WHILE meditating in the "school of Mary", the word "poverty" refracted into five rays. The first…

First Joyful Mystery
"The Annunciation" (Unkown)


IN the first Joyful Mystery, Mary’s world, her dreams and plans with Joseph, were suddenly changed. God had a different plan. She was shocked and afraid, and felt no doubt incapable of so great a task. But her response has echoed for 2000 years:

May it be done to me according to your word.

Each of us is born with a specific plan for our lives, and given specific gifts to do it. And yet, how often do we find ourselves envying our neighbours talents? "She sings better than me; he is smarter; she is better looking; he is more eloquent…" and so on.

The first poverty which we must embrace in imitation of Christ’s poverty is the acceptance of ourselves and God’s designs. The foundation of this acceptance is trust—trust that God designed me for a purpose, which first and foremost, is to be loved by Him.

It is also accepting that I am poor in virtues and holiness, a sinner in reality, totally reliant on the riches of God’s mercy. Of myself, I am incapable, and so pray, "Lord, have me mercy on me a sinner."

This poverty has a face: it is called humility.

Blessed are the poor in spirit. (Matthew 5:3)


St. Francis of Assisi

“St. Francis of Assisi” by Michael D. O’Brien

THE world is inundated with “Christian words.” But what it thirsts for is “authentic” Christian witness.

Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. —POPE PAUL VI, Evangelization in the Modern World

What should the modern Christian look like?

The world calls for and expects from us simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all especially towards the lowly and the poor, obedience and humility, detachment and self-sacrifice. Without this mark of holiness, our word will have difficulty in touching the heart of modern man. It risks being vain and sterile. —Ibid.

Paul VI also mentions “poverty and detachment”. It is this word poverty which speaks to me this morning…

Midnight is Nigh

Midnight... Almost


WHILE praying before the Blessed Sacrament two weeks ago, one of my colleagues had the image of a clock flash in his mind. The hands were at midnight… and then suddenly, they jumped back a couple of minutes, then moved forward, then back…

My wife likewise has a reoccurring dream where we are standing in a field, while dark clouds gather on the horizon. As we walk toward them, the clouds move away.

We should not underestimate the power of intercession, particularly when we invoke God’s Mercy. Nor should we fail to understand the signs of the times.

Consider the patience of our Lord as salvation. –2 Pt 3:15

SO long as you breathe, Mercy is yours.

    Christ is a divine judge with a human heart, a judge who wants to give life. Only unrepentant attachment to evil can prevent him from offering this gift, for which he did not hesitate to face death. –Pope John Paul II, General Audience, Wednesday, 22 April 1998

Quickly! Fill Your Lamps!




I RECENTLY met with a group of other Catholic leaders and missionaries in Western Canada. During our first night of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, a couple of us were suddenly overcome with a deep sense of grief. The words came to my heart,

The Holy Spirit is grieved over ingratitude for the wounds of Jesus.

Then a week or so later, a colleague of mine who was not present with us wrote saying,

For a few days I have had the sense that the Holy Spirit is brooding, like brooding over creation, as if we are at some turning point, or at the beginning of something big, some shift in the way the Lord is doing things. Like we now see through a glass darkly, but soon we will see more clearly. Almost a heavyness, like the Spirit has weight!

Perhaps this sense of change on the horizon is why I continue to hear in my heart the words, “Quickly! Fill your lamps!” It’s from the story of the ten virgins who go out to meet the bridegroom (Matt 25:1-13).


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Conceiving Jesus in You

Mary Carries the Holy Spirit

Karmel Milosci Milosiernej, Poland


YESTERDAY’s liturgy marks the end of Pentecost week–but not the profound necessity in our lives of the Holy Spirit and His spouse, the Virgin Mary.

It has been my personal experience, having traveled to hundreds of parishes, meeting tens of thousands of people–that souls who open themselves to the activity of the Holy Spirit, coupled with a healthy devotion to Mary, are some of the strongest apostles I know.

And why should this surprise anyone? Wasn’t it this combination of heaven and earth over 20 centuries ago, that wrought the incarnation of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ?

That is the way Jesus is always conceived. That is the way He is reproduced in souls… Two artisans must concur in the work that is at once God’s masterpiece and humanity’s supreme product: the Holy Spirit and the most holy Virgin Mary… for they are the only ones who can reproduce Christ. –Archbishop Luis M. Martinez, The Sanctifier



WHEN Pope John Paul II revived the Rosary in 2003, it was not out of a sense of nostalgia.

