The Hour of Glory

Pope John Paul II with his would-be assassin


THE measure of love is not how we treat our friends, but our enemies.



As I wrote in The Great Scattering, the enemies of the Church are growing, their torches lit with flickering and twisted words as they begin their march into the Garden of Gethsemane. The temptation is to run—to avoid conflict, to shy away from speaking the truth, to even hide our Christian identity.

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The Image of the Beast


JESUS is “the light of the world” (John 8:12). As Christ the Light is being exponentially expelled from our nations, the prince of darkness is taking His place. But Satan comes not as darkness, but as a false light.Continue reading

The Last Hope of Salvation—Part II

Photo by Chip Clark ©, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History



Jesus speaks to St. Faustina of the many ways He is pouring out special graces upon souls during this time of Mercy. One is Divine Mercy Sunday, the Sunday after Easter, which begins with the first Masses tonight (note: to receive the special graces of this day, we are required to go Confession within 20 days, and receive communion in a state of grace. See The Last Hope of Salvation.) But Jesus also speaks about the Mercy He wishes to lavish on souls through the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Divine Mercy Image, and the Hour of Mercy, which begins at 3 p.m. each day.

But really, every day, every minute, every second, we can access the mercy and grace of Jesus very simply:

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Banquet of Mercy





JOHN 1:5


Hear Mark’s Holy Week Message


Given at Merlin, Ontario, Canada, April 3rd, 2007

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Prophetic Perspective



THE presumption of every generation is, of course, that they might be the generation which will see the fulfillment of biblical prophecy regarding the end times. The truth is, every generation does, to a certain degree.


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Vanishing Villages…. Annihilated Nations



IN the past two years alone, we have witnessed unprecedented events on earth:  entire towns and villages disappearing. Hurricane Katrina, The Asian Tsunami, Philippine mudslides, Solomon’s Tsunami…. the list goes on of areas where there was once buildings and life, and now there is just sand and dirt and fragments of memories. It is the result of unprecedented natural disasters which have annihilated these places. Entires towns gone! …the good having perished with the evil.

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Stand Still



I am writing you today from the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA. Our family is taking a brief break, as the last leg of our concert tour unfolds.


WHEN the world seems to be caving in on you… when temptation seems more powerful than your resistance… when you are more confused than clear… when there is no peace, just fear… when you cannot pray…

Stand still.

Stand still beneath the Cross.

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A Word From Lea



Hello, all!

Writing to you from Tallahassee, Florida after tonight’s concert here. Mark & I and our little brood are now halfway through our US/Canada Lenten Tour, and faring very well, considering the rough start we had! I think Mark gave you just a few of the "highlights" off the top of the tour… the long list of mishaps would be really quite unbelievable, had I not been there too to vouch for it all having actually happened! Suffice it to say, the highlight so far has NOT been the flushing pedal stuck on the bus’s toilet sending gallons of unthinkably nasty stuff for a mad dash to the driver’s seat! (we survived, thanks to a serious bottle of heavy-duty disinfectant.) Rather, we have been blessed to see many hearts powerfully moved during the concerts, and have ourselves been blessed by tremendous hospitality.

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Fighting God


DEAR friends,

Writing you this morning from a Wal-Mart parking lot. The baby decided to wake up and play, so since I cannot sleep I will take this rare moment to write.



As much as we pray, as much as we go to Mass, do good works, and seek the Lord, there remains in us yet a seed of rebellion. This seed lies within the “flesh” as Paul calls it, and is opposed to the “Spirit.” While our own spirit is often willing, the flesh is not. We want to serve God, but the flesh wants to serve itself. We know the right thing to do, but the flesh wants to do the opposite.

And the battle rages.

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When Feelings Don't Follow

Artist Unknown 


THERE are times when no matter how much we pray and apply our will, the storms keep raging.  I mean the interior storms of temptation, unrest, or confusion. Much of this may be spiritual, but it is also the condition of our flesh. It is at times like this that we are tempted to think God has "left us."

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A Hitch

In Concert, Lombard, Illinois 


WE are into week two of our concert tour across the United States.  It is has been an extraordinary time, as we all sense the Spirit moving. In fact, once again, we are being followed by howling winds, just as it was in the last tour here. Perhaps it is a sign of John Paul II’s intercession, as strong winds would often accompany him.

The word I am consistently given in concert to speak to the audience is: 


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Conquering the Heart of God



FAILURE. When it comes to the spiritual, we often feel like complete failures. But listen, Christ suffered and died precisely for failures. To sin is to fail… to fail to live up to the image in Whom we are created. And so, in that regard, we are all failures, for all have sinned.

