Mark Mallett's Store: Free Shipping!



Receive free shipping on Mark’s Music, Book,
and beautiful family original art
on all orders over $75.


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OUR heartfelt thanks to those of you who have responded to our goal to have a thousand people donate $10 each monthly. We are approximately a fifth of the way there.

We have always accepted and relied upon donations throughout this ministry. As such, there is a certain responsibility to be transparent regarding our financial operations.

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Two New Albums Released!



“WOW, WOW, WOW…………..! We just listened to these new songs and were blown away!” —F. Adami, CA

“…absolutely beautiful! My only disappointment was that it ended much too soon—it left me wanting to hear more of those lovely, soulful, songs… Vulnerable is an album that I will play over and over again— every single song touched my heart! This album is one of, if not the best one yet.” —N. Carpenter, OH

“One of the many brilliant facets of Mark’s artistry is his ability to write and compose his song that wonderfully becomes your song.”
—Brian Kravec, review of Vulnerable,


JUNE 3rd, 2013




Love songs that will make you cry… ballads that will bring back memories… spiritual songs that will draw you closer to God.. these are moving melodies about love, forgiveness, fidelity, and family. 

Twenty-five original songs by singer/songwriter Mark Mallett are ready to order online in digital or CD format. You’ve read his writings… now hear his music, spiritual food for the heart.

VULNERABLE contains 13 brand new songs by Mark that speak of love, loss, remembering and finding hope.

HERE YOU ARE is a collection of re-mastered songs included on Mark’s Rosary and Chaplet CD’s, and thus, often unheard of by his music fans—plus, two brand new songs “Here You Are” and “You Are Lord” that will take you into the the love and mercy of Christ and tenderness of His mother.



Two New Albums… Sneak Preview!



AT long last, my two new albums are complete! They are being sent off for manufacturing shortly, meaning they will be available toward the end of May. It’s been such a long and challenging road with so many unexpected delays, costs, and long, long nights. In the end, there are fifteen brand new songs recorded from Virginia to Vancouver, Edmonton to Nashville. The first album is called “Vulnerable”, songs I wrote over the years from a place of vulnerability in the face of the inevitable losses that we all experience from time to time. Judging by the reactions I have seen to those who have had a chance to hear the songs, I believe people are going to be deeply moved by this music.

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Join Mark in Sault Ste. Marie




 December 9 & 10, 2012
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
114 MacDonald Ave

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
7:00 pm nightly
(705) 942-8546


Mark in Louisiana

Mark Mallett recently in Ohio



I will be in Lacombe, Louisiana this coming September 10th, 2012 to speak and sing at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church (7:00pm). It is a happy reunion with Fr. Kyle Dave, the pastor there. I have mentioned Fr. Kyle to you numerous times; I was in his former parish seven years ago, two weeks before Hurricane Katrina swept through it leaving nothing but a statue of St. Therese in the middle of the sanctuary. This time, I am arriving two weeks after Hurricane Isaac…

After Katrina, Fr. Kyle stayed with us here in Canada, as his rectory was destroyed by the storm surge. It was during those days here that the Lord spoke powerfully to Fr. Kyle and I while on a mountain, seeding what has been a powerful prophetic journey these past seven years. [1]To see Mark’s event schedule, go to

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1 To see Mark’s event schedule, go to

Mark in Ohio



  • July 27: Encounter With Jesus, Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood, Ohio, USA, 8:00pm
  • July 28 & 29: Marian Conference, Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, Ohio, USA (details here)
  • July 30: Encounter With Jesus, Servants of Mary Centre for Peace, Windsor, Ohio, 7:00 pm


New Original Catholic Art

Our Lady of Sorrows, ©Tianna Mallett


 There have been many requests for the original artwork produced here by my wife and daughter. You can now own them in our unique high quality magnet-prints. They come in 8″x10″ and, because they are magnetic, can be placed in the center of your home on the fridge, your school locker, a toolbox, or another metal surface.
Or, frame these beautiful prints and display them wherever you like in your home or office.Continue reading

California and Ohio



IF you’re in the area, I hope to see you at the following events!

