The Seven Year Trial – Part VII

The Crowning With Thorns, by Michael D. O’Brien


Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound the alarm on my holy mountain! Let all who dwell in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. (Joel 2:1)


THE Illumination will usher in a period of evangelization that will come like a flood, a Great Flood of Mercy. Yes, Jesus, come! Come in power, light, love, and mercy! 

But lest we forget, the Illumination is also a warning that the path the world and many in the Church itself have chosen will bring terrible and painful consequences upon the earth. The Illumination will be followed by further merciful warnings that begin to unfold in the cosmos itself…


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The Seven Year Trial – Part V

Christ in Gethsemane, by Michael D. O’Brien


The Israelites did what displeases the Lord; the Lord gave them over for seven years into the hands of Midian. (Judges 6:1)


THIS writing examines the transition between the first and second half of the Seven Year Trial.

We have been following Jesus along His Passion, which is a pattern for the Church’s present and coming Great Trial. Furthermore, this series aligns His Passion to the Book of Revelation which is, on one of its many levels of symbolism, a High Mass being offered in Heaven: the representation of Christ’s Passion as both sacrifice and victory.

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The Seven Year Trial – Part IV





Seven years shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will. (Dan 4:22)




During Mass this past Passion Sunday, I sensed the Lord urging me to repost a portion of the Seven Year Trial where it essentially begins with the Passion of the Church. Once again, these meditations are the fruit of prayer in my own attempt to better understand the Church’s teaching that the Body of Christ will follow its Head through its own passion or “final trial,” as the Catechism puts it (CCC, 677). Since the book of Revelation deals in part with this final trial, I have explored here a possible interpretation of St. John’s Apocalypse along the pattern of Christ’s Passion. The reader should keep in mind that these are my own personal reflections and not a definitive interpretation of Revelation, which is a book with several meanings and dimensions, not the least, an eschatological one. Many a good soul has fallen on the sharp cliffs of the Apocalypse. Nonetheless, I have felt the Lord compelling me to walk them in faith through this series, drawing together the Church’s teaching with mystical revelation and the authoritative voice of the Holy Fathers. I encourage the reader to exercise their own discernment, enlightened and guided, of course, by the Magisterium.Continue reading

On the Webcasts



I HOPE to answer a couple of your questions at this time regarding the new website:

A few viewers are having difficulty seeing the videos. I have established a Help Page that will solve 99.9% of these issues, including questions on MP3’s and iPod versions. If you are having difficulty, please click here: HELP.



Many of you have been introduced to my ministry through my writings, where evidently, several of you have found "spiritual food" and many other graces. For this, I thank God continually that He has used these writings in spite of the writing instrument.

The same Lord who has inspired these writings also placed it on my heart to begin a webcast. It’s taken me a year to find my feet again in television, and now I see what the Lord is doing. There is a kind of "dance" beginning to occur now between my writings and the webcasts. Where as before I would say "If you miss the webcasts, don’t worry, I’ll write about it…", that’s no longer true. The webcast and writings are like the left and right hands of a body. You can get by with one or the other, but there’s so much more you can do with two. That’s one of the major reasons why I felt it absolutely necessary to make the webcasts freely available to the public. 

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The Prophecy at Rome – Part V


EVENTS in the world are unfolding before our eyes that appear to be a fulfillment of many prophecies—including the prophecy given in 1975 before Pope Paul VI.

In Part V of the Prophecy at Rome, Jesus allegedly says that He will lead us into the desert… a place of temptation,  testing, and purification. I explain when the Church entered into this trial and how it has brought her and the world to the Great Storm of our times unfolding before us.


Watch the video now: click here.

Romans I


IT is only in hindsight now that perhaps Romans Chapter 1 has become one of the most prophetic passages in the New Testament. St. Paul lays out an intriguing progression: denial of God as Lord of Creation leads to vain reasoning; vain reasoning leads to a worship of the creature; and worship of the creature leads to an inversion of human **ity, and the explosion of evil.

Romans 1 is perhaps one of the chief signs of our times…


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Dynasty, Not Democracy – Part I


THERE is confusion, even among Catholics, as to the nature of the Church Christ established. Some feel the Church needs to be reformed, to allow a more democratic approach to her doctrines and to deciding how to deal with present day moral issues.