He was calling the Church to arms, to take up the spiritual and material battle raging within and from without the Church. He was urging us to call upon the greatest of intercessors–Jesus’ Mother–to come to our assistance. As one priest said, “Mary is a lady… but she wears combat boots.” Indeed, in Genesis, it is her heel which will crush the serpent’s head.

    The grave challenges confronting the world at the start of this new Millennium lead us to think that only an intervention from on high… can give reason to hope for a brighter future…. The Church has always attributed particular efficacy to this prayer, entrusting to the Rosary… the most difficult problems. At times when Christianity itself seemed under threat, its deliverance was attributed to the power of this prayer, and Our Lady of the Rosary was acclaimed as the one whose intercession brought salvation. –John Paul II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae; 40, 39


IF you are not praying the Rosary yet, it is time.

    Confidently take up the Rosary once again… May this appeal of mine not go unheard! –John Paul II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae

AFTER Evening Prayer, Fr. Kyle and I were discussing the necessity of the prophetic gift for the building up of the Church. As we were talking, a storm passed overhead and a bolt of lightning lit up the sky. Immediately, it carried a message for us:

    “Prophecy is like lightning. God sends his word into the darkness, and at once it illuminates the heart and mind. Horizons and perspectives which had faded are recovered, paths which were hidden are found, and dangers which lay ahead are exposed.”

one who prophesies [speaks] to human beings, for their building up, encouragement, and solace. — 1 Cor 14:3

    THE EUCHARIST is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” (Catechism, 1324)

Then it could be said that everything in between–the steps leading up this Blessed Mountain–are the charisms of the Holy Spirit, with “prophecy” being the handrails.

Prophecy “means the foreknowledge of future events, though it may sometimes apply to past events of which there is no memory, and to present hidden things which cannot be known by the natural light of reason.” (Catholic Encyclopedia).

Pursue love, but strive eagerly for the spiritual gifts, above all that you may prophesy.(1 Cor 14:1)

For a deeper understanding of the gift of prophecy, click here.



WE PRAY “Come Holy Spirit!” So when the Spirit comes, what does it look like?

The icon of this coming is the Upper Room: an infusion of grace, power, authority, wisdom, prudence, counsel, knowledge, understanding, fortitude and fear of the Lord.

But we see something else as well… something the Church has often failed to recognize: the release of charisms in the Body. The Greek word Paul used for charism means “favor” or “benefit.” These include the gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, prophecy, discernment of spirits, administration, mighty deeds, and interpretation of tongues among others.

Let us be clear: these are charismatic gifts–not “the Charismatic’s gifts”. They do not belong to a single group or movement within the Church, but belong in proper to the whole Christian community. Too often, we have sent the gifts into the church basement where they are safely hidden in the confines of the prayer meeting of a few.

What great loss this is to the community! What paralysis this has brought about in the Church! These charisms, Paul tells us, are for the building up of the Body (cf. 1 Cor 12, 14:12). If that is so, tell me, what happens when the human body stops moving on a hospital bed? The person’s muscles become atrophied–limp, weak, and powerless.

So too, our failure to appropriate the charisms of the Holy Spirit has led to a Church which has fallen asleep on its side, unable to turn over and show the face of Christ to a hurting world. Our parishes have atrophied; our youth have lost interest; and those gifts intended to build us up remain hidden beneath the dust of our Baptism.

Indeed, Come Holy Spirit–come and re-enkindle in us your seven-fold gifts and bountiful charisms, for the glory of God, the renewal of the Church, and the conversion of the world.

    Whatever their character–sometimes it is extraordinary, such as the gift of miracles or of tongues–charisms are oriented toward sanctifying grace and are intended for the common good of the Church. They are at the service of charity which builds up the Church. –Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003


Spirit Fire

MANY people say they have a personal relationship with Jesus. Others speak about their relationship with the Father. This is wonderful.

But how many of us have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit?

The Third Person of the Holy Trinity is just that–a divine person. A person whom Jesus has sent to be our Helper, our Advocate. A person who loves us with a burning love–like a tongue of fire. We can even “grieve the Holy Spirit” (Eph 4:30) because of this ineffable love.

