2014 and the Rising Beast



THERE are many hopeful things developing in the Church, most of them quietly, still very much hidden from view. On the other hand, there are many troubling things on the horizon of humanity as we enter 2014. These too, though not as hidden, are lost on most people whose source of information remains the mainstream media; whose lives are caught in the treadmill of busyness; who have lost their internal connection to God’s voice through a lack of prayer and spiritual development. I am speaking of souls who do not “watch and pray” as Our Lord asked us.

I can’t help but call to mind what I published six years ago on this very eve of the Feast of the Holy Mother of God:

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So, What Time is It?

Nearing Midnight…



ACCORDING to the revelations Jesus gave to St. Faustina, we are on the threshold of the “day of justice”, the Day of the Lord, after this “time of mercy”. The Church Fathers compared the Day of the Lord to a solar day (see Faustina, and the Day of the Lord). A question then is, how close are we to midnight, the darkest part of the Day—the advent of Antichrist? Although the “antichrist” cannot be restricted to one single individual, [1]As far as the antichrist is concerned, we have seen that in the New Testament he always assumes the lineaments of contemporary history. He cannot be restricted to any single individual. One and the same he wears many masks in each generation. —Cardinal Ratzinger (POPE BENEDICT XVI), Dogmatic Theology, Eschatology 9, Johann Auer and Joseph Ratzinger, 1988, p. 199-200 as St. John taught, [2]cf. 1 John 2:18 Tradition holds that there will indeed come one central character, “the son of perdition,” in the “end times.” [3] …before the Lord’s arrival there will be apostasy, and one well described as the “man of lawlessness”, “the son of perdition” must be revealed, who tradition would come to call the Antichrist. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, General Audience, “Whether at the end of time or during a tragic lack of peace: Come Lord Jesus!”, L’Osservatore Romano, Nov. 12th, 2008

Of the coming of Antichrist, Scripture tells us to watch for essentially five chief signs:

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1 As far as the antichrist is concerned, we have seen that in the New Testament he always assumes the lineaments of contemporary history. He cannot be restricted to any single individual. One and the same he wears many masks in each generation. —Cardinal Ratzinger (POPE BENEDICT XVI), Dogmatic Theology, Eschatology 9, Johann Auer and Joseph Ratzinger, 1988, p. 199-200
2 cf. 1 John 2:18
3 …before the Lord’s arrival there will be apostasy, and one well described as the “man of lawlessness”, “the son of perdition” must be revealed, who tradition would come to call the Antichrist. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, General Audience, “Whether at the end of time or during a tragic lack of peace: Come Lord Jesus!”, L’Osservatore Romano, Nov. 12th, 2008

Involuntary Dispossession



THE Gospel calls us to share our possessions with one another, particularly the poor—a voluntary dispossession of our goods and our time. However, the anti-gospel calls for a sharing of goods that flows, not from the heart, but from a political system that controls and distributes wealth according to the whims of the State. This is known by many forms, particularly that of Communism, which was birthed in 1917 in the Moscow revolution led by Vladimir Lenin.

Seven years ago when this writing apostolate began, I saw a strong image in my heart that I wrote about in The Great Meshing:

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Does He Hear the Cry of the Poor?



“YES, we should love our enemies and pray for their conversions,” she agreed. “But I am angry over those who destroy innocence and goodness. This world has lost its appeal to me! Wouldn’t Christ come running to His Bride who is increasingly abused and crying out?”

These were the sentiments of a friend of mine whom I spoke with after one of my ministry events. I pondered her thoughts, emotional, yet reasonable. “What you’re asking,” I said, “is if God hears the cry of the poor?”

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The Sun of Justice



Mark will be in Chicago this weekend. See details below!



Look to the East! The Sun of Justice is rising. He comes, the Rider Upon the White Horse!

call to the Bastion (see To the Bastion!) is a call to come to Jesus, the Rock, in the Blessed Sacrament, and there, to wait with Our Blessed Mother for the Battle orders. It is a time of intense preparation, not anxious, but intense—by fasting, frequent Confession, the Rosary, and attending Mass whenever one can, so as to be in a state of childlike attentiveness. And do not forget love, my friends, which without with all the others are empty. For I believe the Seals of Revelation are about to be broken by the “Lamb who seemed to have been slain”, as St. John foresaw it in chapters 5-6 in the Apocalypse.