Do you think Christ is shocked by your failures? God, who knows the number of hairs on your head? Who has counted the stars? Who knows the universe of your thoughts, dreams, and desires?  God is not surprised. He sees fallen human nature with perfect clarity. He sees it’s limitations, its defects, and its proclivities, so much so, that nothing short of a Savior could salvage it. Yes, He sees us, fallen, wounded, weak, and responds by sending a Savior. That is to say, He sees that we cannot save ourselves.

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Prayer of the Moment


You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your strength.  (Deut 6:5)


IN living in the present moment, we love the Lord with our soul—that is, the faculties of our mind. By obeying the duty of the moment, we love the Lord with our strength or body by attending to the obligations of our state in life. By entering into the prayer of the moment, we begin to love God with all our hearts.


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The Little Stripping



WE are two days into our concert tour, and continue to be plagued with setbacks.  Malfunctioning bus equipment, flat tires, overflowing toilets, and tonight, we were turned away from the U.S. Border because we had CD’s with us (imagine that). Yes, didn’t Jesus say something about a cross we’re to pick up and carry?

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In Concert



OUR tour bus pulls away today as I launch a concert/speaking tour across parts of Canada and the USA.  

You can follow the concert tour schedule here: TOUR SCHEDULE. As well, we have provided a map for you to follow the tour:


We know its going to be a powerful time—if the trials we’ve had beforehand are any indication. Our bus hasn’t even left the driveway, and we’ve already had $5000 in repairs the last two days!

Please check out the schedule and come out to an evening of music and word if we are in your area. Hope to see you there!



The Duty of the Moment


THE present moment is that place to which we must bring our mind, to focus our being. Jesus said, “seek first the kingdom,” and in the present moment is where we will find it (see The Sacrament of the Present Moment).

In this way, the process of transformation into holiness begins. Jesus said “the truth will set you free,” and thus to live in the past or the future is to live, not in truth, but in an illusion—an illusion which chains us through anxiety. 

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Too Late? — Part II


WHAT about those who aren’t Catholic or Christian? Are they damned?

How often have I heard people say that some of the nicest folk they know are "atheists" or "don’t go to church." It’s true, there are many "good" people out there.

But no one is good enough to get to Heaven on his own.

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Too Late?

The Prodigal Son, by Liz Lemon Swindle

AFTER reading the merciful invitation from Christ in “To Those In Mortal Sin” a few people have written with great concern that friends and family members who have fallen away from the faith “don’t even know they’re in sin, let alone mortal sin.”


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Wedding Preparations






WHY? Why an Era of Peace? Why doesn’t Jesus just put an end to evil and return once and for all after destroying the “lawless one?” [1]See, The Coming Era of Peace

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The Coming Era of Peace



WHEN I wrote The Great Meshing before Christmas, I concluded saying,

…the Lord began to reveal to me the counter-plan:  The Woman Clothed with the Sun (Rev 12). I was so full of joy by the time the Lord was finished speaking, that the plans of the enemy seemed minuscule in comparison. My feelings of discouragement and a sense of hopelessness vanished like fog on a summer morning.

Those “plans” have hung in my heart for over a month now as I’ve eagerly awaited the Lord’s timing to write of these things. Yesterday, I spoke of the veil lifting, of the Lord granting us fresh understandings of what is approaching. The last word is not darkness! It is not hopelessness… for just as the Sun is quickly setting on this era, it is racing toward a new Dawn…  


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Is The Veil Lifting?


WE are living in extraordinary days. There is no question. Even the secular world is caught up in the pregnant sense of change in the air.

What is different, perhaps, is that many people who often shrugged off the notion of any discussion of “end times,” or Divine purification, are taking a second look. A second hard look. 

It seems to me that a corner of the veil is lifting and we are understanding the Scriptures that deal with “end times” in newer lights and colors. There is no question the writings and words which I have shared here portend great changes on the horizon. I have, under the direction of my spiritual director, written and spoken of those things which the Lord has put in my heart, often with a sense of great weight or burning. But I too have asked the question, “Are these the times?” Indeed, at best, we are given just glimpses.

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Weekly Confession


Fork Lake, Alberta, Canada


(Reprinted here from August 1oth, 2006…) I felt on my heart today that we must not forget to return to the foundations time and again… especially in these days of urgency. I believe we should waste no time in availing ourselves of this Sacrament, which bestows great graces to overcome our faults, restores the gift of eternal life to the mortal sinner, and snaps the chains which the evil one binds us with. 


