Dear Holy Father… He is Coming!


TO His Holiness, Pope Francis:


Dear Holy Father,

Throughout the pontificate of your predecessor, St. John Paul II, he continually invoked us, the youth of the Church, to become “morning watchmen at the dawn of the new millennium.” [1]POPE JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9; (cf. Is 21:11-12)

…watchmen who proclaim to the world a new dawn of hope, brotherhood and peace. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Guanelli Youth Movement, April 20th, 2002,

From Ukraine to Madrid, Peru to Canada, he beckoned us to become “protagonists of the new times” [2]POPE JOHN PAUL II, Welcome Ceremony, International Airport of Madrid-Baraja, May 3rd, 2003; that lay directly ahead of the Church and the world:

Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ! —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father to the Youth of the World, XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12)

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1 POPE JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9; (cf. Is 21:11-12)
2 POPE JOHN PAUL II, Welcome Ceremony, International Airport of Madrid-Baraja, May 3rd, 2003;

The Chastisement Comes… Part II

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow, Russia.
The statue commemorates the princes who gathered an all-Russian volunteer army
and expelled the forces of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth


Russia remains one of the most mysterious countries in both historical and current affairs. It is “ground zero” for several seismic events in both history and prophecy.Continue reading

Fatima, and the Great Shaking


SOME time ago, as I pondered why the sun was seemingly darting about the sky at Fatima, the insight came to me that it was not a vision of the sun moving per se, but the earth. That’s when I pondered the connection between the “great shaking” of the earth foretold by many credible prophets, and the “miracle of the sun.” However, with the recent release of Sr. Lucia’s memoirs, a new insight into the Third Secret of Fatima was revealed in her writings. Up till this point, what we knew of a postponed chastisement of the earth (that has given us this “time of mercy”) was described on the Vatican’s website:Continue reading

Francis and The Great Shipwreck


…the true friends are not those who flatter the Pope,
but those who help him with the truth
and with theological and human competence. 
—Cardinal Müller, Corriere della Sera, Nov. 26, 2017;

from the Moynihan Letters, #64, Nov. 27th, 2017

Dear children, the Great Vessel and a Great Shipwreck;
this is the [cause of] suffering for men and women of faith. 
—Our Lady to Pedro Regis, October 20th, 2020;


WITHIN the culture of Catholicism has been an unspoken “rule” that one must never criticize the Pope. Generally speaking, it is wise to refrain from criticizing our spiritual fathers. However, those who turn this into an absolute expose a grossly exaggerated understanding of papal infallibility and come dangerously close to a form of idolatry — papalotry — that elevates a pope to an emperor-like status where everything he utters is infallibly divine. But even a novice historian of Catholicism will know that popes are very human and prone to mistakes — a reality that began with Peter himself:Continue reading

The Coming Sabbath Rest


FOR 2000 years, the Church has laboured to draw souls into her bosom. She has endured persecutions and betrayals, heretics and schismatics. She has gone through seasons of glory and growth, decline and division, power and poverty whilst tirelessly proclaiming the Gospel — if only at times through a remnant. But someday, said the Church Fathers, she will enjoy a “Sabbath Rest” — an Era of Peace on earth before the end of the world. But what exactly is this rest, and what brings it about?Continue reading

A Warning on the Powerful


SEVERAL messages from Heaven are warning the faithful that the struggle against the Church is “at the gates”, and not to trust the powerful of the world. Watch or listen to the latest webcast with Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor. 

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Fatima and the Apocalypse

Beloved, do not be surprised that
a trial by fire is occurring among you,
as if something strange were happening to you.
But rejoice to the extent that you
share in the sufferings of Christ,
so that when his glory is revealed
you may also rejoice exultantly. 
(1 Peter 4:12-13)

[Man] shall be actually disciplined beforehand for incorruption,
and shall go forwards and flourish in the times of the kingdom,
in order that he may be capable of receiving the glory of the Father. 
—St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Church Father (140–202 A.D.) 

