On Secular Messianism


AS America turns another page in its history as the entire world looks on, a wake of division, controversy and failed expectations raises some crucial questions for all… are people misplacing their hope, that is, in leaders rather than their Creator?Continue reading

The False Peace and Security


For you yourselves know very well
that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night.
When people are saying, “Peace and security,”
then sudden disaster comes upon them,
like labor pains upon a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.
(1 Thess 5:2-3)


JUST as the Saturday night vigil Mass heralds Sunday, what the Church calls the “day of the Lord” or “Lord’s day”[1]CCC, n. 1166, so too, the Church has entered the vigil hour of the Great Day of the Lord.[2]Meaning, we are on the eve of the Sixth Day And this Day of the Lord, taught the Early Church Fathers, is not a twenty-four hour day at the end of the world, but a triumphant period of time when the enemies of God will be vanquished, the Antichrist or “Beast” is cast into the lake of fire, and Satan chained for a “thousand years.”[3]cf. Rethinking the End TimesContinue reading


1 CCC, n. 1166
2 Meaning, we are on the eve of the Sixth Day
3 cf. Rethinking the End Times

The Heart of the New Revolution



IT seemed like a benign philosophy—deism. That the world was indeed created by God… but then left for man to sort it out himself and determine his own destiny. It was a little lie, born in the 16th century, that was a catalyst in part for the “Enlightenment” period, which gave birth to atheistic materialism, which was embodied by Communism, which has prepared the soil for where we are today: on the threshold of a Global Revolution.

The Global Revolution taking place today is unlike anything seen before. It certainly has political-economic dimensions like past revolutions. In fact, the very conditions that led to the French Revolution (and its violent persecution of the Church) are among us today in several parts of the world: high unemployment, food shortages, and anger fomenting against the authority of both Church and State. In fact, the conditions today are ripe for upheaval (read The Seven Seals of Revolution).

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