crazy. He bluntly replied, “You go that route and you’re going to leave your children orphaned.”

But I knew my wife: she would be determined to find the problem and help her body restore itself. Continue reading

The Big Lie


…the apocalyptic language surrounding the climate
has done a deep disservice to humanity.
It has led to incredibly wasteful and ineffectual spending.
The psychological costs have also been immense.
Many people, particularly younger ones,
live in fear that the end is nigh,
too often leading to debilitating depression
about the future.
A look at the facts would demolish
those apocalyptic anxieties.
—Steve Forbes, Forbes magazine, July 14, 2023

Continue reading

The War on Creation – Part II




TO Catholics, the last hundred years or so bear significance in prophecy. As the legend goes, Pope Leo XIII had a vision during Mass that left him utterly stunned. According to one eyewitness:

Leo XIII truly saw, in a vision, demonic spirits who were congregating on the Eternal City (Rome). —Father Domenico Pechenino, eyewitness; Ephemerides Liturgicae, reported in 1995, p. 58-59;

It is said that Pope Leo overheard Satan asking the Lord for a “hundred years” to test the Church (which resulted in the now famous prayer to St. Michael the Archangel).[1]cf. Catholic News Agency When exactly the Lord punched the clock to begin a century of testing, no one knows. But certainly, the diabolical was unleashed upon the whole of creation in the 20th century, beginning with medicine itself…Continue reading


1 cf. Catholic News Agency

The War on Creation – Part I


I have been discerning writing this series for over two years now. I have touched on some aspects already, but lately, the Lord has given me a green light to boldly proclaim this “now word.” The real cue for me was today’s Mass readings, which I’ll mention at the end… 




THERE is a war on creation, which is ultimately a war on the Creator himself. The attack runs broad and deep, from the smallest microbe to the pinnacle of creation, which is man and woman created “in the image of God.”Continue reading

Why Still Be a Catholic?

AFTER repeated news of scandals and controversies, why stay a Catholic? In this powerful episode, Mark & Daniel lay out more than their personal convictions: they make the case that Christ Himself wants the world to be Catholic. This is sure to anger, encourage, or console many!Continue reading