Adversus Haereses, Irenaeus of Lyons, passim
Bk. 5, Ch. 35, The Fathers of the Church, CIMA Publishing Co


YOU are loved. And that’s why the sufferings of this present hour are so intense. Jesus is preparing the Church to receive a “new and divine holiness” that, until these times, was unknown. But before He can clothe His Bride in this new garment (Rev 19:8), He has to strip His beloved of her soiled garments. As Cardinal Ratzinger stated so vividly:Continue reading

The Time of Fatima is Here


POPE BENEDICT XVI said in 2010 that “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete.”[1]Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13, 2010 Now, Heaven’s recent messages to the world say that the fulfillment of Fatima’s warnings and promises have now arrived. In this new webcast, Prof. Daniel O’Connor and Mark Mallett break down recent messages and leave the viewer with several nuggets of practical wisdom and direction…Continue reading


1 Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13, 2010

The False Peace and Security


For you yourselves know very well
that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night.
When people are saying, “Peace and security,”
then sudden disaster comes upon them,
like labor pains upon a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.
(1 Thess 5:2-3)


JUST as the Saturday night vigil Mass heralds Sunday, what the Church calls the “day of the Lord” or “Lord’s day”[1]CCC, n. 1166, so too, the Church has entered the vigil hour of the Great Day of the Lord.[2]Meaning, we are on the eve of the Sixth Day And this Day of the Lord, taught the Early Church Fathers, is not a twenty-four hour day at the end of the world, but a triumphant period of time when the enemies of God will be vanquished, the Antichrist or “Beast” is cast into the lake of fire, and Satan chained for a “thousand years.”[3]cf. Rethinking the End TimesContinue reading


1 CCC, n. 1166
2 Meaning, we are on the eve of the Sixth Day
3 cf. Rethinking the End Times

On the Threshold


THIS week, a deep, inexplicable sadness came over me, as it has in the past. But I know now what this is: it is a drop of sadness from the Heart of God—that man has rejected Him to the point of bringing humanity to this painful purification. It is the sadness that God was not allowed to triumph over this world through love but must do so, now, through justice.Continue reading

Dawn of Hope


WHAT will the Era of Peace be like? Mark Mallett and Daniel O’Connor go into the beautiful details of the coming Era as found in Sacred Tradition and the prophecies of mystics and seers. Watch or listen to this exciting webcast to learn about events that may transpire in your lifetime!Continue reading

Time of Mercy – First Seal


IN this second webcast on the Timeline of events unfolding on the earth, Mark Mallett and Prof. Daniel O’Connor breakdown the “first seal” in the Book of Revelation. A compelling explanation of why it heralds the “time of mercy” we are living now, and why it may soon expire…Continue reading

Warnings in the Wind

Our Lady of Sorrows, painting by Tianna (Mallett) Williams


The past three days, the winds here have been unceasing and strong. All day yesterday, we were under a “Wind Warning.” When I started to reread this post just now, I knew I had to republish it. The warning herein is crucial and must be heeded regarding those who are “playing in sin.” The followup to this writing is “Hell Unleashed“, which gives practical advice on closing the cracks in one’s spiritual life so that Satan cannot get a stronghold. These two writings are a serious warning about turning from sin… and going to confession while we still can. First published in 2012…Continue reading

The Hour of the Sword


THE Great Storm I spoke of in Spiraling Toward the Eye has three essential components according to the Early Church Fathers, Scripture, and confirmed in credible prophetic revelations. The first part of the Storm is essentially man-made: humanity reaping what it has sown (cf. Seven Seals of Revolution). Then comes the Eye of the Storm followed by the last half of the Storm which will culminate in God Himself directly intervening through a Judgment of the Living.
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Of China


In 2008, I sensed the Lord begin to speak about “China.” That culminated in this writing from 2011. As I read the headlines today, it seems timely to republish it tonight. It also seems to me that many of the “chess” pieces that I’ve been writing about for years are now moving into place. While the purpose of this apostolate is mainly helping readers to keep their feet on the ground, our Lord also said to “watch and pray.” And so, we continue to prayerfully watch…

The following was first published in 2011. 



POPE Benedict warned before Christmas that the “eclipse of reason” in the West was putting “the very future of the world” at stake. He alluded to the collapse of the Roman Empire, drawing a parallel between it and our times (see On the Eve).

All the while, there is another power rising in our time: Communist China. While it does not presently bare the same teeth that the Soviet Union did, there is much to be concerned about the ascent of this soaring superpower.


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Debunking the Sun Miracle Skeptics

Scene from The 13th Day


THE rain pelted the ground and drenched the crowds. It must have seemed like an exclamation point to the ridicule that filled the secular newspapers for months prior. Three shepherd children near Fatima, Portugal claimed that a miracle would occur in the Cova da Ira fields at high noon that day. It was October 13, 1917. As many as 30, 000 to 100, 000 people had gathered to witness it.

