A COUPLE of days ago, I was moved to republish An Invincible Faith in Jesus. It is a reflection on the beautiful words to Servant of God Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970). Then this morning, my colleague Peter Bannister found this incredible prophecy from Fr. Dolindo given by Our Lady in 1921. What makes it so remarkable is that it is a summary of everything I’ve written here, and of so many authentic prophetic voices from around the world. I think the timing of this discovery is, itself, a prophetic word to all of us.
But first, here is the prophecy, followed by my commentary.
God alone! (Dio solo)
It is I, Mary Immaculate, Mother of Mercy.
It is I who must lead you back to Jesus because the world is so far from Him and cannot find the way back, being so full of wretchedness! Only a great mercy can lift the world out the abyss into which it has fallen. Oh, my daughters,[1]The text was written in 1921 but only published after his death in the book Cosi ho visto l’Immaculata (Thus I saw the Immaculate). This volume takes the form of 31 letters — one for each day of the month of May — written to some of the Neapolitan mystic’s spiritual daughters while he was in Rome being “interrogated” by the Holy Office. It is clear that Don Dolindo regarded the writing as supernaturally inspired by an illumination from Our Lady, who speaks here in the first person. you do not consider what state the world is in and what souls have become! Do you not see that God is forgotten, that He is unknown, that the creature idolizes itself?… Do you not see that the Church is languishing and that all her riches are buried, that her priests are inactive, are often bad, and are dissipating the Lord’s vineyard?The world has become a field of death, no voice will awaken it unless a great mercy lifts it up. You, therefore, my daughters, must implore this mercy, addressing yourselves to me who am its Mother: “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope”.
What do you think mercy is? It is not merely indulgence but also a remedy, medicine, surgical operation.The first form of mercy needed by this poor earth, and the Church first of all, is purification. Do not be frightened, do not fear, but it is necessary for a terrible hurricane to pass first over the Church and then the world!The Church will almost seem abandoned and everywhere her ministers will desert her… even the churches will have to close! By his power the Lord will break all the bonds that now bind her [i.e. the Church] to the earth and paralyze her!They have neglected the glory of God for human glory, for earthly prestige, for external pomp, and all this pomp will be swallowed up by a terrible, new persecution! Then we will see the value of human prerogatives and how it would have been better to lean on Jesus alone, who is the true life of the Church.When you see the Pastors expelled from their seats and reduced to poor houses, when you see priests deprived of all their possessions, when you see external greatness abolished, say that the Kingdom of God is imminent! All this is mercy, not an ill!Jesus wanted to reign by spreading His love and so often they have prevented Him from doing so. Therefore, he will disperse everything that is not his and will strike his ministers so that, deprived of all human support, they might live in Him alone and for Him!This is the true mercy and I will not prevent what will seem to be a reversal but which is a great good, because I am the Mother of mercy!The Lord will begin with His house and from there He will go on to the world…Iniquity, having reached its apex, will fall apart and devour itself…
Leo XIII truly saw, in a vision, demonic spirits who were congregating on the Eternal City (Rome). —Father Domenico Pechenino, eyewitness; Ephemerides Liturgicae, reported in 1995, p. 58-59
It is believed that the Pope overheard Satan asking the Lord for a hundred years to test the Church (which resulted in Leo XIII composing the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel).
Medjugorje seer, Mirjana, says she was given a similar vision, which she recounts to author and attorney Jan Connell:
J (Jan): Concerning this century, is it true that the Blessed Mother related a dialogue to you between God and the devil? In it… God allowed the devil one century in which to exercise extended power, and the devil chose these very times.
The visionary answered “Yes”, citing as proof the great divisions we see particularly among families today. Connell asks:
J: Will the fulfillment of the secrets of Medjugorje break the power of Satan?
M (Mirjana): Yes.
J: How?
M: That is part of the secrets.
J: Can you tell us anything [regarding the secrets]?
