LET us begin Day 9 of our Healing Retreat in prayer: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6)
Come Holy Spirit, Refiner’s Fire, and purify my heart like gold. Burn away the dross of my soul: the desire for sin, my attachment to sin, my love for sin. Come, Spirit of Truth, as Word and Power, to sever my ties to all things that not of God, to renew my spirit in the love of the Father, and to strengthen me for the daily battle. Come Holy Spirit, and enlighten my mind that I may see all things displeasing to You, and have the grace to love and pursue only the Will of God. I ask this through Jesus Christ my Lord, amen.
Jesus is the Healer of your soul. He is also the Good Shepherd to safeguard you through the Valley of the Shadow of Death — sin, and all its temptations. Ask Jesus to come now and shield your soul from the snare of sin…
Healer of My Soul
Healer of my soul
Keep me at even’
Keep me at morning
Keep me at noon
Healer of my soul
Keeper of my soul
On rough course faring
Help and safeguard my means this night
Keeper of my soul
I am tired, astray, and stumbling
Shield my soul from the snare of sin
Healer of my soul
Heal me at even’
Heal me at morning
Heal me at noon
Healer of my soul
—John Michael Talbot, © 1983 Birdwing Music/Cherry Lane Music Publishing Co. Inc.
Where Are You At?
Jesus is moving powerfully, according to many of your letters. Some are still in a place of receiving and needing deep healing. It’s all good. Jesus is gentle and doesn’t do everything at once, especially when we are fragile.
Recall again our Healing Preparations and how this retreat is akin to bringing you before Jesus, like the paralytic, and dropping you through the roof in order for Him to heal you.
After they had broken through, they let down the mat on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Child, your sins are forgiven”… Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, pick up your mat and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth”— he said to the paralytic, “I say to you, rise, pick up your mat, and go home.” (Mark 2:4-5)
Where are you at right now? Take a moment and write out in your journal a little note to Jesus. Maybe you’re still being lowered through the roof; maybe you feel that Jesus hasn’t noticed you yet; perhaps you need Him still to speak words of healing and liberation… Take up your pen, tell Jesus where you are at, and what you feel your heart needs… Always listen in the quiet for an answer — not an audible voice, but words, an inspiration, an image, whatever it may be.
Breaking Chains
It says in Scripture,
For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)
Sin is what gives Satan a certain “legal” access to the Christian. The Cross is what dissolves that legal claim:
[Jesus] brought you to life along with him, having forgiven us all our transgressions; obliterating the bond against us, with its legal claims, which was opposed to us, he also removed it from our midst, nailing it to the cross; despoiling the principalities and the powers, he made a public spectacle of them, leading them away in triumph by it. (Col 2:13-15)
Our sin, and even the sin of others, can expose us to what is called “demonic oppression” — evil spirits who afflict or oppress us. Some of you may be experiencing this, especially during this retreat, and so the Lord wants to free you from this oppression.
What is necessary is that we first identify the areas in our life where we have not repented by a good examination of conscience (Part I). Second, we will begin to close those doors of any oppression that we may have opened (Part II).
Freedom Through An Examination of Conscience
It is extremely beneficial that we do a general examen of our life to make sure that we have brought everything into the light for Christ’s forgiveness and healing. That there be left no spiritual chains attached to your soul. After Jesus said, “the truth will set you free,” He added:
Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. (John 8:34)
If you have never done a general confession in your life, which is to tell the Confessor (priest) all your sins, the following examination of conscience can prepare you for that confession, either during or after this retreat. A general confession, which was a great grace for me several years ago, has been highly recommended by many saints. Among its benefits is that it brings a deep peace knowing that you have immersed your entire life and sins into the merciful Heart of Jesus.
