Star of the Sea by Tianna (Mallett) Williams
Our Lady’s love and protection over the Barque of Peter, the faithful Church
I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. (John 16:12)
THE following is the third and last part of what can be summarized in the word “Prepare” that Our Lady has laid on my heart. In some ways, it’s as though I have prepared 25 years for this writing. Everything has come into more focus over the past few weeks—like a veil has been lifted and that which was seen dimly is now clearer. Some things I’m going to write below may be hard to hear. Some, you may have already heard (but I believe you will hear with new ears). This is why I have begun with the beautiful image above that my daughter recently painted of Our Lady. The more I gaze at it, the more strength it gives me, the more I feel Mamma with me… with us. Remember, always, that God has provided Our Lady as a sure and safe refuge.
My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God. —Our Lady of Fatima, Second apparition, June 13, 1917, The Revelation of the Two Hearts in Modern Times,
My Mother is Noah’s Ark… —The Flame of Love, p. 109; Imprimatur from Archbishop Charles Chaput
A few years ago, I was taking a walk on our country road when, in a split-second, I “understood” that no one is going to make it through this Great Storm except by grace alone. All our theological smarts, knowledge, and understanding, all our personal gifts, skills and cleverness are not enough; Divine Providence alone will carry God’s people through these times as much as the ark carried Noah and his family. In other words, one could be an Olympic swimmer, but unless you’re in the Ark, you won’t be able to tread the waters of this Storm.
So, it seems to me that a good followup to this writing will be a simple teaching on how to enter the Ark, stay there, and help your children and others get on board. Sound good? With that, then, let’s take hold of Our Lady’s mantle, wrap it around ourselves like a blanket, and hide beside her like a little child. Because I feel it is her hand upon me to write the third part of this series, and thus, she who will nurture us with the wisdom, light and understanding we need to know that everything—the suffering, the glory—all lies within the plans of Divine Providence. After all, you are Our Lady’s Little Rabble and she is now personally training us.
Small is the number of those who understand and follow me… —Our Lady to Mirjana, May 2nd, 2014
Allow me to take you now on a little journey, one the Lord has brought back to me in flashes a few weeks ago, weaving together a mosaic of warning to prepare His Bride, the Church. I apologize again that this series is longer than usual, but I think the mature reader can grasp the necessity of the content at this time in the world (and all of this I resubmitted to my spiritual director again before publishing this).
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When I was a young boy, perhaps only 3-4 years old, my parents had just put me to bed. The light was off and the door was closed. I looked up at the light fixture on the ceiling, at a small red reflection on it. It began to grow and grow until I realized I was staring into the face of Satan. I cried out, and my mother came and held me in her arms as I shook.
For some reason, the Lord has brought this memory back to me several times recently. It seems the devil found an adversary in a little boy who would someday consecrate his life to the Woman of Genesis 3:15 and Revelation 12:1 to help her crush that vile head.
Twenty years later, at the beginning of my music ministry around 1993, I had an unforgettable dream. When Covid-19 was declared a “pandemic” in March, resulting in the closure of churches around the world and near martial law across the entire globe, the Lord reminded me again of that dream. This time, however, I distinctly heard in my heart: “Interpret this more literally now…” I have published this in the past, but I have bolded some details that I left out at the time because I thought they were insignificant—until now:
I was in a retreat setting with other Christians, worshipping the Lord, when suddenly a group of young people walked in. They were in their twenties, male and female, all of them very attractive. It was clear to me that they were silently taking over this retreat house. I remember having to file past them through the kitchen. They were smiling, but their eyes were cold. There was a hidden evil beneath their beautiful faces, more tangible than visible.
The next thing I remember is emerging from solitary confinement. There were no security guards but it was like I had to be there and, eventually, left of my own accord. I was taken to a laboratory-like white room lit with bright white light. There, I found my wife and children seemingly drugged, emaciated, abused in some way.