However, they fail to see that Jesus did not establish a democracy, but a dynasty.

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New Website Launched – Free!


FIRST, I want to welcome all my new subscribers. I messed up. We found a technical error where over two thousand subscribers were not receiving emails from me for quite some time. So if you are now, that’s why! I’m so sorry.



Finally, my webcast Embracing Hope TV is now available to watch without a subscription. We’ve always wanted to make this show freely available, and now it is. It’s a step of faith for us, because now this ministry is completely dependent upon viewers to click the "Donate" button to keep this ministry going. However, I feel it is God will, and so I know He will move hearts to provide what is necessary. The new website is here:

For those who had subscribed, we hope you will consider allowing your subscription fee to become a simple donation to this ministry. However, if you would rather have a refund for what’s left in your subscription, please contact [email protected]. As a way of thanking our annual subscribers for your long-term commitment to this ministry, we will provide you with a coupon code to my online store which will give you 50% off of my CD’s or book. You should receive it soon via the email address you provided when you subscribed. Thank you so much!


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We Were Warned

Watch it now: Click the Play button

THE world and the Church have not arrived at this decisive moment in time without warning. In Episode 15 of Embracing Hope, Mark addresses a topic he has neither written or spoken of before… of a secret agenda to undermine the Church. But it wasn’t so secret, as several pontiffs over the past two centuries have been warning the faithful about it… but has anyone listened?

Watch Episode 15 to understand how a diabolical plan has been unfolding for centuries and is now ready to be fully implemented… but also how God is in complete control, and nothing comes about without His sovereign hand guiding it. Don’t miss this eye-opening webcast that will help prepare you for the Great Storm of our times.

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The Prophecy at Rome – Part IV


MARK explains the difficult words of Jesus in The Prophecy at Rome that speak of upheaval and purification coming to the world and the Church. Once again, the words of the Popes are clear, the warnings of our Mother unequivocal, and the Sacred Scriptures unmistakable.A Great Storm is coming, and Mark prepares the viewer for what appears inevitable.

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Hope is Dawning


First published January 23rd, 2008.  This word brings into focus once again what all our waiting, watching, fasting, praying, and suffering is all about at this time in history. It reminds us that darkness will not triumph. Moreover, it reminds us that we are not defeated souls, but sons and daughters of God called into a mission, sealed with the power of the Holy Spirit, and inscribed with the name and authority of Jesus. Do not be afraid! Nor think that because you are insignificant in the eyes of the world, hidden from the masses, that God does not have a significant plan for you. Renew your commitment to Jesus today, trusting in His love and mercy. Begin again. Gird your loins. Tighten the ropes upon your sandals. Lift high the shield of faith, and grasp the hand of your Mother in the holy Rosary.

This is not the time for comfort, but the time for miracles! For Hope is dawning…

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The Prophecy at Rome – Part III


THE Prophecy at Rome, given in the presence of Pope Paul VI in 1973, goes on to say…

Days of darkness are coming on the world, days of tribulation…

In Episode 13 of Embracing Hope TV, Mark explains these words in light of the powerful and clear warnings of the Holy Fathers. God has not abandoned His sheep! He is speaking through His chief shepherds, and we need to hear what they are saying. It is not the time to be afraid, but to wake up and prepare for the glorious and difficult days ahead.

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O Canada… Where Are You?




First published March 4th, 2008. This writing has been updated with more recent events. It forms part of the underlying context for Part III of the Prophecy at Rome, coming to Embracing Hope TV later this week. 


DURING the past 17 years, my ministry has brought me from coast to coast in Canada. I have been everywhere from big city parishes to little country churches standing at the edge of wheat fields. I have met many souls who have a deep love for God and great desire for others to know Him too. I have encountered many priests who are faithful to the Church and doing whatever they can to serve their flocks. And there are those little pockets here and there of youth who are on fire for the Kingdom of God and working hard to bring conversion to even just a handful of their peers in this great counter-cultural battle between the Gospel and the anti-Gospel. 

God has granted me the privilege to minister to tens of thousands of my fellow countrymen. I have been granted a bird’s eye view of the Canadian Catholic Church that perhaps few even among the clergy have experienced.  