M: There will be events on the earth as warning to the world before the visible sign is given to humanity. —p. 23, 21; Queen of the Cosmos (Paraclete Press, 2005, Revised Edition)
As a footnote… in our webcast a few months ago,[2]Watch: Divine Chastisements and the Three Days of Darkness Prof. Daniel O’Connor noted that, in 1920, Russia became the first country to legalize abortion. Without question, this satanic door that was opened has alone brought humanity to the point of this purification some one hundred years later, which brings me to the next point…
I. The world has become a field of death…
Spoken three years after World War I—but before the holocaust of Communism, World II, Nazism, ethnic genocides, abortion, famines, laboratory created viruses, and legalized assisted suicide—Our Lady truly predicted the future state of the world in 2020. The popes would later call this field of death the “culture of death.” Hence, Our Lady indicates that this world bathed in blood will eventually reach The Point of No Return:
…no voice will awaken it unless a great mercy lifts it up. You, therefore, my daughters, must implore this mercy…
This is what Jesus said to St. Faustina as He gave us the means to implore this mercy and The Last Hope of Salvation:
Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy. —Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary, n. 300
II. …it is necessary for a terrible hurricane to pass first over the Church and then the world!
Those who know my writings will understand why my jaw fell open upon reading that. As I recounted in The Great Day of Light, in 2006, I went to a field to pray and watch an approaching storm. As dark clouds rolled in, I clearly heard in my heart these words:
A Great Storm, like a hurricane, is coming over the earth.
That Storm, the Lord would soon explain, would be the Seven Seals of Revolution (watch Explaining the Great Storm). But I would later learn that these words weren’t just given to me. Several seers have also spoken of this Great Storm, such as Pedro Regis, Agustín del Divino Corazón, Fr. Stefano Gobbi, Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941), and Elizabeth Kindelmann:
…the elect will have to fight against the Prince of Darkness. It will be a terrible storm. Rather, it will be a hurricane which will want to destroy the faith and confidence of even the elect. In this terrible turmoil currently brewing up, you will see the brightness of my Flame of Love illuminating Heaven and earth by the effusion of its effect of grace I am passing on to souls in this dark night. —Our Lady to Elizabeth Kindelmann, The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: The Spiritual Diary, Kindle Edition, Locations 2998-3000 with Imprimatur
That word let to the Timeline you now see on Countdown to the Kingdom. Consider what has happened just this week with the Pope’s alarming words on “civil unions” and how this has shaken the “confidence of even the elect.”
III. The Lord will begin with His house and from there He will go on to the world…
I gasped when I read this (since I never get used to this apostolate). Since addressing the pope’s remarks in The Body, Breaking, these words from Scripture have been emblazoned on my heart:
For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God; if it begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17)
As I noted in A Great Shipwreck, another seer on Countdown to the Kingdom whom we continue to discern is the Canadian priest, Fr. Michel Rodrigue. In a letter to supporters on March 26th, 2020 he wrote:
My dear people of God, we are now passing a test. The great events of purification will begin this fall. Be ready with the Rosary to disarm Satan and to protect our people. Make sure that you are in the state of grace by having made your general confession to a Catholic priest. The spiritual battle will begin. Remember these words: The month of the Rosary [October] will see great things. — Dom Michel Rodrigue, countdowntothekingdom.com
While many people are looking for major calamities or wars to break out, to me, the Pope’s statement on “civil unions”, which neither he nor the Vatican have retracted or corrected, is one of the most serious events in my lifetime regarding any kind of crisis in the papacy. Consider what Fr. Michel said: “The great events of purification will begin this fall.” As errant bishops and Catholic statesmen alike rush now to suddenly endorse civil unions, we are watching in real-time the sifting of the weeds from the wheat. I am convinced Francis’ statement, if not corrected, will become a leading factor in a persecution of the faithful the likes of which we have not seen in the West since the French Revolution. This was, in fact, one of the main warnings I was inspired to write in 2005 shortly after the Asian tsunami (see: Persecution… and the Moral Tusnami).
