I think it was no coincidence that, as governments around the world were declaring a “pandemic”, the Lord put a fire in me to write Taking Back God’s Creation. It was a powerful “now word”: it is time to acknowledge again the wonderful gifts God has bestowed on us for our health, healing, and well-being within creation itself — gifts that have been lost to the iron fist of the Big Pharma complex and their abetters, and to a lesser degree, the occult and New Age practitioners.
In my article The Pandemic of Control, I explained in part the nefarious beginnings of Big Pharma in Hitler’s Germany using crude oil derivatives to make drugs. It was there in the early 19th century that a new breed of treatment was born called “allopathic” medicine that sought to merely suppress or treat symptoms with drugs rather than treat the root causes of illness and disease. So brutal were the results that the satirists of the day said, “Patients died of the cure.”[1]from The Corbett Report: “The Rockefeller Medicine” by James Corbett, May 17th, 2020 Given that a Harvard study 10 years ago found over 328,000 people in the U.S. and Europe die each year from prescription drugs,[2]“New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting Advantages”, Donald W. Light, June 27th, 2014; ethics.harvard.edu it seems that the “cure” is still doing its thing.
Regarding “new agers”, they often understand the inherent healing properties in many aspects of creation. Where they go off course, however, is substituting God with “cosmic energy.” Rather than seeing the Divine Author behind the gifts, they mistake the gifts themselves for the divine. Unfortunately, this has led to some Catholics outright dismissing God’s creation itself as being New Age or “witchcraft.” I responded to that ludicrous and superstitious charge here.
What About Your Body?
One of the errors of our times that really isn’t all that new is the neglect of the body. Many Christians rightly focus on their spiritual lives while at the same time neglecting if not abusing their bodies through poor diet, abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or lack of sleep. But from the beginning, God declared that the bodies of Adam and Eve were part of His “image” in which they were created. Hence, St. Paul states rather bluntly:
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and that temple you are. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)
It’s been on my heart now for several weeks to go beyond simply pointing to God’s creation and finally get into the practical, sharing with you what my wife and I have been utilizing in creation to begin transforming our health, particularly with essential oils. For even God’s Word affirms their efficacy:
The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a sensible man will not despise them. (Sirach 38:4 RSV)
Their fruit is used for food, and their leaves for healing. (Ezekiel 47:12)
…the leaves of the trees serve as medicine for the nations. (Rev 22:2)
Precious treasure and oil are in the house of the wise… (Prov 21:20)
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected when received with thanksgiving… (1 Timothy 4:4)
A Word on Essential Oils
There’s no way for me to share these things with you without it sounding a bit like a commercial. So full disclosure: we use Young Living (YL) essential oils because they are the only company in the world that is dedicated to controlling the entire process of creating essential oils from “seed to seal.” My wife Lea and I have visited five of Young Living’s farms to see their operations firsthand. And yes — I am fully aware of the accusations made by certain prominent Catholics and priests against this company that they are engaged in the occult. So, we entered into several deep conversations over the past year with the company’s surviving founder, Mary Young. Lea and I have spoken face-to-face and exchanged letters with her numerous times, sharing the concerns that some Catholics have voiced about Young Living. She (a former Mormon who has converted to Christianity) was stunned and saddened to hear many of the unfounded and even silly charges. I wrote about this in The War on Creation – Part III.
In fact — with embarrassment — we told Young Living’s chief distiller that some Catholics have been told (even by an exorcist) that their company prays incantations and curses over the vats of essential oils. He, too, looked at us like we were crazy and then gently responded: “No, but I’m a Christian and I always pray that God blesses everyone who uses these oils.”
