WHEN I wrote Part I of this series two weeks ago, the image of Queen Esther came to mind, standing in the gap for her people. I felt there was something more significant about this. And I believe this email I received explains why:
WHEN I wrote Part I of this series two weeks ago, the image of Queen Esther came to mind, standing in the gap for her people. I felt there was something more significant about this. And I believe this email I received explains why:
The recent fire near the broken statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje
THE emails continue to roll in on the seeming phenomenon of hands breaking off of Marian statues, sometimes without any apparent reason. Here’s one more sampling of letters:
I HAVE received a landslide of replies to my last two meditations on the unborn. There is a strong sense from nearly all those who have written that these images are necessary in the battle to end infanticide within the womb.
Here are a few samples of the many moving and emotional letters I received which are a testimony to the power of telling—and showing the truth…
Scene from The Passion of the Christ
EVERY day as I comb the news headlines, I am faced with the violence and evil of this world. I find it exhausting, but also recognize it as my duty as a "watchman" to try and sift through this stuff to find the "word" hidden in the world’s events. But the other day, the face of evil really got to me when I entered the video store for the first time in months to rent a movie for my daughter’s birthday. As I scanned the shelves for a family movie, I was faced with image after image of dismembered bodies, half-naked women, demonic faces, and other violent images. I was looking into the mirror of a culture obsessed with sex and violence.
And yet, no one seems to openly object to this gruesome display which is scanned each day by young and old alike, and yet, when a picture of the reality of abortion is shown, some people are deeply offended. People pay to see violent movies, even rousing dramas such as Braveheart, Schindler’s List, or Saving Private Ryan where the reality of evil is graphically portrayed; or they play video games depicting unbelievable brutality and gruesome violence, and yet, somehow this is acceptable—but a photo giving voice to the voiceless is not.
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Artist Unknown
MORE letters continue to come in from reader’s whose Marian statues have a broken left hand. Some can explain why their statue broke, while others cannot. But perhaps that is not the point. I think what is significant is that it is always a hand.
I received several letters in response to my last meditation. As usual, God speaks through the Body. Here is what some readers have to say:
Blow the trumpet through the land, summon the recruits!… Bear the standard to Zion, seek refuge without delay!… I cannot keep silent, for I have heard the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. (Jeremiah 4:5-6, 19)
THIS spring, my heart began to anticipate an event which would occur this July or August of 2008. This anticipation was accompanied by a word: “War.”
First published January 18th, 2008…
IT is important to understand that the words I speak here are merely echoes of one of the central warnings Heaven has been sounding through the Holy Fathers this past century: the light of truth is being extinguished in the world. That Truth is Jesus Christ, the light of the world. And humanity cannot survive without Him.
First published January 15th, 2008…
WHILE this generation is being spiritually deceived, so too has it been materially and physically duped.
Hansel & Gretel by Kay Nielsen
First published January 15th, 2008. Very important to read again…
WE are being duped.
Many Christians believe that Satan has triumphed as society continues in a free-fall toward materialism, lust, and lawlessness. But if we think this is Satan’s ultimate goal, we have been deceived.
YES, this is the time to truly wait and pray in The Bastion. The waiting is the hardest part, especially when it seems as though we are on the cusp of enormous change… But timing is everything. The temptations to rush God, to question His delay, to doubt His presence—will only intensify as we reach deeper into the days of change.
The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard "delay," but he is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (2 Pt 3:9)
Be prepared to put your life on the line in order to enlighten the world with the truth of Christ; to respond with love to hatred and disregard for life; to proclaim the hope of the risen Christ in every corner of the earth. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Message to the Young People of the World, World Youth Day, 2008
First published September 25th, 2007:
BASTION: part of a fortification built into a rock or castle which allows defensive fire in several directions.
These words came to a dear friend of ours during prayer, through a soft voice which spoke to her:
Tell Mark it is time to write about the bastion.
"My Secret Place", by Yvonne Ward
DEAR brothers and sisters,
Warm greetings in the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For almost three years now, I have been writing on a regular basis the words which I feel the Lord has placed in my heart for you. The journey has been a remarkable one, and has affected me deeply.