Consider the current signs of the times as 2012 enter its final seasons: as war brews in the Middle East, the second seal seems to speak of global war; as the United Nations warns of a global food crisis in 2013, the third seal speaks of food rationing; as mysterious diseases and outbreaks are popping up all over the world, the fourth seal speaks of plagues and further famine and chaos; as the United States, Canada, and many other countries begin to move to curtail freedom of speech and thought, the fifth seal speaks of persecution. All of this leads to the sixth seal, which as I’ve written before, appears very much to be some kind of “illumination of conscience” of the entire world (cf. Revelation Illumination)—a great gift to humanity  before the door of Mercy closes, and the door of Justice opens wide (cf. The Doors of Faustina).

As I consider that the words below were first written in October of 2007, one can’t help but thank God that we have had these past five years to further prepare our hearts for the Great Storm that is now unfolding in our time…

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So Little Time Left


On the first Friday of this month, also the Feast day of St. Faustina, my wife’s mother, Margaret, passed away. We are preparing for the funeral now. Thanks to all for your prayers for Margaret and the family.

As we watch the explosion of evil all over the world, from the most shocking blasphemies against God in theaters, to the imminent collapse of economies, to the specter of nuclear war, the words of this writing below are rarely far from my heart. They were confirmed again today by my spiritual director. Another priest I know, a very prayerful and attentive soul, said just today that the Father is telling him, “Few know how very little time there really is.”

Our response? Do not delay your conversion. Do not delay going to Confession to begin again. Do not put off reconciling with God until tomorrow, for as St. Paul wrote, “Today is the day of salvation.

First published November 13th, 2010


LATE this past summer of 2010, the Lord began to speak a word in my heart that carries a new urgency. It is has been steadily burning in my heart until I woke up this morning weeping, unable to contain it any longer. I spoke with my spiritual director who confirmed what has been weighing on my heart.

As my readers and viewers know, I have striven to speak to you through the words of the Magisterium. But underlying everything I’ve written and spoken of here, in my book, and in my webcasts, are the personal directions that I hear in prayer—that many of you are also hearing in prayer. I will not deviate from the course, except to underscore what has already been said with ‘urgency’ by the Holy Fathers, by sharing with you the private words I have been given. For they are really not meant, at this point, to be kept hidden.

Here is the “message” as it has been given since August in passages from my diary…


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The Great Culling


SINCE writing Mystery Babylon, I have been watching and praying, waiting and listening for weeks in preparation for this writing.

I will stand at my guard post, and station myself upon the rampart, and keep watch to see what he will say to me… Then the LORD answered me and said: write down the vision clearly upon the tablets, so that one can read it readily.(Habb 2:1-2)

Once again, if we want to understand what is here and coming upon the world, we need only listen to the Popes..


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Jesus is in Your Boat

Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee, Ludolf Backhuysen, 1695


IT felt like the last straw. Our vehicles have been breaking down costing a small fortune, the farm animals have been getting sick and mysteriously injured, the machinery has been failing, the garden isn’t growing, windstorms have ravaged the fruit trees, and our apostolate has run out of money. As I raced last week to catch my flight to California for a Marian conference, I cried out in distress to my wife standing in the driveway: Doesn’t the Lord see we are in a free-fall?

I felt abandoned, and let the Lord know it. Two hours later, I arrived at the airport, passed through the gates, and settled down into my seat in the aircraft. I looked out my window as the earth and the chaos of the last month fell away beneath the clouds. “Lord,” I whispered, “to whom shall I go? You have the words of eternal life…”

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The Great Vacuum



A vacuum has been created in the souls of the youth generation—whether in China or America—by an onslaught of propaganda which centers on self-fulfillment, rather than on God. Our hearts are made for Him, and when we do not have God—or we refuse Him entry—something else takes His place. This is why the Church must never cease to evangelize, to proclaim the Good News that the Lord wishes to enter our hearts, with all His Heart, to fill the vacuum.

Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. (John 14:23)

But this Gospel, if it is to have any credibility, must be preached with our lives.

