Our Lady – The First Charismatic

Pentecost by Jean Restout, (1692–1768)


It’s remarkable how, all of a sudden, the Charismatic Renewal is under a fresh attack from several quarters. And you have to ask why. The actual movement itself has faded in most places, like a wave that has settled into a trough. Many who experienced the graces of this movement — approved by every single pope since it was birthed in 1967 — have mostly gone “into the deep.” They understood that this outpouring of the Holy Spirit was intended to enrich the entire Body of Christ and birth new apostolates; that it was meant to lead one into contemplation and increased love of Our Lord in the Eucharist; that it was intended to foster a hunger for the Word of God and growth in the truths of our Faith, while drawing us into deeper devotion to Our Lady, the Mother of the Church, and “first Charismatic.”

In this interview I did with Mark McLean, I explain how Our Lady experienced a personal Pentecost and how this singular grace matured, invoked charisms, and brought forth the Savior in a deeper way for both herself and the world. Could the charismatic gifts and the Holy Spirit be under attack right now because the Church is moving toward a New Pentecost?

Mary was the first “Charismatic”… find out how:




Related Reading

The Gift of Tongues: It’s Catholic

On Radical Traditionalism



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