THERE is more coming on the Seven Year Trial series which I am continuing to write and pray about. In the meantime, more signs of the times…
A child in His mother’s arms… (artist unknown)
YES, we must find joy in the midst of this present darkness. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and therefore, ever-present to the Church. Yet, it is natural to be afraid of losing one’s security, or fearful of persecution or martyrdom. Jesus felt this human quality so intensely that He sweat drops of blood. But then, God sent Him an angel to strengthen Him, and Jesus’ fear was replaced by a quiet, docile peace.
Herein lies the root of the tree which bears the fruit of joy: total abandonment to God.
He who ‘fears’ the Lord is ‘not afraid.’ —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Vatican City, June 22, 2008; Zenit.org
“The Two Hearts” by Tommy Christopher Canning
PART III examines the beginning of the Seven Year Trial following the Illumination.
Apocalypse, by Michael D. O’Brien
When the seven days were over,
the waters of the flood came upon the earth.
(Genesis 7:10)
I want to speak from the heart for a moment to frame the rest of this series.
The past three years have been a remarkable journey for me, one I never intended to embark upon. I do not claim to be prophet… just a simple missionary who feels a call to shed a little more light upon the days we live in and the days which are coming. Needless to say, this has been an overwhelming task, and one which is done with much fear and trembling. At least that much I share with the prophets! But it is also done with the tremendous prayer support so many of you have graciously offered on my behalf. I feel it. I need it. And I am so grateful.
The test of democracy is freedom of criticism. —David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister
CANADA’S national anthem rings out:
…the true north strong and free…
To which I add:
…so long as you agree.
Agree with the state, that is. Agree with the new high priests of this once great nation, the judges and their deacons, the Human Rights Tribunals. This writing is a wake-up call not just for Canadians, but for all Christians in the West to recognize what has arrived at the doorstep of the "first world" nations.
2006 Lebanese victims of war
First published May 30th, 2007. As I continue to pray about what the Lord is showing me in the Seven Year Trial, I feel the nudge to reprint this message.
There are two very prominent things occurring in the world the past few weeks. One, are the continuing headlines of brutal violence towards children and babies. Second is the growing imposition of new forms of marriage upon the unwanting masses. The latter point has to do with two words the Lord gave me while I was writing The Coming Counterfeit: “Population Control.” Since then, there have been numerous headlines describing the world food shortage as an over-population problem. This is not true, of course. It is a matter of poor management and distribution of our resources due in large part to greed and neglect, including the use of corn to make fuel. I also wonder about the manipulation of weather through new technologies… The Vatican has been fighting these over-population gurus who for many years now have been trying to impose abortion, birth-control, and sterilization upon poor nations. If it were not for the Vatican’s voice in the United Nations, these proponents of the culture of death would be much further ahead than they are.
The writing below puts all the pieces together…
Apparition Hill at Dawn, Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
WHILE only the Public Revelation of Jesus Christ requires the assent of faith, the Church teaches that it would be imprudent to ignore the prophetic voice of God or “despise prophecy,” as St. Paul says. After all, authentic “words” from the Lord, are, from the Lord:
One can therefore simply ask why God provides them continuously [in the first place if] they hardly need to be heeded by the Church. —Hans Urs von Balthasar, Mistica oggettiva, n. 35
Even controversial theologian, Karl Rahner, also asked…
…whether anything God reveals can be unimportant. —Karl Rahner, Visions and Prophecies, p. 25
The Vatican has insisted upon remaining open to the alleged apparition thus far as it continues to discern the authenticity of the phenomena there. (If that’s good enough for Rome, it’s good enough for me.)
As a former television reporter, the facts surrounding Medjugorje do concern me. I know they concern many people. I have taken the same position on Medjugorje as Blessed John Paul II (as witnessed to by Bishops who have discussed the apparitions with him). That position is to celebrate the wonderful fruits flowing from this place, namely conversion and an intense sacramental life. This is not an ooey-gooey-warm-fuzzy opinion, but a hard fact based on the testimonies of thousands of Catholic clergy and countless laymen.