Their ranks included believers and non-believers, pious old ladies and scoffing young men. —Fr. John De Marchi, Italian priest and researcher; The Immaculate Heart, 1952

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The Seven Seals of Revolution


IN truth, I think most of us are very tired… tired of not only seeing the spirit of violence, impurity, and division sweeping over the world, but tired of having to hear about it—perhaps from people like me too. Yes, I know, I make some people very uncomfortable, even angry. Well, I can assure you that I have been tempted to flee to the “normal life” many times… but I realize that in the temptation to escape this strange writing apostolate is the seed of pride, a wounded pride that does not want to be “that prophet of doom and gloom.” But at the end of every day, I say “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. How can I say ‘no’ to You who did not say ‘no’ to me on the Cross?” The temptation is to simply close my eyes, fall asleep, and pretend that things are not what they really are. And then, Jesus comes with a tear in His eye and gently pokes me, saying:Continue reading

What If…?

What’s around the bend?


IN an open letter to the Pope, [1]cf. Dear Holy Father… He is Coming! I outlined to His Holiness the theological foundations for an “era of peace” as opposed to the heresy of millenarianism. [2]cf. Millenarianism: What it is and is Not and the Catechism [CCC} n.675-676 Indeed, Padre Martino Penasa posed the question on the scriptural foundation of an historic and universal era of peace versus millenarianism to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: “È imminente una nuova era di vita cristiana?” (“Is a new era of Christian life imminent?”). The Prefect at that time, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger replied, “La questione è ancora aperta alla libera discussione, giacchè la Santa Sede non si è ancora pronunciata in modo definitivo”:

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1 cf. Dear Holy Father… He is Coming!
2 cf. Millenarianism: What it is and is Not and the Catechism [CCC} n.675-676

The Judas Prophecy


In recent days, Canada has been moving toward some of the most extreme euthanasia laws in the world to not only permit “patients” of most ages to commit suicide, but force doctors and Catholic hospitals to assist them. One young doctor sent me a text saying, 

I had a dream once. In it, I became a physician because I thought they wanted to help people.

And so today, I am republishing this writing from four years ago. For too long, many in the Church have set these realities aside, passing them off as “doom and gloom.” But suddenly, they are now on our doorstep with a battering ram. The Judas Prophecy is coming to pass as we enter the most painful part of the “final confrontation” of this age…

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The Triumph – Part II



I WANT to give a message of hope—tremendous hope. I continue to receive letters in which readers are despairing as they watch the continual decline and exponential decay of society around them. We hurt because the world is in a downward spiral into a darkness unparalleled in history. We feel pangs because it reminds us that this is not our home, but Heaven is. So listen again to Jesus:

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. (Matthew 5:6)

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Sheathing the Sword

for Friday of the Third Week of Lent, March 13th, 2015

Liturgical texts here

The Angel atop St. Angelo’s Castle in Parco Adriano, Rome, Italy


THERE is a legendary account of a pestilence that broke out in Rome in 590 A.D. due to a flood, and Pope Pelagius II was one of its numerous victims. His successor, Gregory the Great, ordered that a procession should go around the city for three consecutive days, imploring God’s help against the disease.

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Stubborn and Blind

for Monday of the Third Week of Lent, March 9th, 2015

Liturgical texts here


IN truth, we are surrounded by the miraculous. You have to be blind—spiritually blind—not to see it. But our modern world has become so skeptical, so cynical, so stubborn that not only do we doubt that supernatural miracles are possible, but when they do happen, we still doubt!

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Hell Unleashed



WHEN I wrote this last week, I decided to sit on it and pray some more because of the very serious nature of this writing. But nearly every day since, I have been getting clear confirmations that this is a word of warning to all of us.

There are many new readers coming aboard each day. Let me briefly recap then… When this writing apostolate began some eight years ago, I felt the Lord asking me to “watch and pray”. [1]At WYD in Toronto in 2003, Pope John Paul II likewise asked us youth to become “the watchmen of the morning who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ!” —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father to the Youth of the World, XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12). Following the headlines, it seemed that there was an escalation of world events by the month. Then it began to be by the week. And now, it is daily. It is exactly as I felt the Lord was showing me it would happen (oh, how I wish in some ways I was wrong about this!)