I am now speaking of a general confession of your whole life, which, while I grant it is not always necessary, I yet believe will be found most helpful in the beginning of your pursuit after holiness… a general confession forces us to a clearer self-knowledge, kindles a wholesome shame for our past life, and rouses gratitude for God’s Mercy, which has so long waited patiently for us; — it comforts the heart, refreshes the spirit, excites good resolutions, affords opportunity to our spiritual Father for giving the most suitable advice, and opens our hearts so as to make future confessions more effectual. —St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Ch. 6
In the following examination (which you can print out if you like and make notes — select Print Friendly at the bottom of this page), note those sins (either venial or mortar) of the past that you may have forgotten or that may still need God’s cleansing grace. There are likely many things that you have already asked forgiveness for already this retreat. As you go through these guidelines, it is good to keep them in perspective:
So often the Church’s counter-cultural witness is misunderstood as something backward and negative in today’s society. That is why it is important to emphasize the Good News, the life-giving and life-enhancing message of the Gospel. Even though it is necessary to speak out strongly against the evils that threaten us, we must correct the idea that Catholicism is merely “a collection of prohibitions”. —Address to Irish Bishops; VATICAN CITY, October 29, 2006
Catholicism, essentially, is an encounter with the love and mercy of Jesus in truth…
The First Commandment
I am the LORD your God. You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.
Have I…
- Reserved or harboured hatred for God?
- Disobeyed the commandments of God or the Church?
- Refused to accept what God has revealed as true, or what the Catholic
Church proclaims for belief? - Denied the existence of God?
- Neglected to nourish and protect my faith?
- Neglected to reject everything opposed to a sound faith?
- Deliberately misled others about doctrine or the faith?
- Rejected the Catholic faith, joined another Christian denomination, or
joined or practiced another religion? - Joined a group forbidden to Catholics (Freemasons, communists, etc.)?
- Despaired about my salvation or the forgiveness of my sins?
- Presumed God’s mercy? (Committing a sin in expectation of
forgiveness, or asking for forgiveness without interior conversion and
practicing virtue.) - Have fame, fortune, money, career, pleasure, etc. replaced God as my highest priority?
- Let someone or something influence my choices more than God?
- Been involved in the occult or occult practices? (Séances, Ouija board,
worship of Satan, fortune tellers, tarot cards, Wicca, the New Age, Reiki, yoga,[1]Many Catholic exorcists have warned about the spiritual side of yoga that can open one up to demonic influence. Former psychic-turned-Christian, Jenn Nizza who practiced yoga, warns: “I used to do yoga ritualistically, and the meditation aspect really opened me up and helped me to receive communication from evil spirits. Yoga is a Hindu spiritual practice and the word ‘yoga’ is rooted in Sanskrit. It means ‘to yoke to’ or ‘to unite with.’ And what they’re doing is … they have deliberate postures that are paying tribute, honor and worship to their false gods.” (see “Yoga opens ‘demonic doors’ to ‘evil spirits,’ warns ex-psychic who became Christian”, christianpost.comScientology, Astrology, Horoscopes, superstitions) - Formally attempted to leave the Catholic Church?
- Hidden a serious sin or told a lie in Confession?
The Second Commandment
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Have I…
- Have I committed blasphemy by using the name of God and Jesus Christ to swear rather than to praise?
- Failed to keep vows, promises, or resolutions that I have made to
God? [specify in the confessional which one; the Priest has authority to
remove the obligations of promises and resolutions if they are too rash
or unjust] - Have I committed sacrilege by showing disrespect to holy objects (eg. crucifix, rosary) or contempt for religious persons (bishop, priests, deacons, women religious) or for sacred places (in Church).
- Watched television or movies, or listened to music that treated God,
the Church, the saints, or sacred things irreverently? - Used vulgar, suggestive or obscene speech?
- Belittled others in my language?
- Behaved disrespectfully in the church building (e.g., talking
immoderately in church before, during, or after holy Mass)? - Misused places or things set apart for the worship of God?
- Committed perjury? (Breaking an oath or lying under oath.)
- Blamed God for my failings?
- Did I break the laws of fast and abstinence during Lent?
- Did I neglect my Easter duty to receive Holy Communion at least once?
- Have I neglected to support the Church and the poor by sharing my time, talent and treasure?
The Third Commandment
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
Have I…
- Missed Mass on Sunday or Holy Days (through own fault without sufficient
reason)? - Have I shown disrespect by leaving Mass early, not paying attention or not joining in the prayers?
