Fatima and The Unhumans

Vladimir Lenin launched the communist revolution
under which as many as 60 million died
(according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn)


SINCE Christ’s ascension, the history of mankind has seen the rise and fall of fearsome armies and dictators. From the final persecutions of the Roman Empire to the onslaught of Islam to the rise of fascist regimes, recent centuries are not without their troubling figures. But it was only when Communism was about to explode upon the horizon that Heaven saw fit to send Our Lady with a dire warning:Continue reading

Video: Towards the Eye of the Storm


THE nearer we draw to the eye of the Great Storm, the more trials, chaos, and grace are increasing. But so too are divisions among the Body of Christ. From modernism to radical traditionalism, the emergence of factions within the Church threatens to tear apart her unity.Continue reading

A Man-Made Famine


HAY season is just wrapping up for me (which is why I have been absent of late). Today, as I was heading to the last field to harvest, I was taking notice of the crops around me. As far as the eye could see, almost all of them are canola. This is (now) a genetically modified seed that is sprayed with glyphosate (aka. Roundup) several times before harvesting.[1]Glyphosate is now linked to sperm reduction and cancer. The end product is not something you can eat, at least, not directly. The seed is turned into various products such as canola oil or margarine — but not an edible like wheat, barley, or rye. 
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1 Glyphosate is now linked to sperm reduction and cancer.