I woke up. And when I did, I sensed—and I do not know how—the spirit of “Antichrist” in my room. The evil was so overwhelming, so horrific, so unimaginable, that I began to weep, “Lord, it can’t be. It can’t be! No Lord….” Never before or since then have I experienced such “pure” evil. And it was the definite sense that this evil was either present, or coming to the earth…
My wife awoke, hearing my distress, rebuked the spirit, and peace slowly began to return…
The “more literal” interpretation came to me quickly: The “retreat center” represents the Church today. The people who walked in did so uninvited—they simply told us what to do. I clearly remember walking through the kitchen past a line that blocked access to the cupboards and fridge, that is, the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. Their faces were beautiful, but evil lingered beneath. That is, we are being told now that “control” over nearly every aspect of our lives is “for our own good.” The confinement without guards can easily be understood as “self-isolation.” Last, the most disturbing and perhaps most difficult part of the dream was how my family seemed “unworldly” disfigured. This part is hard for me to explain; but it was like there was a “new evil” that did this. This was followed by the actual revelation of Antichrist. [Note: the “Antichrist” spoken of in Scripture and Tradition is a real man. See footnote.] [1]Refuting the idea that he is not, Church Doctor St. Robert Ballarmine stated: “For all Catholics actually perceive Antichrist to be one certain man, but all the previously mentioned heretics, in a manner peculiar to them, teach Antichrist not to be a single person, but rather the antichrist to be a single throne, or tyrannical kingdom, or the apostolic chair of those who preside over the (Catholic) Church.” —Opera Omnia, Disputationem Roberti Bellarmini. De Controversiis, Christianae Fidei; cited in Antichrist and the End Times, Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, p. 13
I will add that I did not feel this was going to happen to my family, but rather, that it was a warning of the Great Poisoning of mankind that has already begun, and has yet to reach its zenith through some kind of “new evil.” By now, most of my Catholic readers understand what that “poisoning” is all about:
The Pharaoh of old, haunted by the presence and increase of the children of Israel, submitted them to every kind of oppression and ordered that every male child born of the Hebrew women was to be killed (cf. Ex 1:7-22). Today, not a few of the powerful of the earth act in the same way. They too are haunted by the current demographic growth… Consequently, rather than wishing to face and solve these serious problems with respect for the dignity of individuals and families and for every person’s inviolable right to life, they prefer to promote and impose by whatever means a massive programme of birth [population] control. —POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II, Evangelium Vitae, “The Gospel of Life”, n. 16
Yes, when I heard about the new coronavirus breakout, I thought Prince Phillip had died.
If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. —Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in “Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?” Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December 1995
It was a Canadian bishop who first urged me to share the following experience with you…
In 2005, I was driving alone in British Columbia, Canada. I was on concert tour, enjoying the scenery, drifting off in thought, when suddenly I heard within my heart the following words:
I have lifted the restrainer.
I felt something in my spirit that is hard to explain. It was as if a shock wave traversed the earth—as if “something” in the spiritual realm had been lifted. That night in my motel room, I asked the Lord if what I heard was in the Scriptures, since the word “restrainer” was totally unfamiliar to me. I grabbed my Bible and it opened straight to 2 Thessalonians 2:3. I began to read:
…[do not be] shaken out of your minds suddenly, or… alarmed either by a “spirit,” or by an oral statement, or by a letter allegedly from us to the effect that the day of the Lord is at hand. Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed. And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed…
That year, Canada redefined “marriage.” Other countries then followed suit. Then came a wave of new nations permitting abortion, then the abortion pill, then more alternative forms of marriage, then “gender ideology,” then active persecution to silence those who would oppose these edicts… in a word, lawlessness—the overturning of God’s law.
You understand, Venerable Brethren, what this disease is—apostasy from God… When all this is considered there is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were a foretaste, and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days; and that there may be already in the world the “Son of Perdition” of whom the Apostle speaks. —POPE ST. PIUS X, E Supremi, Encyclical On the Restoration of All Things in Christ, n. 3, 5; October 4th, 1903
Jesus said that, before His coming, it would be “as in the days of Noah.” What were the days of Noah like?
…the earth was corrupt in the view of God and full of lawlessness. (Gen 6:11)
Then, on my birthday in 2013, Pope Benedict XVI unexpectedly resigned. For at least two weeks, I kept hearing over and over again in my heart with power and urgency, “You are entering into dangerous and confusing times.” After the election of Pope Francis, tremendous confusion (for a number of reasons) did indeed enter the Church. Only in hindsight now do the words of Jesus to American seer, Jennifer, become astonishingly clear:
This is the hour of great transition. With the coming of the new leader of My Church will come forth great change, change that will weed out those who have chosen the path of darkness; those who choose to alter the true teachings of My Church. —April 22, 2005,
Sure enough, “lawlessness” began to spread “in the open” within the hierarchy itself, as bizarre proposals were introduced in synods, open-ended wording was used in official documents, and entire bishops’ conferences began proposing heterodox ideas.
…it is not right that so many bishops are interpreting Amoris Laetitia according to their way of understanding the Pope’s teaching. This does not keep to the line of Catholic doctrine… These are sophistries: the Word of God is very clear and the Church does not accept the secularization of marriage. —Cardinal Müller (former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), Catholic Herald, Feb. 1st, 2017
Apostasy, the loss of the faith, is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the Church. —POPE PAUL VI, Address on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions, October 13, 1977
Then, in what seemed a dangerous moment indeed, a group entered the Vatican gardens and, in the presence of the Pope, bowed to piles of dirt and non-sacred images causing uproar and scandal. That week, I wrote Putting the Branch to God’s Nose and how in the Old Testament it was idolatry that caused God to “lift the restrainer” of protection over His people.