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1 At WYD in Toronto in 2003, Pope John Paul II likewise asked us youth to become “the watchmen of the morning who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ!” —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father to the Youth of the World, XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12).

Prophecy Properly Understood


WE are living in a time when prophecy has perhaps never been so important, and yet, so misunderstood by the vast majority of Catholics. There are three harmful positions being taken today regarding prophetic or “private” revelations that, I believe, are doing at times great damage in many quarters of the Church. One is that “private revelations” never have to be heeded since all we are obligated to believe is the definitive Revelation of Christ in the “deposit of faith.” Another harm being done is by those who tend to not only put prophecy above the Magisterium, but give it the same authority as Sacred Scripture. And last, there is the position that most prophecy, unless uttered by saints or found without error, should be mostly shunned. Again, all these positions above carry unfortunate and even dangerous pitfalls.


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The Lion of Judah

for December 17th, 2013

Liturgical texts here



THERE is a powerful moment of drama in one of St. John’s visions in the Book of Revelation. After hearing the Lord chastise the seven churches, warning, exhorting, and preparing them for His coming, [1]cf. Rev 1:7 St. John is shown a scroll with writing on both sides that is sealed with seven seals. When he realizes that “no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth” is able to open and examine it, he begins to weep profusely. But why is St. John weeping over something he hasn’t read yet?

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1 cf. Rev 1:7

Compromise: The Great Apostasy

for December 1st, 2013
First Sunday of Advent

Liturgical texts here



THE book of Isaiah—and this Advent—begins with a beautiful vision of a coming Day when “all nations” will stream to the Church to be fed from her hand the life-giving teachings of Jesus. According to the early Church Fathers, Our Lady of Fatima, and the prophetic words of 20th century popes, we may indeed expect a coming “era of peace” when they “shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks” (see Dear Holy Father… He is Coming!)

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The Great Gift



IMAGINE a small child, who has just learned to walk, being taken into a busy shopping mall. He is there with his mother, but does not want to take her hand. Every time he begins to wander, she gently reaches for his hand. Just as quickly, he pulls it away and continues to dart in any direction he wants. But he is oblivious to the dangers: the throngs of hurried shoppers who barely notice him; the exits that lead to traffic; the pretty but deep water fountains, and all the other unknown dangers that keep parents awake at night. Occasionally, the mother—who is always a step behind—reaches down and grabs a little hand to keep him from going into this store or that, from running into this person or that door. When he wants to go the other direction, she turns him around, but still, he wants to walk on his own.

Now, imagine another child who, upon entering the mall, senses the dangers of the unknown. She willingly lets the mother take her hand and lead her. The mother knows just when to turn, where to stop, where to wait, for she can see the dangers and obstacles ahead, and takes the safest path for her little one. And when the child is willing to be picked up, the mother walks straight ahead, taking the quickest and easiest path to her destination.

Now, imagine that you are a child, and Mary is your mother. Whether you are a Protestant or a Catholic, a believer or an unbeliever, she is always walking with you… but are you walking with her?


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Your Questions on the Era



SOME questions and answers on the “era of peace,” from Vassula, to Fatima, to the Fathers.


Q. Didn’t the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith say that the “era of peace” is millenarianism when it posted its Notification on Vassula Ryden’s writings?

I have decided to answer this question here since some are using this Notification to draw flawed conclusions regarding the notion of an “era of peace.” The answer to this question is as interesting as it is convoluted.

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The Triumph – Part III



NOT only can we hope for the fulfillment of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the Church has the power to hasten its coming by our prayers and actions. Instead of despairing, we need to be preparing.

What can we do? What can I do?


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The Triumph



AS Pope Francis prepares to consecrate his papacy to Our Lady of Fatima on May 13th, 2013 through Cardinal José da Cruz Policarpo, Archbishop of Lisbon, [1]Correction: The consecration is to happen through the Cardinal, not the Pope in person himself at Fatima, as I mistakenly reported. it is timely to reflect on the Blessed Mother’s promise made there in 1917, what it means, and how it will unfold… something that seems more and more likely to be in our times. I believe his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, has shed some valuable light on what is coming upon the Church and the world in this regard…

In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world. —


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1 Correction: The consecration is to happen through the Cardinal, not the Pope in person himself at Fatima, as I mistakenly reported.

Warning from the Past

Auschwitz “Death Camp”


AS my readers know, at the beginning of 2008, I received in prayer that it would be “the Year of the Unfolding.” That we would begin to see the collapse of the economic, then social, then political order. Clearly, everything is on schedule for those with eyes to see.