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The Storm at Hand


WHEN this ministry first began, the Lord made it clear to me in a gentle but firm way that I was not to be shy in “blowing the trumpet.” This was confirmed by a Scripture:

The word of the LORD came to me: Son of man, speak to your people and tell them: When I bring the sword against a land… and the sentinel sees the sword coming against the land, he should blow the trumpet to warn the people… If, however, the sentinel sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the sword attacks and takes someone’s life, his life will be taken for his own sin, but I will hold the sentinel responsible for his blood. You, son of man — I have appointed you as a sentinel for the house of Israel; when you hear a word from my mouth, you must warn them for me. (Ezekiel 33:1-7)

The young have shown themselves to be for Rome and for the Church a special gift of the Spirit of God… I did not hesitate to ask them to make a radical choice of faith and life and present them with a stupendous task: to become “morning watchmen” at the dawn of the new millennium. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9

With the help of a holy spiritual director and much, much grace, I have been able to raise the instrument of warning to my lips and blow it according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. More recently, before Christmas, I met with my own shepherd, his Excellency, Bishop Don Bolen, to discuss my ministry and the prophetic aspect of my work. He told me that he did “not want to put any stumbling blocks in the way”, and that it was “good” that I was “sounding the warning.” Regarding more specific prophetic elements of my ministry, he expressed caution, as he should have. For how can we know if a prophecy is a prophecy until it comes true? His caution is my own in the spirit of St. Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians:

Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good. (1 Thess 5:19-21)

It is in this sense that discernment of charisms is always necessary. No charism is exempt from being referred and submitted to the Church’s shepherds. “Their office [is] not indeed to extinguish the Spirit, but to test all things and hold fast to what is good,” so that all the diverse and complementary charisms work together “for the common good.”Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 801

Regarding discernment, I want to recommend Bishop Don’s own writing on the times, one that is refreshingly honest, accurate, and challenges the reader to become a vessel of hope (Giving An Account of Our Hope“, www.saskatoondiocese.com, May 2011).


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The Great Earthquake


IT was Servant of God, Maria Esperanza (1928-2004), who said of our present generation:

The consciences of this beloved people must be violently shaken so that they may “put their house in order”… A great moment is approaching, a great day of light… it is the hour of decision for mankind.The Antichrist and the End Times, Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, cf. P. 37 (Volumne 15-n.2, Featured Article from www.sign.org)

This “shaking” may in fact be both spiritual and physical. If you have not yet, I recommend watching or re-watching Great Shaking, Great Awakening, as I will not repeat some of the important information there that provides a backdrop for this writing…


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Great Shaking, Great Awakening


FOR several days now, the Lord has been preparing my heart to write about something that I have already spoken of to some extent: a coming “great shaking.” I strongly sensed tonight that the video Great Shaking, Great Awakening that I produced a year and a half ago needs to be watched again—that it is more relevant and important than ever. It is preparation for another writing on this subject that will follow shortly.

Indeed, the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets… I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you of them. (Amos 3:7; John 16:4)

I encourage you to watch this again, to pass it on, and stay tuned. Or as Jesus said, “Watch and pray.”

To watch Great Shaking, Great Awakening go to:



The Great Revolution


AS promised, I want to share more words and thoughts that came to me during my time in Paray-le-Monial, France.



I strongly sensed the Lord saying that we are upon the “threshold” of immense changes, changes that are both painful and good. The biblical imagery used over and over again is that of labor pains. As any mother knows, labor is a very turbulent time—contractions followed by rest followed by more intense contractions until finally the baby is born… and the pain quickly becomes a memory.

The labor pains of the Church have been occurring over centuries. Two large contractions occurred in the schism between Orthodox (East) and Catholics (West) at the turn of the first millennium, and then again in the Protestant Reformation 500 years later. These revolutions shook the foundations of the Church, cracking her very walls such that the “smoke of Satan” was able to slowly seep in.

…the smoke of Satan is seeping into the Church of God through the cracks in the walls. —POPE PAUL VI, first Homily during the Mass for Sts. Peter & Paul, June 29, 1972

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Straight Talk

YES, it is coming, but for many Christians it is already here: the Passion of the Church. As the priest raised the Holy Eucharist this morning during Mass here in Nova Scotia where I just arrived to give a men’s retreat, his words took on new meaning: This is My Body which will be given up for you.

We are His Body. United to Him mystically, we too were “given up” that Holy Thursday to share in the sufferings of Our Lord, and thus, to share also in His Resurrection. “Only through suffering can one enter Heaven,” said the priest in his sermon. Indeed, this was Christ’s teaching and thus remains the constant teaching of the Church.

