The Spirit of Judgment


ALMOST six years ago, I wrote about a spirit of fear that would begin to assail the world; a fear that would begin to grip nations, families, and marriages, children and adults alike. One of my readers, a very smart and devout woman, has a daughter who for many years has been given a window into the spiritual realm. In 2013, she had a prophetic dream:Continue reading

You Make a Difference

JUST so you know… you make a big difference. Your prayers, your notes of encouragement, the Masses you have said, the rosaries you pray, the wisdom you reflect, the confirmations you share… it makes a difference.Continue reading

The Great Transition


THE world is in a period of great transition: the end of this present era and beginning of the next. This is no mere turning of the calendar. It is an epochal change of biblical proportions. Nearly everyone can sense it to one degree or another. The world is disturbed. The planet is groaning. Divisions are multiplying. The Barque of Peter is listing. The moral order is overturning. A great shaking of everything has begun. In the words of Russian Patriarch Kirill:

…we are entering a critical period in the course of human civilization. This can already be seen with the naked eye. You have to be blind not to notice the approaching awe-inspiring moments in history that the apostle and evangelist John was talking about in the Book of Revelation. Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Christ the Savior Cathedral, Moscow; November 20th, 2017;

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The Now Word in 2020

Mark & Lea Mallett, Winter 2020


IF you would have told me 30 years ago that, in 2020, I would be writing articles on the Internet that would be read all over the world… I would have laughed. For one, I did not consider myself an author. Two, I was at the beginning of what became an award winning television career in news. Third, my heart’s desire was really to make music, especially love songs and ballads. But here I sit now, speaking to thousands of Christians across the planet about the extraordinary times we live in and the remarkable plans God has after these days of sorrow are through. Continue reading

This is Not a Test


ON the verge of a global pandemic? A massive locust plague and food crisis in the Horn of Africa and Pakistan? A global economy on the precipice of collapse? Plummeting insect numbers threatening the ‘collapse of nature’? Nations on the verge of another terrible war? Socialist parties rising in once democratic countries? Totalitarian laws continuing to crush freedom of speech and religion? The Church, reeling from scandal and encroaching heresies, on the verge of schism?Continue reading

The Death of Woman


When the freedom to be creative becomes the freedom to create oneself,
then necessarily the Maker himself is denied and ultimately
man too is stripped of his dignity as a creature of God,
as the image of God at the core of his being.
…when God is denied, human dignity also disappears.
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Christmas Address to the Roman Curia
December 21st, 20112;


IN the classic fairytale of The Emperor’s New Clothes, two con men come to town and offer to weave new clothing for the emperor—but with special properties: the clothes become invisible to those who are either incompetent or stupid. The emperor hires the men, but of course, they had made no clothing at all as they pretend to dress him. However, no one, including the emperor, wants to admit that they see nothing and, therefore, be seen as stupid. So everyone gushes at the fine clothing they cannot see whilst the emperor struts down the streets completely naked. Finally, a little child cries out, “But he isn’t wearing anything at all!” Still, the deluded emperor ignores the child and continues his absurd procession.Continue reading

What a Beautiful Name it is

Photo by Edward Cisneros


I WOKE this morning with a beautiful dream and a song in my heart—the power of it still flowing through my soul like a river of life. I was singing the name of Jesus, leading a congregation in the song What a Beautiful Name. You can listen to this live version of it below as you continue to read:
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When Communism Returns


Communism, then, is coming back again on the Western world,
because something died in the Western world—namely, 
the strong faith of men in the God that made them.
—Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, “Communism in America”, cf.


WHEN Our Lady allegedly spoke with the seers in Garabandal, Spain in the 1960’s, she left a specific marker as to when major events would begin to unravel in the world:Continue reading

True Sonship


WHAT does it mean that Jesus desires to restore to mankind the “Gift of Living in the Divine Will”? Among other things, it is the restoration of true sonship. Let me explain…Continue reading

The Sea of Disquiet


WHY does the world remain in pain? Because it is the human, not Divine Will, that continues to govern mankind’s affairs. On a personal level, when we assert our human will over the Divine, the heart loses its equilibrium and plunges into disorder and unrest—even in the smallest assertion over God’s will (for just one flat note can make an otherwise perfectly tuned symphony sound disagreeable). The Divine Will is the anchor of the human heart, but when untethered, the soul is carried away upon the currents of sadness into a sea of disquiet.Continue reading

Why the World Remains in Pain


…BECAUSE we have not listened. We have not heeded a consistent warning from Heaven that the world is creating a future without God.

