The Judgment of the West


With the United States seemingly suspending support to the Ukraine, European leaders have stepped up as the “coalition of the willing.”[1] But the West’s continued embrace of godless globalism, eugenics, abortion, euthanasia — what St. John Paul II called a “culture of death” — has put it squarely in the crosshairs of divine judgment. At least, this is what the Magisterium itself has warned… 

First published March 2, 2022…

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The Agitators – Part II


Hatred of the brethren makes room next for Antichrist;
for the devil prepares beforehand the divisions among the people,
that he who is to come may be acceptable to them.

—St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Church Doctor, (c. 315-386)
Catechetical Lectures, Lecture XV, n.9

Read Part I here: The Agitators


THE world watched it like a soap opera. Global news incessantly covered it. For months on end, the U.S. election was the preoccupation of not only Americans but billions across the world. Families argued bitterly, friendships fractured, and social media accounts erupted, whether you lived in Dublin or Vancouver, Los Angeles or London. Defend Trump and you were exiled; criticize him and you were deceived.  Somehow, the orange-haired businessman from New York managed to polarize the world like no other politician in our times.Continue reading

The Coming Collapse of America


AS as Canadian, I sometimes tease my American friends for their “Amero-centric” view of the world and Scripture. For them, the Book of Revelation and its prophecies of persecution and cataclysm are future events. Not so if you are one of millions being being hunted or already driven out of your home in the Middle East and Africa where Islamic bands are terrorizing Christians. Not so if you are one of the millions risking your life in the underground Church in China, North Korea, and dozens of other countries. Not so if you are one of those facing martyrdom on a daily basis for your faith in Christ. For them, they must feel they are already living the pages of the Apocalypse. Continue reading

Economic Collapse – The Third Seal


THE global economy is already on life-support; should the Second Seal be a major war, what’s left of the economy will collapse—the Third Seal. But then, that’s the idea of those orchestrating a New World Order in order to create a new economic system based on a new form of Communism.Continue reading

War – The Second Seal

THE Time of Mercy we are living is not indefinite. The coming Door of Justice is preceded by hard labor pains, among them, the Second Seal in the book of Revelation: perhaps a Third World War. Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor explain the reality an unrepentant world faces—a reality that has caused even Heaven to weep.

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Mystery Babylon

He Will Reign, by Tianna (Mallett) Williams


It is clear that there is a battle raging for the soul of America. Two visions. Two futures. Two powers. Is it already written in the Scriptures? Few Americans may realize that the battle for their country’s heart began centuries ago and the revolution underway there is part of an ancient plan. First published June 20th, 2012, this is more relevant at this hour than ever…

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Of China


In 2008, I sensed the Lord begin to speak about “China.” That culminated in this writing from 2011. As I read the headlines today, it seems timely to republish it tonight. It also seems to me that many of the “chess” pieces that I’ve been writing about for years are now moving into place. While the purpose of this apostolate is mainly helping readers to keep their feet on the ground, our Lord also said to “watch and pray.” And so, we continue to prayerfully watch…

The following was first published in 2011. 



POPE Benedict warned before Christmas that the “eclipse of reason” in the West was putting “the very future of the world” at stake. He alluded to the collapse of the Roman Empire, drawing a parallel between it and our times (see On the Eve).

All the while, there is another power rising in our time: Communist China. While it does not presently bare the same teeth that the Soviet Union did, there is much to be concerned about the ascent of this soaring superpower.


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When Legion Comes

for February 3rd, 2014

Liturgical texts here

A “performance” at the 2014 Grammy Awards



ST. Basil wrote that,

Among the angels, some are set in charge of nations, others are companions of the faithful…Adversus Eunomium, 3:1; The Angels and Their Missions, Jean Daniélou, S. J., p. 68

We see the principle of angels over nations in the Book of Daniel where it speaks of the “prince of Persia”, whom the archangel Michael comes to battle. [1]cf. Dan 10:20 In this case, the prince of Persia appears to be the satanic stronghold of a fallen angel.

The guardian angel of the Lord “guards the soul like an army,” said St. Gregory of Nyssa, “provided we do not drive him out by sin.” [2]The Angels and Their Missions, Jean Daniélou, S. J., p. 69 That is, grave sin, idolatry, or deliberate occult involvement can leave one vulnerable to the demonic. Is it possible then that, what happens to an individual who opens himself up to evil spirits, can also happen on a national basis? Today’s Mass readings lend some insights.

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1 cf. Dan 10:20
2 The Angels and Their Missions, Jean Daniélou, S. J., p. 69

Just Another Holy Eve?



WHEN I awoke this morning, an unexpected and bizarre cloud hung over my soul. I sensed a strong spirit of violence and death in the air all around me. As I drove into town, I took my Rosary out, and invoking the name of Jesus, prayed for God’s protection. It took me about three hours and four cups of coffee to finally figure out what I was experiencing, and why: it’s Halloween today.

No, I’m not going to delve into the the history of this strange American “holiday” or wade into the debate on whether to participate in it or not. A quick search of these topics on the Internet will provide ample reading in between ghouls arriving at your door, threatening tricks in lieu of treats.

Rather, I want to look at what Halloween has become, and how it is a harbinger, another “sign of the times.”


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The Collapse of America and The New Persecution


IT was with a strange heaviness of heart that I boarded a jet to the United States yesterday, on my way to give a conference this weekend in North Dakota. At the same time our jet took off, Pope Benedict’s plane was landing in the United Kingdom. He has been much on my heart these days—and much in the headlines.

As I was leaving the airport, I was compelled to buy a news magazine, something I rarely do. I was caught by the title “Is American Going Third World?”  It is a report about how American cities, some more than others, are beginning to decay, their infrastructures collapsing, their money virtually run out. America is ‘broke’, said a high-level politician in Washington. In one county in Ohio, the police force is so small due to cutbacks, that the county judge recommended that citizens ‘arm yourselves’ against criminals. In other States, street lights are being shut off, paved roads are being turned into gravel, and jobs into dust.

It was surreal for me to write about this coming collapse a few years ago before the economy began to tumble (see The Year of the Unfolding). It is even more surreal to see it happening now before our eyes.


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