‘No slave is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. (John 15:20)

Another retired priest is living out this Passion just up the coast line from here in the next province…


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THOSE who have been following the prophetic pulse in the Church will likely not be surprised at the turn of world events unfolding by the hour. A Global Revolution is slowly picking up steam as the foundations of the post-modern world begin to give way to a “new order.” Hence, we have arrived at the epic hours of our time, a final confrontation between good and evil, between a culture of life and a culture of death. The wobbling economy, wars, and even environmental degradation are merely the fruits of a bad tree, planted through the lies of Satan through the Enlightenment period over 400 years ago. Today, we are merely reaping what has been sown, tended to by false shepherds, and guarded by wolves, even among Christ’s flock. For perhaps, one of the greatest signs of the times is the growing doubt in the existence of God. And it makes sense. As chaos continues to take the place of Christ, violence displacing peace, insecurity replacing stability, the human reaction is to blame God (instead of recognizing that free will has the capacity to destroy itself). How could God allow hunger? Suffering? Genocide? The answer is how could He not, without trampling upon our human dignity and free will. Indeed, Christ came to show us the way out of the valley of the shadow of death, which we created—not abolish it. Not yet, not until the plan of salvation has reached its fulfillment. [1]cf. 1 Cor 15:25-26

All of this, it seems, is preparing the world for a false christ, a false messiah to pull it out of a death plunge. And yet, this is nothing new: all of this has been foretold in the Scriptures, expounded on by the Church Fathers, and increasingly rolled into focus by the modern pontiffs. No one knows the timing, at least of the whole. But to suggest that it is not a possibility in our era, given all the signs, is woefully shortsighted. It was said best by Paul VI:

There is a great uneasiness at this time in the world and in the Church, and that which is in question is the faith. It so happens now that I repeat to myself the obscure phrase of Jesus in the Gospel of St. Luke: ‘When the Son of Man returns, will He still find faith on the earth?’…I sometimes read the Gospel passage of the end times and I attest that, at this time, some signs of this end are emerging. Are we close to the end? This we will never know. We must always hold ourselves in readiness, but everything could last a very long time yet.  —POPE PAUL VI, The Secret Paul VI, Jean Guitton, p. 152-153, Reference (7), p. ix.

It is with that, that I turn back to some words I sensed Heaven saying in 2008. Here, I also share some prophetic words from others that should be discerned, though I make no final claims on their authenticity. I also include here a recent word attributed to the Mother of God at a famous apparition site.

We are it seems, brothers and sisters, living in the times of the Great Landslide…


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1 cf. 1 Cor 15:25-26

A Woman and a Dragon


IT is one of the most remarkable ongoing miracles in modern times, and the majority of Catholics are likely unaware of it. Chapter Six in my book, The Final Confrontation, deals with the incredible miracle of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and how it relates to Chapter 12 in the Book of Revelation. Due to widespread myths that have been accepted as facts, however, my original version has been revised to reflect the verified scientific realities surrounding the tilma upon which the image remains as in inexplicable phenomenon. The miracle of the tilma needs no embellishment; it stands on its own as a great “sign of the times.”

I have published Chapter Six below for those who already have my book. The Third Printing is now available for those who would like to order additional copies, which includes the information below and any typographical corrections found.

Note: the footnotes below are numbered differently than the printed copy.Continue reading

When Cedars Fall


Wail, you cypress trees, for the cedars are fallen,
the mighty have been despoiled. Wail, you oaks of Bashan,
for the impenetrable forest is cut down!
Hark! the wailing of the shepherds,
their glory has been ruined. (Zech 11:2-3)


THEY have fallen, one by one, bishop after bishop, priest after priest, ministry after ministry (not to mention, father after father and family after family). And not just little trees—major leaders in the Catholic Faith have fallen like great cedars in a forest.

In a glance over just the past three years, we have seen a stunning collapse of some of the tallest figures in the Church today. The answer for some Catholics has been to hang up their crosses and “quit” the Church; others have taken to the blogosphere to vigorously raze the fallen, while others have engaged in haughty and heated debates in the plethora of religious forums. And then there are those who are quietly weeping or merely sitting in stunned silence as they listen to the echo of these sorrows reverberating throughout the world.

