WE are living through a remarkable fulfillment of Sacred Scripture, particularly in the form of a mass denial of truth.Continue reading
WE are living through a remarkable fulfillment of Sacred Scripture, particularly in the form of a mass denial of truth.Continue reading
…we must not underestimate
the disturbing scenarios that threaten our future,
or the powerful new instruments
that the “culture of death” has at its disposal.
—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n. 75
THERE is no question the world needs a great reset. This is the heart of Our Lord and Our Lady’s warnings spanning over a century: there is a renewal coming, a Great Renewal, and mankind has been given the choice to usher in its triumph, either through repentance, or through the Refiner’s fire. In Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta’s writings, we have perhaps the most explicit prophetic revelation revealing the proximate times in which you and I are now living:Continue reading
THIS morning after prayer, I felt moved to re-read a crucial meditation I wrote some seven years ago called Hell Unleashed. I was tempted to simply resend that article to you today, as there is so much in it that was prophetic and critical for what has now unfolded over the past year and a half. How true those words have become!
However, I will just summarize some key points and then move on to a new “now word” that came to me during prayer today… Continue reading
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
and thick darkness the peoples;
but the LORD will arise upon you,
and his glory will be seen upon you.
And nations shall come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your rising.
(Isaiah 60:1-3)
[Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world,
causing wars and persecutions of the Church.
The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer;
various nations will be annihilated.
—visionary Sr. Lucia in a letter to the Holy Father,
May 12th, 1982; The Message of Fatima, vatican.va
BY NOW, some of you have heard me repeat for over 16 years St. John Paul II’s warning in 1976 that “We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church…”[1]Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA; August 13, 1976; cf. Catholic Online But now, dear reader, you are alive to witness this final Clash of the Kingdoms unfolding at this hour. It is the clash of the Kingdom of the Divine Will that Christ will establish to the ends of the earth when this trial is over… versus the kingdom of neo-Communism that is rapidly spreading across the globe — a kingdom of the human will. This is the ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah when “darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples”; when a Diabolical Disorientation will deceive many and a Strong Delusion will be permitted to pass through the world like a Spiritual Tsunami. “The greatest chastisement,” said Jesus to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta…Continue reading
↑1 | Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA; August 13, 1976; cf. Catholic Online |
for October 8th, 2014
Liturgical texts here
The subject matter of this meditation is so important, that I am sending this to both my daily readers of the Now Word, and those who are on the Spiritual Food for Thought mailing list. If you receive duplicates, that’s why. Because of today’s subject, this writing is a bit longer than usual for my daily readers… but I believe necessary.
I couldn’t sleep last night. I woke up in what the Romans would call the “fourth watch”, that period of time before dawn. I began to think about all the emails I’m receiving, the rumors I’m hearing, the doubts and confusion that are creeping in… like wolves on the edge of the forest. Yes, I heard the warnings clearly in my heart shortly after Pope Benedict resigned, that we were going to enter into times of great confusion. And now, I feel a bit like a shepherd, tension in my back and arms, my staff raised as shadows move about this precious flock that God has entrusted me to feed with “spiritual food.” I feel protective today.
The wolves are here.