Of Seers and Visionaries

Elijah in the desert
Elijah in the Desert, by Michael D. O’Brien


PART of the struggle many Catholics have with private revelation is that there is an improper understanding of the calling of seers and visionaries. If these “prophets” aren’t shunned altogether as fringe misfits in the culture of the Church, they are often the objects of envy by others who feel the seer must be more special than themselves. Both views do much harm to the central role of these individuals: to carry a message or mission from Heaven.

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On Private Revelation

The Dream
The Dream, by Michael D. O’Brien



Within the past two hundred years, there have been more reported private revelations that have received some form of ecclesiastical approval than in any other period of the Church’s history. Dr. Mark Miravalle, Private Revelation: Discerning with the Church, p. 3



STILL, there seems to be a deficit among many when it comes to understanding the role of private revelation in the Church. Out of all of the emails I have received over the course of the past few years, it is this area of private revelation which has produced the most fearful, confused, and mean-spirited letters that I have ever received. Perhaps it is the modern mind, trained as it were to shun the supernatural and only accept those things which are tangible. On the other hand, it could be a skepticism generated by the proliferation of private revelations this past century. Or it could be the work of Satan to discredit genuine revelations by sowing lies, fear, and division.

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The "Time of Grace"… Expiring? (Part III)

St. Faustina 



First published November 24th, 2006. I have updated this writing…


WHAT would you say was Pope John Paul II’s central mission? Was it to bring down Communism? Was it to unify Catholics and Orthodox? Was it to birth a new evangelization? Or was it to bring the Church a “theology of the body”?


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Paralyzed by Fear — Part I

Jesus Prays in the Garden,
by Gustave Doré, 


First published September 27th, 2006. I have updated this writing…


WHAT is this fear that has gripped the Church?

In my writing How To Know When a Chastisment is Near, it’s as though the Body of Christ, or at least parts of it, are paralyzed when it comes to defending the truth, defending life, or defending the innocent.

We are afraid. Afraid to be mocked, insulted, or excluded from our friends, family, or the office circle.

Fear is the disease of our age. —Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, March 21, 2009, Catholic News Agency

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That Which is Built on Sand

Canterbury Cathedral, England 


THERE is a Great Storm coming, and it is already here, in which those things built on sand are crumbling. (First published October, 12th, 2006.)

Everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not act on them will be like a fool who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. And it collapsed and was completely ruined. (Matthew 7:26-27)

Already, the driving winds of secularism have shaken apart several mainstream denominations. The United Church, the Anglican Church of England, the Lutheran Church, the Episcopalian, and thousands of other smaller denominations have begun to cave in as the raging flood waters of moral relativism pound at their foundations. Permission of divorce, birth control, abortion, and gay marriage has eroded the faith so drastically that the rains have begun to wash large numbers of believers out of their pews.

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The Book, The Webcast, and The Wardrobe



AFTER many months of wrestling, prayer, editing, head-scratching, consultations with my spiritual director, prostrations before the Blessed Sacrament, gallons of coffee, and long nights into the wee hours… I’m still not done my book.

The good news is that the final draft has gone out for editing this morning.

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Counting the Cost



First published March 8th, 2007.

are rumblings throughout the Church in North America about the growing cost of speaking the truth. One of them is the potential loss of the coveted “charitable” tax status the Church enjoys. But to have it means that pastors cannot put forward a political agenda, particularly during elections.

However, as we’ve seen in Canada, that proverbial line in the sand has been eroded by the winds of relativism. 