Which is why tonight, my soul is aching…


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Of Despair and a Dairy Cow


THERE is much happening in the world that, frankly, seems depressing. Or at least, it can be without viewing it through the lens of Divine Providence. The season of autumn can be bleak to some as the leaves fade, fall to the ground, and decay. But to the one with foresight, this fallen foliage is the fertilizer which will produce a glorious springtime of color and life.

This week, I intended to speak in Part III of the Prophecy at Rome about "the fall" which we are living in. However, aside from the usual spiritual warfare, there was another distraction: a new member of the family arrived.

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Photo by Martin Bremmer Walkway


SILENCE. It is the mother of peace.

When we allow our flesh to become “noisy,” giving in to all its demands, we lose that “peace which surpasses all understanding.” But silence of the tongue, silence of the appetites, and silence of the eyes is like a chisel, carving away the passions of the flesh, until the soul is open and empty like a bowl. But empty, only so as to be filled with God.

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My Testimony


SCRIPTURE tells us that there is power in our testimony. For the first time, Mark gives his entire testimony in Episode 12 of Embracing Hope… a powerful story of God’s mercy and grace working when it seems most undeserved. Mark speaks about his childhood, and a family crisis that changed the course of his future… and his calling.

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On Heresies and More Questions

Mary crushing the serpent, Artist Unknown


First published November 8th, 2007, I have updated this writing with another question on the consecration to Russia, and other very important points. 


THE Era of Peace—a heresy? Two more antichrists? Has the “period of peace” promised by Our Lady of Fatima already happened? Was the consecration to Russia requested by her valid? These questions below, plus a comment on Pegasus and the new age as well as the big question: What do I tell my children about what’s coming?

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The Prophecy at Rome – Part II

Paul VI with Ralph

Ralph Martin meeting with Pope Paul VI, 1973

IT is a powerful prophecy, given in the presence of Pope Paul VI, that resonates with the "sense of the faithful" in our days. In Episode 11 of Embracing Hope, Mark begins to examine sentence by sentence the prophecy given in Rome in 1975. To view the latest webcast, visit

Please read the important information below for all my readers…


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The Prophecy at Rome – Part I


AS serious disasters in nature continue to seige the world, the prophecy given in Rome in 1975 in the presence of Pope Paul VI is taking on greater urgency and meaning day by day.

In Episode 10 of Embracing Hope, Mark shares this prophecy and why it plays a role in understanding where we are at in salvation history. In future episodes, Mark will examine this prophecy line by line in the light of Church teaching and our Blessed Mother’s apparitions to help us understand how this prophecy may be reaching fulfillment in our times.

Part I is freely available to the general public. It can be viewed at or in the video below.

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First published January 7th, 2007.


Magi from the east arrived… They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  (Matt 2:1, 11)

my Jesus.

I should come to you today with many gifts, like the magi. Instead, my hands are empty. I wish I could offer you the gold of good works, but I bear only the sorrow of sin. I try to burn the frankincense of prayer, but I have only distraction. I want to show you the myrrh of virtue, but I am clothed by vice.

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Become the Face of Christ




A voice did not boom from the sky…. it was not a flash of lightning, an earthquake, or a vision of the heavens opening with a revelation that God loves man. Rather, God descended into the womb of a woman, and Love itself became incarnate. Love became flesh. The message of God became living, breathing, visible.Continue reading

The Christmas Miracle



IT’S not just at Christmas, but every day that the "Christmas Miracle" can take place. St. Joseph shows the way in Mark’s Christmas message, and last episode of 2009 of Embracing Hope. This webcast is free for everyone to see in the video below, and is also available at You’ll want to watch this one to the very end. 

A Response

Elijah Sleeping
Elijah Sleeping,
by Michael D. O’Brien


RECENTLY, I answered your questions regarding private revelation, including a question about a website called where a man who claims to be a  “theologian” has, on his own authority, taken the liberty to declare who in the Church is a purveyor of “false” private revelation, and who is conveying “true” revelations.

Within a few days of my writing, the author of that website suddenly published an article on why this website is “full of errors and falsehoods.” I’ve already explained why this individual has seriously damaged his credibility by continuing to set dates of future prophetic events, and then—when they don’t come to pass—resetting the dates (see More Questions and Answers… On Private Revelation). For this reason alone, many don’t take this individual too seriously. Nonetheless, several souls have gone to his website and left there very confused, perhaps a tell-tale sign in itself (Matt 7:16).