- Neglected to set time aside each day for personal prayer to God?
- Committed a sacrilege against the Blessed Sacrament (thrown Him
away; brought Him home; treated Him carelessly, etc.)? - Received any sacrament while in the state of mortal sin?
- Habitually come late to and/or leave early from Mass?
- Shop, labour, practice sports or do business unnecessarily on Sunday or
other Holy Days of Obligation? - Not attended to taking my children to Mass?
- Not provided proper instruction in the Faith to my children?
- Knowingly eaten meat on a forbidden day (or not fasted on a fast
day)? - Eaten or drunken within one hour of receiving Communion (other than
medical need)?
Fourth Commandment
Honour your father and your mother.
Have I…
- (If still under my parents’ care) Obeyed all that my parents or guardians reasonably
asked of me? - Did I neglect to help them with household chores?
- Have I caused them unnecessary worry and anxiety by my attitude, behaviour, moods, etc.?
- Shown disregard for my parents’ wishes, displayed contempt of their
demands, and/or disdained their very being? - Neglected the needs of my parents in their old age or in their time of
need? - Brought shame on them?
- (If still in school) Obeyed the reasonable demands of my teachers?
- Disrespected my teachers?
- (If I have children) Neglected to give my children proper food,
clothing, shelter, education, discipline and care, including spiritual care and religious education (even after Confirmation)? - Ensured that my children still under my care regularly frequent the
sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion? - Been to my children a good example of how to live the Catholic Faith?
- Prayed with and for my children?
- (for everyone) Lived in humble obedience to those who legitimately
exercise authority over me? - Broken any just law?
- Supported or voted for a politician whose positions are opposed to the
teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church? - Failed to pray for the deceased members of my family… the Poor
Souls of Purgatory included?
The Fifth Commandment
You shall not murder.
Have I…
- Unjustly and intentionally killed a human being (murder)?
- Have I been guilty, through negligence and/or lacking of intention, of
the death of another? - Been involved in an abortion, directly or indirectly (through advice,
encouragement, providing money, or facilitating it in any other way)? - Seriously considered or attempted suicide?
- Supported, promoted, or encouraged the practice of assisted suicide or
mercy killing (euthanasia)? - Deliberately desired to kill an innocent human being?
- Caused serious injury of another by criminal neglect?
- Unjustly inflicted bodily harm on another person?
- Have I inflicted my body intentionally through self-harm?
- Do I show contempt for my body by neglecting to take care of my own health?
- Unjustly threatened another person with bodily harm?
- Verbally or emotionally abused another person?
- Have I held a grudge or sought revenge against someone who wronged me?
- Do I point out others’ faults and mistakes while ignoring my own?
- Do I complain more than I compliment?
- Am I ungrateful for what other people do for me?
- Do I tear people down rather than encourage them?
- Hated another person, or wished him/her evil?
- Been prejudiced, or unjustly discriminated against others because of
their race, color, nationality, sex or religion? - Joined a hate group?
- Purposely provoked another by teasing or nagging?
- Recklessly endangered my life or health, or that of another, by my
actions? - Abused alcohol or other drugs?
- Driven recklessly or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs?
- Sold or given drugs to others to use for non-therapeutic purposes?
- Used tobacco immoderately?
- Over-eaten?
- Encouraged others to sin by giving scandal?
- Helped another to commit a mortal sin (through advice, driving them
somewhere, dressing and/or acting immodestly, etc.)? - Indulged in unjust anger?
- Refused to control my temper?
- Been fateful to, quarrelled with, or willfully hurt someone?
- Been unforgiving of others, especially when mercy or pardon was
requested? - Sought revenge or hoped something bad would happen to someone?
- Delighted to see someone else get hurt or suffer?
- Treated animals cruelly, causing them to suffer or die needlessly?
The Sixth and Ninth Commandments
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.
Have I…
- Neglected to practice and grow in the virtue of chastity?
- Given in to lust? (The desire for sexual pleasure unrelated to spousal
love in marriage.) - Used an artificial means of birth control (including withdrawal)?