Calgary’s own Catholic bishop, Fred Henry, was threatened during the last federal election by an official of Revenue Canada for his forthright teaching on the meaning of marriage. The official told Bishop Henry that the charitable tax status of the Catholic Church in Calgary might be jeopardized by his vocal opposition to homosexual “marriage” during an election. Lifesite News, March 6th, 2007 

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The Time of Times


I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who sat on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals. (Rev 5:1)



AT a recent conference where I was one of the speakers, I opened the floor to questions. A man stood up and asked, “What is this sense of imminence that so many of us feel as though we are “out of time?”” My answer was that I too felt this strange internal alarm. However, I said, the Lord often grants a sense of imminence to actually give us time to prepare in advance.Continue reading

The School of Love

Sacred Heart, by Lea Mallett  


BEFORE the Blessed Sacrament, I heard:

How I long to see your heart burst into flame! But your heart must be willing to love as I love. When you are petty, avoiding eye contact with this one, or an encounter with that one, your love becomes preferential. It is really not love at all, because your kindness to others has as its end self-love.

No, My child, love means to expend yourself, even for your enemies. Is this not the measure of love I demonstrated upon the Cross? Did I only take the scourge, or the thorns—or did Love completely exhaust itself? When your love for another is a crucifixion of self; when it bends you; when it burns like a scourge, when it pierces you like thorns, when it leaves you vulnerable—then, you have truly begun to love.

Do not ask me to take you out of your present situation. It is a school of love. Learn to love here, and you will be ready to graduate into the perfection of love. Let My pierced Sacred Heart be your guide, that you too may burst into a living flame of love. For self-love douses the Divine Love within you, and renders the heart cold.

Then I was led to this Scripture:

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A Letter of Sorrow


TWO years ago, a young man sent me a letter of sorrow and despair to which I responded. Some of you have written asking “whatever happened to that young man?”

Since that day, the two of us have continued to correspond. His life has blossomed into a beautiful testimony. Below, I have reposted our initial correspondence, followed by a letter he recently sent me.

Dear Mark,

The reason I’m writing you is because I don’t know what to do.

[I’m a guy] in mortal sin I think, because I have a boyfriend. I knew I would never go into this lifestyle my entire life, but after many prayers and novenas, the attraction never went away. To make a really long story short, I felt I had nowhere to turn and started to meet guys.  I know it’s wrong and it doesn’t even make much sense, but I feel it’s something I’ve gotten twisted into and don’t know what to do anymore.  I just feel lost.  I feel I’ve lost a battle.  I really have a lot of inner disappointment and regret and feel I can’t forgive myself and that God won’t either. I’m even really upset with God at times and I feel I don’t know who He is. I feel He has had it out for me since I was young and that no matter what, there’s just no chance for me.

I don’t know what else to say right now, I guess I’m hoping you might be able to say a prayer. If anything, thanks for just reading this…

A Reader.


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The Forerunners

John Baptist
John the Baptist by Michael D. O’Brien


JUST as Jesus was immediately preceded by the prophet John the Baptist, who was alive at the same time as Christ, so too the time of Antichrist—in mimicry of Christ—will be preceded by forerunners who will likewise… “Prepare the way of the [Antichrist and] make straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth…” (Luke 3:4-6)  

And they are here.

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Vision of our Times

Painting of the “last vision” of Sr. Lucia


IN what has become known as the “last vision” of Fatima seer Sr. Lucia, while praying before the Blessed Sacrament, she saw a scene which carries many symbols for the period which began with the Virgin’s apparitions up to our present time, and the times to come:

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To The Bastion! — Part II


AS the crises in the Vatican as well as the Legionaries of Christ unfold in full public view, this writing has come back to me over and over again. God is stripping the Church of all that is not of Him (see The Naked Baglady). This stripping will not end until the “money-changers” have been purified from the Temple. Something new will be born: Our Lady is not laboring as the “woman clothed in the sun” for nothing. 

We are going to see what will appear to be the entire edifice of the Church torn down. However, there will remain—and this is Christ’s promise—the foundation on which the Church is built.

Are you ready?


First published September 27th, 2007:


TWO small trumpets have been placed in my hands which I feel compelled to blow this day. The first:

That which is built on sand is crumbling!


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Are You Ready?



Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers… Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), 675


I have quoted this passage several times. Perhaps you have read it several times. But the question is, are you ready for it? Let me ask you again with urgency, "Are you ready for it?"

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Pope Benedict and the Two Columns




First published July 18th, 2007, I have updated this writing on this feast day of St. John Bosco. Again, when I update these writings, it’s because I sense Jesus saying He wants us to hear it again… Note: Many readers are writing me reporting that they are no longer able to receive these newsletters, even though they’ve subscribed. The number of these instances is increasing every month. The only solution is to make it a habit to check this website every couple of days to see if I have posted a new writing. Sorry about this inconvenience. You can try writing your server and ask that all emails from markmallett.com be allowed through to your email. Also, make sure that the junk filters in your email program are not filtering out these emails. Lastly, I thank all of you for your letters to me. I try to respond whenever I can, but the obligations of my ministry and family life often require that I am brief or simply unable to respond at all. Thank you for understanding.


I HAVE written here before that I believe we are living in the days of the prophetic dream of St. John Bosco (read the full text here.) It is a dream in which the Church, represented as a great flagship, is bombarded and attacked by several enemy vessels surrounding it. The dream seems more and more to fit our times…

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The Luciferian Star


There will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21:11)


IT was about two years ago that I first noticed it. We were standing on a hill at a monastery when I looked up, and there in the sky was a very bright object. “It’s just an aircraft,” a monk said to me. But twenty minutes later, it was still there. We all stood stunned, amazed at how bright it was.

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Follow Jesus Without Fear!

In the face of totalitarianism… 


Originally posted May 23, 2006:


A letter from a reader: 

I want to voice some concerns about what you write on your site. You keep implying that “The End [of the age] Is Near.” You keep implying that the Antichrist will inevitably come within my lifetime (I am twenty-four). You keep implying that it is too late for [chastisements to be averted]. I may be oversimplifying, but that’s the impression I get. If that is the case, then what’s the point of going on?

For instance, look at me. Ever since my Baptism, I have dreamed of being a storyteller for God’s greater glory. I have recently decided I am best as a writer of novels and such, so now I have just started to focus on developing prose skills. I dream of creating literary works that will touch people’s hearts for decades to come. At times like this I feel like I’ve been born in the worst possible time. Do you recommend that I throw away my dream? Do you recommend that I throw away my creative gifts? Do you recommend that I never look forward to the future?


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Twilight of the Era

Earth at Twilight



IT seems the whole world is crying out in jubilance that we are entering a “new era” with the inauguration of President Barack Obama: an “era of peace,” renewed prosperity, and advanced human rights. From Asia to France, from Cuba to Kenya, it is undeniable that the new president is viewed as a savior, his arrival the herald of a new day.

The emotion throughout the city—and no doubt much of the country too—was palpable. People so desire President Obama to succeed that their belief in him is almost an act of faith. It was perhaps appropriate that I had to kneel for much of the inauguration ceremony—though only because the people sitting behind us demanded that we get off our feet. —Toby Harnden, US Editor for Telegraph.co.uk; January 21st, 2009 commenting on the Inauguration.

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What If?


Yet, every so often, the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms… America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace. —President Barack Hussein Obama, Inaugural Speech, January 20th, 2009


SO… what if Obama begins to bring stability to the world? What if foreign tensions begin to ease? What if the war in Iraq seems to conclude? What if racial tensions ease? What if the stock markets begin to rebound? What if there appears to be a new peace in the world?

Then I would tell you it is a false peace. For there can be no real and lasting peace when death in the womb is enshrined as a universal "right."

This writing, which was first published November 5th, 2008, has been updated from today’s inaugural speech.

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The Prophecy at Rome




IT was Pentecost Monday of May, 1975. A prophecy was given in Rome in St. Peter’s Square by a layman little known at the time. Ralph Martin, one of the founders of what is known today as the “Charismatic Renewal,” spoke a word which seems to be drawing ever closer to fulfillment.