[China] is on the road to fascism, or maybe is heading towards a dictatorial regime with strong nationalist tendencies. —Cardinal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong, Catholic News Agency, May 28, 2008
AN American Veteran said to a friend, “China will invade America, and they will do it without firing a single bullet.”
That may or may not be true. But as we look at our store shelves, there is something strange in that nearly everything we buy, even some food and pharmaceuticals, is being “Made in China” (one could say that North Americans have already given away “industrial sovereignty.”) These goods are becoming increasingly cheaper to buy, fueling more consumerism.
ONCE again, I hear a warning in my heart regarding China and the West. I have felt compelled to watch this nation carefully for two years now. We have seen it plagued with one natural disaster after another and one man-made disaster after the next (while its army continues to build.) The result has been the displacement of tens of millions of people—and that was before this month’s earthquake.
Now, dozens of China’s dams are on the verge of bursting. The warning I hear is this:
Your land will be given to another’s if there is not repentance for the sin of abortion.
An American mystic, who was dead for many hours and then called to life again by our Mother into a powerful ministry, recounted to me personally a vision in which he saw “boatloads of Asian people” coming to American shores.
Our Lady of All Nations, in an alleged apparition to Ida Peerdeman said,
“I will set my foot down in the midst of the world and show you: that is America, ” and then, [Our Lady] immediately points to another part, saying, “Manchuria—there will be tremendous insurrections.” I see Chinese marching, and a line which they are crossing. —Twenty Fifth Apparition, 10th December, 1950; The Messages of The Lady of All Nations, pg. 35. (Devotion to Our Lady of All Nations has been ecclesiastically approved.)
I repeat again the warning which I brought to Canada’s capital two years ago. If we continue to ignore the daily murder of our unborn in Canadian hospitals and abortuaries, and destroy the sanctity of marriage, the freedom we enjoy will abruptly come to an end. (As I write this, Pro-Life billboards are being ruled objectionable by Advertising Standards Canada, and the Canadian Federation of Students voted to support a ban of Pro-Life groups on university campuses.) How can we expect God’s protection when we ignore His laws and especially ignore this time of grace to repent? How can we claim innocence when 3D ultrasounds show us distinctly the person in the womb? When science finds that at 11 weeks or earlier, unborn babies feel the pain of an abortion? When we are fighting to save premature babies on one wing of the hospital, and killing the same-aged child on another? It is brutal! It is hypocritical! It is unbelievable! And its consequences may soon be irreversible.
TRUMPETS of Warning-Part V laid the groundwork for what I believe is now rapidly approaching this generation. The picture is becoming clearer, the signs speaking louder, the winds of change blowing harder. And so, our Holy Father looks tenderly at us once again and says, “Hope” …for the coming darkness will not triumph. This series of writings address the “seven year trial” which may be approaching.
These meditations are the fruit of prayer in my own attempt to better understand the Church’s teaching that the Body of Christ will follow its Head through its own passion or “final trial,” as the Catechism puts it. Since the book of Revelation deals in part with this final trial, I have explored here a possible interpretation of St. John’s Apocalypse along the pattern of Christ’s Passion. The reader should keep in mind that these are my own personal reflections and not a definitive interpretation of Revelation, which is a book with several meanings and dimensions, not the least, an eschatological one. Many a good soul has fallen on the sharp cliffs of the Apocalypse. Nonetheless, I have felt the Lord compelling me to walk them in faith through this series. I encourage the reader to exercise their own discernment, enlightened and guided, of course, by the Magisterium.
The Perseus Comet, “17p/holmes”
Two days ago, the words “THE STORM HAS ARRIVED” came to mind. Since publishing the writing below on November 5th, 2007, a world food shortage crisis has developed; the world economy has become extremely fragile; the alarm has been raised over new incurable “superbugs“; major storms are pummeling the world; powerful earthquakes are appearing or re-appearing suddenly in odd places with growing frequency; and Russia and China continue to make headlines as they flex their military muscle, raising more concerns over “wars and rumors of wars.” Perhaps we don’t feel these events quite as intensely yet in North America because of our “wealth and comfort buffer,” but God is speaking to the whole world, not just the West. We are beginning to experience, as a global community, common signs.