A word on those cheap oils you can buy at the local grocer and online. With little to no regulation in the industry, oil bottlers will usually label their bottles “100% essential oil” or “pure” or “therapeutic” when in reality only 5% of the bottle needs to contain actual essential oil — the rest being filler. Some bottlers even add synthetic fragrance to their oils, which often contain phthalates and parabens that are toxic and harmful to health[3]cf. “Truth Bomb: Scented Candles“; studies: “Fragrances may seem harmless. But the research is raising alarm“. With Young Living, every drop in the bottle is truly 100% distilled from the plant itself, and to the highest efficacy possible. As noted in a 2021 study on PubMed:
…the choice of the extraction method is decisive, since it determines the type, quantity, and stereochemical structure of the essential oil molecules. To these components belong all properties that make essential oils so interesting for pharmaceutical uses; the most investigated ones are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, wound-healing, and anxiolytic activities.— “Essential Oils: Pharmaceutical Applications and Encapsulation Strategies into Lipid-Based Delivery Systems”, March 2021,Cimino et al; pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8001530/
One of the problems many producers of natural products face, however, is a muzzling by the FDA (and Health Canada) from actually telling the public what their products may do on the medicinal level. Hence, companies like Young Living are forced to use generic and abstract advertising (like this oil will support your “emotional well-being”) when, in truth, a certain product may actually be antitumoral, antiviral or effective in fighting other diseases. It’s a crime, really, because these regulatory bodies are constraining life-saving information from the public while allowing pharmaceutical corporations to make all sorts of claims (it’s something Robert F. Kennedy Junior is hoping to tackle in the new U.S. administration).
One fascinating aspect of essential oils is that, when infused into compounds, vitamins, etc., they make them much more bioavailable to the body. So the benefits of the plant life God gave us extend even further beyond their mere “essence.” Second, essential oils, when blended, can become even more enhanced and efficacious. On the contrary, mixing pharmaceutical drugs can be lethal.
Finally, some people want to treat essential oils like a cure-all while completely overlooking other serious habits or self-neglect. Incorporating essential oils and other aspects of God’s creation into your life demands a certain revolution in your thinking and behavior (cf. Romans 12:2). Everything — and I mean almost everything that we use today — is poisoning us on some level (read The Great Poisoning on just how). We need to face this reality rather than deny it.
If you are interested in any of the oils or blends I mention below, I’m going to turn you over to my wife, Lea, at the end, who has done far more research and collection of resources on these things than I…
Employing God’s Creation
• Stomach
In our age of ultra-processed foods and agricultural chemicals, gut health is taking a beating. One essential oil blend I use that has been super effective in settling my stomach is DiGize, which contains Ginger, Peppermint, Tarragon, Anise, and other oils. It has been remarkable for many in my family for quickly thwarting nausea during bouts of the stomach flu.
I also take a drop of Peppermint oil in water from time to time, which is known to help with stomach cramping, bloating, etc. as well as the powder nutritional AlkaLime which really helps with acid reflux (and replaces AlkaSeltzer, Tums, and the like).
• Weight Loss
Studies show that ultra-processed foods such as snacks, cookies, dried cereals, potato chips, breads, etc. can increase your risk for 32 diseases[4]bmj.com, premature aging, early mortality, and neurodegenerative brain issues.[5]cf. msn.com They generate “free radicals” in the body, which can lead to cellular damage.[6]cf. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34399404/
Alternatively, antioxidants can protect and fight against this damage to our DNA.[7]pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3249911/ One of the highest antioxidant fruits known to man is the Ningxia Wolfberry. Several times a day, I take “Ningxia Red,” which is infused with Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine oils.
Amazingly, drinking 2 oz servings of Ningxia Red several times a day is leading to not only much better overall health but significant reduction in inflammation & weight loss for many people. I, too, have been able to maintain and lose weight by taking this nutrient-dense fruit purée regularly. I’ve never seen anything like it, frankly. (At the same time, you can’t expect to lose weight if you indulge in junk food.)
• Joint Pain
One product that has stunned me is the combination of the Ningxia Wolfberry with MSM, a naturally occurring organic form of dietary sulfur needed by our bodies every day to maintain the structure of proteins, protect cells, replenish the connections between cells, etc. I take “Sulfurzyme” powder (or capsules) every day, usually in a tall glass of water with a drop of Orange or Peppermint oil.
And here’s what happened… suddenly the stiffness and aches I was feeling in my joints disappeared and I’m running up the stairs two steps at a time like I’m 30. When I ran out of the powder last year, suddenly joint pain returned. When I resumed taking the powder, suddenly I felt limber again within a day or two. That’s when I realized what was happening.
Lea and I have heard countless people now report similar results. In fact, I relayed this recently to a friend of mine who started taking the powder for his knee joint pain. When I saw him last week, he was beside himself with joy that his pain was gone and he had his mobility back!