  • June 29 – July 1: 20th Annual Marian Conference, Crowne Plaza Conf. Centre, Foster City, CA, USA (details here)
  • July 2: Encounter With Jesus, St. Agnes Parish, Concord, CA, USA, 7pm
  • July 28 & 29: Marian Conference, Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, OH, USA
  • July 30: Encounter With Jesus, Windsor, OH, Servants of Mary: Center for Peace, 7pm
**Please note that the event on July 1 at St. Dominic has been cancelled.  Continue reading

Finding Time



I think we’re all in the same boat when it comes to time: there doesn’t ever seem to be enough. Such has been the case the past few months. In between traveling and recording my next album, it has been difficult and at times impossible to write you. That said, there are some important things I’ve been working on related to The Last Hour, and I can only seem to find a minute here and there to work on them. And it’s been six months since my last webcast, I know! This apostolate now reaches tens of thousands each month, and so I thank all of you for your patience. Of course, there are many writings here that I hope you will take the time to read as the Spirit leads you, especially the ones that I make footnotes to. They are as relevant as the “newest word” here.

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Mark in California


Mark will be speaking and singing at the following venues after Easter, including a Divine Mercy Conference.

  • April 12: Encounter With Jesus, St. John the Baptist Parish, Folsom, CA, USA, 7:00 pm
  • April 13-15: Divine Mercy Conference, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Brentwood, CA, USA
  • April 16: Encounter WIth Jesus, St. Patrick’s Parish, Merced, CA, USA, 7:00 pm
  • April 17: Encounter With Jesus, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, Beaumont, CA, USA, 7:00 pm
  • April 19: Women’s Christian Fellowship, St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Carlsbad, CA, USA, 9:30 am
  • April 19: Encounter With Jesus, Knights of Columbus Hall, Highland, CA, USA, 7:00 pm

Join Mark for a powerful encounter of God’s presence.



New Tours — California, Western Canada



TODAY, I am setting out for Northern Alberta, Canada for several ministry events, and then I’ll be heading over to Manitoba. The Encounter with Jesus is a blend of music and word ending with a powerful time of Adoration that many have never experienced before. The schedule is below. In April, I’ll be heading to California (see tentative schedule here.) I hope to see some of you, my readers, there! Thank you for all of your prayers…


  • March 6: Encounter With Jesus, St. Dominic Parish, Cold Lake, AB, 7 pm
  • March 7: Encounter With Jesus, St. Louis Parish, Bonnyville, AB, 7 pm
  • March 8: Encounter With Jesus, St. Isidore Parish, Plamondon, AB, 7 pm
  • March 10: Concert hosted by Voice For Life, St. Joseph Catholic Church,Grande Prairie, AB, 7:30 pm
  • March 11: Encounter With Jesus, St. Anne’s Parish, Barrhead, AB, 7 pm
  • March 13: Encounter With Jesus, St. Mary’s Parish, Wadena, SK, 7pm
  • March 14 & 15: Lenten Mission, St. Rose of Lima Parish, St. Rose du Lac, MB, 7 pm nightly
  • March 16-18: Lenten Mission, Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Amaranth, MB, 7 pm first night



Mark in Western Canada



WELL, we’re off to a bang already! Our motorhome sprung a leak, the batteries suddenly died, and a brake part has been delayed. Perhaps more concerning are the winter storms that are ravaging the mountain passes that we have to go through when we eventually get rolling (today?).

Blessed be God, now and forever.

I keep thinking of St. Paul who was shipwrecked while on an Alexandrian ship on his way to Rome. In fact, 6 years ago, I felt inspired to name our motorhome “The Alexandrian” based on the story that every passenger on St. Paul’s ship was spared, but the ship itself was lost. How prophetic that inspiration was!