For months now, the words of Our Lady of Akita—given official recognition by no less than the present Pope when he was still Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith—have been faintly repeating themselves in the back of my mind:

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Catholic Fundamentalist?


FROM a reader:

I have been reading your “deluge of false prophets” series, and to tell you the truth, I am a little concerned. Let me explain… I am a recent convert to the Church. I was once a fundamentalist Protestant Pastor of the “meanest kind”—I was a bigot! Then someone gave me a book by Pope John Paul II— and I fell in love with this man’s writing. I resigned as Pastor in 1995 and in 2005 I came into the Church. I went to Franciscan University (Steubenville) and got a Masters in Theology.

But as I read your blog—I saw something I did not like—an image of myself 15 years ago. I am wondering, because I swore when I left Fundamentalist Protestantism that I would not substitute one fundamentalism for another. My thoughts: be careful you do not become so negative that you lose sight of the mission.

Is it possible that there is such an entity as “Fundamentalist Catholic?” I worry about the heteronomic element in your message.

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Will I Run Too?


Crucifixion, by Michael D. O’Brien


AS I watched again the powerful movie The Passion of the Christ, I was struck by Peter’s pledge that he would go to prison, and even die for Jesus! But only hours later, Peter vehemently denied Him three times. At that moment, I sensed my own poverty: “Lord, without your grace, I will betray you too…”

How can we be faithful to Jesus in these days of confusion, scandal, and apostasy? [1]cf. The Pope, a Condom, and the Purification of the Church How can we be assured that we too will not flee the Cross? Because it’s happening all around us already. Since the beginning of this writing apostolate, I have sensed the Lord speaking of a Great Sifting of the “weeds from among the wheat.” [2]cf. Weeds Among the Wheat That in fact a schism is already forming in the Church, though not yet fully in the open. [3]cf. Sorrow of Sorrows This week, the Holy Father spoke of this sifting at Holy Thursday Mass.

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In the Days of Lot

Lot Fleeing Sodom
, Benjamin West, 1810


THE waves of confusion, calamity, and uncertainty are pounding upon the doors of every nation on earth. As food and fuel prices soar and the world economy sinks like an anchor to the seabed, there is much talk of refuges—safe-havens to weather the approaching Storm. But there is a danger facing some Christians today, and that is to fall into a self-preservationist spirit that is becoming more prevalent. Survivalist websites, ads for emergency kits, power generators, food cookers, and gold and silver offerings… the fear and paranoia today is palpable as insecurity mushrooms. But God is calling His people to a different spirit than that of the world. A spirit of absolute trust.

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The Coming Refuges and Solitudes


THE Age of Ministries is ending… but something more beautiful is going to arise. It will be a new beginning, a restored Church in a new era. In fact, it was Pope Benedict XVI who hinted at this very thing while he was still a cardinal:

The Church will be reduced in its dimensions, it will be necessary to start again. However, from this test a Church would emerge that will have been strengthened by the process of simplification it experienced, by its renewed capacity to look within itself… the Church will be numerically reduced. —Cardinal Ratzinger (POPE BENEDICT XVI), God and the World, 2001; interview with Peter Seewald

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The Season of Faith

WATCHING the snow fall outside the window of my retreat, here at the base of the Canadian Rockies, this writing from the Fall of 2008 came to mind. God bless you all… you are with me in my heart and prayers…

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Quest for Freedom

Thanks to all those who responded to my computer woes here and donated so generously your alms and prayers. I have been able to replace my broken computer (however, I am experiencing several “glitches” in getting back on my feet… technology…. ain’t it great?) I am so deeply grateful to all of you for your words of encouragement and tremendous support of this ministry. I am eager to continue to serve you as long as the Lord sees fit. During the next week, I am in retreat. Hopefully when I get back, I can solve some of the software and hardware issues that have suddenly come up. Please remember me in your prayers… the spiritual oppression against this ministry has become tangible.

“EGYPT is free! Egypt is free!” cried protesters after learning that their decades old dictatorship was finally coming to an end. President Hosni Mubarak and his family have fled the country, driven out by the hunger of millions of Egyptians for freedom. Indeed, what force is there in man stronger than his thirst for true freedom?

It has been captivating and emotional to watch strongholds fall. Mubarak is one of many more leaders who are likely going to topple in the unfolding Global Revolution. And yet, many dark clouds hang over this growing insurgence. In the quest for freedom, will true freedom prevail?

