Medjugorje… and Hairsplitting

All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing.
(Ecclesiastes 1:8)


IN recent weeks, the Vatican has surprised many with announcements pertaining to the mystical realm. The late Fr. Stefano Gobbi, who founded the Marian Movement of Priests, was declared a Servant of God and his Cause for canonization opened; the canonization process of another Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, was issued a nihil obstat to proceed after a brief pause; the Vatican affirmed the current bishop’s judgement regarding the alleged apparitions at Garabandal that “there are no elements to conclude that they are supernatural”; and the phenomenon surrounding the decades-old and ongoing apparitions at Medjugorje were given an official ruling, namely, a nihil obstat. Continue reading

Is the Eastern Gate Opening?


Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning
who announce the coming of the sun
who is the Risen Christ!
—POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father

to the Youth of the World,
XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12)


First published December 1st, 2017… a message of hope and victory.


WHEN the sun sets, even though it is the beginning of nightfall, we enter into a vigil. It is the anticipation of a new dawn. Every Saturday evening, the Catholic Church celebrates a vigil Mass precisely in anticipation of the “day of the Lord”—Sunday—even though our communal prayer is made on the threshold of midnight and the deepest darkness. 

I believe this is the period that we are living now—that vigil that “anticipates” if not hastens the Day of the Lord. And just as dawn announces the rising Sun, so too, there is a dawn before the Day of the Lord. That dawn is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In fact, there are signs already that this dawn is approaching….Continue reading

Not a Magic Wand


THE Consecration of Russia on March 25th, 2022 is a monumental event, insofar as it fulfills the explicit request of Our Lady of Fatima.[1]cf. Did the Consecration of Russia Happen? 

In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.—Message of Fatima,

However, it would be a mistake to believe this is akin to waving some kind of magic wand that will cause all our troubles to disappear. No, the Consecration does not override the biblical imperative that Jesus clearly proclaimed:Continue reading


Our First Love


ONE of the “now words” the Lord put on my heart some fourteen years ago was that a “Great Storm like a hurricane is coming upon the earth,” and that the closer we get to the Eye of the Stormthe more there will be chaos and confusion. Well, the winds of this Storm are becoming so fast now, events beginning to unfold so rapidly, that it is easy to become disoriented. It is easy to lose sight of the most essential. And Jesus tell His followers, His faithful followers, what that is:Continue reading

The Refuge for Our Times


THE Great Storm like a hurricane that has spread across all of humanity will not cease until it has accomplished its end: the purification of the world. As such, just as in the times of Noah, God is providing an ark for His people to safeguard them and preserve a “remnant.” With love and urgency, I beg my readers to waste no more time and begin climbing the steps into the refuge God has provided…Continue reading

Time Out!


I SAID that I would write next on how to confidently enter the Ark of Refuge. But this cannot be addressed properly without our feet and hearts firmly rooted in reality. And frankly, many aren’t…Continue reading

In the Footsteps of St. John

St. John resting on the breast of Christ, (John 13:23)


AS you read this, I am on a flight to the Holy Land to embark on a pilgrimage. I am going to take the next twelve days to lean upon the breast of Christ at His Last Supper… to enter Gethsemane to “watch and pray”… and to stand in the silence of Calvary to draw strength from the Cross and Our Lady. This will be my last writing until I return.Continue reading

When He Calms the Storm


IN previous ice ages, the effects of global cooling were devastating on many regions. Shorter growing seasons led to failed crops, famine and starvation, and as a result, disease, poverty, civil unrest, revolution, and even war. As you just read in The Winter of Our Chastisementboth scientists and Our Lord are predicting what seems to be the onset of another “little ice age.” If so, it may shed a new light on why Jesus spoke of these particular signs at the end of an age (and they are virtually a summary of the Seven Seals of Revolution also spoken of by St. John):Continue reading

Silence or the Sword?

