President Donald Trump promises a new “Golden Age” (for America)… but can there be true peace without repentance?Continue reading
Still Ink in My Pen
Someone asked me the other day if I’m writing another book. I said, “No, though I’ve thought about it.” In fact, early on in this apostolate after I wrote my first book, The Final Confrontation, the spiritual director of these writings said I should quickly get another book out. And I did… but not on paper.Continue reading
The Programme
It is not therefore a matter of inventing
a “new programme.”
The programme already exists:
it is the plan found in the Gospel
and in the living Tradition…
Novo Millennio Inuente, n. 29
There is a simple but profound “programme” that God is bringing to fulfillment in these times. It is to prepare for Himself a spotless Bride; a remnant that is holy, that has broken with sin, that embodies the restoration of the Divine Will that Adam forfeited at the beginning of time.Continue reading
The Necessity of the Interior Life
I chose you and appointed you to
go and bear fruit that will remain…
(John 15:16)
It is not therefore a matter of inventing
a “new programme.”
The programme already exists:
it is the plan found in the Gospel
and in the living Tradition…
it has its centre in Christ himself,
who is to be known, loved and imitated,
so that in him we may live
the life of the Trinity,
and with him transform history
until its fulfilment in the heavenly Jerusalem.
Novo Millennio Inuente, n. 29
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Why is it that some Christian souls leave a lasting impression upon those around them, even just by encountering their silent presence, while others who seem gifted, even inspiring… are soon forgotten?Continue reading
Real Christianity
Just as Our Lord’s face was disfigured in His Passion, so too, the face of the Church has become disfigured in this hour. What does she stand for? What is her mission? What is her message? What does real Christianity look like? Is it the “tolerant”, “inclusive” wokism that seems to have possessed the upper echelons of the hierarchy and many laity… or something altogether different?
The Spectre of Global Communism
The encroachment year after year
of well-placed globalists advocating
socialism and Communism,
with world bodies attempting to eradicate Christianity,
is well organized.
It is relentless, intrusive, insidious, and Luciferian,
catapulting civilization to a place
it has never aspired to, nor worked towards.
The goal of self-appointed global elite
is total replacement of biblical values
in Western Civilization.
—author Ted Flynn,
The Warning and the Great Miracle, p. 177
There is a stunning prophecy that I have been reflecting on over the holidays and now, as 2025 unfolds. A sobering reality is washing over me daily as I “watch and pray” in light of the “signs of the times.” It is also the “now word” at the beginning of this new year — that we are facing the spectre of global Communism…
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What a Beautiful Name it is
First published January 23, 2020…
I woke his morning with a beautiful dream and a song in my heart—the power of it still flowing through my soul like a river of life. I was singing the name of Jesus, leading a congregation in the song What a Beautiful Name. You can listen to this live version of it below as you continue to read:
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