To my surprise, I sensed the Lord ask me to set aside writing on the Divine Will this morning because it is necessary to rebuke the cynicism, hard-heartedness and unwarranted skepticism of believers. People have no idea what awaits this world that is like a house of cards on fire; many are simply Sleeping as the House BurnsThe Lord sees into the hearts of my readers better than I. This is His apostolate; He knows what must be said. And so, the words of John the Baptist from today’s Gospel are my own:

…[he] rejoices greatly at the Bridegroom’s voice. So this joy of mine has been made complete. He must increase; I must decrease. (John 3:30)

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The Hour of the Sword


THE Great Storm I spoke of in Spiraling Toward the Eye has three essential components according to the Early Church Fathers, Scripture, and confirmed in credible prophetic revelations. The first part of the Storm is essentially man-made: humanity reaping what it has sown (cf. Seven Seals of Revolution). Then comes the Eye of the Storm followed by the last half of the Storm which will culminate in God Himself directly intervening through a Judgment of the Living.
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Spiraling Toward the Eye




The following is the “now word” on my heart on this Feast of the Mother of God. It is adapted from the Third Chapter of my book The Final Confrontation about how time is accelerating. Do you feel it? Perhaps this is why…


But the hour is coming, and is now here… 
(John 4:23)


IT may seem that to apply the words of the Old Testament prophets as well as the book of Revelation to our day is perhaps presumptuous or even fundamentalist. Yet, the words of the prophets such as Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi and St. John, to name but a few, are now burning in my heart in a way they did not in the past. Many people I have met in my travels say the same thing, that the readings of the Mass have taken on a powerful meaning and relevance that they never felt before.Continue reading

The Test


YOU may not realize it, but what God has been doing in your heart and mine of late through all the trials, temptations, and now His personal request to smash your idols once and for all—is a test. The Test is the means by which God not only measures our sincerity but prepares us for the Gift of living in the Divine Will.Continue reading

The Great Forerunner


Speak to the world about My mercy;
let all mankind recognize My unfathomable mercy.
It is a sign for the end times;
after it will come the day of justice.
—Jesus to St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary, n. 848 


IF the Father is going to restore to the Church the Gift of living in the Divine Will that Adam once possessed, Our Lady received, Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta reclaimed and that we are now being given (O Wonder of wonders) in these last times… then it begins by recovering what we first lost: trust. Continue reading

The Voids of Love




Exactly nineteen years ago to the day, I consecrated my entire life and ministry to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Since then, she has enclosed me in the secret garden of her heart, and like a good Mother, has tended to my wounds, kissed my bruises, and taught me about her Son. She has loved me as her own—as she loves all her children. Today’s writing is, in a sense, a milestone. It is the work of a “Woman clothed in the sun laboring to give birth” to a little son… and now you, her Little Rabble.


IN the early summer of 2018, like a thief in the night, a huge windstorm made a direct hit on our farm. This stormas I would soon find out, had a purpose: to bring to nothing the idols that I had clung to in my heart for decades…Continue reading

Preparing the Way


A voice cries out:
In the desert prepare the way of the LORD!
Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God!
(Yesterday’s First Reading)


YOU have given your fiat to God. You have given your “yes” to Our Lady. But many of you are no doubt asking, “Now what?” And that’s okay. It’s the same question Matthew asked when he left his collection tables; it is the same question Andrew and Simon wondered as they left their fishing nets; it’s the same question Saul (Paul) pondered as he sat there stunned and blinded by the sudden revelation that Jesus was calling him, a murderer, to be His witness to the Gospel. Jesus eventually answered those questions, as He will yours. Continue reading