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The Great Storm


We cannot hide the fact that many threatening clouds are gathering on the horizon. We must not, however, lose heart, rather we must keep the flame of hope alive in our hearts. For us as Christians the true hope is Christ, the Father’s gift to humanity… Only Christ can help us build a world in which justice and love reign. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Catholic News Agency, January 15th, 2009


THE Great Storm has arrived at the shores of humanity. It is soon to pass over the whole world. For there is a Great Shaking needed to awaken this humanity.

Thus says the LORD of hosts: Lo! Calamity stalks from nation to nation; a great storm is unleashed from the ends of the earth. (Jeremiah 25:32)

As I pondered over the terrible disasters which are unfolding rapidly around the world, the Lord brought to my attention the response to them. After 911 and the Asian Tsunami; after Hurricane Katrina and the wildfires of California; after the cyclone in Mynamar and the earthquake in China; in the midst of this current economic storm—there has barely been any lasting recognition that we need to repent and turn from evil; no real connection that our sins are manifesting in nature itself (Rom 8:19-22). In an almost astonishing defiance, nations continue to legalize or protect abortion, redefine marriage, genetically modify and clone creation, and pipe pornography into the hearts and homes of families. The world has failed to make the connection that without Christ, there is chaos.

Yes… CHAOS is the name of this Storm.


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The Day of Difference!

Artist Unknown


I have updated this writing which I first published October 19th, 2007:


I HAVE written often that we need to stay awake, to watch and pray, unlike the slumbering apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane. How critical this vigilance has become! Perhaps many of you feel a great fear that you are either asleep, or perhaps that you will fall asleep, or that you will even run from the Garden! 

But there is one crucial difference between the apostles of today, and the Apostles of the Garden: Pentecost. Before Pentecost, the Apostles were fearful men, full of doubt, denial, and timidity. But after Pentecost, they were transformed. Suddenly, these once ineffectual men burst into the streets of Jerusalem before their persecutors, preaching the Gospel without compromise! The difference?



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Living Wells



WHAT does it mean to become a living well?



What is it about souls who have achieved a degree of holiness? There is a quality there, a "substance" which one wants to linger in. Many have left changed people after encounters with Blessed Mother Teresa or John Paul II, even though at times little was spoken between them. The answer is that these extraordinary souls had become living wells.

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The Great Hope


PRAYER is an invitation to a personal relationship with God. In fact,

…prayer is the living relationship of the children of God with their Father… Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), n.2565

But here, we must be careful that we do not consciously or unconsciously begin to view our salvation as merely a personal matter. There is also the temptation to flee the world (contemptus mundi), hiding until the Storm passes, all the while others perish for lack of a light to guide them in their own darkness. It is precisely these individualistic views which dominate modern Christianity, even within fervent Catholic circles, and has led the Holy Father to address it in his latest encyclical:

How could the idea have developed that Jesus’s message is narrowly individualistic and aimed only at each person singly? How did we arrive at this interpretation of the “salvation of the soul” as a flight from responsibility for the whole, and how did we come to conceive the Christian project as a selfish search for salvation which rejects the idea of serving others? —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Spe Salvi (Saved In Hope), n. 16


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I Am Not Worthy

Peter’s Denial, by Michael D. O’Brien


From a reader:

My concern and question is within myself.  I have been raised Catholic and have also done the same with my daughters. I have tried to go to church practically every Sunday and have tried to be involved with activities at church and in my community too.  I have tried to be "good."  I go to Confession and Communion and pray the Rosary occasionally. My concern and sadness is that I find that I am so far from Christ according to everything I read.  It’s so hard to live up to Christ’s expectations.  I love Him so much, but I’m not even close to what He wants from me.  I try to be like the saints, but it only seems to last a second or two, and I’m back to being my mediocre self.  I can’t concentrate when I pray or when I’m at Mass.  I do many things wrong.  In your news letters you talk of the coming of [Christ’s merciful judgment], chastisements etc…  You talk of how to be prepared.  I’m trying but, I just can’t seem to get close.  I feel like I’m going to be in Hell or at the bottom of Purgatory.  What do I do?  What does Christ think of someone like me who’s just a puddle of sin and keeps falling down?