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What is Truth?

Christ In Front Of Pontius Pilate by Henry Coller


Recently, I was attending an event where a young man with a baby in his arms approached me. “Are you Mark Mallett?” The young father went on to explain that, several years ago, he came across my writings. “They woke up me up,” he said. “I realized I had to get my life together and stay focused. Your writings have been helping me ever since.” 

Those familiar with this website know that the writings here seem to dance between both encouragement and the “warning”; hope and reality; the need to stay grounded and yet focused, as a Great Storm begins to swirl around us. “Stay sober” Peter and Paul wrote. “Watch and pray” Our Lord said. But not in a spirit of morose. Not in spirit of fear, rather, joyful anticipation of all that God can and will do, no matter how dark the night becomes. I confess, it’s a real balancing act for somedays as I weigh which “word” is more important. In truth, I could often write you every day. The problem is that most of you have a difficult enough time keeping up as it is! That’s why I’m praying about re-introducing a short webcast format…. more on that later. 

So, today was no different as I sat in front of my computer with several words on my mind: “Pontius Pilate… What is Truth?… Revolution… the Passion of the Church…” and so on. So I searched my own blog and found this writing of mine from 2010. It summarizes all of these thoughts together! So I have republished it today with a few comments here and there to update it. I send it in hopes that perhaps one more soul who is asleep will awaken.

First published December 2nd, 2010…



“WHAT is truth?” That was Pontius Pilate’s rhetorical response to Jesus’ words:

For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice. (John 18:37)

Pilate’s question is the turning point, the hinge on which the door to Christ’s final Passion was to be opened. Until then, Pilate resisted handing Jesus over to death. But after Jesus identifies Himself as the source of truth, Pilate caves into the pressure, caves into relativism, and decides to leave the fate of Truth in the hands of the people. Yes, Pilate washes his hands of Truth itself.

If the body of Christ is to follow its Head into its own Passion— what the Catechism calls “a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers,” [1]CCC 675 — then I believe we too will see the time when our persecutors will dismiss the natural moral law saying, “What is truth?”; a time when the world will also wash its hands of the “sacrament of truth,”[2]CCC 776, 780 the Church herself.

Tell me brothers and sisters, has this not already begun?


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1 CCC 675
2 CCC 776, 780

The Pope, a Condom, and the Purification of the Church


TRULY, if one does not understand the days we live in, the recent firestorm over the Pope’s condom remarks could leave the faith of many shaken. But I believe it’s part of God’s plan today, part of His divine action in the purification of His Church and eventually the whole world:

For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God… (1 Peter 4:17) 

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The Last Two Eclipses



JESUS said, “I am the light of the world.”  This “Sun” of God became present to the world in three very tangible ways: in person, in Truth, and in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus said it this way:

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)

Thus, it should be clear to the reader that’s Satan’s objectives would be to obstruct these three avenues to the Father…


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The Collapse of America and The New Persecution


IT was with a strange heaviness of heart that I boarded a jet to the United States yesterday, on my way to give a conference this weekend in North Dakota. At the same time our jet took off, Pope Benedict’s plane was landing in the United Kingdom. He has been much on my heart these days—and much in the headlines.

As I was leaving the airport, I was compelled to buy a news magazine, something I rarely do. I was caught by the title “Is American Going Third World?”  It is a report about how American cities, some more than others, are beginning to decay, their infrastructures collapsing, their money virtually run out. America is ‘broke’, said a high-level politician in Washington. In one county in Ohio, the police force is so small due to cutbacks, that the county judge recommended that citizens ‘arm yourselves’ against criminals. In other States, street lights are being shut off, paved roads are being turned into gravel, and jobs into dust.

It was surreal for me to write about this coming collapse a few years ago before the economy began to tumble (see The Year of the Unfolding). It is even more surreal to see it happening now before our eyes.


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Time to Prepare


SPIRITUAL preparation to meet the Lord is something we should do every second of our lives… but in the next episode on Embracing Hope, the viewer is given a prophetic word to prepare physically. How? What? Mark answers those questions as he urges the viewer to not only spiritually, but physically prepare for the times ahead…

To watch this new webcast, go to www.embracinghope.tv

Please remember that this apostolate, its writings and webcasts, depend entirely upon your prayers and financial support. God bless you. 