Perhaps the greatest sign is that which is rising in the hearts of many I speak to. The sense of “imminence” of “something” has perhaps never been greater. These events will continue, and increase in intensity. As a hurricane is weak in the beginning, but becomes strong enough that one has to take “safe measures”, so too are we at a point where I believe we are being told to take “safe measures.” When a woman begins to experience intense labor pains, she goes to the hospital. The safe measures I am concerned with are those of the soul. Are you prepared? Are you in a state of grace? Are you listening carefully through prayer to the still small voice in your heart directing you for these times?
I also recommend a re-reading of The Prodigal Hour. Again, it was written prior to my knowledge of a food crisis. And I wrote this prologue, prior to today’s earthquake in China. We pray for them, and for the victims of the many natural and man-made disasters around the globe.
A writing comes to mind as I speak of these things, and as many of you speak of these things as well. Do you feel like a fool for Christ? Blessed are you! Re-read: Ark of fools.
The times have arrived. The winds of change are strong, and beginning to blow with hurricane force. Fix your eyes on Christ, for the Eye of the Storm is coming…
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to place; and awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky. (Luke 21:10-11)
THE“word” that we have arrived at the threshold of The Day of the Lord came to me the evening after I wrote One Word. That night, October 23rd, 2007, a comet suddenly “exploded” in the constellation of Perseus (it is now visible to the naked eye). Immediately my heart leapt when I read this in the news; I felt strongly that this was significant and a sign.
TWO things happened after Pentecost as the Apostles began to proclaim the Gospel in the name of Jesus Christ. Souls began to convert to Christianity by the thousands. The second is that the name of Jesus sparked a renewed persecution, this time of His mystical body.
AFTER the first Pentecost, the Apostles were infused with a deeper understanding of who they were in Christ. From that moment on, they began to live, move, and have their being “in the name of Jesus.” Continue reading
Mary, prototype of the Church:
The Assumption of the Virgin, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1670’s
First published August 3rd, 2007.
IF the Body of Christ is to follow its Head through a Transfiguration, Passion, Death and Resurrection, then it will also share in His Ascension.
Coptic icon of Pentecost
First published June 6th, 2007, the content of this writing comes back to me with a new sense of immediacy. Are we drawing nearer to this moment than we realize? (I have updated this writing, inserting recent comments from Pope Benedict.)
WHILE the meditations of late are somber and call us to deeper repentance and trust in God, they are not a message of doom. They are the herald of the end of a season, the “fall” of mankind, so to speak, when the purifying winds of Heaven will blow away the dead leaves of sin and rebellion. They speak of a winter in which those things of the flesh which are not of God will be brought to death, and those things which are rooted in Him will bloom in a glorious “new springtime” of joy and life!
Elijah and Elisha by Michael D. O’Brien
As the prophet Elijah is taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot, he bestows his cloak on the prophet Elisha, his young disciple. Elisha in his boldness has asked for a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit. (2 Kings 2:9-11). In our times, every disciple of Jesus is called to bear prophetic witness against the culture of death, be it a small piece of the cloak or a large one. —Artist Commentary
WE are on the verge, I believe, of a tremendous hour of evangelization.
Christ Grieving by Michael D. O’Brien
Christ embraces the whole world, yet hearts have grown cold, faith is eroded, violence increases. The cosmos reels, the earth is in darkness. The farmlands, the wilderness, and the cities of man no longer reverence the Blood of the Lamb. Jesus grieves over the world. How will mankind awake? What will it take to shatter our indifference? —Artist’s Commentary
HE is burning with love for you like a groom separated from his bride, longing to embrace her. He is like a mother bear, fiercely protective, running toward her cubs. He is like a king, mounting his steed and rushing his armies into the countryside to protect even the lowliest of his subjects.
Jesus is a jealous God!