Son of man, do you see what they are doing? Do you see the great abominations that the house of Israel is practicing here, so that I must depart from my sanctuary? You shall see even greater abominations! (Ezekiel 8:3)
Two days after that strange ritual in the Vatican Gardens, Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, who in 1973 warned of a coming division in the Church of “cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops,” [2]Our Lady to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, Japan, October 13th, 1973 received another “word” on October 6th, 2019. The same angel who spoke to her in the 1970’s allegedly appeared again with a simple message:
Put on ashes and pray for a penance rosary every day. —source EWTN affiliate WQPH Radio;; the translation here seems awkward (the original was “repentance rosary”) and might possibly be translated, “pray a rosary for repentance every day” or “pray a penance rosary every day”.
An accompanying note from the angelic “messenger” referred to Jonah’s prophecy (3:1-10), which was also the Mass reading on October 8th, 2019 (that day, the Gospel was about Martha putting other things before God!). In that chapter, Jonah is instructed to cover himself in ashes and warn Nineveh: “Forty days more and Nineveh shall be overthrown.”
Was this meant to be literal? We can’t say for certain. Notably, forty-three days later, according to a report quoted by the South China Morning Post, a 55-year-old man may have contracted COVID-19 on November 17th, 2019—the beginning of the pandemic.[3]March 13th, 2020, South China Morning Post;
Early on in this writing apostolate, the number “forty” was constantly impressed upon my heart. The number forty carries significance in Scripture that, for Christians, has come to symbolize a “period of preparation.”[4]Regis Flaherty, For example, the forty days of Jesus’ temptation in the desert, the forty years after Pentecost when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, and the forty years of the Israelites wandering and testing in the desert:
Forty years I endured that generation. I said, “They are a people whose hearts go astray and they do not know My ways.” So I swore in My anger, “They shall not enter into My rest.” (Psalm 95)
Thus, I remembered only now that, at the end of 2007, I had posed the question What Time is It? I wrote:
…as we draw to the close of this year, we see that it has been forty years since the Holy Spirit was poured out in the Charismatic Renewal in 1967; forty years since Israel became a nation again in the Six Day War of 1967; it is nearly forty years since the close of Vatican II; and in just months, it will be forty years since Humanae Vitae—the papal encyclical warning against the use of birth control. —cf. What Time is It? December 3rd, 2007
That would bring us to 2007-2008. What of it?
Before that New Year’s eve in 2007, I felt a sudden strong pull to leave the family festivities and go pray alone. As I knelt beside the bed, I felt Our Lady’s presence and then heard these words in my heart:
I didn’t understand what those words meant until later that spring:
The sense was that events around the world were going to unfold rapidly. I “saw” in my heart three orders collapse, one upon the other like dominoes:
…the economy, then the social, then the political order.
From this, I understood, would briefly rise a New World Order,[5]see The Coming Counterfeit Satan’s doomed attempt to usurp Christ’s Kingdom. Then, on the Feast of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, these words resounded in my soul:
My son, prepare for the trials which now begin.
That fall in 2008, the economy began to collapse. Billions were lost overnight, and had it not been for artificial life support (i.e. bailing out companies and “printing money”) everything might have collapsed. It was no longer Christians but economists warning that we were on borrowed time.
But now, the COVID-19 crisis is almost certainly the last straw to bring the entire house of cards down as markets gyrate, businesses close, supply chains dry up, bills mount, lockdowns become indefinite, and nations produce trillions of dollars out of “thin air” to pay their citizens. When the world goes bankrupt, it will be those who loaned the money who will own it. While origins of this coronavirus continue to be disputed, what is certain is that it is conveniently becoming the instrument to boldly begin the complete re-ordering of the economy according to Marxist principles. It is ultimately Communism through the back door, and at the helm of this rising “new order” is the United Nations with its usual covert language:
The recovery from (the) COVID-19 crisis must lead to a different economy. Everything we do, during and after this crisis, must be with a strong focus on building more equal, inclusive, and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change, and many other global challenges we face. —UN Chief António Guterres, March 31, 2020;
Freemason, Sir Henry Kissinger, is a little more transparent:
Addressing the necessities of the moment must ultimately be coupled with a global collaborative vision and program… The world’s democracies need to defend and sustain their Enlightenment values… —Freemason, Sir Henry Kissinger, The Washington Post, April 3rd, 2020
And former USSR president Michel Gorbachev likewise wasted no time calling for an Emergency Session of the United Nations General Assembly to promote those “values”, adding, “It should be about nothing less than revising the entire global agenda.”[6]April 6th, 2020; This is what he means:
Socialism… has all the conditions for solving nationality problems on the basis of equality and cooperation… It’s my conviction that the human race has entered a stage where we are all dependent on each other. No other country or nation should be regarded in total separation from another, let alone pitted against another. That’s what our communist vocabulary calls internationalism and it means promoting universal human values. —Michel Gorbachev, Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World, 1988, p. 119, 187-188 (emphasis mine)
All that’s really needed is the right man to bring us all together…
In 2009, a warning shot fired across the bow of the world. That was the year Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. Please let me explain—this has little to do with politics but a spiritual undertone (I’m a Canadian, so please hear me out…).