The Capture of Christ, artist unknown (c. 1520, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon)


SEVERAL readers have been taken aback by the recent alleged messages of Our Lady around the world to “Pray more… speak less” [1]cf. Pray More… Speak Less or this:Continue reading


Medjugorje… What You May Not Know

The six seers of Medjugorje when they were children


Award-winning television documentarian and Catholic author, Mark Mallett, takes a look at the progression of events to the present day… 

AFTER having followed the Medjugorje apparitions for years and researched and studied the background story, one thing has become clear: there are a lot of people who reject the supernatural character of this apparition site based on the dubious words of a few. A perfect storm of politics, lies, sloppy journalism, manipulation, and a Catholic media mostly cynical of all-things-mystical has fueled, for years, a narrative that the six visionaries and a gang of Franciscan thugs have managed to dupe the world, including the canonized saint, John Paul II.Continue reading

A Flame of Her Heart

Anthony Mullen (1956 – 2018)
The late National Coordinator 

for the International Movement of the Flame of Love
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


“HOW can you help me spread the message of Our Lady?”

Those were among the first words Anthony (“Tony”) Mullen spoke to me over some eight years ago. I thought his question was a little bold since I’d never heard of the Hungarian seer Elizabeth Kindelmann. Moreover, I frequently received requests to promote a certain devotion, or some particular apparition. But unless the Holy Spirit put it on my heart, I wouldn’t write about it.Continue reading

Our Lady of the Storm

The Breezy Point Madonna, Mark Lennihan/Associated Press


“NOTHING good ever happens after midnight,” my wife says. After nearly 27 years of marriage, this maxim has proven itself true: don’t try to sort out your difficulties when you should be sleeping.Continue reading

Becoming an Ark of God


The Church, which comprises the elect,
is fittingly styled daybreak or dawn…
It will be fully day for her when she shines
with the perfect brilliance of interior light
—St. Gregory the Great, Pope; Liturgy of the Hours, Vol III, p. 308 (see also The Smoldering Candle and Wedding Preparations to understand the coming corporate mystical union, which will be preceded by a “dark night of the soul” for the Church.)


BEFORE Christmas, I asked the question: Is the Eastern Gate Opening? That is, are we beginning to see signs of the ultimate fulfillment of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart coming in to view? If so, what signs should we see? I would recommend reading that exciting writing if you have not yet.Continue reading

The Late Consecration

for December 23rd, 2017
Saturday of the Third Week of Advent

Liturgical texts here

Moscow at dawn…


Now more than ever it is crucial that you be “watchers of the dawn”, the lookouts who announce the light of dawn and the new springtime of the Gospel
of which the buds can already be seen.

—POPE JOHN PAUL II, 18th World Youth Day, April 13th, 2003;


FOR a couple of weeks, I have sensed that I should share with my readers a parable of sorts that has been unfolding recently in my family. I do so with my son’s permission. When we both read yesterday’s and today’s Mass readings, we knew it was time to share this story based on the following two passages:Continue reading

The Coming Effect of Grace

for December 20th, 2017
Thursday of the Third Week of Advent

Liturgical texts here


IN the remarkable approved revelations to Elizabeth Kindelmann, a Hungarian woman who was widowed at the age of thirty-two with six children, Our Lord reveals an aspect of the “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart” that is coming.Continue reading

Mother Calls


A month ago, for no particular reason, I felt a deep urgency to write a series of articles on Medjugorje to counter long-standing falsehoods, distortions, and outright lies (see Related Reading below). The response has been remarkable, including hostility and derision from “good Catholics” who continue to call anyone who follows Medjugorje deceived, naive, unstable, and my favourite: “apparition chasers.”Continue reading

The Convergence and the Blessing

Sunset in the eye of a hurricane


years ago, I sensed the Lord say that there was a Great Storm coming upon the earth, like a hurricane. But this Storm would not be one of mother nature, but one created by man himself: an economic, social, and political storm that would change the face of the earth. I felt the Lord ask me to write about this Storm, to prepare souls for what is coming—not only the Convergence of events, but now, a coming Blessing. This writing, so as not to be too lengthy, will footnote key themes that I’ve already expanded elsewhere…

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Medjugorje and the Smoking Guns


The following is written by Mark Mallett, a former television journalist in Canada and award-winning documentarian. 


