The Judgment of the West


With the United States seemingly suspending support to the Ukraine, European leaders have stepped up as the “coalition of the willing.”[1] But the West’s continued embrace of godless globalism, eugenics, abortion, euthanasia — what St. John Paul II called a “culture of death” — has put it squarely in the crosshairs of divine judgment. At least, this is what the Magisterium itself has warned… 

First published March 2, 2022…

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The Coming Collapse of America


AS as Canadian, I sometimes tease my American friends for their “Amero-centric” view of the world and Scripture. For them, the Book of Revelation and its prophecies of persecution and cataclysm are future events. Not so if you are one of millions being being hunted or already driven out of your home in the Middle East and Africa where Islamic bands are terrorizing Christians. Not so if you are one of the millions risking your life in the underground Church in China, North Korea, and dozens of other countries. Not so if you are one of those facing martyrdom on a daily basis for your faith in Christ. For them, they must feel they are already living the pages of the Apocalypse. Continue reading

Economic Collapse – The Third Seal


THE global economy is already on life-support; should the Second Seal be a major war, what’s left of the economy will collapse—the Third Seal. But then, that’s the idea of those orchestrating a New World Order in order to create a new economic system based on a new form of Communism.Continue reading

Just Another Holy Eve?



WHEN I awoke this morning, an unexpected and bizarre cloud hung over my soul. I sensed a strong spirit of violence and death in the air all around me. As I drove into town, I took my Rosary out, and invoking the name of Jesus, prayed for God’s protection. It took me about three hours and four cups of coffee to finally figure out what I was experiencing, and why: it’s Halloween today.

No, I’m not going to delve into the the history of this strange American “holiday” or wade into the debate on whether to participate in it or not. A quick search of these topics on the Internet will provide ample reading in between ghouls arriving at your door, threatening tricks in lieu of treats.

Rather, I want to look at what Halloween has become, and how it is a harbinger, another “sign of the times.”


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The Progression of Man

Victims of genocide



PERHAPS the most short-sighted aspect of our modern culture is the notion that we are on a linear path of advancement. That we are leaving behind, in the wake of human achievement, the barbarism and narrow-minded thinking of past generations and cultures. That we are loosening the shackles of prejudice and intolerance and marching toward a more democratic, free, and civilized world.

This assumption is not only false, but dangerous.

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The Prophetic Mountain


WE are parked at the base of the Canadian Rocky Mountains this evening, as my daughter and I prepare to grab some shut eye before the day’s journey to the Pacific Ocean tomorrow.

I am only a few miles from the mountain where, seven years ago, the Lord spoke powerful prophetic words to Fr. Kyle Dave and I. He is a priest from Louisiana who fled Hurricane Katrina when it ravaged the southern states, including his parish. Fr. Kyle came to stay with me in the aftermath, as a veritable tsunami of water (a 35 foot storm surge!) tore through his church, leaving nothing but a few statues behind.

While here, we prayed, read the Scriptures, celebrated the Mass, and prayed some more as the Lord made the Word come alive. It was as though a window was opened, and we were allowed to peer into the fog of the future for a short time. Everything that was spoken in seed form then (see The Petals and Trumpets of Warning) is now unfolding before our eyes. Since then, I have expounded on  those prophetic days in some 700 writings here and in a book, as the Spirit has led me on this unexpected journey…


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Come Out of Babylon!

“Dirty City” by Dan Krall



FOUR years ago, I heard a strong word in prayer that has been growing recently in intensity. And so, I need to speak from the heart the words I hear again:

Come out of Babylon!

Babylon is symbolic of a culture of sin and indulgence. Christ is calling His people OUT of this  “city”, out from the yoke of the spirit of this age, out of the decadence, materialism, and sensuality which has plugged its gutters, and is overflowing into the hearts and homes of His people.

Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Depart from her, my people, so as not to take part in her sins and receive a share in her plagues, for her sins are piled up to the sky… (Revelation 18:4-5)

The “her” in this Scripture passage is “Babylon,” which Pope Benedict recently interpreted as…

…the symbol of the world’s great irreligious cities… —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Address to the Roman Curia, December 20th, 2010

In Revelation, Babylon suddenly falls:

Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great. She has become a haunt for demons. She is a cage for every unclean spirit, a cage for every unclean bird, a cage for every unclean and disgusting beast…Alas, alas, great city, Babylon, mighty city. In one hour your judgment has come. (Rev 18:2, 10)

And thus the warning: 

Come out of Babylon!

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The Basics

St. Francis Preaching to the Birds, 1297-99 by Giotto di Bondone


EVERY Catholic is called to share the Good News… but do we even know what the "Good News" is, and how to explain it to others? In this newest episode on Embracing Hope, Mark gets back to the basics of our faith, explaining very simply what the Good News is, and what our response must be. Evangelization 101!

To watch The Basics, go to



Mark is just finishing the last touches on songwriting for a new music CD. Production is to begin soon with a release date for later in 2011. The theme is songs that deal with loss, fidelity, and family, with healing and hope through Christ’s Eucharistic love. To help raise funds for this project, we would like to invite individuals or families to "adopt a song" for $1000. Your name, and who you want the song dedicated to, will be included in the CD notes if you so choose. There will be about 12 songs on the project, so first come, first serve. If you are interested in sponsoring a song, contact Mark here.

We will keep you posted of further developments! In the meantime, for those new to Mark’s music, you can listen to samples here. All prices on CD’s were recently reduced in the online store. For those who wish to subscribe to this newsletter and receive all Mark’s blogs, webcasts, and news regarding CD releases, click Subscribe.

The Collapse of America and The New Persecution


IT was with a strange heaviness of heart that I boarded a jet to the United States yesterday, on my way to give a conference this weekend in North Dakota. At the same time our jet took off, Pope Benedict’s plane was landing in the United Kingdom. He has been much on my heart these days—and much in the headlines.

As I was leaving the airport, I was compelled to buy a news magazine, something I rarely do. I was caught by the title “Is American Going Third World?”  It is a report about how American cities, some more than others, are beginning to decay, their infrastructures collapsing, their money virtually run out. America is ‘broke’, said a high-level politician in Washington. In one county in Ohio, the police force is so small due to cutbacks, that the county judge recommended that citizens ‘arm yourselves’ against criminals. In other States, street lights are being shut off, paved roads are being turned into gravel, and jobs into dust.

It was surreal for me to write about this coming collapse a few years ago before the economy began to tumble (see The Year of the Unfolding). It is even more surreal to see it happening now before our eyes.


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