Obama had campaigned not only in the U.S. but also in Europe with elaborate pagan props proclaiming to the 200,000 gathered to hear him: “This is the moment to stand as one…”, which led to a German television commentator to state, “We have just heard the next President of the United States… and the future President of the World.” Obama boldly proclaimed at Henderson, Nevada “I will change the world.” And a Nigerian news outlet said that an Obama victory “…will enthrone the US as the global headquarters of democracy. It will usher in a New World Order…” MSNBC News anchor, Chris Matthews, described ‘a thrill going up my leg’ as Obama spoke and that, ‘he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament.‘ Others made comparisons of Obama to Jesus and Moses and described the senator in terms of being a “messiah” who will capture the youth. Long-time Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas said, ‘In a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above—above the world. He’s sort of God. He’s going to bring all different sides together.’ [7]cf. Warning from the Past Who, then, was this virtually unknown American senator who was suddenly going to change the world?
Michael D. O’Brien, a brilliant and prophetic Canadian author who has long warned of the signs of a coming global totalitarianism, had this to say of the new zeitgeist:
…now that I have seen the video of the Berlin speech I think there is more
here than meets the eye. He is indeed a powerful manipulator of crowds, even as he appears ever so humble and wholesomely charming. I doubt that he is the long-prophesied ruler of the world, but I also believe that he is a carrier of a deadly moral virus, indeed a kind of anti-apostle spreading concepts and agendas that are not only anti-Christ but anti-human as well. In this sense he is of the spirit of Antichrist (perhaps without knowing it), and probably is one of several key figures in the world who (knowingly or unknowingly) will be instrumental in ushering in the time of great trial for the Church under its last and worst persecution, amidst the numerous other tribulations prophesied in the books of Daniel and Revelation, and letters of St Paul, St. John, and St. Peter. —November 1st,
Reflecting upon what was happening in America, Lori Kalner, who survived Hitler’s regime, stated bluntly:
…I have experienced the signs of the politics of Death in my youth. I see them again now… —
No, I am not saying Obama is the Antichrist. I am saying that the world is clearly ready for another.[8]“Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that the antichrist was coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. Thus we know this is the last hour.” —1 John 2:18 But Scripture says the “restrainer” must first be removed…
On March 18th, 2020, at the world’s most famous active apparition site in Medjugorje, it was announced that Our Lady will no longer appear on the 2nd of every month in an apparition in which she prayed for unbelievers. I addressed that recently in Clash of the Kingdoms. What I didn’t say then is that it is almost forty years now since Our Lady began appearing on June 24th, 1981, the feast of John the Baptist, who was the immediate forerunner to Christ who announced the coming “day of the Lord”:
Prepare the way of the Lord! (Matt 3:3)
Pope Benedict made a powerful observation, not only about the restraining power of Our Lady’s presence, but also of holy men and women.
…the power of evil is restrained again and again; [and] again and again the power of God himself is shown in the Mother’s power and keeps it alive. The Church is always called upon to do what God asked of Abraham, which is to see to it that there are enough righteous men to repress evil and destruction. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Light of the World, p. 166, A Conversation With Peter Seewald (Ignatius Press)
It is not so much that Heaven has pulled back this apparition but that we Christians have pulled back from Heaven! Léon Bloy once said: “Anyone who does not pray to the Lord prays to the devil.” One could also say that one who does not proclaim Jesus Christ proclaims the world. This was the clear message from the very beginning of Pope Francis’ pontificate, exhorting the entire Church to “a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ”[9]Evangelii Gaudium, n. 3 so as to awaken her from slumber, to call her from behind the closed doors of her rectories and comfortable modes of living and return to the basic message of salvation, the joy of the Gospel, and make known the love and truth of Christ. And yes, in that order.
Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades. This is a very real danger for believers too. Many fall prey to it, and end up resentful, angry and listless. —POPE FRANCIS, Evangelii Gaudium, Apostolic Exhortation, November 24th, 2013; n. 2
Thus, he said:
I see the Church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars! You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else. Heal the wounds, heal the wounds…. And you have to start from the ground up. —POPE FRANCIS, interview with America Magazine, September 30th, 2013
But instead of embracing this challenging and crucial directive, many (to this day) continue to accuse the pope of trying to subvert doctrine because of his emphasis on mercy (which, contrary to what some Catholic media allege, he has not done to the exclusion of truth. See Pope Francis On… and how he has reaffirmed Sacred Tradition time and again, though, like other pontiffs, he has made mistakes as well).