After reflecting on what was written about this website, I feel that I should respond, at least for the opportunity to shed even further light upon the processes behind the writing here. You can read the short article written about this site on here. I will quote certain aspects of it, and then reply in turn below.


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Encountering God's Thirst



HOW do we learn to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd? Primarily in prayer. In Episode 8, Mark summarizes the powerful teaching on Prayer from the Catechism in words that will make you want to pray. Also, hear Mark sing for the first time on Embracing Hope, a moving song he wrote on prayer and communion with God.

To watch Episode 8, go to



My family and I want to take a moment to thank all of you for responding in prayer, donations, and words of support. It seems that God is moving many hearts through this ministry, which is a joy for all of us. Know that our family is keeping all of you in prayer in our Rosary. We are tremendously blessed by this little community of readers and viewers—from Singapore to Hong Kong, Australia to America, Ireland to Canada—blessed by your love, kindness, and constant prayers, which are a source of strength and consolation.

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How Can I Ask?



AS I look at my email box full of appeals for donations from many Catholic ministries… as I read the headlines and the growing unemployment rate… as we near Christmas when everyone is preparing for family time, I wonder, how can I ask for help for this ministry?

But last night, my wife nudged me and said, you have to. It’s true. Few realize that I no longer do concert tours, and only take minimal select bookings. The reason is that this writing and video apostolate now require all of my time. It’s where my spiritual director has asked me to focus my energy. I am okay with and obedient to that. But the majority of our ministry and family income has dried up. It’s at times like this where you look up at the ceiling in the middle of the night and wonder if you’re really doing God’s will, when ministry and family expenses far outweigh the income trickling in. Book sales and webcast subscriptions are paying some bills, but not nearly enough.

I trust in God that I am doing His will. I trust in Him working through my spiritual director and speaking through my best friend, my dear wife; I trust in the support and encouragement of many holy and faithful priests and in the fruit I’ve read in hundreds of letters I’ve received, that Jesus is truly doing something through this ministry, despite myself.

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More Questions and Answers… On Private Revelation


THE proliferation of prophecy and private revelation in our times can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, the Lord enlightens certain souls to guide us in these times; on the other hand, there are no doubt demonic inspirations and others that are simply imagined. As such, it is becoming more and more imperative that believers learn to recognize the voice of Jesus (see Episode 7 at

The following questions and answers deal with private revelation in our time:


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Hearing God's Voice – Part II (EHTV)



WITH a New World Order emerging that is moving the world further and further away from God, it is becoming more and more critical that Christians learn to hear and recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd. In Episode 7 on Embracing Hope TV, Mark explains how we can know when we’re hearing God’s voice, and how to respond. Episode 7 can be viewed at



We have made an arrangement with our current webcast service provider that will make it much easier for those who cannot subscribe to EHTV to do so. In January 2010, we are going to switch our subscriber set-fee service to a donation-based service. Benefits to our present yearly subscribers will be improved. This will make EHTV more accessible for everyone, particularly those with low income. More details will be forthcoming.

Hearing God's Voice – Part I (EHTV )



THE world is being flooded today with a deluge of information. The problem is that it is filled with contradictions, inaccuracies, and sometimes outright falsehoods. It’s becoming harder and harder to navigate an emerging New World Order.

In Part I of Episode 6, Mark draws once again upon the powerful words of the Holy Fathers to explain why the days we live in require our vigilance and need to pay to attention to the voice of the Good Shepherd. Mark points out why the past should teach us that our ultimate trust needs to be in Christ for a future becoming filled with snares and dangerous pitfalls for those who will remain faithful to Christ. This powerful episode will prepare viewers to understand their role in these times, as explained in Part II.