NEXT to the Eucharist, weekly Confession has provided the most powerful experience of God’s love and presence in my life.

Confession is to the soul, what a sunset is to the senses…

Confession, which is the purification of the soul, should be made no later than every eight days; I cannot bear to keep souls away from confession for more than eight days. —St. Pio of Pietrelcina

It would be an illusion to seek after holiness, according to the vocation one has received from God, without partaking frequently of this sacrament of conversion and reconciliation. Pope John Paul the Great; Vatican, Mar. 29 (





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Objective Judgment


THE common mantra today is, “You have no right to judge me!”

This statement alone has driven many Christians into hiding, afraid to speak out, afraid to challenge or reason with others for fear of sounding “judgmental.” Because of this, the Church in many places has become impotent, and the silence of fear has allowed many to go astray


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By Our Wounds

From The Passion of the Christ


COMFORT. Where in the bible does it say that the Christian is to seek out comfort? Where even in the Catholic Church’s history of saints and mystics do we see that comfort is the goal of the soul?

Now, most of you are thinking material comfort. Certainly, that is a troubling locus of the modern mind. But there is something deeper…


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Receive Messages in Your Email!



MANY readers have asked to receive my writings in their email. Because so many of us are inundated with junk mail, we have made it easy to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to these messages. 

The Journal comes out several times a week with meditations oriented towards preparation for the days which lay ahead of the Church and the world. (You will also receive any notification of a CD release or major news regarding our ministry, but this will be rare.) Please enter your email address in the appropriate box below.

Finally, I ask for your continued prayers as this little apostolate of writing continues to reach across the globe. We live in exciting times—and difficult days. We need wisdom and discernment in order to "watch and pray" effectively as our Lord has exhorted us.

May God’s peace be with you.

Mark Mallett

Music Ministry:


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Forget The Past

St. Joseph with Christ Child, Michael D. O’Brien


SINCE Christmas is also a time in which we give gifts to one another as a sign of the perpetual giving of God, I want to share with you a letter I received yesterday. As I wrote recently in Ox and Ass, God wants us to let go of our pride which holds on to old sins and guilt.

Here is a powerful word a brother received which expounds on the Lord’s Mercy in this regard:

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The Hard Truth — Epilogue



AS I wrote the Hard Truths the past two weeks, like many of you, I openly wept—struck with a deep horror of not only what is happening in our world, but also the realization of my own silence.  If "perfect love casts out all fear" as the Apostle John writes, then perhaps perfect fear casts out all love.

Unholy silence is the sound of fear.



I admit that when I wrote The Hard Truth letters, I had a very odd feeling later on that I was unwittingly writing out the charges against this generation—nay, the cumulative charges of a society which has, for several centuries now, fallen asleep. Our day is merely the fruit of a very old tree.

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O Christian Tree



YOU know, I don’t even know why there’s a Christmas tree in my living room. We’ve had one each year—it’s just what we do. But I like it… the smell of pine, the glow of the lights, the memories of mom decorating…  

Beyond an elaborate parking stall for gifts, meaning for our Christmas tree began to emerge while at Mass the other day….

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The One Hour Prison


IN my travels across North America, I have met many priests who tell me of the wrath they incur if Mass goes past one hour. I have witnessed many priests apologize profusely for having inconvenienced parishioners by a few minutes. As a result of this trepidation, many liturgies have taken on a robotic quality—a spiritual machine which never changes gears, pulsing to the clock with the efficiency of a factory.

And thus, we have created the one hour prison.

Because of this imaginary deadline, imposed primarily by the lay people, but acquiesced to by the clergy, we have in my opinion stifled the Holy Spirit.

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3 Cities… and a Warning for Canada

Ottawa, Canada


First published April 14th, 2006. 

If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes, and takes any one of them; that man is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand. (Ezekiel 33:6)

not one to go looking for supernatural experiences. But what happened last week as I entered Ottawa, Canada seemed an unmistakable visitation of the Lord. A confirmation of a powerful word and warning.

As my concert tour took my family and I through the United States this Lent, I had a sense of expectation from the beginning… that God was going to show us “something.”


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The Hard Truth — Part IV

Unborn baby at five months 

I HAVE never sat down, inspired to address a subject, and yet had nothing to say. Today, I am speechless.