Yet, trying to be good stewards, we have tried to raise enough money to trade this tired old bus in, but have come up quite short. That too is God’s will. And yet, in all of this, I know the Lord is with us… gently speaking, directing, and guiding.

Yet, these are material obstacles. I have many “words” I want to write to you since Christmas, but there have been wall to wall obstacles that have prevented me from getting in front of the keyboard (not the least, my mother-in-law being diagnosed with terminal brain cancer shortly after New Year’s. Her name is Margaret… please pray for this dear woman whose faith and peaceful acceptance of God’s will are inspiring us all.) I am reminded of the prophet Daniel who asked God for wisdom to interpret the visions he was seeing. Finally, after three weeks, an angel suddenly appeared saying,

Do not fear, Daniel… from the first day you made up your mind to acquire understanding and humble yourself before God, your prayer was heard. Because of it I started out, but the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood in my way for twenty-one days, until finally Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me. (Dan 10:13)

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On the Thin Side


IN Message from the Road, I said it was "good news" that we are experiencing so many difficulties along the path to the Kingdom. But of course, the financial shortfall in our ministry is no small thing. With the growing economic turmoil in the world, more and more people are finding it difficult to make ends meet, or are holding on more tightly to their funds. As a result, this full-time ministry, which depends entirely upon the support of my readers, viewers, and those I meet on the road, has been experiencing a shortfall of thousands of dollars each month since the Spring. This has quickly piled up into debt as we’ve had to use credit just to pay the everyday bills.

My wife Lea and I trust in the Lord’s providence, He who time and again has provided for all our needs, often unexpectedly. You know that I rarely make appeals such as this for support, mostly because I don’t want to distract from the message that is freely given here. But there comes moments, such as now, where remaining silent means that I will also be prevented from being able to carry on my ministry for lack of needed resources in a world where "just living" costs a lot of money.


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A Beautiful Image…

Embracing Hope by Léa Mallett


FOR my 30th birthday 14 years ago, my bride Lea surprised me with the very first of a number of treasured pieces of artwork she managed to paint for me on the sly. I’ll never forget the day I saw for the first time her "Embracing Hope" painting of Jesus. I truly felt His presence in a remarkable way through this painting, and intensely so for months after… and many of those graces remain. Through six consecutive moves since that time, it has taken a prominent place in our living rooms, bedrooms, and now on the backdrop in my webcast studio here on our little farm.

When I launched over 3 years ago, it only seemed fitting to use this powerful image to become the "icon" of that show. Since then, we have have had many a request to have the painting duplicated for others to enjoy. Lea and I have talked off and on about having limited edition prints done… but the logistics and expense of that was always too prohibitive.

In a late night conversation recently where Lea and I were sharing our concerns about how we are going to make ends meet this winter, Lea said to me "Mark, it’s time to make the image available to people in a way that is affordable, practical, and faith-building." So here’s what we have decided to offer you, my faithful readers and supporters…

Starting today, for every minimum $50 donated or spent in our online store this pre-Christmas season, we will give you a complimentary Embracing Hope Desk Calendar (with Christian calendar dates and a monthly prayer beneath the image) & a beautiful Embracing Hope Fridge Magnet (5 1/2" x 4 1/4" on glossy vinyl—it’s really a wonderful centerpiece in the kitchen!) 

Thank you SO much in advance for supporting our ministry in this way. Your support is needed more than ever in these trying economic5 1/2" x 4 1/4" on glossy vinyl times. I hope that Lea’s "Embracing Hope" icon will bring as many graces into your soul as it has mine.

Click here to make a donation to support this ministry.

Click here to purchase books or music in my store.

(…and by the way, we are still offering a 50% coupon for any donation of $75 or more. That’s half price off of any order!)

Mark in Manitoba


Soul-soothing music… life-giving message

led by
Mark Mallett


These are not normal times. Ask the average passerby if "something strange" is going on in the world, and the answer will almost always be "yes." But what? 

There will be a thousand answers, many of them conflicting, several speculating, often adding more confusion to the growing fear and despair beginning to grip a planet reeling from economic collapse, terrorism, and the upheaval of nature. Could there be a clear answer? 