The World is Going to Change



AS I prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, I heard the words clearly in my heart:

The world is going to change.

The sense is that there is an enormous event or turn of events coming, which will change our day to day lives as we know them. But what? As I have pondered this question, a few of my writings have come to mind…

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The Day is Coming

Courtesy National Geographic



This writing first came to me on the Feast of Christ the King, November 24th, 2007. I feel the Lord urging me to repost this in preparation for my next webcast, which deals with a very difficult subject… a great shaking that is coming. Please keep your eye out for that webcast later this week. For those who have not watched the Prophecy at Rome series on EmbracingHope.tv, it is a summary of all my writings and my book, and an easy way to grasp the “big picture” according to the Early Church Fathers and our modern popes. It is also a clear word of love and warning to prepare…


For lo, the day is coming, blazing like an oven… (Mal 3:19)



I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart. I use punishment when they themselves force Me to do so… (Jesus, to St. Faustina, Diary, n. 1588)

The so-called “illumination of conscience” or “warning” may be drawing near. I have long felt that it may come in the midst of a great calamity if there is not a response of contrition for the sins of this generation; if there is not an end to the horrible evil of abortion; to the experimentation with human life in our “laboratories;” to the continuing deconstruction of marriage and the family—the foundation of society.  While the Holy Father continues to encourage us with encyclicals of love and hope, we should not fall into the error of presumption that the destruction of lives is insignificant.

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Persecution Is Near

St. Stephen the First Martyr


I HEAR in my heart the words that there is coming another wave.

In Persecution!, I wrote about a moral tsunami which struck the world, particularly the West, in the sixties; and now that wave is about to return to sea, to carry with it all who have refused to follow Christ and His teachings. This wave, though seemingly less tumultuous on the surface, has a dangerous undertow of deception. I have spoken more about this in these writings, my new book, and on my webcast, Embracing Hope.

A strong impulse came over me last night to go to the writing below, and now, to republish it. Since it is difficult for many to keep up to the volume of writings here, republishing the more important writings ensures that these messages are read. They aren’t written for my amusement, but for our preparation.

Also, for several weeks now, my writing Warning From the Past has been coming back to me time and again. I have updated it with yet another somewhat disturbing video.

Lastly, I recently heard another word in my heart: “The wolves are gathering.”  This word only made sense to me as I re-read the writing below, which I have updated. 


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THOUGH the Lord has been mostly silent in my own heart the past few months, this writing below and the word “Revolution!” remains strong, as though it is being spoken for the first time. I have decided to re-post this writing, and invite you to freely spread it to family and friends. We are seeing the beginnings of this Revolution already in the United States. 

The Lord has begun to speak words of preparation again in the past few days. And so, I will write these and share them with you as the Spirit unfolds them. This is a time of preparation, a time of prayer. Don’t forget this! May you remain deeply rooted in the love of Christ:

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that he may grant you in accord with the riches of his glory to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner self, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Eph 3:14-19)

First published March 16th, 2009:


Coronation of Napoleon   
The Crowning [self-coronation] of Napoleon
, Jacques-Louis David, c.1808



A NEW word has been on my heart the past couple months:



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The Great Purification



BEFORE the Blessed Sacrament, I saw in my mind’s eye a coming time when our sanctuaries will be abandoned. (This message was first published August 16th, 2007.)



Just as God prepared Noah for the flood by bringing His family into the ark seven days before the flood, so too the Lord is preparing His people for the purification which is coming.

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Weeds Among the Wheat



DURING prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, I was given a strong impression of a necessary and painful purification coming for the Church.

The time is at hand for the separation of the weeds that have grown among the wheat. (This meditation was first published August 15th, 2007.)


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The Ecclesial Assault




DURING prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, a deeper understanding of Revelation seemed to unfold in a broader and more historical context…. The confrontation between the Woman and the Dragon of Revelation 12, is primarily an assault directed toward the priesthood.


