THE words have been on my heart for some time,
Comfort My People.
They are drawn from Isaiah 40—those prophetic words from which the people of Israel drew their comfort knowing that, indeed, a Savior would come. It was to them, “a people in darkness”, [1]cf. Isa 9:2 that the Messiah would visit from on high.
Are we any different today? In fact, this generation is arguably in more darkness that any before it for the fact that we have already seen the Messiah.
…the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. (John 3:19)
It is this spiritual darkness that has left the People of God at times with a sense of abandonment and longing for the Savior, that has left us wounded by a culture enslaved to sin. It is in the midst of this darkness that I hear Christ urging me on: Comfort My People.
Beginning next year, I am going to begin bringing my music ministry again to parishes in Canada—a kind of traveling “field hospital”, you could say. I presented this thought to my bishop recently, who gave me his full support and encouragement—a blessed confirmation.
If you would like to help host a concert/ministry event in your Canadian parish, please email Once we have enough bookings in your area, we can then put together a tour to your region.
For more information, go to
↑1 | cf. Isa 9:2 |