I thought after all these years, that I heard everything there was to hear about abortion. But I was wrong. I thought the horror of "partial birth abortion" would be the limit to our "free and democratic" society’s permissiveness of exterminating unborn life (partial birth abortion explained here). But I was wrong. There is another method called "live birth abortion" practiced in the USA. I will simply let former nurse, Jill Stanek, tell you her *story:

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The Hard Truth

Unborn Baby at Eleven Weeks


WHEN U.S. pro-life activist Gregg Cunningham presented graphic photos of aborted babies at some Canadian high schools a few years back, abortion "champion" Henry Morgentaler was quick to denounce the presentation as "propaganda that is completely repulsive."

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The "Time of Grace"… Expiring?


the scriptures recently to a word which quickened my spirit. 

Actually, it was November 8th, the day the Democrats took power in the American House and Senate. Now, I’m a Canadian, so I don’t follow their politics much… but I do follow their trends. And that day, it was clear to many who defend the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, that powers had just shifted out of their favor.

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Even From Sin

WE can also turn the suffering caused by our sinfulness into prayer. All suffering is, after all, the fruit of the fall of Adam. Whether it is the mental anguish caused by sin or its life-long consequences, these too can be united to the suffering of Christ, who does not will that we sin, but who desires that…

…all things work for good for those who love God. (Rom 8:28)

There is nothing left untouched by the Cross. All suffering, if endured patiently and united to Christ’s sacrifice, has the power to move mountains. 

Stars of Holiness



WORDS which have been circling my heart…

As the darkness gets darker, the Stars get brighter. 



I believe Jesus is empowering those who are humble and open to His Holy Spirit to grow rapidly in holiness. Yes, the doors of Heaven are open. Pope John Paul II’s Jubilee celebration of 2000, in which he pushed open the doors of St. Peter’s Basilica, is symbolic of this. Heaven has literally opened its doors to us.

But the reception of these graces is dependent upon this:  that we open the doors of our hearts.  Those were the first words of JPII when he was elected… 

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What Have I…?

"Passion of the Christ"


I HAD thirty minutes before my meeting with the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration at the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. These are the nuns founded by Mother Angelica (EWTN) who lives with them there at the Shrine.

After spending time in prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I wandered outside to get some evening air. I came across a life-size crucifix which was very graphic, portraying the wounds of Christ as they would have been. I knelt before the cross… and suddenly felt myself drawn into a deep place of sorrow.

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Now is the Hour

Sun setting on "Apparition Hill" –— Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina

was my fourth, and last day in Medjugorje—that little village in the war-torn mountains of Bosnia-Herzegovina where the Blessed Mother has allegedly been appearing to six children (now, grown adults).

I had heard of this place for years, yet never felt the need to go there. But when I was asked to sing in Rome, something within me said, "Now, now you must go to Medjugorje."

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That Medjugorje

St. James Parish, Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina


SHORTLY before my flight from Rome to Bosnia, I caught a news story quoting Archbishop Harry Flynn of Minnesota, USA on his recent trip to Medjugorje. The Archbishop was speaking of a luncheon he had with Pope John Paul II and other American bishops in 1988:

Soup was being served.  Bishop Stanley Ott of Baton Rouge, LA., who has since gone to God, asked the Holy Father: “Holy Father, what do you think of Medjugorje?”

The Holy Father kept eating his soup and responded: “Medjugorje? Medjugorje? Medjugorje? Only good things are happening at Medjugorje.  People are praying there.  People are going to Confession. People are adoring the Eucharist, and people are turning to God.  And, only good things seem to be happening at Medjugorje.”, October 24th, 2006

Indeed, that’s what I’d heard coming from that Medjugorje… miracles, especially miracles of the heart. I’d had a number of family members experience profound conversions and healings after visiting this place.


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AS I embark on the last leg of my pilgrimage homeward bound (standing here at a computer terminal in Germany), I want to tell you that each day I have prayed for all of you my readers and those whom I promised to carry in my heart. No… I have stormed heaven for you, lifting you up at Masses and praying countless Rosaries. In many ways, I feel this journey was also for you. God is doing and speaking much in my heart. I have many things bubbling up in my heart to write you!

I pray to God that this day also, you will give your whole heart to Him. What does this mean to give Him your whole heart, to "open wide your heart"? It means to give over to God every detail of your life, even the smallest. Our day is not just one big glob of time—it is made up of each moment. Can you not see then that in order to have a blessed day, a holy day, a "good" day, then each moment must be consecrated (given over) to Him?

It is as though each day we sit down to make a white garment. But if we neglect each stitch, choosing this color or that, it will not be a white shirt. Or if the whole shirt is white, but one thread runs through that is black, then it stands out. See then how each moment counts as we weave through each event of the day.

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