But as we enter into the great feast of Pentecost, let us bring great joy to this intimate Friend. Let us begin to speak with the Holy Spirit, heart to Heart, lover to Lover, opening our spirit to Spirit, knowing that because of the Father’s love, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we now live, move, and have our being in this most Holy, Divine, and wonderful person: the Paraclete–who is Love itself.

the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
–Romans, 5:5

Justice of the Womb






While pregnant with Jesus, Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. Upon Mary’s greeting, Scripture retells that the child within Elizabeth’s womb–John the Baptist–“leaped for joy”.

John sensed Jesus.

How can we read this passage and fail to recognize the life and presence of a human person within the womb? This day, my heart has been weighed with the sorrow of abortion in North America. And the words, “You reap what you sow” have been playing through my mind.

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THE flesh is lazy and idolatrous. But half the battle is recognizing this, and the other half then, is not fixating on it.

It is the Spirit who puts to death the deeds of the flesh (Rom 8:13)–not self-centered bemoaning. Fixing our eyes on Jesus in a gaze of trust, especially when we’re weighed down by personal sin, is precisely the means by which the Spirit conquers the flesh.

Humility is a gateway for God.

The image of this is the thief on the cross. He hung by the weight of his sinful flesh. But his eyes were fixed on Christ… And thus, Jesus–whose gaze was fixed on him in extraordinary love and mercy said, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Even though we may hang by the weight of our failures, we need only turn to Jesus in a glance of humility and honesty, and we will be assured to hear the same.

If my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced,
humble themselves and pray, and seek my presence and turn from their evil ways,
I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and revive their land.
(2 Chron 7:14)

Storm Sky

IF I were God, watching unfold before My all-seeing eyes the painful headlines of the day, the open rebellion to My plans, the apathy of My Church, the loneliness of the wealthy, the hunger of the poor, and the violence to My little ones…

…I would fill the spring air with the most beautiful fragrance, paint the evening sky in delightful colors, water the ground with cool rains, and send a warm Breeze across the earth to whisper in every ear,

“I love you, I love you, I love you…”


*I took this photo after ministering at a conference in Saskatchewan, Canada.

IT IS essentially understood, based on what Christ himself said, that Judas had chosen his final destiny. Jesus says of Iscariot, "it would be better for that man if he had not been born." And again in reference to Judas, "is not one of you a devil?"

However, it wasn’t only Judas who betrayed Christ: all of them fled from the garden. And then Peter denied Christ three times.

But they all repented… and thus Christ’s first words to them after He rose from the dead were, "Peace be with you." Judas on the other hand did not repent; after betraying Life, he then took his life. Christ would have forgiven him, offering the kiss of peace to absolve the kiss of betrayal. But Judas did not convert, and thus, "it would have been better if he had not been born."

Could I possibly betray Christ like Judas, and lose my salvation? Yes, this is possible, because like Judas, I too have free will. But if I do not despair–if I turn my heart back to Christ as Peter did–love and mercy will receive me back more quickly than I had sinned.

    Money is more important than communion with Jesus, it is more important than God and his love. In this way, [Judas] becomes hard and incapable of conversion, of the confident return of the prodigal son, and throws away his destroyed life.” (Pope Benedict XVI on Judas; Zenit News Agency, April 14th, 2006)

I AM drawn so strongly these days to John 15 where Jesus says,

Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. (v. 5)

How can we ever grow in holiness if we do not remain in Him? Prayer is that which draws the sap of the Holy Spirit into our souls, causing the buds of holiness to spring forth. But they will only bloom if we nurture them in the will of God:

If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love. (v. 10)

JESUS says before his coming,

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes from place to place. All these are the beginning of the labor pains. (Matt 24:7)

While we’ve seen these things through the past two millennium, what we have not seen are these events increasing in frequency, as they are, like labor pains. So if we are in those days, what next? The very next verse:

Then they will hand you over to persecution, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of my name.

Is the Da Vinci Code the beginning?

The "School of Mary"

Pope Praying

POPE John Paul II called the Rosary "the school of Mary".

How often have I been overwhelmed by distraction and anxiety, only to be immersed in tremendous peace as I begin to pray the Rosary! And why should this surprise us? The Rosary is nothing other than a "compendium of the Gospel" (Rosarium Virginis Mariae, JPII). And the Word of God is "living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword" (Heb 4:12).