Episode 6 can be viewed at

The Coming of the Kingdom of God


THERE has been a danger in the past to see the “thousand year” reign described by St. John in Revelation as a literal reign on earth—where Christ dwells physically in person in a world-wide political kingdom, or even that the saints take global power. On this matter, the Church has been unequivocal:

The Antichrist’s deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the “intrinsically perverse” political form of a secular messianism. Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC),n.676

We have seen forms of this “secular messianism” in the ideologies of Marxism and Communism, for example, where dictators have attempted to create a society where all are equal: equally wealthy, equally privileged, and sadly as it always turns out, equally enslaved to the government. Likewise, we see on the other side of the coin what Pope Francis calls a “new tyranny” whereby Capitalism is presenenting “a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose.” [1]cf. Evangelii Gaudium, n. 56, 55  (Once again, I wish to raise my voice in warning in the clearest possible terms: we are headed once again toward an “intrinsically perverse” geo-political-economic “beast”—this time, globally.)

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1 cf. Evangelii Gaudium, n. 56, 55

Embracing Hope is Back!





SHOULD you store up supplies? Should you take the vaccine? Should you move to the countryside? These are the questions readers and viewers alike have been asking. In Episode 5 of Embracing Hope, Mark answers these questions with eye-opening facts and practical advice.

This episode is available for the general public to watch at Thanks to everyone for patiently waiting for this webcast to resume!

The Second Edition of Mark’s riveting new book, The Final Confrontation, is now available. The feedback to Mark’s first book has been quick and strong. Writes one reader,

Mark has done such a wonderful job of gathering all of the pieces of the puzzle and presenting them to us so that we could see the full picture in one place—awesome! I love this book. I love his writing and I wanted to say what a wonderful book and read this is. —American reader

The Final Confrontation is a concise summary of Mark’s writings that draws upon the powerful voice of the Magisterium, geling a vision for our times that is unmistakable. The priest whom Blessed Mother Teresa asked to co-found the Missionary of Charity Fathers, Fr. Joseph Langford, writes:

Mark Mallett has written a must-read book, an indispensable vademecum for the decisive times ahead, and a well-researched survival guide to the challenges looming over the Church, our nation, and the world. Indeed, the “hour is upon us to wake from sleep”—and these inspired pages provide the clarion call we need, as they draw on Scripture, on the Popes and Fathers of the Church, on world events, and on the personal experiences of many who, like the author, have felt the urgency of the Lord’s mandate to prepare.

The book skillfully explains the quickening we have all sensed, the unprecedented acceleration of world-changing events, presenting them in biblical context, and shedding light on their true significance. The Final Confrontation will prepare the reader, as no other work I have read, to face the times before us with courage, light, and grace—confident that the battle—and especially this ultimate battle—”belongs to the Lord.”

(Fr. Langford has recently taken seriously ill. Please pray for him!)

The Final Confrontation is available online at

The Coming Dominion of the Church

A Mustard Tree



IN Evil, Too, Has a Name, I wrote that the goal of Satan is to collapse civilization into his hands, into a structure and system rightly called “a beast.” This is what St. John the Evangelist described in a vision he received where this beast causes “all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave” to be forced into a system whereby they cannot buy or sell anything without a “mark” (Rev 13:16-17). The prophet Daniel also saw a vision of this beast similar to St. John’s (Dan 7:-8) and interpreted a dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in which this beast was seen as a statue made up of different materials, symbolic of different kings who form alliances. The context for all of these dreams and visions, while having dimensions of fulfillment in the prophet’s own time, is also for the future:

Understand, O son of man, that the vision is for the time of the end. (Dan 8:17)

A time when, after the beast is destroyed, God will establish His spiritual Kingdom to the ends of the earth.Continue reading


Look Up! II — Michael D. O’Brien


This meditation was first published November 4th, 2005. The Lord often makes words such as these urgent and seemingly imminent, not because there is not time, but so as to give us time! This word now comes back to me at this hour with an even greater urgency. It is a word many souls throughout the world are hearing (so don’t feel that you are alone!) It is simple, yet powerful: Prepare!



THE leaves have fallen, the grass has turned, and the winds of change are blowing.

Can you feel it?

It seems as though “something” is on the horizon, not only for Canada, but for all of humanity.


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Goodness Has a Name

Homecoming, by Michael D. O’Brien


Written on the journey home…

AS our plane rises with the cumulous clouds into the atmosphere where angels and freedom dwell, my mind begins to drift back over my time in Europe…


It wasn’t that long an evening, maybe an hour and a half. I sang a few songs, and spoke the message that was on my heart for the people of Killarney, Ireland. Afterwards, I prayed over the individuals who came forward, asking Jesus to pour out His Spirit again upon the mostly middle-aged and senior adults who came forward. They came, like little children, hearts open, ready to receive. As I prayed, an older man began to lead the small group in songs of praise. When it was all over, we sat looking at one another, our souls filled with the Spirt and joy. They didn’t want to leave. I didn’t either. But necessity carried me out the front doors with my hungry entourage.