Our Lady’s Little Rabble




UNTIL now (meaning, for the past fourteen years of this apostolate), I have placed these writings “out there” for anyone to read, which will remain the case. But now, I believe what I am writing, and will write in the days ahead, are intended for a small group of souls. What do I mean? I will let Our Lord speak for himself:Continue reading

The New Paganism – Part V


THE phrase “secret society” in this series has less to do with covert operations and more to do with a central ideology that pervades its members: Gnosticism. It is the belief that they are special custodians of ancient “secret knowledge” — knowledge that can make them lords over the earth. This heresy goes all the way back to the beginning and reveals to us a diabolical masterplan behind the new paganism emerging at the end of this era…Continue reading

The New Paganism – Part IV


SEVERAL years ago while on pilgrimage, I stayed at a lovely château in the French countryside. I delighted in the old furniture, wooden accents and expressivité du Français in the wallpapers. But I was especially drawn to the old bookshelves with their dusty volumes and yellowed pages.Continue reading

Watch and Pray… for Wisdom


IT has been an incredible week as I continue to write this series on The New Paganism. I am writing today to ask you to persevere with me. I know in this age of the internet that our attention spans are down to mere seconds. But what I believe Our Lord and Lady are revealing to me is so important that, for some, it could mean plucking them from a terrible deception that has already deluded many. I am literally taking thousands of hours of prayer and research and condensing them down to just a few minutes of reading for you every few days. I originally stated that the series would be three parts, but by the time I’m finished, it could be five or more. I don’t know. I’m just writing as the Lord teaches. I promise, however, that I am trying to keep things to the point so that you have the essence of what you need to know.Continue reading

The New Paganism – Part III


Now if out of joy in beauty
[fire, or the wind, or the swift air, or the circle of the stars,
or the great water, or the sun and moon] they thought them gods,

let them know how far more excellent is the Lord than these;
for the original source of beauty fashioned them…
For they search busily among his works,
but are distracted by what they see,

because the things seen are fair.

But again, not even these are pardonable.
For if they so far succeeded in knowledge
that they could speculate about the world,
how did they not more quickly find its Lord?
(Wisdom 13:1-9)Continue reading

The New Paganism – Part II


THE “new atheism” has had a profound effect on this generation. The often nugatory and sarcastic quips from militant atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens etc. have played well to a “gotcha” culture cynical of a Church robed in scandal. Atheism, like all the other “isms”, has done much to, if not eradicate belief in God, certainly erode it. Five years ago, 100, 000 atheists renounced their baptisms beginning the fulfillment of a prophecy of St. Hippolytus (170-235 A.D.) that this would come in the times of the Beast of Revelation:

I reject the Creator of heaven and earth; I reject Baptism; I refuse to worship God. To you [Beast] I adhere; in you I believe.De consummat; from the footnote on Revelation 13:17, The Navarre Bible, Revelation, p. 108

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Who is Saved? Part II


“WHAT about those who are not Catholic or who are neither baptized nor have heard the Gospel? Are they lost and damned to Hell?” That’s a serious and important question that deserves a serious and truthful answer.

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Who is Saved? Part I



CAN you feel it? Can you see it? There is a cloud of confusion descending on the world, and even sectors of the Church, that is obscuring what true salvation is. Even Catholics are beginning to question moral absolutes and whether the Church is simply intolerant—an aged institution that has fallen behind the latest advances in psychology, biology and humanism. This is generating what Benedict XVI called a “negative tolerance” whereby for the sake of “not offending anyone,” whatever is deemed “offensive” is abolished. But today, what is actually determined to be offensive is no longer rooted in the natural moral law but is driven, says Benedict, but by “relativism, that is, letting oneself be tossed and ‘swept along by every wind of teaching’,” [1]Cardinal Ratzinger, pre-conclave Homily, April 18th, 2005 namely, whatever is “politically correct.” And thus,Continue reading