Do you wish to cut through the sorrow of your heart? Do you wish to pierce the darkness within your soul? Then take up this Sword in the shape of a chain, and with it, contemplate the face of Christ in the Mysteries of the Rosary. Outside of the Sacraments, I know of no other means by which one can so quickly scale the walls of holiness, be illumined in conscience, brought to repentance, and opened to the knowledge of God, than by this little prayer of the Handmaiden.

And as powerful is this prayer, so too are the temptations not to pray it. In fact, I personally wrestle with this devotion more than any other. But the fruit of perseverance can be likened to the one who drills for hundreds of feet beneath the surface until at last he uncovers a mine of gold.

    If during the Rosary, you are distracted 50 times, then begin to pray it again each time. You have then just offered 50 acts of love to God. –Fr. Bob Johnson, Madonna House Apostolate (my spiritual director)


The Trojan Horse


 I HAVE felt a strong urge to watch the movie Troy for a number of months. So finally, we rented it.

The impenetrable city of Troy was destroyed when it permitted an offering to a false god to enter its gates: the "Trojan Horse." At night when everyone was asleep, soldiers, hidden within the wooden horse, emerged and began to slaughter and burn the city.

Then it clicked with me: That city is the Church.

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ONE day while driving through a pasture on my father-in-law’s farm, I noticed that there were mounds here and there throughout the field. I asked him why this was. Several years ago, he explained, my brother-in-law had dumped manure from the corral, but didn’t bother to spread it around.

But this is what caught my attention: on every mound, the grass was deep green and lush.

So too, in our own lives, we have piled up many wounds, sins, and bad habits over the years. But God, who can make “all things work for good for those who love God” (Romans 8:28) is capable of anything — including making good come from the piles of crap we’ve created.

It’s never too late for God.

THIS came to me in prayer this morning:

    The glory of the future Church will not be its political power or impressive worldly structures, but the face of Love, shining brilliantly.

But first, the Church must be purified.

For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God (1 Pt 4:17)

The judgment has begun with the Hierarchy, and will continue with the laity until it becomes general in the world. Scandals are being exposed; corruption is oozing to the surface; and that which is hidden in darkness is being revealed.

The Refiner’s Fire does three things: by its light, it exposes hidden deeds; by its heat, it draws them to the surface; by it’s flame, it consumes and purifies.

This is the Time of Light, of Mercy, when the Fire is exposing sinfulness by it’s gentle flickering, and the heat of its nearness is drawing out the pus of evil. If we acknowledge our sins now, God is faithful and just and will cleanse us from every wrongdoing (1 Jn 1:9). Even those caught in the most scandalous of sins are being offered immeasurable Mercies! (Listen, dear bishops and priests, those authors of innumerable scandals–Christ loves you and greets you with the kiss of peace! Receive it!)

For soon, the Fire will be applied, and begin its work of burning–the Time of Fire, of Justice. If we have repented in this Time of Light, then there will be little to burn; the Fire will serve to illuminate and refine, rather than consume. But woe to those who do not repent! There will be much to burn… and sorrow will spill into the streets like blood.

Remaining, will be a humble, pure, and holy Bride–her face, shining with Love.

DURING prayer, I had an image of a Bible in one hand, and the Catechism in the other. Then they turned into a single double-edged sword, held in both hands.


We fight not with our own weapons, but with that which Christ gave us: Scripture and Tradition.

I thought of how our Protestant brethren often fight expertly with just the single-edged sword of Scripture. But, without the proper interpretation–Tradition–many have accidentally turned the sword on themselves.

Catholics have often entered the battle with just the single-edged sword of Tradition. But ignorant of the Word of God, they have been impuissant, leaving their sword in it’s sheath.

But when both are wielded as one… falsehood is slayed, lies are be-headed, and spiritual blindness put to flight!

IF the home is a “domestic church”, then the family table is its altar.

Everyday, we should gather there to share in the communion of one another’s presence. Our dining rooms should be adorned with pictures, icons, and crosses which remind us of the Sacred. We should take time to savor not only our daily bread, but to sing the hymns of our daily lives, strewn with victories and hardships.

Above all, it should be a place of prayer, that Christ may become the invisible tabernacle in the center of our room. Or rather, that the invisible tabernacle may be opened, and Christ adored where two or three are gathered.

And if anyone has a grievance against his brother or sister, mother or father, he should speak with that one before supping, and exchange the sign of peace–that is–forgiveness.