Mark Mallett unfolds a stunning picture of our times built not upon flimsy arguments or questionable prophecies, but the solid words of the Church Fathers, modern Popes, and approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Encounter With Jesus is an evening of truth, hope, and mercy—music, prayer, and Adoration—that has brought healing and grace to souls across North America.

There will also be youth events with a special message tailored to them.

You are invited…

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Mark in Massachusetts & Rhode Island this Week!




Mark Mallett will be singing and speaking

at the following parishes this week:


Sunday, OCTOBER 23rd (7 – 9 pm)
Encounter With Jesus
National Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette
(in the church)
947 Park Street
Attleboro, MA

ph) 508-222-5410


Monday, OCTOBER 24th (7 – 9 pm)
Encounter With Jesus
Corpus Christi Parish
324 Quaker Meeting House Road
East Sandwich, MA

ph) 508-888-0209


Tuesday, October 25th (7 – 9 pm)
Encounter With Jesus
St. Pius X Parish
44 Elm Street
Westerly, RI

ph) 401-596-2535


Wednesday, October 26th (7 – 9 pm)
Encounter With Jesus
St. Christopher Parish
1660 Main Road
Tiverton RI

ph) 401-624-6644


Conferences and New Album Update




This fall, I will be leading two conferences, one in Canada and the other in the United States:



September 16-17th, 2011

St. Lambert Parish, Sioux Falls, South Daktoa, U.S.

For more information on registration, contact:

Kevin Lehan
Email: [email protected]

Brochure: click here



5th Men’s Annual Retreat

September 23-25th, 2011

Annapolis Basin Conference Centre
Cornwallis Park, Nova Scotia, Canada

For more info:
(902) 678-3303

[email protected]



This past weekend, we wrapped up the "bed sessions" for my next album. I am absolutely thrilled with where this is going and am looking forward to releasing this new CD early next year. It’s a gentle blend of story and love songs, as well as some spiritual tunes on Mary and of course Jesus. While that may seem like a strange mix, I don’t think so at all. The ballads on the album deal with the common themes of loss, remembering, love, suffering… and give an answer to it all: Jesus.

We have 11 songs left that can be sponsored by individuals, families, etc. In sponsoring a song, you can help me raise more funds to finish this album. Your name, if you wish, and a short message of dedication, will appear in the CD insert. You can sponsor a song for $1000. If you are interested, contact Colette:

[email protected]


World Congress and Book, CD


THIS coming October 6th-11th, I will be attending the First Sacred Heart World Congress in Paray-le-Monial, France, where the revelations of the Sacred Heart were given to St. Margaret Mary. This Congress is undoubtedly part of the final thrusts of "the last effort" to make known Christ’s Sacred Heart to the world, and the Divine Mercy that flows from it. 

Pray about joining me there for a time of prayer and reflection, and I believe, commissioning to become a part of God’s last effort toward mankind. For more information, go to:




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Sowing Seeds


FOR the first time in my life, I seeded a pasture this past weekend. Once again, I experienced in my soul the tremendous dance of the creature with His Creator to the rhythm of creation. It is an incredible thing to co-operate with God to foster new life. All the lessons of the Gospels came pouring back to me… about the seed falling into weeds, rocky, or good soil. As we we wait patiently for rain to water our parched fields, even St. Iraenaeus had something to say yesterday on the feast of Pentecost:

… like parched ground, which yields no harvest unless it receives moisture, we who were once like a waterless tree could never have lived and borne fruit without this abundant rainfall from above [the Holy Spirit]. —Liturgy of the Hours, Vol II, p. 1026

It has not only been my fields, but my heart that has been dry these past few weeks. Prayer has been difficult, temptations have been relentless, and at times, I have even doubted my calling. And then the rains came—your letters. To be honest, they often move me to tears, because when I write to you or produce a webcast, I remain behind a veil of poverty; I don’t know what God is doing, if anything… and then letters such as these come along:

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WELL, I figured it would happen sooner or later. My computer died. After three years of faithful service to this blog, my computer has gone to micro-chip heaven (though purgatory is not out of the question.)