Persecution is purification. As Our Lady said to Fr. Dolindo:
The first form of mercy needed by this poor earth, and the Church first of all, is purification.
IV. The Church will almost seem abandoned and everywhere her ministers will desert her… even the churches will have to close! By his power the Lord will break all the bonds that now bind her [i.e. the Church] to the earth and paralyze her!
Hardly any commentary is needed at this point, particularly as churches begin to close again in France, Italy, the UK and Ireland (where priests are being threatened with imprisonment should they say Mass in public). The Church has been weighed and found wanting. For not only did many bishops close their parishes with hardly a blink, but they put into place more stringent standards than nearly any other institution (including agreeing to take down names of everyone attending Mass to submit to authorities). This “bond” that is now becoming evident between the hierarchy and the State is going to be broken. How?
…if there is to be a persecution, perhaps it will be then; then, perhaps, when we are all of us in all parts of Christendom so divided, and so reduced, so full of schism, so close upon heresy. When we have cast ourselves upon the world and depend for protection upon it, and have given up our independence and our strength, then [Antichrist] will burst upon us in fury as far as God allows him. —St. John Henry Newman, Sermon IV: The Persecution of Antichrist
V. …all this pomp will be swallowed up by a terrible, new persecution!
As a result of the spirit of compromise that will have entered the Church, Our Lady warns of a persecution that will swallow up the Church’s temporal glory. Several years ago, as I drove to confession, I was suddenly overwhelmed with an incredible sadness; that all the beauty of the Church—her art, her chants, her ornamentation, her incense, her candles, etc.—must all go down into the tomb; that a persecution is coming that will take all this away so that we will have nothing left, but Jesus. I came home and wrote this short poem, which is constantly on my heart these days: Weep, O Children of Men.
WEEP, O children of men! Weep for all that is good, and true, and beautiful. Weep for all that must go down to the tomb, your icons and chants, your walls and steeples.
Weep, O children of men! For all that is good, and true, and beautiful. Weep for all that must go down to the Sepulcher, your teachings and truths, your salt and your light.
Weep, O children of men! For all that is good, and true, and beautiful. Weep for all who must enter the night, your priests and bishops, your popes and princes.
Weep, O children of men! For all that is good, and true, and beautiful. Weep for all who must enter the trial, the test of faith, the refiner’s fire.
…but weep not forever!
For dawn will come, light will conquer, a new Sun will rise. And all that was good, and true, and beautiful will breathe new breath, and be given to sons again.
VI. When you see the Pastors expelled from their seats and reduced to poor houses, when you see priests deprived of all their possessions, when you see external greatness abolished… so that, deprived of all human support, they might live in Him alone and for Him!
This recalls the famous prophecy given in the presence of Pope St. Paul VI in 1975 during a gathering, known widely now as The Prophecy at Rome. I did an entire video series based on this:
Because I love you, I want to show you what I am doing in the world today. I want to prepare you for what is to come. Days of darkness are coming on the world, days of tribulation… Buildings that are now standing will not be standing. Supports that are there for my people now will not be there. I want you to be prepared, my people, to know only me and to cleave to me and to have me in a way deeper than ever before. I will lead you into the desert… I will strip you of everything that you are depending on now, so you depend just on me. A time of darkness is coming on the world, but a time of glory is coming for my Church, a time of glory is coming for my people. I will pour out on you all the gifts of my Spirit. I will prepare you for spiritual combat; I will prepare you for a time of evangelism that the world has never seen…. And when you have nothing but me, you will have everything: land, fields, homes, and brothers and sisters and love and joy and peace more than ever before. Be ready, my people, I want to prepare you… —given to Dr. Ralph Martin in St. Peter’s Square, Rome, on Pentecost Monday, 1975
A year later, Fr. Michael Scanlan (1931-2017) gave an almost identical prophecy that Dr. Ralph Martin recently recovered. See here.