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The Wrath of God



First published March 23rd, 2007.



AS I prayed this morning, I sensed the Lord offering a tremendous gift to this generation: complete absolution.

If this generation would just turn to Me, I would overlook all her sins, even those of abortion, cloning, pornography and materialism. I would wipe away their sins as far as the east is from the west, if only this generation would turn back to Me…

God is offering the very depths of His Mercy to us. It is because, I believe, we are on the threshold of His Justice. 

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Embracing Hope TV Returns This November

Embracing Hopepntng
Embracing Hope
, by Lea Mallett


AFTER a long summer transition of moving my family and ministry, and constructing a new studio, I am preparing to resume my webcast, Embracing Hope, in the first part of November. An unscheduled overseas missionary trip has come up, and so I will be detained the next two weeks and unable to broadcast for the rest of October as I had originally hoped. I am most grateful to all of you who have subscribed and patiently waited for this transition to conclude! It has taken longer than anticipated, but I trust that God’s timing is better than my own.

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Deliberate Sin




IS the battle in your spiritual life intensifying? As I receive letters and speak with souls throughout the world, there are two themes which are consistent:

  1. Personal spiritual battles are getting very intense.
  2. There is a sense of imminence that serious events are about to take place, changing the world as we know it.

Yesterday, as I walked into the church to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, I heard two words:

Deliberate sin.

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Our Lady’s Battle



AFTER the fall of Adam and Eve, God declared to Satan, the serpent:

I will put enmities between you and the woman, and your seed and her seed: she shall crush your head, and you shall lie in wait for her heel. (Gen 3:15; Douay-Rheims)

Not only the woman-Mary, but her seed, the woman-Church, will engage in a battle with the foe. That is, Mary and the remnant which forms her heel.


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Persecution Is Near

St. Stephen the First Martyr


I HEAR in my heart the words that there is coming another wave.

In Persecution!, I wrote about a moral tsunami which struck the world, particularly the West, in the sixties; and now that wave is about to return to sea, to carry with it all who have refused to follow Christ and His teachings. This wave, though seemingly less tumultuous on the surface, has a dangerous undertow of deception. I have spoken more about this in these writings, my new book, and on my webcast, Embracing Hope.

A strong impulse came over me last night to go to the writing below, and now, to republish it. Since it is difficult for many to keep up to the volume of writings here, republishing the more important writings ensures that these messages are read. They aren’t written for my amusement, but for our preparation.

Also, for several weeks now, my writing Warning From the Past has been coming back to me time and again. I have updated it with yet another somewhat disturbing video.

Lastly, I recently heard another word in my heart: “The wolves are gathering.”  This word only made sense to me as I re-read the writing below, which I have updated. 


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The Final Confrontation – The Book

Mark’s Book!


 — Watch the video —


THESE are not normal times. Ask the average passerby if “something strange” is going on in the world, and the answer will almost always be “yes.” But what?

There will be a thousand answers, many of them conflicting, several speculating, often adding more confusion to the growing fear and despair beginning to grip a planet reeling from economic collapse, terrorism, and the upheaval of nature. Could there be a clear answer?

Mark Mallett unfolds a stunning picture of our times built not upon flimsy arguments or questionable prophecies, but the solid words of the Church Fathers, modern Popes, and approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The end result is unequivocal: we are facing The Final Confrontation  

With Nihil Obstat.





Beginning Again

Photo by Eve Anderson 


First publish January 1st, 2007.


IT’S the same thing every year. We look back over the Advent and Christmas season and feel the pangs of regret: “I didn’t pray like I was going to… I ate too much… I wanted this year to be special…I have missed another opportunity.” 

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Door of Hope




FOR six months now, the Lord has remained mostly "silent" in my life. It has been a journey through an interior desert where great sand storms swirl and the nights are cold. Many of you understand what I mean. For the Good Shepherd is leading us with His rod and staff through the valley of death, the valley of stripping, the Valley of Achor.

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