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Embracing Hope TV Returns This November

Embracing Hopepntng
Embracing Hope
, by Lea Mallett


AFTER a long summer transition of moving my family and ministry, and constructing a new studio, I am preparing to resume my webcast, Embracing Hope, in the first part of November. An unscheduled overseas missionary trip has come up, and so I will be detained the next two weeks and unable to broadcast for the rest of October as I had originally hoped. I am most grateful to all of you who have subscribed and patiently waited for this transition to conclude! It has taken longer than anticipated, but I trust that God’s timing is better than my own.

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The Final Confrontation – The Book

Mark’s Book!


 — Watch the video —


THESE are not normal times. Ask the average passerby if “something strange” is going on in the world, and the answer will almost always be “yes.” But what?

There will be a thousand answers, many of them conflicting, several speculating, often adding more confusion to the growing fear and despair beginning to grip a planet reeling from economic collapse, terrorism, and the upheaval of nature. Could there be a clear answer?

Mark Mallett unfolds a stunning picture of our times built not upon flimsy arguments or questionable prophecies, but the solid words of the Church Fathers, modern Popes, and approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The end result is unequivocal: we are facing The Final Confrontation  

With Nihil Obstat.





Moving Forward

Embracing Hopepntng copy  


A LOT is happening in the world since our ministry and family moved to a new location the past couple weeks. The Pope released a new encyclical which has been widely (if not wildly) interpreted. I have not had time to read the document, but hope to later this summer. In the meantime, Michael O’Brien, perched from his powerfully prophetic watchtower, has posted a potent insight on the encyclical here. Also, John-Henry Western clarifies the Holy Father’s call for a "world political authority" and why this is not a call for a one world government here.

Major social changes, if not upheaval, continue to germinate in the United States. It is, I believe, part of the trend toward a major revolution (see my writing Revolution!).

My new book, The Final Confrontation, had some delays, but is now in the final stage before printing. It will be available later this summer.

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Christ Driving the Money Changers out of the Temple c. 1618, a painting by Jean de Boulogne Valentin.

THERE seems to be ongoing confusion among some of my readers as to why the webcasts I am producing carry a price tag. I am going to address this one last time since I have received several letters, such as the one below:

Why isn’t it good enough to have a wonderful web site inspiring people, why does everything have to be about paying for admission? Seems to me that if it is good, the money to support your family will come. Charging admission for people to hear what is supposed to be inspired by God is a real turn off, especially to young people. I have six children and have struggled over the years with trust in finances. Your story seems to have been based on trust. Charging admission turns your ministry into countless others that devolve into materialistic enterprises. You need to support your family, but let the products music, books etc. be a link. Continue offering your message for free and if you need money to do your work, ask for it. In my opinion it is a turn off to HAVE to pay for His message. I have found your messages to be timely, and I appreciate your work.


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Growth Pains


LAUNCHING a weekly webcast is like making your first paper airplane. You go through quite a few sheets before you’re airworthy. 

Not surprising, we have had to crumple up a few attempts, as we are figuring out how best to make the wings as aerodynamic and flightworthy as possible. As a result, things are simply taking more time than we anticipated. Thus, Episode 2 of Embracing Hope TV is going to be delayed by a few days. Please accept my apologies!


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Embracing Hope TV

Embracing Hopepntng-1.jpg
Embracing Hope, by Lea Mallett


WHEN the Lord put a vision in my heart of a webcast to speak His "now word," I had a sense it would be at a time when major events were unfolding, or about to unfold in the world. Wow…

And so, finally the time has come for the second phase of this mysterious apostolate: to prepare the Church for the times which are here and coming through an internet webcast. You can imagine my surprise when the Holy Father made the following appeal last week:

Young people in particular, I appeal to you: bear witness to your faith through the digital world! Employ these new technologies to make the Gospel known, so that the Good News of God’s infinite love for all people, will resound in new ways across our increasingly technological world. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Vatican City, May 20th, 2009

To view the first of this weekly webcast as well as the introductory video, go to Please take a moment to pray for this endeavor. May Christ fill you with His grace, hope, and peace.


