Jesus is God


My house is quiet this Christmas morning. No one is stirring — not even a mouse (because I’m pretty sure the farm cats took care of that). It’s given me a moment to reflect on the Mass readings, and they are unequivocal:

Jesus is God. Continue reading

The Rising Morning Star


Missing from nearly all Protestant prophecy is what we Catholics call the “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.” That’s because Evangelical Christians almost universally omit the intrinsic role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in salvation history beyond Christ’s birth—something Scripture itself does not even do. Her role, designated from the very beginning of creation, is closely linked to that of the Church, and like the Church, is oriented entirely toward the glorification of Jesus in the Holy Trinity.

As you will read, the “Flame of Love” of her Immaculate Heart is the rising morning star that will have the dual purpose of crushing Satan and establishing the reign of Christ on earth, as it is in Heaven…

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When the Sacrifice is No Longer Greater


At the end of November, I shared with you the powerful counter-witness of Kirsten and David MacDonald against the strong tide of the culture of death that is sweeping through Canada. As the country’s suicide rate soared through euthanasia, Kirsten — bedridden with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) — became a prisoner in her own body. Yet, she refused to take her life, instead offering it up for “priests and humanity.”  I went to visit them both last week, to spend time together watching and praying in the last days of her life.Continue reading

Dream of the Drones

For the dreams that disturbed them had proclaimed this beforehand,
lest they perish unaware of why they endured such evil.
(Wisdom 18:19)


In light of major headlines of large drones mysteriously appearing over North American cities, I am compelled to share some vivid dreams I had some 20 years ago… Continue reading

Taking Back Your Health


I think it was no coincidence that, as governments around the world were declaring a “pandemic”, the Lord put a fire in me to write Taking Back God’s CreationIt was a powerful “now word”: it is time to acknowledge again the wonderful gifts God has bestowed on us for our health, healing, and well-being within creation itself — gifts that have been lost to the iron fist of the Big Pharma complex and their abetters, and to a lesser degree, the occult and New Age practitioners.Continue reading