Thus, in 2018, the Lord began the public correction of the Church echoed in the first three chapters of Revelation that precede the hard labor pains. During the Pope’s Synod on the family, I kept hearing in my heart: “You are living the letters to the churches in Revelation.” So, when Pope Francis finally spoke at the end of the Synod, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing: just as Jesus chastised five of the seven churches in Revelation, so too, Pope Francis made five rebukes to the universal Church (read The Five Corrections). The Cardinals and bishops in the room stood for several minutes in a prolonged standing ovation. But what I heard was thunder.
The restrainer is lifting because few now will listen to the Pope just as the apparitions of Our Lady are mocked and suppressed, even by clergy. It us—we Christians, the Church—who either hold back the tides of evil or invite them.
If Christians let their zeal grow cold… then the curb on evil will cease to apply and the rebellion will ensue. —The Navarre Bible commentary on 2 Thess 2:6-7, Thessalonians and Pastoral Epistles, p. 69-70
But then, the Early Church Fathers also said that the Roman Empire is the “restrainer” holding back the Antichrist and that it will be removed by this rebellion, a revolution.
This revolt [apostasy], or falling off, is generally understood, by the ancient fathers, of a revolt from the Roman empire, which was first to be destroyed, before the coming of Antichrist. It may, perhaps, be understood also of a revolt of many nations from the Catholic Church which has, in part, happened already, by the means of Mahomet, Luther, etc. and it may be supposed, will be more general in the days of the Antichrist. —footnote on 2 Thess 2:3, Douay-Rheims Holy Bible, Baronius Press Limited, 2003; p. 235
Adds St. John Henry Newman:
Now this restraining power [is] generally admitted to be the Roman empire… I do not grant that the Roman empire is gone. Far from it: the Roman empire remains even to this day. —(1801-1890), Advent Sermons on Antichrist, Sermon I
Here’s why: under the Roman Emperor Constantine, the persecution of Christians ceased and, with that, Christianity began to flourish and spread throughout the world building a new civilization of law and order upon Judeo-Christian principles. It transformed the landscape with towering cathedrals, sacred art and music, the building of schools, hospitals, and universities and significant contributions to the sciences. The supernatural tendrils of the Church reached everywhere while hundreds upon hundreds of religious orders and saints arose. But today, the rejection of this Christian heritage in the West is the greatest sign that the total collapse of the “Roman Empire” is now imminent.
The spiritual crisis involves the entire world. But its source is in Europe. People in the West are guilty of rejecting God… The spiritual collapse thus has a very Western character. —Cardinal Robert Sarah, Catholic Herald, April 5th, 2019
As I have written extensively elsewhere, this spiritual crisis has its roots in the Enlightenment period—a deliberate philosophical revolution fomented by “secret societies” in order to undermine truth with human reason alone. In this way, the Christian “empire” would collapse and in its place a godless humanistic empire could arise mimicking the principles of “equality” and “freedom” yet completely undermining them through global Communism.
At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself …that which is their ultimate purpose forces itself into view—namely, the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism. —POPE LEO XIII, Humanum Genus, Encyclical on Freemasonry, n.10, Apri 20thl, 1884
We were warned—and we did little about. Thus, the errors of the Enlightenment have now spread over the entire world bringing to fulfillment Our Lady’s prophetic words at Fatima:
I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace. If not, [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. —Message of Fatima,
Few realize that Pope Benedict heralded this global “revolt” and imminent collapse of the “Roman Empire” (and thus the imminence of the Antichrist) when he compared our times to the decline of that same empire:
The disintegration of the key principles of law and of the fundamental moral attitudes underpinning them burst open the dams which until that time had protected peaceful coexistence among peoples. The sun was setting over an entire world. Frequent natural disasters further increased this sense of insecurity. There was no power in sight that could put a stop to this decline. All the more insistent, then, was the invocation of the power of God: the plea that he might come and protect his people from all these threats. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Address to the Roman Curia, December 20th, 2010;
What has happened, he warned, is that the “fundamental consensus derived from the Christian heritage” has been rejected, thereby jeopardizing the very future of the world:
Only if there is such a consensus on the essentials can constitutions and law function… To resist this eclipse of reason and to preserve its capacity for seeing the essential, for seeing God and man, for seeing what is good and what is true, is the common interest that must unite all people of good will. The very future of the world is at stake. —Ibid.