THE Ruini Commission, appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to study the apparitions of Medjugorje, has ruled overwhelmingly that the first seven apparitions were “supernatural”, according to the leaked findings reported in Vatican Insider. Pope Francis called the Commission’s report “very, very good.” While expressing his personal skepticism of the idea of daily apparitions (I’ll address this below), he openly praised the conversions and fruits that continue to flow from Medjugorje as being an undeniable work of God—not a “magic wand.” [1]cf. Indeed, I’ve been getting letters from all over the world this week from people telling me about the most dramatic conversions they experienced when they visited Medjugorje, or how it is simply an “oasis of peace.” Just this past week, someone wrote to say that a priest who accompanied her group was instantly healed of alcoholism while there. There are literally thousands upon thousands of stories like this. [2]see cf. Medjugorje, Triumph of the Heart! Revised Edition, Sr. Emmanuel; the book reads like the Acts of the Apostle on steroids I continue to defend Medjugorje for this very reason: it is achieving the purposes of Christ’s mission, and in spades. Really, who cares if the apparitions are ever approved so long as these fruits blossom?

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1 cf.
2 see cf. Medjugorje, Triumph of the Heart! Revised Edition, Sr. Emmanuel; the book reads like the Acts of the Apostle on steroids

Sad and Startling Revelation?


AFTER writing Medjugorje… Truth You May Not Knowa priest alerted me to a new documentary with an explosive alleged revelation regarding Bishop Pavao Zanic, the first Ordinary to oversee the apparitions in Medjugorje. While I had already suggested in my article that there was Communist interference, the documentary From Fatima to Medjugorje expands on this. I have updated my article to reflect this new information, as well as a link to the diocese’s response, under the section “Strange Twists….” Just click: Read More. It’s well worth reading this brief update as well as seeing the documentary, as it is perhaps the most important revelation to date regarding the intense politics, and thus, ecclesial decisions that were made. Here, the words of Pope Benedict take on particular relevance:

…today we see it in truly terrifying form: the greatest persecution of the Church does not come from external enemies, but is born of sin within the Church. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, interview on flight to Lisbon, Portugal; LifeSiteNews, May 12th, 2010

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Why Did You Quote Medjugorje?

Medjugorje visionary, Mirjana Soldo, Photo courtesy LaPresse


“WHY did you quote that unapproved private revelation?”

It’s a question I get asked on occasion. Moreover, rarely do I see an adequate answer to it, even among the Church’s best apologists. The question itself betrays a serious deficit in catechesis among average Catholics when it comes to mysticism and private revelation. Why are we so afraid to even listen?Continue reading

The Marian Dimension of the Storm


The elect souls will have to fight the Prince of Darkness.
It will be a frightening storm — no, not a storm,
but a hurricane devastating everything!
He even wants to destroy the faith and confidence of the elect.
I will always be beside you in the Storm that is now brewing.
I am your Mother.
I can help you and I want to!
You will see everywhere the light of my Flame of Love
sprouting out like a flash of lightning
illuminating Heaven and earth, and with which I will inflame
even the dark and languid souls!
But what sorrow it is for me to have to watch
so many of my children throw themselves in hell!
—Message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth Kindelmann (1913-1985);
approved by Cardinal Péter Erdö, primate of Hungary


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Our Lady of Light Comes…

From the Final Battle Scene at Arcātheos, 2017


OVER twenty years ago, myself and my brother in Christ and dear friend, Dr. Brian Doran, dreamed about the possibility of a camp experience for boys that not only formed their hearts, but answered their natural desire for adventure. God called me, for a time, on a different path. But Brian would soon birth what is today called Arcātheos, which means “Stronghold of God”. It is a father/son camp, perhaps unlike any in the world, where the Gospel meets imagination, and Catholicism embraces adventure. After all, Our Lord Himself taught us in parables…

But this week, a scene unfolded that some men are saying was the “most powerful” they’ve witnessed since the camp’s inception. In truth, I found it overwhelming…Continue reading