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The Great Unfolding

St. Michael Protecting the Church, by Michael D. O’Brien



I HAVE been writing you consistently now, dear friends, for about three years. The writings called The Petals formed the foundation; the Trumpets of Warning! followed to expand those thoughts, with several other writings to fill the gaps in between; The Seven Year Trial series is essentially a correlation of the above writings according to the Church’s teaching that the Body will follow its Head in its own Passion.Continue reading

Don't Stop!



BEFORE Christmas Eve Mass, I slipped into the church to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. Suddenly, I was overcome with a terrible sorrow. I began to experience the rejection of Jesus upon the Cross: the rejection of the sheep whom He loved, led, and healed; the rejection of the high priests whom He taught, and even the Apostles whom He formed. Today, once again, Jesus is being rejected by the nations, betrayed by "high priests," and abandoned by many disciples who once loved Him and sought Him but who now compromise or reject their Catholic (Christian) faith.

Did you think that because Jesus is in Heaven that He no longer suffers? He does, because He loves. Because Love is being rejected all over again. Because He sees the terrible sorrows we are bringing upon ourselves since we do not embrace, or rather, let Love embrace us. Love is pierced once again, this time by the thorns of mockery, the nails of unbelief, and the lance of rejection.

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The Value of One Soul

Christ raising Lazarus, Caravaggio


IT was the end of a string of six concerts in several small towns on the Canadian prairies. The turnouts were poor, usually less than fifty people. By the sixth concert, I was beginning to feel sorry for myself. As I began to sing that night several years ago, I looked out at the audience. I could’ve sworn that everyone there was over ninety! I thought to myself, "They probably can’t even hear my music! Moreover, are these really the people you want me to evangelize, Lord? What about the youth? And how am I going to feed my family….?" And on and on the whining went, as all the while I kept playing and smiling at the quiet audience.

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How Can This Be?

St Therese

St. Therese de Liseux, by Michael D. O’Brien; saint of the "Little Way"


PERHAPS you have been following these writings for some time. You have heard Our Lady’s call "to the Bastion " where she is preparing each of us for our mission in these times. You too sense that great changes are coming to the world. You have been awakened, and feel an interior preparation taking place. But you may look in the mirror and say, "What have I to offer? I am not a gifted speaker or theologian… I have so little to give." Or as Mary responded when the angel Gabriel said that she would be the instrument to bring the long awaiting Messiah into the world, "How can this be…?"

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The Great Yes

The Annunciation, by Henry Ossawa Tanner (1898; Philadelphia Museum of Art)


AND so, we have arrived at the days in which great changes are imminent. It can be overwhelming as we watch the warnings which have been given begin to unfold in the headlines. But we were created for these times, and where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. The Church will triumph.

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On The Eve of Change



   As a woman about to give birth writhes and cries out in her pains, so were we in your presence, O LORD. We conceived and writhed in pain, giving birth to wind… (Isaiah 26:17-18)

… the winds of change.


ON this, the eve of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we look toward her who is the Star of the New Evangelization. The world itself has entered upon the eve of a New Evangelization which in many ways has already begun. And yet, this new springtime in the Church is one which will not be fully realized until the harshness of winter is over. By this, I mean, we are on the eve of a great chastisement.

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The Great Numbering

Prisoner Tattoo of a Holocaust Survivor


First published January 3rd, 2007:


In The Great Meshing, I spoke of the interior vision I had of the political, economical, and social machines coming together like a mesh of gears to create one Great Machine called Totalitarianism.