That is, the world is now at risk of the ultimate deception:
The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist… especially the “intrinsically perverse” political form of a secular messianism. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 675-676
Generally speaking then, the Catholic Church is the “restrainer” holding back the Antichrist. But because holy men and women (the Church), Our Lady (the Mother of the Church), the Eucharist (the Heart of the Church) and the Pope (the rock of the Church) are intrinsically bound together, the restrainer is multi-faceted. It is clear that events of the past several weeks signal how close the world is to that “supreme religious deception”…
In 2005, I was invited to give a concert in a parish near New Orleans, LA. The pews were packed with standing room only. That night, a strong word came over me to warn the people that a spiritual tsunami, a great wave of deception was going to pass through their parish and over the whole world, and that they needed to prepare themselves for this great upheaval. Two weeks later, Hurricane Katrina struck and a 35 foot wall of water surged through the church. That Spiritual Tsunami is no longer coming, it is here.
Where are we now in an eschatological sense? It is arguable that we are in the midst of the rebellion and that in fact a strong delusion has come upon many, many people. It is this delusion and rebellion that foreshadows what will happen next: and the man of lawlessness will be revealed. —article, Msgr. Charles Pope,“Are These the Outer Bands of a Coming Judgment?”, November 11th, 2014
What has happened in just a matter of days in 2020 is shocking. I am speaking of the wholesale cancellation of the public celebration of the Mass in most countries. While the State permits Catholics to go in and out of stores to buy groceries and other essentials with proper “social-distancing,” in many places, the same cannot enter a church to receive Holy Communion with equal precautions. The duplicity of the State in this matter is evident. But so is the complicity of the hierarchy.
Prohibition against worshipping God is a sign of “general apostasy.” It tries to convince Christians to take “a more reasonable and peaceful road,” by obeying “the tenets of worldly powers” who try to reduce religion to “a private matter”. —POPE FRANCIS, Homily, November 28th, 2013;
No one is suggesting a callous imprudence during a pandemic. We ought to take logical and reasonable precautions for the good of others since the first gift given to Adam was a brain. But the common good of others is most especially the eternal well-being of their souls. It is horrifying to learn that the dying in many places are being denied the last rites. In some cases, these may be souls who, finally, in their last hour, see their need to reconcile with God—and are being denied the visit of a priest. If doctors and nurses are going in and out of hospitals while taking necessary precautions, why not the spiritual doctors?
But again, this is only partly the State’s influence at this point. I have heard on more than one occasion now that some priests simply don’t want to go, afraid that they will catch the virus and die. While that is an understandable human response—it is not the divine one.
I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. (John 10:11)
The vocation of a priest is to lay down his life for his lambs. St. Teresa of Calcutta once said that if American mothers did not want to keep their babies, then give them to her! I too feel like saying, “If you do not want to bring the Eucharist to the sick and dying, give Jesus to me and I’ll take Him!” There is no hubris in those words. The preservation of our own lives for the sake of the Gospel has never been in the equation (though intentionally seeking death is dissuaded by the Church):
Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. (Luke 17:33)
To be certain, I know many priests who are ready to lay down their lives for Christ. But let us also be brutally honest: the modernism in the Church, moral relativism in the pews, and the spirit of rationalism that denies not only the miracles and power of Jesus, the charisms and gifts of the Holy Spirit, the apparitions and locutions of Our Lady, and yes, even the divinity of Christ—is far advanced. Can you not hear the words of Christ, “Will the Son of Man find faith on earth when he returns?” If we really believe that the Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life” we would never cut off that Source. If we truly believe that Jesus is the Great Physician and that He is the same “yesterday, today, and forever,” we would never quarantine Him from the ill. If we really believed in the power of the Sacraments and the Name of Jesus, we would not hide them in shame! How quaint the devotions and practices that miraculously drove back plagues and pestilences in times past… but we are the Enlightened generation! Science alone can save us! The State knows best!
A priest I know sent out a message advising the faithful to employ Holy Water in assisting them and their families in protection against the plague. He cited the words of the rite of exorcism of Holy Water and Holy Salt that…
…drive away evil spirits and dispel sickness, so that everything in the homes and other buildings of the faithful that is sprinkled with this water, may be rid of all uncleanness and freed from every harm. Let no breath of infection and no disease-bearing air remain in these places. —Rite from the Roman Ritual,
But he was silenced. Instead of sprinkling the faithful with Holy Water we have poured it on the ground. Yes, you can see it evaporating there in front of our empty churches—next to trampled scapulars, rusting miraculous medals, and broken rosary beads.