- Refused to be open to conception, without just cause? (Catechism,
2368) - Participated in immoral techniques such as in vitro fertilization or
artificial insemination? - Sterilized my sex organs for contraceptive purposes?
- Deprived my spouse of the marital right, without just cause?
- Claimed my own marital right without concern for my spouse?
- Deliberately caused male climax outside of normal sexual intercourse?
- Masturbated? (Deliberate stimulation of one’s own sexual organs for
sexual pleasure outside of the conjugal act.) (Catechism, 2366) - Willfully entertained impure thoughts?
- Purchased, viewed, or made use of pornography? (Magazines, videos, internet, chat rooms, hotlines, etc.)
- Have I gone to massage parlors or adult bookstores?
- Have I not avoided the occasions of sin (persons, places, websites) which would tempt me to be unfaithful to my spouse or to my own chastity?
- Watched or promoted movies and television that involve sex and
nudity? - Listened to music or jokes, or told jokes, that are harmful to purity?
- Read books that are immoral?
- Committed adultery? (Sexual relations with someone who is married,
or with someone other than my spouse.) - Committed incest? (Sexual relations with a relative closer than the
third degree or an in-law.) - Committed fornication? (Sexual relations with someone of the opposite
sex when the two are not married to one another or any others.) - Engaged in homosexual activity? (Sexual activity with someone of the
same sex) - Committed rape?
- Engaged in sexual foreplay reserved for marriage? (e.g., “petting”, or excessive touching)
- Preyed upon children or youth for my sexual pleasure (pedophilia)?
- Engaged in unnatural sexual activities (anything that is not inherently
natural to the sexual act) - Engaged in prostitution, or paid for the services of a prostitute?
- Seduced someone, or allowed myself to be seduced?
- Made uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances toward another?
- Purposely dressed immodestly?
The Seventh and Tenth Commandments
You shall not steal.
You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods.
Have I…
- Have I stolen any object, committed any shoplifting or cheated anyone of their money?
- Have I shown disrespect or even contempt for other people’s property?
- Have I done any acts of vandalism?
- Am I greedy or envious of another’s goods?
- Neglected to live in a spirit of Gospel poverty and simplicity?
- Neglected to give generously to others in need?
- Not considered that God has provided me with money so that I might
use it to benefit others, as well as for my own legitimate needs? - Allowed myself to be conformed to a consumer mentality (buy, buy
buy, throw away, waste, spend, spend, spend?) - Neglected to practice the corporal works of mercy?
- Deliberately defaced, destroyed or lost another’s property?
- Cheated on a test, taxes, sports, games, or in business?
- Squandered money in compulsive gambling?
- Made a false claim to an insurance company?
- Paid my employees a living wage, or failed to give a full day’s work for
a full day’s pay? - Failed to honour my part of a contract?
- Failed to make good on a debt?
- Overcharge someone, especially to take advantage of another’s
hardship or ignorance? - Misused natural resources?
The Eighth Commandment
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
Have I…
- Lied?
- Knowingly and willfully deceived another?
- Perjured myself under oath?
- Gossiped or detracted anyone? (Destroying a person’s reputation by telling others about another’s faults for no good reason.)
- Committed slander or calumny? (Telling lies about another person in
order to destroy his reputation.) - Committed libel? (Writing lies about another person in order to destroy
his reputation. Libel is in substance different from slander because the
written word has a longer “life” of damage) - Been guilty of rash judgment? (Assuming the worst of another person
based on circumstantial evidence.) - Failed to make reparation for a lie I told, or for harm done to a
person’s reputation? - Failed to speak out in defense of the Catholic Faith, the Church, or of
another person? - Betrayed another’s confidence through speech, deed, or in writing?
- Do I love to hear bad news about my enemies?