We cannot hide the fact that many threatening clouds are

gathering on the horizon. We must not, however,

lose heart, rather we must keep the flame of hope

alive in our hearts…

Catholic News Agency, January 15th, 2009





The Book, The Webcast, and The Wardrobe



AFTER many months of wrestling, prayer, editing, head-scratching, consultations with my spiritual director, prostrations before the Blessed Sacrament, gallons of coffee, and long nights into the wee hours… I’m still not done my book.

The good news is that the final draft has gone out for editing this morning.

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Coming Soon…

Jesus and the Children by Michael D. O’Brien


THERE has been a tremendous response to my letter written to you a couple weeks ago called It’s Time. I wrote how, over a year ago, I received an interior word from the Lord that He wanted me to produce a television show to speak the "now word" to His people. The sense was that this show would come at a time when major events are unfolding and other events would be imminent. Again, recently, I heard a clear word in my heart:

It’s time.

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It's Time

Mark presenting his music to Pope Benedict XVI


JUST over a year ago, my wife and I suddenly felt called to move from our home to a different province in Canada. Within weeks, we found a small town where we felt drawn to a particular home. We sold our house and whatever possessions we didn’t need, loaded up our seven children, and were followed by a thunderstorm the entire six hour journey. When we arrived at our home, the storm stopped directly over our house, and remained there for three hours, putting on a spectacular lightning show. It seemed symbolic of the Great Storm gathering on the horizon of the world… a storm for which Heaven has been preparing us, and which now, has arrived.

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In South Dakota


DEAR friends… just a quick note from a rest stop as we enter South Dakota. Tonight and tomorrow, my wife and I will be presenting our final Encounters With Jesus here in the United States. Please see our schedule here.

I have much to write you, but have struggled to find time for ministry, prayer, writing and driving the bus! (However, when I repost an older writing, it is because I feel it is the "word" we need to hear again.)

Please keep my family and I in your prayers for our safety and spiritual protection. Regarding our bus, we hear a vibration coming from the drive-train, so it sounds like we need to head to the repair shop once again. Perhaps I will finally have a moment to write! By the way, we are so grateful to those who on their own initiative have sent us donations to help cover the costly repairs we have faced. As we depend entirely upon you and our CD sales to not only continue our ministry but buy diapers, we want to deeply thank you!

Remember, you are loved! Christ is our hope and our life and is as near to you as your breath. We are not orphaned. We are not abandoned. Be not afraid!

Read: Be Not Afraid of the Future

You are loved!

For those inquiring about donations, see this page or click on "DONATIONS" in the menu bar to the right on the web page.


Ministry in Missouri




STARTING this evening with a concert, I am presenting several ministry events in and around the St. Louis, Missouri area this weekend. We continue to see powerful experiences occurring before the Blessed Sacrament at the Encounters With Jesus. You can check upcoming events on our schedule here. We will be in South Dakota next week as we begin our swing back to Canada.



Once again, we are experiencing several serious breakdowns on this tour—sometimes literally having to patch the motorhome so we can get to our next destination (our "tour bus" is getting tired). We are nearly up to $6000 in repairs to this point. By God’s grace, we are breaking down during days off so that the repairs can get done. Getting to our next destination is our concern… God will have to take care of the costs.

Yesterday, I was going to press on with a mechanical issue with the brakes and a wheel, but felt agitated about it, and decided to stop for a repair. As it turns out, the oil filter was loose—and losing oil fast! Had we kept going, the mechanic informed me, we could have lost the filter and all of our oil, destroying the engine. We are surrendering more and more to God, trusting that even if we completely breakdown, it is also His will. Remember, St. Paul was shipwrecked!