Jerusalem was uninhabited, like a wilderness; not one of her children came in or went out. The sanctuary was trampled on, and foreigners were in the citadel… Joy had disappeared from Jacob, and the flute and the harp were silent. (1 Macc 3:45)
How the words of St. John Henry Newman take on heart-breaking relevance:
…if there is to be a persecution, perhaps it will be then; then, perhaps, when we are all of us in all parts of Christendom so divided, and so reduced, so full of schism, so close upon heresy. When we have cast ourselves upon the world and depend for protection upon it, and have given up our independence and our strength, then [Antichrist] will burst upon us in fury as far as God allows him. —St. John Henry Newman, Sermon IV: The Persecution of Antichrist
One of the first writings of this apostolate, right after Hurricane Katrina, was a warning about the “forty year” mark, while quoting Ezekiel:
Woe to the shepherds of Israel who have been pasturing themselves! You did not strengthen the weak nor heal the sick nor bind up the injured. You did not bring back the strayed nor seek the lost… So they were scattered for the lack of a shepherd, and became food for all the wild beasts. (Ezekiel 34:1-11)
…such leaders are not zealous pastors who protect their flocks, rather they are like mercenaries who flee by taking refuge in silence when the wolf appears… When a pastor has been afraid to assert what is right, has he not turned his back and fled by remaining silent? —St. Gregory the Great, Vol. IV, Liturgy of the Hours, p. 343
One Catholic seer told me that Jesus audibly said to her recently: “My child, I am the true Physician and Healer of all souls yet I am the only physician not permitted to tend to my patients.”
O, if I might ask the Divine Redeemer, as the prophet Zachary did in spirit, ‘What are these wounds in your hands?’ the answer would not be doubtful. ‘With these I was wounded in the house of those who loved me. I was wounded by my friends who did nothing to defend me and who, on every occasion, made themselves the accomplices of my adversaries.’ This reproach can be leveled at the weak and timid Catholics of all countries. —POPE PIUS X, Publication of the Decree of the Heroic Virtues of St. Joan of Arc, etc., December 13th, 1908;
It seems to me, then, that there is one last restrainer left, and that is the pope himself:
Abraham, the father of faith, is by his faith the rock that holds back chaos, the onrushing primordial flood of destruction, and thus sustains creation. Simon, the first to confess Jesus as the Christ… now becomes by virtue of his Abrahamic faith, which is renewed in Christ, the rock that stands against the impure tide of unbelief and its destruction of man. —POPE BENEDICT XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger), Called to Communion, Understanding the Church Today, Adrian Walker, Tr., p. 55-56
While the office of Peter is “perpetual” according to Church teaching, that does not mean that the one occupying the throne cannot be suppressed.
I saw one of my successors taking to flight over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in disguise somewhere; after a short retirement he will die a cruel death. The present wickedness of the world is only the beginning of the sorrows which must take place before the end of the world. —POPE PIUS X, Catholic Prophecy, p. 22
Thus, when I began this series last week, I sensed Our Lady begging us to pray more than ever for our shepherds.
I want to close by sharing one more related element of the interior journey that has formed the basis of this writing. After Hurricane Katrina, I had a profound experience over the course of five days wherein myself and the priest from that parish in Louisiana received in “bud” form everything I’ve written—four “petals” that would form the “prophetic flower” of what are now over 1500 writings.
During those five days at the foot of the Canadian Rockies, I had an interior “vision” while praying before the Blessed Sacrament. This vision brings us back again to the start of this writing and how God is going to provide refuge for His people both spiritually and physically in the times to come. Allow me to preface that vision first with this prescient insight from Pope St. Paul VI:
There is a great uneasiness, at this time, in the world and in the Church, and that which is in question is the faith… I sometimes read the Gospel passage of the end times and I attest that, at this time, some signs of this end are emerging… What strikes me, when I think of the Catholic world, is that within Catholicism, there seems sometimes to pre-dominate a non-Catholic way of thinking, and it can happen that tomorrow this non-Catholic thought within Catholicism, will tomorrow become the stronger. But it will never represent the thought of the Church. It is necessary that a small flock subsist, no matter how small it might be. —POPE PAUL VI, The Secret Paul VI, Jean Guitton, p. 152-153, Reference (7), p. ix.
Vision of the Parallel Communities
(first published on September 14th, 2006 on the
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and eve of the
Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows)
I saw that, in the midst of the virtual collapse of society due to cataclysmic events, a “world leader” would present an impeccable solution to the economic chaos. This solution would seemingly cure not only these economic strains, but the deep social need of society, that is, the need for community. I immediately perceived that technology and the rapid pace of life have created an environment of isolation and loneliness—perfect soil for a new concept of community to emerge. In essence, I saw what would be “parallel communities” to the Christian communities. The Christian communities would already have been established through “the illumination” or “Warning” or perhaps sooner (they would be cemented by the supernatural graces of the Holy Spirit, and protected beneath the mantle of the Blessed Mother.)