Yes, if our homes were to become domestic churches, this aching loneliness which simmers beneath North America’s technological comforts would be lanced. For we would discover Him for whom we long, there, seated beside me, in my brother, my sister, my mother, and my father.

As it is, our televisions have become the new tabernacle, and our computer rooms, the new chapels. We are the lonelier for it.

The sacrament of Family
Three of our seven kids at supper: “the sacrament of family”

    BE not afraid of your Savior, O sinful soul. I make the first move to come to you, for I know that by yourself you are unable to lift yourself to me. Child, do not run away from your Father… –1485, St. Faustina’s Diary

JESUS has left us a simple twofold pattern to follow: humility and obedience.

He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave... he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name. –Philippians 2:7-9

But, if I sin, have I not left the path? This is what the enemy of your soul wishes you to believe, so he can direct you on a new path: that of despair and self-pity.

But to admit your sin readily–is this not humility? To confess it–is this not obedience? So you see, your sinfulness (provided it is not mortal sin) provides an opportunity to advance. You did not leave the path; you stumbled on it.

Lost is the simplicity of what Christ asks of us: to become “little children”. Little children fall, and quite easily. So did our Lord three times along the Way. But if we persevere in humility and obedience, we too shall be exalted by the Father by being transformed into the image of Christ, sharing in the inner life of God–here, and in the next life.

WHENEVER there is a sharp turn of events in life, whether it is good or bad, it is always a sign of God’s presence. Not that God desires evil; but in his mysterious plan, he permits it. This can only be seen with eyes of faith.

So when sudden suffering befalls us (yes my friend, no matter how big or small the annoyance may be), we can rejoice and “give thanks in all circumstances” in that we know God is near, permitting even this, eventually working all things to the good for those who love Him. For the non-believer, this sounds absurd; to the Christian, it is an invitation into the darkness of the Tomb. Suffering deprives us of light to the senses, even intellect, and sometimes spirit. One must walk by faith, not sight.

And in “three days” there will be Resurrection.

THE winds of change are blowing!

STILL hanging in my mind is the image of being a little drop of vapor, suspended in the Sky of God. At any moment I could fall to the ground were it not for His grace and love holding me there. It is pride and self-will which make me too “heavy” to remain in this Cloud. Likewise, it is being “like a child” that gives me the lightness of heart to float freely in God’s favor.

Let anyone who thinks he is standing upright watch out lest he fall! –1 Corinthians 10:12

Song of the Martyr


Scarred, but not broken

Weak, but not tepid
Hungry, but not famished

Zeal consumes my soul
Love devours my heart
Mercy conquers my spirit

Sword in hand
Faith in front
Eye on Christ

All for Him



THIS dryness is not God’s rejection, but only a little test to see if you trust Him still—when you’re not perfect.

It is not the Sun which moves, but the Earth. So too, we pass through seasons when we are stripped of consolations and cast into the darkness of wintry testing. Still, the Son has not moved; His Love and Mercy burn with a consuming fire, awaiting the right moment when we are ready to enter a new springtime of spiritual growth and the summer of infused knowledge.

SIN is not a stumbling block for My Mercy.

Only pride.

Cloud of Love

THE Body of Christ is like a Cloud. A “mist-ical” body of Love.

Every so often a temptation comes along, or a suffering, or some tug of the flesh. It begins to pull on us, drawing us toward earthliness. If we allow self-will to accumulate like a water droplet, eventually, the gravity of the flesh, the world, and the devil begin to pull us until at last we fall from Grace…. plummeting toward worldliness.

Repentance is when self-will evaporates, raising itself once again to the Divine Will. No matter how many times we fall, God will never stop us from returning to the Cloud of Love.

But if we resist, the free-fall will continue until at last we find ourselves broken upon the Rocks of Sorrow (mortal sin). Not even this prevents us from returning to the Cloud, with a sincere and humble heart. But how much harder it is when one finds himself mingled among the dirt, debris, and toxins of the world, having allowed the soul to run between the cracks and crevices of rebellion, with the terrible risk that one has fallen into the Sewers of Darkness.


RAPID. That’s the word which best describes what God is doing in many hearts today: rapid change.

I can’t stress enough: the treasuries of Heaven are wide open! Ask, and you will receive. If we wish to be holier, to be healed, to be transformed, we need only ask in a spirit of humility and trust, and be ready to receive.

Time is so short. Jesus is pouring out as much as He can to whomever comes with open hands and heart.