MEDJUGORJE is that little town in Bosnia-Herzogovina where the Blessed Mother has allegedly been appearing for over 25 years. The sheer volume of miracles, conversions, vocations, and other supernatural fruits of this site demand a serious examination of what is occurring there—so much so, that according to new confirmed reports, the Vatican, not the new commission, will direct the final judgment on the alleged phenomena (see Medjugorje: “Just the facts, ma’am”).
This is unprecedented. The significance of the apparitions has reached to the highest levels. And significant they are, given that Mary has allegedly said these will be her “last apparitions on earth.“
Forgiven by Thomas Blackshear II
AT a recent event, a young married Pentecostal couple approached me and said, “Because of your writings, we are becoming Catholic.” I was filled with joy as we embraced one another, delighted that this brother and sister in Christ were going to experience His power and life in new and profound ways—particularly through the Sacraments of Confession and the Holy Eucharist.
And so, here are two “no-brainer” reasons why Protestants should become Catholics.Continue reading
IT is clear that many are having powerful experiences during the Encounter With Jesus events we are giving on our tour through the United States.
Here is one such testimony from someone who was “drawn” to an Ohio event this week…Continue reading
IN the year of the Great Jubilee, 2000, the Lord impressed a Scripture upon me that penetrated my soul so deeply, I was left on my knees weeping. That Scripture, I believe, is for our time.
Christ Grieving, by Michael D. O’Brien
Christ embraces the whole world, yet hearts have grown cold, faith is eroded, violence increases. The cosmos reels, the earth is in darkness. The farmlands, the wilderness, and the cities of man no longer reverence the Blood of the Lamb. Jesus grieves over the world. How will mankind awake? What will it take to shatter our indifference? —Artist’s Commentary
THE premise of all these writings is based on the teaching of the Church that the Body of Christ will follow its Lord, the Head, through a passion of its own.
Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers… The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 672, 677
Therefore, I want to put into context my most recent writings on the Eucharist.
The Two Deaths, by Michael D. O’Brien
In this symbolic work, both Christ and Antichrist are depicted, and the people of the times are faced with a choice. Which path to follow? There is much confusion, much fear. Most of the figures do not comprehend where the roads will lead; only a few little children have eyes to see. Those who seek to save their life will lose it; those who lose their life for Christ’s sake will save it. —Artist’s commentary
ONCE again, I hear clearly in my heart this week words which rang out last winter—the sense of an angel in the mid-heavens crying out:
Keeping in mind always that Christ is the victor, I also hear again the words:
You are entering the most painful part of the purification.
THOSE who have read and meditated upon the message of Mercy that Jesus gave to St. Faustina understand its significance for our times.
You have to speak to the world about His great mercy and prepare the world for the Second Coming of Him who will come, not as a merciful Savior, but as a just Judge. Oh, how terrible is that day! Determined is the day of justice, the day of divine wrath. The angels tremble before it. Speak to souls about this great mercy while it is still the time for [granting] mercy. —Virgin Mary speaking to St. Faustina, Diary of St. Faustina, n. 635
What I want to point out is that the Divine Mercy message is inextricably tied to the Eucharist. And the Eucharist, as I wrote in Meeting Face to Face, is the centerpiece of St. John’s Revelation, a book which intermingles Liturgy and apocalyptic imagery to prepare the Church, in part, for the Second Coming of Christ.Continue reading
THIS writing was first published on October 5th, 2007. I am compelled to republish it here today, which is the Feast of St. Joseph. One of his many titles as a patron saint is “Protector of the Church.” I doubt the timing of the inspiration to re-post this article is a coincidence.
Most striking below are the words which accompany Michael D. O’Brien’s marvelous painting, “The New Exodus”. The words are prophetic, and a confirmation of the writings on the Eucharist which I have been inspired with this past week.
There has been an intensification in my heart of warning. It seems clear to me that all around us the collapse of “Babylon” which the Lord has spoken to me of, and which I consequently wrote about in Trumpets of Warning–Part I and elsewhere, is rapidly progressing. As I was pondering this the other day, an email arrived from Steve Jalsevac of LifeSiteNews.com, a news service dedicated to reporting the battles between the “culture of life” and the “culture of death.” He writes,
We have been doing this work for over 10 years but even we are astonished at the pace of developments in the world today. Every day it is amazing how the battle between good and evil is intensifying. —Email news summary, March 13th, 2008
It is an exciting time to be alive as a Christian. We know the outcome of this battle, for one. Second, we were born for these times, and so we know that God has a plan for each of us that is one of victory, if we remain docile to the Holy Spirit.