But last year, my meditation on “Mystery Babylon” put a new perspective on everything. It places the United States of America at a very central role in the rise of a New World Order. The late Venezuelan mystic, Servant of God Maria Esperanza, perceived on some level the importance of America—that her rise or fall would determine the fate of the world:

I feel the United States has to save the world…The Bridge to Heaven: Interviews with Maria Esperanza of Betania, by Michael H. Brown, p. 43

But clearly the corruption that laid waste to the Roman Empire is dissolving the foundations of America—and rising in their place is something strangely familiar. Quite frighteningly familiar. Please take the time to read this post below from my archives of November 2008, at the time of the American election. This is a spiritual, not a political reflection. It will challenge many, anger others, and hopefully awaken many more. We always face the danger of evil overcoming us if we do not remain vigilant. Hence, this writing is not an accusation, but a warning… a warning from the past.

I have more to write on this subject and how, what is happening in America and the world at large, was actually foretold by Our Lady of Fatima. However, in prayer today, I sensed the Lord telling me to focus in the next few weeks solely on getting my albums done. That they, somehow, have a part to play in the prophetic aspect of my ministry (see Ezekiel 33, particularly verses 32-33). His will be done!

Lastly, please keep me in your prayers. Without explaining it, I think you can imagine the spiritual attack on this ministry, and my family. God bless you. You all remain in my daily petitions….

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How the Era was Lost


THE future hope of an “era of peace” based on the “thousand years” that follow the death of Antichrist, according to the the book of Revelation, may sound like a new concept to some readers. To others, it is considered a heresy. But it is neither. The fact is, the eschatological hope of a “period” of peace and justice, of a “Sabbath rest” for the Church before the end of time, does have its basis in Sacred Tradition. In reality, it has been somewhat buried in centuries of misinterpretation, unwarranted attacks, and speculative theology that continues to this day. In this writing, we look at the question of exactly how “the era was lost”—a bit of a soap opera in itself—and other questions such as whether it is literally a “thousand years,” whether Christ will be visibly present at that time, and what we can expect. Why is this important? Because it not only confirms a future hope that the Blessed Mother announced as imminent at Fatima, but of events that must take place at the end of this age that will change the world forever… events that appear to be on the very threshold of our times. 


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Charismatic! Part VII


THE point of this entire series on the charismatic gifts and movement is to encourage the reader to not be afraid of the extraordinary in God! To not be afraid to “open wide your hearts” to the gift of the Holy Spirit whom the Lord wishes to pour out in a special and powerful way in our times. As I read the letters sent to me, it is clear that the Charismatic Renewal has not been without its sorrows and failures, its human deficiencies and weaknesses. And yet, this is precisely what occurred in the early Church after Pentecost. Saints Peter and Paul devoted much space to correcting the various churches, moderating the charisms, and refocusing the budding communities over and over again upon the oral and written tradition that was being handed on to them. What the Apostles did not do is deny the often dramatic experiences of believers, try to stifle the charisms, or silence the zeal of thriving communities. Rather, they said:

Do not quench the Spirit… pursue love, but strive eagerly for the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy… above all, let your love for one another be intense… (1 Thess 5:19; 1 Cor 14:1; 1 Pet 4:8)

I want to devote the last part of this series to sharing my own experiences and reflections since I first experienced the charismatic movement in 1975. Rather than give my entire testimony here, I will restrict it to those experiences one might call “charismatic.”


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Charismatic? Part VI

pentecost3_FotorPentecost, Artist Unknown


PENTECOST is not only a single event, but a grace that the Church can experience again and again. However, in this past century, the popes have been praying not only for a renewal in the Holy Spirit, but for a “new Pentecost”. When one considers all the signs of the times that have accompanied this prayer—key among them the continued presence of the Blessed Mother gathering with her children on earth through ongoing apparitions, as though she were once again in the “upper room” with the Apostles… the words of the Catechism take on a new sense of immediacy:

…at the “end time” the Lord’s Spirit will renew the hearts of men, engraving a new law in them. He will gather and reconcile the scattered and divided peoples; he will transform the first creation, and God will dwell there with men in peace.Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 715

This time when the Spirit comes to “renew the face of the earth” is the period, after the death of Antichrist, during what the Church Father’s pointed to in St. John’s Apocalypse as the “thousand year” era when Satan is chained in the abyss.Continue reading

Charismatic? Part V



AS we look at the Charismatic Renewal today, we see a great decline in its numbers, and those who remain are mostly grey and white-haired. What, then, was the Charismatic Renewal all about if it appears on the surface to be fizzling? As one reader wrote in response to this series:

At some point the Charismatic movement vanished like fireworks that light up the night sky and then fall back into the darkenss. I was somewhat puzzled that a move of Almighty God would wane and finally fade away.