In order for this to take place, each individual must be accounted for. One loose bolt in a machine can destroy the whole mechanism (recall Pope John Paul II and his role in the fall of the Iron Curtain). Each person must be organized and integrated, bound and conformed in the New World Order.

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The Secret Joy

Martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch, Artist Unknown


JESUS reveals the reason for telling His disciples of coming tribulations:

The hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered… I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace. (John 16:33)

However, one might legitimately ask, “How is knowing that a persecution may be coming supposed to bring me peace?” And Jesus answers:

In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

I have updated this writing which was first published June 25th, 2007.


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Of Fear and Chastisements

Our Lady of Akita weeping statue (approved apparition) 


I RECEIVE letters from time to time from readers who are very upset about the possibility of chastisements coming to the earth. One gentleman recently commented that his girlfriend thought they shouldn’t marry because of the possibility of having a child during coming tribulations. 

The answer to this is one word: faith.

First published December 13th, 2007, I have updated this writing. 


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Triumph of Mary, Triumph of the Church

St. John Bosco’s Dream of the Two Pillars


THE possibility that there will be an “Era of Peace” after this time of trial which the world has entered into is something the early Church Father’s spoke of. I believe it will ultimately be “the triumph of the Immaculate Heart” which Mary foretold in Fatima. What applies to her also applies to the Church: that is, there is a coming triumph of the Church. It is a hope which has existed from the time of Christ… 

First published June 21, 2007: 


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Trumpets of Warning! — Part V


Set the trumpet to your lips,
for a vulture is over the house of the Lord. (Hosea 8:1) 


PARTICULARLY for my new readers, this writing gives a very broad picture of what I feel the Spirit is saying to the Church today. I am filled with great hope, because this present storm will not last. At the same time, I feel the Lord continually urging me on (despite my protests) to prepare us for the realities which we face. It is not a time for fear, but for strengthening; not a time for despair, but preparation for a victorious battle.

But a battle nonetheless!

The Christian attitude is twofold: one that recognizes and discerns the struggle, but always hopes in the victory attained through faith, even in suffering. That is not fluffy optimism, but the fruit of those who live as priests, prophets, and kings, participating in the life, passion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For Christians, the moment has arrived to free themselves from a false inferiority complex… to be valiant witnesses of Christ. —Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, LifeSiteNews.com, Nov. 20th, 2008

I have updated the following writing:


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I Will Keep You Safe!

The Rescuer by Michael D. O’Brien


Because you have kept my message of endurance, I will keep you safe in the time of trial that is going to come to the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. I am coming quickly. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown. (Rev 3:10-11)


First published April 24th, 2008.


BEFORE the Day of Justice, Jesus promises us a "Day of Mercy". But is this mercy not available to us each second of the day right now? It is, but the world, particularly the West, has fallen into a deathly coma… a hypnotic trance, fixated upon the material, the tangible, the sexual; upon reason alone, and science and technology and all the dazzling innovations and false light it brings. It is:

A society which seems to have forgotten God and to resent even the most elementary demands of Christian morality. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, U.S. visit, BBC News, April 20th,2008

In just the past 10 years alone, we have seen a proliferation of temples for these gods erected all over North America: a veritable explosion of casinos, box stores, and "adult" shops.

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The Restrainer

St. Michael the Archangel — Michael D. O’Brien 


THIS writing was first posted in December of 2005. It is one of the core writings on this site which has unfolded into the others. I have updated it and resubmit it today. This is a very important word… it places into context so many things unfolding rapidly in the world today; and I hear this word again with fresh ears.

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The Writing in the Sand



IF the writing is on the wall, a line is quickly being drawn "in the sand." That is, the line between the Gospel and the anti-Gospel, the Church and the anti-Church. It is clear that world leaders are quickly leaving their Christian roots behind. As the new U.S. government prepares to embrace unrestricted abortion and unfettered embryonic stem cell research—profiting from another form of abortion—there is virtually no one left standing between the culture of death and the culture of life.

Except the Church.

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