We are still in good spirits, despite the tense week it has been. Lea is feeling tired and nauseous with our eighth pregnancy, but is her usual sweet self. The kids were thrilled to get a chance to swim at the pool in the hotel last night as our bus sat in the shop.



We have noticed, just like the last tour, that strong winds have followed us the entire 6000 mile journey thus far. On our days off, the winds die down… but start right up again as we head to our next destination. We like to think it is a sign of Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit accompanying us, filling the sails of all our hearts. Once again, the words "winds of change" come to mind….

We are excited to get to St. Louis so that Jesus can continue to heal and renew His little flock. Pray for us, as you remain in our prayers. Time to hit the road!


How Cold is it in Your House?

War-torn district in Bosnia  


WHEN I visited former Yugoslavia just over a year ago, I was taken to a little make-shift village where war refugees were living. They came there by rail-car, fleeing the devastating bombs and bullets which still mark many of the apartments and businesses of Bosnia’s cities and towns.

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Dead End


On your return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have put in your power. I will make him obstinate, however, so that he will not let the people go. (Ex 4:21)


I COULD feel it in my soul as we drove up to the U.S. border last night. I looked over at my wife and said, "It feels like we’re approaching East Germany." Just a feeling.

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Donation Information

Mark and his family


TO make it easier for some of my readers, here are three ways you can donate to our apostolate:


I. By Credit Card, Click on this button:


II. Mail a cheque to:

Nail It Records
PO Box 505
Vegreville, AB
T9C 1R6

III. Call Toll Free:


Last Concert of the Summer

Mark and Lea Mallett in Concert


WE have added a concert to the end of our Summer US/Canada tour. This will be our final concert until October:

July 17th, 2007:  Concert, Holy Family Parish, Ontonagon, Michigan, USA, 7:00 pm.

There is no admission; a free-will offering will be taken. Hope to see you there if you are in the area!




A Word From Lea



Hello, all!

Writing to you from Tallahassee, Florida after tonight’s concert here. Mark & I and our little brood are now halfway through our US/Canada Lenten Tour, and faring very well, considering the rough start we had! I think Mark gave you just a few of the "highlights" off the top of the tour… the long list of mishaps would be really quite unbelievable, had I not been there too to vouch for it all having actually happened! Suffice it to say, the highlight so far has NOT been the flushing pedal stuck on the bus’s toilet sending gallons of unthinkably nasty stuff for a mad dash to the driver’s seat! (we survived, thanks to a serious bottle of heavy-duty disinfectant.) Rather, we have been blessed to see many hearts powerfully moved during the concerts, and have ourselves been blessed by tremendous hospitality.

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In Concert



OUR tour bus pulls away today as I launch a concert/speaking tour across parts of Canada and the USA.  

You can follow the concert tour schedule here: TOUR SCHEDULE. As well, we have provided a map for you to follow the tour:


We know its going to be a powerful time—if the trials we’ve had beforehand are any indication. Our bus hasn’t even left the driveway, and we’ve already had $5000 in repairs the last two days!

Please check out the schedule and come out to an evening of music and word if we are in your area. Hope to see you there!



Receive Messages in Your Email!



MANY readers have asked to receive my writings in their email. Because so many of us are inundated with junk mail, we have made it easy to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to these messages. 

The Journal comes out several times a week with meditations oriented towards preparation for the days which lay ahead of the Church and the world. (You will also receive any notification of a CD release or major news regarding our ministry, but this will be rare.) Please enter your email address in the appropriate box below.

Finally, I ask for your continued prayers as this little apostolate of writing continues to reach across the globe. We live in exciting times—and difficult days. We need wisdom and discernment in order to "watch and pray" effectively as our Lord has exhorted us.

May God’s peace be with you.

Mark Mallett

Music Ministry:


Type in your email to SUBSCRIBE to Mark’s JOURNAL:

Type in your email to UNSUBSCRIBE from Mark’s JOURNAL: