…without the guidance of charity in truth,
this global force could cause unprecedented damage
and create new divisions within the human family…
humanity runs new risks of enslavement and manipulation..
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n.33, 26
WHEN I was a child, the Lord was already preparing me for this worldwide ministry. That formation came primarily through my parents whom I saw love and reach out to people in need with concrete help, irregardless of their color or status. So, in the school yard, I was often drawn to the kids who were left behind: the overweight kid, the Chinese boy, the aboriginals who became good friends, etc. These were the ones Jesus wanted me to love. I did so, not because I was superior, but because they needed to be acknowledged and loved like me.
I remember sitting in front of the television in 1977 watching Roots with my family, a television series about the slave trade in America. We were horrified. I still find it overwhelming that this actually happened. And then the segregation. Our family watched the story of Jackie Robinson a couple of months ago (“42“), and tears welled up in my eyes—and anger at the utter arrogance, evil and injustice of white supremacists.
My ministry has taken me into dozens of American States, including the “deep south”. I have often gone for walks in the forests of Florida or Mississippi and I can feel the ghosts of oppression that passed through those trees. And neither did I pretend that racism did or does not exist there. I would sometimes strike up conversations with my American friends to ask them about the racism of the past and present. Depending on which State or region, which community or area, some have told me how there are subtle remnants of racism; others say that there has been healing and that they peacefully co-exist. But others say that racism is alive and well. That young black men feel fear when being pulled over for no reason by a white cop; or that they’ve been excluded from doing homework in a cafeteria for no apparent reason; that they’ve been barked at for standing too close to someone; or that their parents still forbid the idea of intermarriage; or that someone has rolled down the window and shouted “n____r!” through the window. That this continues in 2020 is grievous—as are the ethnic hatreds boiling over between other cultures and peoples.
This entire ministry was started by prophetic words given to me and a black American priest from New Orleans while we gave him shelter after Hurricane Katrina.[1]cf. Prepare! That week, I took him around to several Canadian parishes to raise funds for his mostly African American community and church that had been heavily destroyed. When I was in Trinidad just days before COVID-19 closed the border, I ended the conference walking around the room of over three hundred, to each person who were mostly of color, bringing to them a true relic of the Cross. I placed it in their palms, held their hands, and stood with each one as we wept, laughed, prayed, and dwelled in the Lord’s presence. I held them in my arms, and they held me.
Racism is evil. I have always hated it. Yet, some may feel any criticism[2]Black and White of this new “white privilege” doctrine is racist. I feel that is a thoughtless and easy way to dismiss an important conversation. For there is a much deeper thing I am driving at…
I repeat that what happened to George Floyd is disturbing and immoral. While it has not been established as a racial crime (they actually worked together in the past), the scene was enough to remind all of us, but especially the African American community, of the terrible racist acts of the past against black people. Unfortunately, police brutality is nothing new either. It’s too common and part of the reason that many are protesting as well. Such excessive force and racism are terrible evils that have plagued not only American society but cultures around the world. Racism is ugly and should be fought wherever it rears its ugly head.
But is renouncing “white privilege” doing that?
Even though I have experienced discrimination based on my skin color,[3]see Black and White I am not comparing that to the oppression some people of other ethnicities still encounter, sometimes on a regular basis. The fact that whites in the Western World do not experience that kind of racism, generally, is being called “white privilege”. Understood that way, the words “white privilege” bear a certain truth: it is the privilege of not being discriminated against.
But that’s not what most people mean by “white privilege”. Rather, they mean that every white person on the planet is culpable for the environment of racism. They could be Russian, Italian, German, Canadian, American, Australian, Greek, Spanish, Iranian, Norwegian, Polish, Ukrainian, etc.. Doesn’t matter. They could be Servants of God Dorothy Day or Catherine de Hueck Doherty or even Abraham Lincoln. It seemingly doesn’t matter if individuals alive today have not only rejected racism and even fought against it (such as the last three); all whites must bend their knees and recant their “white skin privilege”—or be indicted as part of the problem.
This is a sleight of hand in logic that shifts the blame from individuals and even entire communities that do not recognize their discrimination—and who need to—and places it on people based, not on their mindsets, not on their actual words or actions, but on the lack of melanin in their skin. Because, as it turns out, the “white privilege” that people are being guilted for is simply God-given basic human rights. No one should be shamed for having those.
But yes, woe to those who deprive them from others or participate by ignoring racism when they see it. I repeat:
Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them. —POPE ST FELIX III, 5th century
What is needed, then, is an authentic examination of conscience by all of us for actual racism or cowardice—not a phony admission extracted by the mob.
This African American has called out both white and black people for the hypocrisy in the streets right now in a refreshingly honest and wise commentary.
And neither should we make light of this. The “white privilege” fear-mongering right now is actually playing into the Global Revolution that is no longer coming, but now unfolding.
Just as Pope Benedict had warned, the lack of “charity in truth” has begun creating “new divisions” between us—now white against white as many begin to shame, humiliate, and bully those who haven’t yet “taken the knee”, posted a “white privilege” hashtag, or token “I’m sorry” for something they never did. Such as this young mother who wrote me:
I’ve been watching social media unfold after George Floyd was murdered, with absolute unbelief. As someone who is supposed to be “one of the sheep” as a person of my generation, regurgitating propaganda on social media, literally bullied/pressured into it by people because “if you don’t post about the major events going on you are de facto a conspiracy theorist/racist/hater”, I see first hand how it is sweeping people along in a well-meaning wave of ignorance. Black Lives Matter (BLM) wants to defund the police (it’s the first thing you see when you go on to their website so they aren’t trying to hide it)… I know for a fact that BLM relies on the social media sheep to spread their message; I know that they capitalized on the George Floyd incident as publicity; I know for a fact that millions of people were white-guilted into donating money to different organizations (I saw BLM mentioned many times), because if you’re not donating, you are being racist, “it’s not enough to be un-racist, you need to be actively anti-racist” — it’s just crazy because people don’t really know what they are giving their money to. Insanity.
Since when has bullying, threatening, manipulation, and name-calling have anything to do with the Gospels? Did Jesus ever coerce people? Did Jesus ever walk up to someone who was a public sinner and humiliate them, much less someone who was innocent? Even if someone is silent when they shouldn’t be, this kind of mob mentality is not the Spirit of God.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17)
Are these samplings of events that have taken place this past week the “Spirit of freedom”?:
- A black policeman at a Black Lives Matter rally, while doing his job, was suddenly surrounded by protesters and called a “n____r”, among other foul slurs.
- A mother said her 6 year old, after hearing a message on “white privilege” asked, “So blacks are better than us right?”
- Protesters who turned violent on police in Portland has resulted in the police chief resigning for having tried to quell the violence.[4]https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/20-arrested-in-Portland-Oregon-other-protests-15324914.php
- A woman said that she promoted “Black Lives Matter” on Facebook because she was afraid that her silence would suggest to others in her peer group that she was not against racism.
- Spirit Daily published an open letter[5]https://spiritdailyblog.com/news/32386 calling Catholics to recognize that the real enemy is spiritual, not each other, and to not let the evil one divide us. The author was subsequently told by a family member that he is now in opposition to the Catholic Church.
- Another woman posted on Facebook that, whether you are shouting or silent, whether you are marching or quietly going about your business, do it with LOVE. A commenter declared that she was taking the “way of a coward”.
- A man in California was fired from a Catholic school for calling out some of the troubling objectives of Black Lives Matter (which I’ll reveal below).[6]https://www.youtube.com
- The majority of the Minneapolis city council vowed to disband their police department.[7]cbc.ca
- The Mayor of that city was booed at a large rally and told to “get the f— out” by the MC after saying he would not disband the police force.[8]https://www.mediaite.com
- In London, a statue of Abraham Lincoln, who ended slavery in America, was vandalized.[9]https://heavy.com
- In Boston, a Black Lives Matter “protester” defaced a monument to the first all-black volunteer regiment who fought to end black slavery.[10]https://www.breitbart.com
- University of Chicago professor, Brian Leiter, called for an armed coup of the White House.[11]https://www.reddit.com
- A Black Lives Matter activist was seen on TV with #FTP on his arm, threatening that it means “Fire To Property”.[12]https://www.youtube.com
- A Black Lives Matter leader says they are preparing a “highly-trained military” arm this is patterned after “the Black Panthers [and] the Nation of Islam, we believe that we need an arm to defend ourselves.”[13]disrn.com
- A Tweet from “BlacklivesMatter DC” stated that “Black Lives Matter means defund the police”.[14]https://www.youtube.com
- Police officers are considering or beginning to resign as they fear for their lives, including 600 from the NYPD alone.[15]https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/former-nypd-commissioner-claims-600-officers-considering-exit-from-the-force-amid-george-floyd-protests
- An NBA announcer was fired from his job for daring to Tweet: “All Lives Matter… Every Single One!”[16]https://nypost.com
- Opinion Editor for the New York Times resigned because he agreed with an “opinion piece” by a Senator calling for a military response to the out of control violence, vandalism, looting and murder in the streets.[17]https://www.nytimes.com
- A mass protest becomes the backdrop for a “F*** the police” music video by YG.[18]https://www.tmz.com
- New York is to paint “Black Lives Matter” on all prominent streets.[19]https://newyork.cbslocal.com
- Homes in the Sacramento area who are displaying an American flag are being targeted by arsonists.[20]https://sacramento.cbslocal.com
- A black federal protective officer stationed in front of the U.S. Courthouse in Oakland Calif., was shot during protests when a vehicle pulled up to the building and opened fire.[21]foxnews.com
- A retired St. Louis police captain, who became a small-town police chief, was found fatally shot outside a pawn shop that was looted after riots there.[22]abcnews.go.com
In the words of Benedict XVI:
A new intolerance is spreading, that is quite obvious… a negative religion is being made into a tyrannical standard that everyone must follow. That is then seemingly freedom—for the sole reason that it is liberation from the previous situation. —Light of the World, A Conversation with Peter Seewald, p. 52
And that is what the spirit of revolution looks like.
As that young reader pointed out, many are giving their money hand-over-fist to the “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) organization (as opposed to the unorganized movement which is not necessarily affiliated. See: “Can a Catholic Support “Black Lives Matter”?) The title itself is appealing and agreeable, of course. But who is this organization? Among their objectives, the BLM website states:
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise)…We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another. —blacklivesmatter.com
Their demands also include “a radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth… a completely community-controlled law enforcement, education system, and local government… free education… and guaranteed livable minimum income.”[23]dailywire.com
In other words, they are promoting neo-Marxist ideas that are at odds with Catholic teaching. Perhaps it makes sense now why so many “protesters” associated with BLM were looting and stealing (which has nothing to do with fighting racism). Were they simply “redistributing the wealth” that “white privilege” took from them”? And perhaps it makes sense why there is a move to disband entire police forces and install “community-controlled law enforcement”. But this too is troubling given that the history of Black Lives Matter is marred with violence[24]https://www.influencewatch.org and they are preparing a “highly-trained military” arm that is patterned after “the Black Panthers [and] the Nation of Islam” in order “to defend ourselves.”[25]disrn.com
How did America go from praising and celebrating the “nation’s finest” after 911… to now chanting “F*** the police” at mass rallies? What is the spirit behind this? Yes, police brutality is a real issue; police racism is a real thing. But it is also real that there are vastly more men and women, who are honorable and heroic, who put their lives on the line to serve their country and fellow citizens. But those are the ones who are leaving in droves right now. Who wouldn’t?
But that’s the intended result: the overturning of the present order.
Which brings us back to the purpose of why I wrote Black and White: to expose the real spirit behind what is taking place right now in this Global Revolution. Many Catholics who are “taking the knee” and putting “Black Lives Matter” on their social media tags, etc. need to quickly re-evaluate what they are contributing to, and not just monetarily: fighting racism… or a mob that is destabilizing entire countries? Watch out. Because—mark my words—you are going to see your Catholic churches defaced, vandalized, and some burned to the ground not long from now. You will see your priests go into hiding. Worse yet, some Catholics are already bringing to fulfillment Jesus’ other prophecy:
…in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three; they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against her mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. (Luke 12:53)
In April of 2008, an American priest, who sees the Holy Souls in purgatory, confided to me that the French saint, Thérèse de Lisieux, appeared to him in a dream wearing a dress for her first Communion. She led him to the church, however, upon reaching the door, he was barred from entering. She turned to him and said:
Just as my country [France], which was the eldest daughter
of the Church, killed her priests and faithful, so will the persecution of the Church take place in your own country. In a short time, the clergy will go into exile and will be unable to enter the churches openly. They will minister to the faithful in clandestine places. The faithful will be deprived of the “kiss of Jesus” [Holy Communion]. The laity will bring Jesus to them in the absence of the priests.
The reason is that the spirit behind this revolution is ultimately a spirit of rebellion against God. As Professor Daniel O’Connor and I explained in our webcast Apocalypse Not?, we are living in the “end times”, that is, the end of this era. And St. Paul taught that the “day of the Lord” will not come…
…unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. (2 Thess 2:2-3)
As I warned years ago, the lack of evangelization, of Catechesis, of leadership, and the deficit of faith in the Catholic Church as a whole… has created a Great Vacuum in this generation. Many of the protesters out marching on those streets are kids who were raised without authentic Christianity; with mindless television, pornography, and video gaming as their lifeline. For many of them, the Catholic Church signifies exactly what they’ve been told in the media: a bunch of white, patriarchal pedophiles who have no purpose other than to stay in power. How long before they are in the crosshairs?
So now, along comes a new ideal… or rather, ideologies that themselves, like the politically correct version of “white privilege”, are casuistries.
casuistry [noun]: the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral questions.
Such as:
- God loves everyone and wants us to love each other, therefore when two people of the same sex “marry” each other, that is good.
- Jesus commanded us: “Do not judge.” Therefore, it is intolerant to dictate a moral absolute to another.
- We are made in God’s image and should be loved unconditionally, therefore one must be loved however they define themselves.
- There is a lot of brokenness and divorce, therefore marriage and the nuclear family are the problem.
- Men and nations fight over property and borders, therefore property rights should be abolished and the fighting will end.
- Men have used their strength to dominate, therefore masculinity is toxic.
- Our bodies are sacred and the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore a woman has autonomy over the fate of the body in her womb.
- Whites colonized and even enslaved people of color in centuries past, therefore every white person alive today has “white privilege” and must apologize.
Speaking of the common roots of these ideologies, Monsignor Michel Schooyans said:
…the so-called “gender” issue [is] now in great vogue at the UN. The gender issue has several roots, but one of these is indubitably Marxist. Marx’s collaborator Friedrich Engels elaborated a theory of male-female relationships as prototypes of conflictual relations in the class struggle. Marx emphasized the struggle between master and slave, capitalist and worker. Engels, on the other hand, saw monogamous marriage as an example of men’s oppression of women. According to him, the revolution should begin with the abolition of the family. —”We must resist”, Inside the Vatican, October 2000
Hence, this is why Servant of God Sr. Lucia of Fatima warned:
…the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family… anyone who operates for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be contended and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue, however, Our Lady has already crushed its head. —Sr. Lucia, seer of Fatima, in an interview with Cardinal Carlo Caffara, Archbishop of Bologna, from the magazine Voce di Padre Pio, March 2008; cf. rorate-caeli.blogspot.com
Vast sectors of society are confused about what is right and what is wrong, and are at the mercy of those with the power to “create” opinion and impose it on others. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Cherry Creek State Park Homily, Denver, Colorado, 1993
These “opinions” are now the “causes” that have become the rallying cry of this generation. The call from young people to dismantle capitalism, Catholicism, “white privilege”, the traditional family, etc. is real. We’re seeing it live on television. We are seeing it spill into the streets with violence. The anger many of them express is actually a rebellion against all authority. For the youth believe they have been robbed of meaning, and they have been; they believe they need an ideal, and now they have one; all that’s left is for them to be given a Leader… and he is coming.