When the Stones Cry Out



To repent is not just to acknowledge that I have done wrong; it is to turn my back on the wrong and start incarnating the Gospel. On this hinges the future of Christianity in the world today. The world does not believe what Christ taught because we do not incarnate it.
—Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Kiss of Christ


GOD sends His people prophets, not because the Word Made Flesh is not sufficient, but because our reason, darkened by sin, and our faith, wounded by doubt, at times need the special light that Heaven gives in order to exhort us to “repent and believe the Good News.” [1]Mark 1:15 As the Baroness said, the world does not believe because Christians do not seem to believe either.

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1 Mark 1:15

Our Compass

for Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

Liturgical texts here


IN the Spring of 2014, I went through a terrible darkness. I felt tremendous doubts, surges of fear, despair, terror, and abandonment. I began one day with prayer as usual, and then… she came.

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mamanursingFrancisco de Zurbaran (1598-1664)


HER presence was tangible, her voice clear as she spoke in my heart after I received the Blessed Sacrament at Mass. It was the next day after the Flame of Love conference in Philadelphia where I spoke to a packed room about the need to entrust oneself totally to Mary. But as I knelt after Communion, contemplating the Crucifix hanging over the sanctuary, I pondered about the meaning of “consecrating” oneself to Mary. “What does it mean to give myself totally to Mary? How does one consecrate all his goods, past and present, to the Mother? What does it really mean? What are the right words when I feel so helpless?”

It was at that moment I sensed an inaudible voice speak in my heart.

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Key to the Woman


Knowledge of the true Catholic doctrine regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary will always be a key to the exact understanding of the mystery of Christ and of the Church. —POPE PAUL VI, Discourse, November 21st, 1964


THERE is a profound key that unlocks why and how the Blessed Mother has such a sublime and powerful role in the lives of mankind, but particularly believers. Once one grasps this, not only does Mary’s role make more sense in salvation history and her presence more understood, but I believe, it will leave you wanting to reach for her hand more than ever.

The key is this: Mary is a prototype of the Church.


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Why Mary…?

The Madonna of the Roses (1903), by William-Adolphe Bouguereau


Watching Canada’s moral compass lose its needle, the American public square lose its peace, and other parts of the world lose their equilibrium as the Storm winds continue to pick up speed… the first thought on my heart this morning as a key to getting through these times is “the Rosary.” But that means nothing to someone who does not have a proper, biblical understanding of the ‘woman clothed in the sun’. After you read this, my wife and I want to give a gift to every one of our readers…Continue reading

Magnificat of the Woman

for May 31st, 2016
Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Liturgical texts here

magnif4Visitation, by Franz Anton Pmaulbertsch (1724-1796)


WHEN this present and coming Trial is over, a smaller but purified Church will emerge in a more purified world. There will rise from her soul a song of praise… the song of the Woman, who is a mirror and hope of the Church to come.

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Our Lady, Co-Pilot

Day 39



IT’s certainly possible to purchase a hot air balloon, set it all up, turn on the propane, and begin to inflate it, doing it all on one’s own. But with the help of another experienced aviator, it would become so much easier, quicker and safer to get into the skies.

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Decompressing From Evil

for December 8th, 2015
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Liturgical texts here


AS I collapsed into my wife’s arms this morning, I said, “I just need to rest for a moment. Too much evil…” It’s the first day of the Jubilee Year of Mercy—but I’m admittedly feeling a little physically drained and spiritually enervated. A lot’s happening in the world, one event upon the other, just as the Lord explained it would be (see The Seven Seals of Revolution). Still, keeping up to the demands of this writing apostolate means looking down the gaping mouth of darkness more than I desire. And I worry too much. Worry about my children; worry that I’m not doing God’s will; worry that I’m not giving my readers the right spiritual food, in the right doses, or the right content. I know I shouldn’t worry, I tell you not to, but I sometimes do. Just ask my spiritual director. Or my wife.

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Time To Get Serious!


Pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary
to obtain peace in the world…
for she alone can save it.

—apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, July 13, 1917


IT is long overdue to take these words seriously… words which require some sacrifice and perseverance. But if you do, I believe you will experience a release of graces in your spiritual life and beyond…

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The Triumphs in Scripture

The Triumph of Christianity Over Paganism, Gustave Doré, (1899)


“WHAT do you mean that the Blessed Mother will “triumph”?” asked one puzzled reader recently. “I mean, the Scriptures say that out of the mouth of Jesus will come ‘a sharp sword to strike the nations’ (Rev 19:15) and that ‘the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming’ (2 Thess 2:8). Where do you see the Virgin Mary “triumphing” in all of this??”

A broader look at this question may help us understand not only what the “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart” means, but also, what the “Triumph of the Sacred Heart” is as well, and when they occur.

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The Immaculata

for December 19th-20th, 2014
of the Third Week of Advent

Liturgical texts here



THE Immaculate Conception of Mary is one of the most beautiful miracles in salvation history after the Incarnation—so much so, that the Fathers of the Eastern tradition celebrate her as “the All-Holy” (Panagia) who was…

…free from any stain of sin, as though fashioned by the Holy Spirit and formed as a new creature. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 493

But if Mary is a “type” of the Church, then it means that we too are called to become the Immaculate Conception as well.


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When a Mother Cries

for September 15th, 2014
Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows

Liturgical texts here



I stood and watched as tears welled in her eyes. They ran down her cheek and formed drops on her chin. She looked as though her heart could break. Only a day before, she had appeared peaceful, even joyful… but now her face seemed to betray the deep sorrow in her heart. I could only ask “Why…?”, but there was no answer in the rose-scented air, since the Woman I was looking at was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

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The Masterwork

The Immaculate Conception, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1767)


WHAT did you say? That Mary is the refuge that God is giving us in these times? [1]cf. The Rapture, the Ruse, and the Refuge

It sounds like heresy, doesn’t it. After all, isn’t Jesus our refuge? Isn’t He the “mediator” between man and God? Isn’t His the only name by which we are saved? Is He not the Savior of the world? Yes, all this is true. But how the Savior wishes to save us is a completely different matter. How the merits of the Cross are applied is an altogether mysterious, beautiful, and awesome unfolding story. It is within this application of our redemption that Mary finds her place as the crown of God’s masterplan in redemption, after Our Lord Himself.

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The Rapture, the Ruse, and the Refuge

August 15th, 2014


IT came to me as clear as a bell during Mass: there is one refuge that God is giving us in these times. Just as in the days of Noah there was only one ark, so too today, there is only one Ark being provided in this present and coming Storm. Not only did the Lord send Our Lady to warn of the spread of global Communism, [1]cf. The Fall of Mystery Babylon but she also gave us the means to endure and be protected throughout this difficult period…

…and it won’t be a “rapture.”


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The Two Hearts

for June 23rd – June 28th, 2014
Ordinary Time

Liturgical texts here

“The Two Hearts” by Tommy Christopher Canning


IN my recent meditation, The Rising Morning Star, we see through Scripture and Tradition how the Blessed Mother has a significant role in not only the first, but second coming of Jesus. So intermingled are Christ and His mother that we often refer to their mystical union as the “Two Hearts” (whose feasts we celebrated this past Friday and Saturday). As a symbol and type of the Church, her role in these “end times” is likewise a type and sign of the Church’s role in bringing about the triumph of Christ over the satanic kingdom spreading over the world.

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Mother of All Nations

for May 13th, 2014
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Opt. Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima

Liturgical texts here

Our Lady of All Nations



THE unity of Christians, indeed all peoples, is the heartbeat and infallible vision of Jesus. St. John captured Our Lord’s cry in a beautiful prayer for the Apostles, and the nations that would hear their preaching:

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The Ark and the Son

for January 28th, 2014
Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas

Liturgical texts here



THERE are some interesting parallels in today’s Scriptures between the Virgin Mary and the Ark of the Covenant, which is an Old Testament type of Our Lady.

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