The answer to this question is perhaps the most important aspect of this series, for it helps us to understand not only where we’ve come from, but what the future holds for the Church…


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Charismatic? Part IV



I have been asked before if I am a “Charismatic.” And my answer is, “I am Catholic!” That is, I want to be fully Catholic, to live in the center of the deposit of faith, the heart of our mother, the Church. And so, I strive to be “charismatic”, “marian,” “contemplative,” “active,” “sacramental,” and “apostolic.” That is because all of the above belong not to this or that group, or this or that movement, but to the entire body of Christ. While apostolates may vary in the focus of their particular charism, in order to be fully alive, fully “healthy,” one’s heart, one’s apostolate, should be open to the entire treasury of grace that the Father has bestowed upon the Church.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens… (Eph 1:3)

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The Verdict


AS my recent ministry tour progressed, I felt a new weight in my soul, a heaviness of heart unlike previous missions the Lord has sent me on. After preaching about His love and mercy, I asked the Father one night why the world… why anyone would not want to open their hearts to Jesus who has given so much, who has never hurt a soul, and who has burst open the gates of Heaven and gained every spiritual blessing for us through His death upon the Cross?

The answer came swiftly, a word from the Scriptures themselves:

And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. (John 3:19)

The growing sense, as I’ve meditated on this word, is that it is a definitive word for our times, indeed a verdict for a world now upon the threshold of extraordinary change….


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Ezekiel 12

Summer Landscape
by George Inness, 1894


I have longed to give you the Gospel, and more than that, to give you my very life; you have become very dear to me. My little children, I am like a mother giving birth to you, until Christ is formed in you. (1 Thess 2:8; Gal 4:19)


IT has been nearly a year since my wife and I picked up our eight children and moved to a small parcel of land on the Canadian prairies in the middle of nowhere. It is probably the last place I would have chosen.. a wide open ocean of farm fields, few trees, and plenty of wind. But all other doors closed and this was the one that opened.

As I prayed this morning, pondering the rapid, almost overwhelming change in direction for our family, words came back to me that I had forgotten that I had read shortly before we felt called to move… Ezekiel, Chapter 12.

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Measuring God


IN a recent letter exchange, an atheist said to me,

If sufficient evidence was shown to me, I would start witnessing for Jesus tomorrow. I don’t know what that evidence would be, but I’m sure an all-powerful, all-knowing deity such as Yahweh would know what it would take to get me to believe. So that means Yahweh must not want me to believe (at least at this time), otherwise Yahweh could show me the evidence.

Is it that God does not want this atheist to believe at this time, or is it that this atheist is not prepared to believe in God? That is, is he applying the principles of the “scientific method” to the Creator Himself?Continue reading

A Painful Irony


I have spent several weeks dialoguing with an atheist. There’s perhaps no better exercise to build one’s faith. The reason being is that irrationality is a sign itself of the supernatural, for confusion and spiritual blindness are hallmarks of the prince of darkness. There are some mysteries the atheist cannot solve, questions he cannot answer, and some aspects of human life and the origins of the universe that cannot be explained by science alone. But this he will deny by either ignoring the subject, minimizing the question at hand, or ignoring scientists who refute his position and only quoting those who do. He leaves many painful ironies in the wake of his “reasoning.”



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Why Are You Surprised?



FROM a reader:

Why are the parish priests so silent about these times? It seems to me that ours priests should be leading us… but 99% are silent… why are they silent…??? Why are so many, many people asleep? Why don’t they wake up? I can see what’s happening and I am not special… why can’t others? It’s like a mandate from Heaven has been sent out to wake up and see what time it is… but only a few are awake and even fewer are responding.

My answer is why are you surprised? If we are possibly living in the “end times” (not the end of the world, but an end “period”) as many of the popes seemed to think such as Pius X, Paul V, and John Paul II, if not our present Holy Father, then these days will be exactly as Scripture said they would be.

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