After having completed Part I, take a moment and pray with this song…
O Lord, be gracious to me; Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You. (Psalm 41:4)
Once more, Lord, I have sinned
I am guilty Lord (repeat)
I have turned and walked away
From Your presence, Lord
I want to come Home
And in Your Mercy stay
Once more, Lord, I have sinned
I am guilty Lord (repeat)
I have turned and walked away
From Your presence, Lord
I want to come Home
And in Your Mercy stay
I have turned and walked away
From Your presence, Lord
I want to come Home
And in Your Mercy stay
And in Your Mercy stay
—Mark Mallett, from Deliver Me From Me, 1999©
Ask the Lord for His pardon; trust in His unconditional love and mercy. [If there is any unrepented mortal sin,[2]‘For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: “Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent.”‘ (CCC, 1857) promise the Lord to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the next time you receive the Blessed Sacrament.]
Remember what Jesus said to St. Faustina:
Come and confide in your God, who is love and mercy… Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet… I cannot punish even the greatest sinner if he makes an appeal to My compassion, but on the contrary, I justify him in My unfathomable and inscrutable mercy. —Jesus to St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary, n. 1486, 699,
Now, take a deep breath, and move on to Part II…
Part II
As a baptized believer, the Lord says to you:
Behold, I have given you the power ‘to tread upon serpents and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will harm you. (Luke 10:19)
Since you are the priest[3]nb. not the sacramental priesthood. “Jesus Christ is the one whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and established as priest, prophet, and king. The whole People of God participates in these three offices of Christ and bears the responsibilities for mission and service that flow from them.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), n. 783) of your body, which is the “temple of the Holy Spirit”, you have authority over the “principalities and powers” that come against you. Likewise, as the head of his wife and the home,[4]Eph 5:23)) which is the “domestic church”,[5]CCC, n. 2685 fathers have authority over their household; and finally, the bishop has authority over his entire diocese, which is “the church of the living God.”[6]1 Tim 3:15
The experience of the Church through her various apostolates of deliverance ministry would essentially agree on three basic elements necessary for deliverance from evil spirits:
I. Repentance
If we have willfully chosen not only to sin but to adore the idols of our appetites, no matter how small, we are handing ourselves over in degrees, so to speak, to the influence of the devil (oppression). In the case of grave sin, unforgiveness, loss of faith, or involvement in the occult, a person may be permitting the evil one a stronghold (obsession). Depending upon the nature of the sin and the soul’s disposition or other serious factors, this can result in evil spirits actually inhabiting the person (possession).
What you have done, through a thorough examination of conscience, is sincerely repent of all participation in the works of darkness. This dissolves the legal claim Satan has on the soul — and why one exorcist said to me that “One good confession is more powerful than one hundred exorcisms.” But it may also be necessary to renounce and “bind” those spirits who still feel they have a claim…
II. Renounce
True repentance means renouncing our former deeds and way of life and turning away from committing those sins again.
For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men, training us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions, and to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world… (Titus 2:11-12)
You now have a sense of what sins you struggle most with, what is most oppressing, addictive, etc. It is important that we also renounce our attachments and actions. For example, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce having used Tarot cards and seeking out fortune tellers”, or “I renounce my participation with a cult or association [like Freemasonry, satanism, etc.],” or “I renounce lust,” or “I renounce anger”, or “I renounce the abuse of alcohol”, or “I renounce being entertained by horror films,” or “I renounce playing violent or racy video games”, or “I renounce heavy death metal music,” etc. This declaration puts the spirits behind these activities on notice. And then…
III. Rebuke
You have the authority to bind and rebuke (cast out) the demon behind that temptation in your life. You can simply say:[7]The above prayers while intended for individual use can be adapted by those who have authority over others, while the Rite of Exorcism is reserved to bishops and those whom he grants authority to use it.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind the spirit of _________ and command you to depart.
Here, you can name the spirit: “spirit of the Occult”, “Lust”, “Anger”, “Alcoholism”, “Suicide”, “Violence”, or what have you. Another prayer that I use is similar:
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I bind the spirit of _________ with the chain of Mary to the foot of the Cross. I command you to depart and forbid you to return.
If you don’t know the name of the spirit(s), you can also pray:
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over each and every spirit coming against _________ [me or another name] and I bind them and command them to depart.