The “parallel communities,” on the other hand, would reflect many of the values of the Christian communities—fair sharing of resources, a form of spirituality
and prayer, like-mindedness, and social interaction made possible (or forced into being) by the preceding purifications, which would compel people to draw together. The difference would be this: the parallel communities would be based on a new religious idealism, built on the footings of moral relativism and structured by New Age and Gnostic philosophies. AND, these communities would also have food and the means for comfortable survival.
The temptation for Christians to cross-over will be so great, that we will see families split, fathers turned against sons, daughters against mothers, families against families (cf. Mark 13:12). Many will be deceived because the new communities will contain many of the ideals of Christian community (cf. Acts 2:44-45), and yet, they will be empty, godless structures, shining in a false light, held together by fear more than by love, and fortified with easy access to the necessities of life. People will be seduced by the ideal—but swallowed by the falsehood. (Such will be the tactics of Satan, to mirror true Christian communities, and in this sense, create an anti-church).
As hunger and incrimination escalate, people will face a choice: they can continue to live in insecurity (humanly speaking) trusting in the Lord alone, or they can choose to eat well in a welcoming and seemingly secure community. (Perhaps a certain “mark” will be required to belong to these communities—an obvious but
plausible speculation I induced (cf. Rev 13:16-17)).
Those who refuse these parallel communities will be deemed not only outcasts, but obstacles to what many will be deceived into believing is the “enlightenment” of human existence—the solution to a humanity in crisis and gone astray. (And here again, terrorism is another key element of the enemy’s present plan. These new communities will appease the terrorists through this new world religion thereby bringing about a false “peace and security”, and hence, Christian’s will become the “new terrorists” because they oppose the “peace” established by the world leader.)
Even though people will have by now heard the revelation in Scripture regarding the dangers of a coming world religion (cf. Rev 13:13-15), the deception will be so convincing that many will believe Catholicism to be that “evil” world religion instead. Putting to death Christians will become a justifiable “act of self-defence” in the name of “peace and security”.
Confusion will be present; all will be tested; but the faithful remnant will prevail. —from The Trumpets of Warning – Part V
…if we study but a moment the signs of the present time, the menacing symptoms of our political situation and revolutions, as well as the progress of civilization and the increasing advance of evil, corresponding to the progress of civilization and the discoveries in the material order, we cannot fail to foresee the proximity of the coming of the man of sin, and of the days of desolation foretold by Christ… The most authoritative view, and the one that appears to be most in harmony with Holy Scripture, is that, after the fall of the Antichrist, the Catholic Church will once again enter upon a period of prosperity and triumph. —The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life, Fr. Charles Arminjon (1824-1885), p. 56-58; Sophia Institute Press
My people, your time is now to prepare because the coming of the antichrist is near… You will be grazed and numbered like sheep by the authorities who work for this false messiah. Do not allow yourself to be counted among them for you are then allowing yourself to fall into this evil trap. It is I Jesus who is your true Messiah and I do not number My sheep because your Shepherd knows you each by name. —Jesus allegedly to Jennifer, August 10th, 2003, March 18th, 2004;
…the Antichrist is manifested through a radical attack on faith in the word of God. Through the philosophers who begin to give exclusive value to science and then to reason, there is a gradual tendency to constitute human intelligence alone as the sole criterion of truth. There come to birth the great philosophical errors which continue through the centuries down to your days… For this reason, I entrust you to the powerful protection of these archangels and of your guardian angels, so that you may be guided and defended in the struggle which is now being waged between heaven and earth, between paradise and hell, between Saint Michael the Archangel and Lucifer himself, who will appear very soon with all the power of the Antichrist. —Our Lady allegedly to Fr. Gobbi, n. 407, “The Number of the Beast: 666”, p. 612, 18th Edition; also see message on September 29th, 1995
The Popes and the New World Order
My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge
and the way that will lead you to God.
—Second apparition, June 13, 1917,
The Revelation of the Two Hearts in Modern Times,
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↑1 | Refuting the idea that he is not, Church Doctor St. Robert Ballarmine stated: “For all Catholics actually perceive Antichrist to be one certain man, but all the previously mentioned heretics, in a manner peculiar to them, teach Antichrist not to be a single person, but rather the antichrist to be a single throne, or tyrannical kingdom, or the apostolic chair of those who preside over the (Catholic) Church.” —Opera Omnia, Disputationem Roberti Bellarmini. De Controversiis, Christianae Fidei; cited in Antichrist and the End Times, Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, p. 13 |
↑2 | Our Lady to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, Japan, October 13th, 1973 |
↑3 | March 13th, 2020, South China Morning Post; |
↑4 | Regis Flaherty, |
↑5 | see The Coming Counterfeit |
↑6 | April 6th, 2020; |
↑7 | cf. Warning from the Past |
↑8 | “Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that the antichrist was coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. Thus we know this is the last hour.” —1 John 2:18 |
↑9 | Evangelii Gaudium, n. 3 |