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The Time of Times


I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who sat on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals. (Rev 5:1)



AT a recent conference where I was one of the speakers, I opened the floor to questions. A man stood up and asked, “What is this sense of imminence that so many of us feel as though we are “out of time?”” My answer was that I too felt this strange internal alarm. However, I said, the Lord often grants a sense of imminence to actually give us time to prepare in advance.Continue reading

The Forerunners

John Baptist
John the Baptist by Michael D. O’Brien


JUST as Jesus was immediately preceded by the prophet John the Baptist, who was alive at the same time as Christ, so too the time of Antichrist—in mimicry of Christ—will be preceded by forerunners who will likewise… “Prepare the way of the [Antichrist and] make straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth…” (Luke 3:4-6)  

And they are here.

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To The Bastion! — Part II


AS the crises in the Vatican as well as the Legionaries of Christ unfold in full public view, this writing has come back to me over and over again. God is stripping the Church of all that is not of Him (see The Naked Baglady). This stripping will not end until the “money-changers” have been purified from the Temple. Something new will be born: Our Lady is not laboring as the “woman clothed in the sun” for nothing. 

We are going to see what will appear to be the entire edifice of the Church torn down. However, there will remain—and this is Christ’s promise—the foundation on which the Church is built.

Are you ready?


First published September 27th, 2007:


TWO small trumpets have been placed in my hands which I feel compelled to blow this day. The first:

That which is built on sand is crumbling!


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The Luciferian Star


There will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21:11)


IT was about two years ago that I first noticed it. We were standing on a hill at a monastery when I looked up, and there in the sky was a very bright object. “It’s just an aircraft,” a monk said to me. But twenty minutes later, it was still there. We all stood stunned, amazed at how bright it was.

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Twilight of the Era

Earth at Twilight



IT seems the whole world is crying out in jubilance that we are entering a “new era” with the inauguration of President Barack Obama: an “era of peace,” renewed prosperity, and advanced human rights. From Asia to France, from Cuba to Kenya, it is undeniable that the new president is viewed as a savior, his arrival the herald of a new day.

The emotion throughout the city—and no doubt much of the country too—was palpable. People so desire President Obama to succeed that their belief in him is almost an act of faith. It was perhaps appropriate that I had to kneel for much of the inauguration ceremony—though only because the people sitting behind us demanded that we get off our feet. —Toby Harnden, US Editor for Telegraph.co.uk; January 21st, 2009 commenting on the Inauguration.

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What If?


Yet, every so often, the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms… America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace. —President Barack Hussein Obama, Inaugural Speech, January 20th, 2009


SO… what if Obama begins to bring stability to the world? What if foreign tensions begin to ease? What if the war in Iraq seems to conclude? What if racial tensions ease? What if the stock markets begin to rebound? What if there appears to be a new peace in the world?

Then I would tell you it is a false peace. For there can be no real and lasting peace when death in the womb is enshrined as a universal "right."

This writing, which was first published November 5th, 2008, has been updated from today’s inaugural speech.

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The Prophecy at Rome




IT was Pentecost Monday of May, 1975. A prophecy was given in Rome in St. Peter’s Square by a layman little known at the time. Ralph Martin, one of the founders of what is known today as the “Charismatic Renewal,” spoke a word which seems to be drawing ever closer to fulfillment.


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The Great Storm


We cannot hide the fact that many threatening clouds are gathering on the horizon. We must not, however, lose heart, rather we must keep the flame of hope alive in our hearts. For us as Christians the true hope is Christ, the Father’s gift to humanity… Only Christ can help us build a world in which justice and love reign. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Catholic News Agency, January 15th, 2009


THE Great Storm has arrived at the shores of humanity. It is soon to pass over the whole world. For there is a Great Shaking needed to awaken this humanity.

Thus says the LORD of hosts: Lo! Calamity stalks from nation to nation; a great storm is unleashed from the ends of the earth. (Jeremiah 25:32)

As I pondered over the terrible disasters which are unfolding rapidly around the world, the Lord brought to my attention the response to them. After 911 and the Asian Tsunami; after Hurricane Katrina and the wildfires of California; after the cyclone in Mynamar and the earthquake in China; in the midst of this current economic storm—there has barely been any lasting recognition that we need to repent and turn from evil; no real connection that our sins are manifesting in nature itself (Rom 8:19-22). In an almost astonishing defiance, nations continue to legalize or protect abortion, redefine marriage, genetically modify and clone creation, and pipe pornography into the hearts and homes of families. The world has failed to make the connection that without Christ, there is chaos.

Yes… CHAOS is the name of this Storm.


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