Other writings which are jumping off the screen at me today, and which I recommend to those who want to refresh their memories, are found at the bottom of this page under “Further Reading”.
Let us continue to hold one another in communion of prayer… for these are profound days which require that we continue to stay sober and alert, to “watch and pray.”
St. Joseph, pray for us.
The New Exodus, by Michael D. O’Brien
As in the Passover and Exodus of the Old Testament, God’s people must cross the desert toward the Promised Land. In the New Testament era, the “pillar of fire” is the presence of our Eucharistic Lord. In this painting, ominous storm clouds gather and an army approaches, intent on destroying the children of the new covenant. The people are in confusion and terror, but a priest lifts high a monstrance in which the Body of Christ is exposed, the Lord rallying to Himself all those who hunger for truth. Soon the light will scatter the darkness, divide the waters, and open an impossible path to the promised land of Paradise. —Michael D. O’Brien, commentary on the painting The New Exodus
I WROTE not long ago about Our Lady’s Battle, and the role that a “remnant” is being urgently prepared for. There is one other aspect to this Battle I wish to point out.
In the battle of Gideon—a metaphor of Our Lady’s Battle—the soldiers are handed:
Horns and empty jars, and torches inside the jars. (Judges 7:17)
When it was time, the jars were broken and Gideon’s army sounded their horns. That is, the battle began with music.
The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene, by Alexander Ivanov, 1834-1836
THERE is one other way in which Jesus reveals Himself after the Resurrection.Continue reading
IN my travels throughout North America, I have been hearing remarkable conversion stories from young people. They are telling me about conferences or retreats they’ve attended, and how they are being transformed by an encounter with Jesus—in the Eucharist. The stories are almost identical:
I was having a difficult weekend, not really getting much out of it. But when the priest walked in carrying the monstrance with Jesus in the Eucharist, something happened. I have been changed ever since….
HE was not a righteous man. He was a liar, a thief, and everyone knew it. Yet, in Zacchaeus, there was a hunger for the truth which sets us free, even if he did not know it. And so, when he heard that Jesus was passing by, he climbed a tree to catch a glimpse.
Of all the hundreds, perhaps thousands that were following Christ that day, Jesus stopped at that tree.
Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house. (Luke 19:5)
Jesus did not stop there because He found a worthy soul, or because he found a soul full of faith, or even a repentant heart. He stopped because His Heart was filled with compassion for a man who was out on a limb—spiritually speaking.
THE body constantly needs a source of energy, even for simple tasks such as breathing. So, too, the soul has essential needs. Thus, Jesus commanded us:
Pray always. (Luke 18:1)
The spirit needs the constant life of God, much the way grapes need to hang on the vine, not just once a day or on Sunday mornings for an hour. The grapes should be on the vine “without ceasing” in order to ripen to maturity.
AS the body needs food for energy, so too does the soul need spiritual food to climb the Mountain of Faith. Food is as important to the body as is breath. But what about the soul?
From the Catechism:
Prayer is the life of the new heart. —CCC, n.2697
If prayer is the life of the new heart, then the death of the new heart is no prayer—just as lack of food starves the body. This explains why so many of us Catholics are not ascending the Mountain, not growing in holiness and virtue. We come to Mass every Sunday, drop two bucks in the basket, and forget about God the rest of the week. The soul, lacking spiritual nourishment, begins to die.
PERHAPS you are overwhelmed by the plethora of spiritual paths you’ve heard and read about. Is growing in holiness really that complicated?
Unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matt18:3)
If Jesus commands us to be like children, then the path to Heaven must be reachable by a child. It must be attainable in the simplest of ways.
It is.
Jesus said that we are to abide in Him as a branch abides on the vine, for without Him, we can do nothing. How does the branch abide on the vine?