The War on Creation – Part II




TO Catholics, the last hundred years or so bear significance in prophecy. As the legend goes, Pope Leo XIII had a vision during Mass that left him utterly stunned. According to one eyewitness:

Leo XIII truly saw, in a vision, demonic spirits who were congregating on the Eternal City (Rome). —Father Domenico Pechenino, eyewitness; Ephemerides Liturgicae, reported in 1995, p. 58-59;

It is said that Pope Leo overheard Satan asking the Lord for a “hundred years” to test the Church (which resulted in the now famous prayer to St. Michael the Archangel).[1]cf. Catholic News Agency When exactly the Lord punched the clock to begin a century of testing, no one knows. But certainly, the diabolical was unleashed upon the whole of creation in the 20th century, beginning with medicine itself…Continue reading


1 cf. Catholic News Agency