Someone asked me the other day if I’m writing another book. I said, “No, though I’ve thought about it.” In fact, early on in this apostolate after I wrote my first book, The Final Confrontation, the spiritual director of these writings said I should quickly get another book out. And I did… but not on paper.
The urgency and volume of what the Lord seemed to be saying was such that I wanted it readily available to readers. And I wanted it to be at no cost. Now, there are over 1800 writings on this website and dozens of podcasts. It amounts to probably 25-30 books at this point.
In return, many of you have perceived that this is a full-time vocation for me. You have stepped up with not only your prayers but your financial support, often without me having to ask. And I am so grateful. I admit, it’s terrifying to raise 8 children as a Catholic in full-time ministry. In fact, I thought it would be impossible. You are dependent completely on people’s generosity, on the stability of the economy, and many other factors. But ultimately, you are dependent on God. And that’s harder than it seems, especially for us men who want to be providers and feel like you’re taking care of your family.
Here we are now in 2025, and to my surprise, the ink has not run out of my pen (yet). God continues to inspire “now words,” most especially when I think He’s done with me. How often have I thought, “Okay, there’s nothing more to say…” and then the Lord says, “Really? Can I decide that, My son?”
Still, despite the love and support many of you have given over the years, it has become necessary at the beginning of the year and toward the end of the third quarter to make an appeal for financial support. I hate it. I hate begging… but in truth, Jesus apparently wants it this way:
In the same way, the Lord ordered that those who preach the gospel should live by the gospel. (1 Corinthians 9:14)
So, if this ministry is not a grace and help to you, you’ve probably already unsubscribed. But if this is a blessing, please pray about supporting this work either monthly or a one-time donation. If you cannot afford to help out financially, would you consider adding this apostolate and my family to your daily prayers? The battle is fierce, and your prayers no doubt go a long way in returning the enemy’s salvos. Pray, too, that God would send this ministry a benefactor that would further free us up to use resources for the Kingdom.
Finally… did you notice? The last two writings have a podcast attached to them. After many requests from readers to record the audio of future writings, I will now implement this going forward. It gives you the option to read or listen, while still having all the footnotes and references at your fingertips. It also helps my visually impaired readers who would rather listen. Last, Daniel O’Connor and I continue to work hard to find time in his busy schedule to produce more webcasts.
I pray for this readership daily. What a long journey we’ve been on. Together, with Our Lord and Our Lady, let’s listen and pray to be able to hear their Now Word.
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