I feel like Moishe the Beadle from my article Our 1942: I’m crying out: this is a trap! These globalists who have promoted these ideologies do not have your freedom in mind as you may think young people! They do not have the best interests of the poor in mind as you may think dear marchers! They do not have the harmony of all people’s in mind as you may think dear protesters! They are pitting us against each other in order to destroy relationships, families, nations, and international relations… so as to collapse them all and rebuild a New World Order. And this was foreseen in literally hundreds of warnings from the popes. Ordo Ab Chaos means “Order out of Chaos.” It is the Latin motto adopted by the Illuminatists and Freemasons, those secret sects that have been outright condemned by the Catholic Church due to their perennially illicit goals—goals, by the way, which are perfectly aligned with those on the BLM website:
You are aware indeed, that the goal of this most iniquitous plot is to drive people to overthrow the entire order of human affairs and to draw them over to the wicked theories of this Socialism and Communism… —POPE PIUS IX, Nostis et Nobiscum, Encyclical, n. 18, DECEMBER 8, 1849
And so, now we see Pope Leo XIII’s prophecy finally coming true:
At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself …that which is their ultimate purpose forces itself into view—namely, the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism. —POPE LEO XIII, Humanum Genus, Encyclical on Freemasonry, n.10, Apri 20thl, 1884
…the order of the world is shaken. (Psalm 82:5)
I know I cannot stop this; my blog is but a pebble against a Spiritual Tsunami. But I am here to help Our Lady’s Little Rabble —who are from every nation on earth—to avoid the pitfalls and traps of the casuistry and sophistries of Satan. We are the ones who have to break from the status quo, break from that insidious peer-pressure and renounce political correctness and following the mob, who are like the blind leading the blind. For who, you must ask, is the “they” whom they are following anyway?
For the world, the authority is “they,” something anonymous. Everybody follows the styles. Or they say,“Everybody’s doing it.” Oh, no! Right is right if nobody is right, and wrong is wrong if everybody is wrong. Believe me, in this error infested world, we really need a Church and an authority that is right when the world is wrong! —Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen, Your Life is Worth Living, The Christian Philosophy of Life, p. 142
Well, you dear Rabble, are part of the Church. It is the Hour of the Laity, said John Paul II. And this is now beginning to cost us as we were long told it would. Yes, it’s just as Jesus said it would be when one stands for authentic truth—not half-truths, not empty apologies, not meaningless gestures, or politically correct platitudes… but real truth, real action, and real justice.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied… Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Monday’s Gospel)
I ask you to be defenders of the truth.
The devil will deceive many of the consecrated,
and many of My poor children will seek the truth
and find it in few places.
Confusion will spread everywhere among the faithful
and many will walk like the blind leading the blind.
Bend your knees in prayer. Whatever happens, remain firm in your faith.
Accept the Gospel of My Jesus and the teachings
of the true Magisterium of His Church. Onward. I am with you,
although you do not see Me.
—Our Lady to Pedro Regis, May 19th, 2020; countdowntothekingdom.com
I watched this prophecy, released today, after writing the article above.
The Seedbed of This Revolution
The Heart of the New Revolution
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