The Ending Season


A FRIEND wrote me today, saying she is experiencing an emptiness. In fact, I and many of my companions are feeling a certain stillness. She said, "It’s like the time of preparation is ending now. Do you feel it?"

The image came to me of a hurricane, and that we are now in the eye of the storm… a "pre-storm" to the coming Great Storm. In fact, I feel Divine Mercy Sunday (yesterday) was the center of the eye; that day when suddenly the skies broke open above us, and the Sun of Mercy shone down upon us in all its force. That day when we could emerge from the debris of shame and sin flying about us, and run to the Shelter of God’s Mercy and Love—if we chose to do so.

Yes, my friend, I do feel it. The winds of change are about to blow again, and the world will never be the same. But we must never forget: the Sun of Mercy will merely be hidden by dark clouds, but never extinguished.


LET us plunge ourselves into the ocean of God’s mercy, this feast of the Divine Mercy. How joyful it is that such a gift has been granted the world!

MY FAMILY OF NINE went for a bike ride this evening. A veritable trail of bikes, training wheels, toddler seats, and child trailers.

But what was perhaps more amusing was those we passed on the sidewalks. People stopped dead in their tracks and stared at us like we were the first flock of geese returning in the Spring. Then I heard, “Look! A family!”

I wasn’t sure whether to laugh, or weep.


Polar ice caps


I HAVE mentioned before Romans 8, which describes nature as "groaning", awaiting the revelation of the sons and daughters of God. It’s as though nature is paralleling what is occurring in the spiritual realm.

During prayer a couple days ago, the melting of the Polar Ice Caps came to mind. Scientists are saying that the rapid meltdown will have an avalanche effect on other eco-systems. It seems to me that this is a parallel of things which are in motion and yet to come in the economic and social realm; that once they start, things will unfold rapidly.

The words of Gandolf from The Lord of The Rings come back to mind:

    "It’s the deep breath before the plunge."

In His mercy, Jesus asks, "Are you ready?"


THIS Sunday, the Feast of Divine Mercy, is a significant day of historical and cosmic proportions that I believe few in the Church realize. Pope John Paul II called the Feast of the Divine Mercy the “last hope of salvation for the world.”

He who has ears ought to hear.

(To the one who disposes himself to Confession and receiving the Eucharist that day, Jesus promises that all sin and temporal punishment will be wiped away. But I believe God will also give to the “open” soul much more.)

It Must All Come Down


LIKE a car whizzing by a highway sign, it seems the Lord has been giving me brief glances into the various structures of the world: economies, political powers, the food chain, the moral order, and elements within the Church. And the word is always the same:

"The corruption is so deep, it must all come down."

At Babylon's Feet



I FELT a strong word for the Church this morning in prayer regarding television:

Happy indeed is the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked; nor lingers in the way of sinners, nor sits in the company of scorners, but whose delight is the law of the Lord and who ponders his law day and night. (Psalm 1)

Christ’s Body-—baptized believers, bought with the price of His blood-—are wasting their spiritual lives in front of the television: following "the counsel of the wicked" through self-help shows and self-appointed gurus; lingering "in the way of sinners" on sitcoms; and sitting "in the company" of late night talk shows which mock and scorn purity and goodness, if not religion itself.

I hear Jesus shouting the words of the Apocalypse once again: "Come out of her! Come out of Babylon!" It is time for the Body of Christ to make choices. It is not enough to say I believe in Jesus… and then indulge our minds and senses like pagans in corrupted, if not anti-Gospel programming. God has so much more to give us through prayer: to the one who ponders his Word day and night.

So gird the loins of your understanding; live soberly; set all your hope on the gift to be conferred on you when Jesus Christ appears. As obedient sons and daughters, do not yield to the desires that once shaped you in your ignorance. Rather, become holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct, after the likeness of the holy One who called you (1 Peter)

Lord Jesus, our affluence is making us less human, our entertainment has become a drug, a source of alienation, and our society’s incessant, tedious message is an invitation to die of selfishness. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Fourth Station of the Cross, Good Friday 2006


Little Offering of Love

GOOD FRIDAY. That day when we, the fruit of the Cross, seek to console the Consoler; to comfort the Comforter; to love the Lover.

O Beloved Jesus, all I have to offer you is the vinegar of weakness on the sponge of humility. That you would receive my efforts to console you… and my gratitude for so great a gift as your very Life.