VII. All this is mercy, not an ill! Jesus wanted to reign by spreading His love and so often they have prevented Him from doing so….
How often have I said this! It is not the “chastisements” that are coming that frighten me. It is the thought that the youth of this generation, left virtually shepherdless, will be swept up and deceived by this Marxist revolution; that the blood of the unborn would continue to be spilled through abortion; that seniors would continue to be abandoned and isolated and euthanized; that pornography would continue to destroy the fertile minds of men and women; that the message to pursue pleasure alone would continue to corrupt this generation; and that our young would have their innocence robbed by a hedonistic agenda we call “sex education.” It is not that God would intervene with Divine Justice that I find frightening, but that He would leave us to our own devices! Hence, the present and coming purification is mercy, not an ill.
As Our Lady said, Jesus wanted to reign by love, but we have prevented Him. Five years later, He said virtually the same thing to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:
My will wants to Triumph, and would want to Triumph by means of Love in order to Establish Its Kingdom. But man does not want to come to meet this Love, therefore, it is necessary to use Justice. —Jesus to Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta; Nov. 16th, 1926
Thus, the hardships that we must pass through are necessary to prepare for the reign of Jesus in His Church when His “will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
There is more suffering and more work to do if one must destroy in order to rebuild, than if one only had to build. The same will happen in order to rebuild the Kingdom of My Will. How many innovations need to be made. It is necessary to turn everything upside down, to knock down and destroy human beings, to upset the earth, the sea, the air, the wind, the water, the fire, so that all may put themselves at work in order to renew the face of the earth, so as to bring the order of the new Kingdom of My Divine Will into the midst of creatures. Therefore, many grave things will happen, and in seeing this, if I look at the chaos, I feel afflicted; but if I look beyond, in seeing the order and My new Kingdom rebuilt, I go from a deep sadness to a joy so great that you cannot comprehend… My daughter, let us look beyond, that we may be cheered. I want to make things return as in the beginning of Creation… —Jesus to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta , April 24th, 1927
And all of this will be accomplished with and through Our Lady, as she said to Fr. Dolindo:
It is I who must lead you back to Jesus because the world is so far from Him and cannot find the way back, being so full of wretchedness!…This is the true mercy and I will not prevent what will seem to be a reversal but which is a great good, because I am the Mother of mercy!
On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her because He wants the Church’s victories now and in the future to be linked to her… —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. 221
Then, as Our Lady says,
Iniquity, having reached its apex, will fall apart and devour itself…
…and Christ will establish His Kingdom upon the ruins of Babylon.
We are given reason to believe that, towards the end of time and perhaps sooner than we expect, God will raise up great men filled with the Holy Spirit and imbued with the spirit of Mary. Through them Mary, Queen most powerful, will work great wonders in the world, destroying sin and setting up the kingdom of Jesus her Son upon the ruins of the corrupt kingdom of the world. —St. Louis de Montfort, Secret of Mary, n. 59
Ah, my daughter, the creature always races more into evil. How many machinations of ruin they are preparing! They will go so far as to exhaust themselves in evil. But while they occupy themselves in going their way, I will occupy Myself with the completion and fulfillment of My Fiat Voluntas Tua (“Thy will be done”) so that My Will reign on earth—but in an all-new manner. Ah yes, I want to confound man in Love! Therefore, be attentive. I want you with Me to prepare this Era of Celestial and Divine Love… —Jesus to Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, Manuscripts, Feb 8th, 1921
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↑1 | The text was written in 1921 but only published after his death in the book Cosi ho visto l’Immaculata (Thus I saw the Immaculate). This volume takes the form of 31 letters — one for each day of the month of May — written to some of the Neapolitan mystic’s spiritual daughters while he was in Rome being “interrogated” by the Holy Office. It is clear that Don Dolindo regarded the writing as supernaturally inspired by an illumination from Our Lady, who speaks here in the first person. |
↑2 | Watch: Divine Chastisements and the Three Days of Darkness |