1 Cardinal Ratzinger, pre-conclave Homily, April 18th, 2005

On Those Idols…


IT was to be a benign tree-planting ceremony, a consecration of the Amazonian Synod to St. Francis. The event was not organized by the Vatican but the Order of Friars Minor, the World Catholic Movement for Climate (GCCM) and REPAM (Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network). The Pope, flanked by other hierarchy, gathered in the Vatican Gardens along with indigenous folk from the Amazon. A canoe, a basket, wooden statues of pregnant women and other “artifacts” were set in front of the Holy Father. What happened next, however, sent shockwaves throughout Christendom: several people present suddenly bowed down before the “artifacts.” This no longer seemed to be a simple “visible sign of integral ecology,” as stated in the Vatican’s press release, but had all the appearances of a pagan ritual. The central question immediately became, “Who were the statues representing?”Continue reading

Newman’s Prophecy

St. John Henry Newman inset by Sir John Everett Millais (1829-1896)
Canonized on October 13th, 2019


FOR a number of years, whenever I spoke publicly about the times we are living in, I would have to carefully paint a picture through the words of the popes and saints. People were simply not ready to hear from a nobody-layman like me that we are about to face the greatest struggle the Church has ever gone through—what John Paul II called “the final confrontation” of this era. Nowadays, I barely have to say anything. Most people of faith can tell, despite the good that still exists, that something has gone terribly wrong with our world.Continue reading

The Agitators


THERE is a remarkable parallel under the reign of both Pope Francis and President Donald Trump. They are two completely different men in vastly different positions of power, yet with many fascinating similarities surrounding their incumbency. Both men are provoking strong reactions among their constituents and beyond. Here, I am not staking out any position but rather pointing out the parallels in order to draw a much broader and spiritual conclusion beyond State and Church politics.Continue reading

The Unfurling Revolution


THERE is a queasy feeling in my soul. For fifteen years, I have written about a coming Global Revolution, of When Communism Returns and the encroaching Hour of Lawlessness that is being fomented by the subtle but powerful censorship through Political Correctness. I have shared both interior words I have received in prayer as well as, far more importantly, the words of the pontiffs and Our Lady that sometimes span centuries. They warn of a coming revolution that would seek to overthrow the entire present order:Continue reading

Political Correctness and The Great Apostasy


Great confusion will spread and many will walk like the blind leading the blind.
Stay with Jesus. The poison of false doctrines will contaminate many of My poor children…

Our Lady allegedly to Pedro Regis, September 24th, 2019


First published February 28th, 2017…


POLITICAL correctness has become so entrenched, so predominant, so widespread in our times that men and women no longer seem capable of thinking for themselves. When presented with matters of right and wrong, the desire to “not offend” so outweighs that of truth, justice and common sense, that even the strongest wills collapse beneath the fear of being excluded or mocked. Political correctness is a like a fog through which a ship passes rendering even the compass useless amidst dangerous rocks and shoals. It is like an overcast sky that so blankets out the sun that the traveler loses all sense of direction in broad daylight. It is like a stampede of wild animals racing toward cliff’s edge who unwittingly hurtle themselves to destruction.

Political correctness is the seedbed of apostasy. And when it is so utterly widespread, it is the fertile soil of the Great Apostasy.

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Our Jealous God


THROUGHOUT the recent trials our family has endured, something of God’s nature has emerged that I find deeply moving: He is jealous for my love—for your love. In fact, herein lies the key to the “end times” in which we are living: God will no longer put up with mistresses; He is preparing a People to be exclusively His own.Continue reading

Woe to Me!


OH, what a summer it has been! Everything I have touched has turned to dust. Vehicles, machinery, electronics, appliances, tires… nearly everything has broken. What an implosion of the material! I have been experiencing firsthand the words of Jesus:Continue reading

Update… and Conference in California



DEAR brothers and sisters, since writing Under Siege in early August imploring your intercession and prayers, the trials and financial crises literally multiplied overnight. Those who know us have been left as breathless as us at the scope of inexplicable breakdowns, repairs, and costs as we try to cope with one trial after the next. It seems beyond the “normal” and more like an intense spiritual attack in order to not only discourage and dishearten us, but take every waking minute of my day trying to manage our lives and stay afloat. That’s why I have not written anything since then—I simply have not had time. I do have many thoughts and words I could write, and hope to, when the bottleneck begins to open up. My spiritual director has often said that God is permitting these kinds of trials in my life in order to help others when the “big” Storm hits.Continue reading