Before you begin, drawing from your examination of conscience, invite Our Lady, St. Joseph, and your guardian angel to pray for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind any spirits that you are to name, and then repeat the prayer(s) above. Remember, you are “priest, prophet, and king” over your temple, and so boldly affirm your God-given authority in Jesus Christ.
When you are done, finish with the prayers below…
Washing and Infilling
Jesus tells us this:
When an unclean spirit goes out of a person it roams through arid regions searching for rest but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my home from which I came.’ But upon returning, it finds it empty, swept clean, and put in order. Then it goes and brings back with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they move in and dwell there; and the last condition of that person is worse than the first. (Matt 12:43-45)
One priest in deliverance ministry taught me that, after rebuking evil spirits, one can pray:
“Lord, come now and fill the empty places in my heart with your Spirit and presence. Come Lord Jesus with your angels and close the gaps in my life.”
If you have had sexual relations with people other than your spouse, pray:
Lord, forgive me for having used the beauty of my sexual gifts outside of your ordained laws and purposes. I ask you to break all unholy unions, in your Name Lord Jesus Christ, and renew my innocence. Wash me in your Precious Blood, breaking any unlawful bonds, and bless (name of other person) and make known to them Your love and mercy. Amen.
As a side note, I remember hearing the testimony of a prostitute who converted to Christianity many years ago. She said she had slept with over a thousand men, but after her conversion and marriage to a Christian man, she said their wedding night “was like the first time.” That’s the power of Jesus’ restorative love.
Of course, if we return to old patterns, habits, and temptations, then the evil one will simply and legally reclaim what it has temporarily lost to the degree that we leave the door open. So be faithful and attentive to your spiritual life. If you fall, simply repeat what you have learned above. And make sure the Sacrament of Confession is now a regularly part of your life (at least monthly).
Through these prayers and your commitment, today, you are returning Home to your Father, who is already embracing and kissing you. This is your song and closing prayer…
Returning/The Prodigal
I am the prodigal comin’ back to You
Offering all I am, surrendering to You
And I see, yes I see, You runnin’ out to me
And I hear, yes I hear, You callin’ me child
And I wanna be…
Under the shelter of your wings
Under the shelter of your wings
This is my home and where I always want to be
Under the shelter of your wings
I am the prodigal, Father I have sinned
I am not worthy to be of your kin
But I see, yes I see, Your finest robe ’round me
And I feel, yes I feel, Your arms around me
And I wanna be…
Under the shelter of your wings
Under the shelter of your wings
This is my home and where I always want to be
Under the shelter of your wings
I have blind, but now I see
I have been lost, but now I am found and free
Under the shelter of your wings
Under the shelter of your wings
This is my home and where I always want to be
Where I wanna be
In the shelter of your wings
It’s where I wanna be, in the shelter, in the shelter
Of your wings
This is my home and where I always want to be
Under the shelter of your wings
—Mark Mallett, from Deliver Me From Me, 1999©
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↑1 | Many Catholic exorcists have warned about the spiritual side of yoga that can open one up to demonic influence. Former psychic-turned-Christian, Jenn Nizza who practiced yoga, warns: “I used to do yoga ritualistically, and the meditation aspect really opened me up and helped me to receive communication from evil spirits. Yoga is a Hindu spiritual practice and the word ‘yoga’ is rooted in Sanskrit. It means ‘to yoke to’ or ‘to unite with.’ And what they’re doing is … they have deliberate postures that are paying tribute, honor and worship to their false gods.” (see “Yoga opens ‘demonic doors’ to ‘evil spirits,’ warns ex-psychic who became Christian”, christianpost.com |
↑2 | ‘For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: “Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent.”‘ (CCC, 1857) |
↑3 | nb. not the sacramental priesthood. “Jesus Christ is the one whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and established as priest, prophet, and king. The whole People of God participates in these three offices of Christ and bears the responsibilities for mission and service that flow from them.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), n. 783) |
↑4 | Eph 5:23 |
↑5 | CCC, n. 2685 |
↑6 | 1 Tim 3:15 |
↑7 | The above prayers while intended for individual use can be adapted by those who have authority over others, while the Rite of Exorcism is reserved to bishops and those whom he grants authority to use it. |