• Sleep Issues
Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial. It’s the way our brain flushes toxins that, left unchecked, can lead to serious diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and other health issues. Sometimes, however, it is hard to fall asleep.
One nutritional powder I started taking to help me fall asleep was actually formulated for kids, but both my wife and I use it. Kidscents Unwind contains Magnesium as well as Lavender and Chamomile oil. It sure makes a difference — without the potential bad side effects of pharmaceutical “sleeping pills.” (Recently, I started using a wake-up diffuser that simulates the sunrise in the morning and thus starts your circadian rhythm more naturally. What a difference!).
• Anxiety
When it comes to emotions, this is where the science of essential oils is fascinating. There are volumes written on their effects on the brain and mind, and Gary Young spent half a lifetime developing oils and blends to support emotional well-being. I think our biblical ancestors understood this very well.
Aside from applying these oils directly to the skin, they can also be diffused. Laboratory tests have shown oils to reach the heart, liver & thyroid in less than 3 seconds when inhaled, in the bloodstream in 26 seconds when applied to the skin, and then reach every cell in the body within 20 minutes.[8]cf. www.thebloomcrew.com/essential-oils-for-your-body
For tension and anxiety, I use the blends “Stress Away” (Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, and Lavender) , “Peace and Calming” (Blue Tansy, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Ylang Ylang), and Valor (Blue Tansy, Frankincense, and Northern Lights Black Spruce). These blends are anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and much more. They smell amazing to boot, are very calming, and it’s wonderful knowing that I’m not inhaling a single drop of synthetic chemicals but only what God created for us.
Another emotionally supportive blend I just love is called “Joy” with Bergamont, Coriander, Geranium, Jasmine, Lemon and other oils.
• Muscle Aches
Sitting in my chair writing in front of a computer is hard on the back and neck. One cream I use contains 14 essential oils and works almost immediately to begin soothing that “crick in the neck”: “Cool Azul” (with Dorado Azul, Oregano, etc.). Folks in sports and physical therapy utilize this. Other blends I use at night are “Deep Relief” or “Panaway”, both of which are anti-inflammatory and can calm stressed nerves, relieve arthritis, sprains, muscle spasms, etc.
• Emergency Intervention
Some oils have been so helpful for my family in life’s little traumas. We have found Helichrysum oil to work amazingly with bee or wasp stings. Lavender, the “Swiss Army knife” of oils, has incredible healing properties against burns. The blend called “Trauma Life” can mitigate pain, speed healing, and even help with emotional trauma.
• Viruses
A lot of you already know about the famous “Thieves Oil” (also known as the “Good Samaritan Oil”), which contains Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Rosemary oils. There are tonnes of studies on these ingredients that became famous from the legend of 15th-century thieves who rubbed botanicals on themselves to avoid contracting the plague (while robbing the bodies of the dead!). When caught, the thieves were forced to reveal the secret of what protected them in exchange for a more lenient punishment. My wife wrote a free e-book on this powerful scientifically blended oil here.
We use it all the time when getting on a plane, going into public, or feeling a sniffle come on. I also use it in combination with a nano-silver spray and have detonated so many colds, I’ve lost count.
When it comes to cold sores, we use Tea Tree oil with Lavender. Sandalwood oil is also excellent for the skin.
• Immune Support
As mentioned above, when adding essential oils to other compounds, scientists have discovered that they are more bioavailable to the body. That’s why we use all kinds of immune-supporting products with essential oils, including vitamins so that their benefits stay in the body… and not the toilet.
Oregano, highly regarded by Benedictine herbalist St. Hildegard, is a powerful immune support. We rub it on our feet, or dilute it in water (or take it in a ready-made veg capsule called Inner Defense) to boost our immunity, especially when under the weather. It helps in everything from arthritis to infectious diseases to digestive problems.
• Cleaning
“Thousands” of household cleaning supplies are being linked now to health problems and even a decline in children’s IQ’s. Part of becoming healthy again is removing these toxins from our homes. Thieves oil is so effective in its antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-infectious properties, that we use it everywhere in our home to clean counters, toilets, sinks, glass, etc. We have “ditched and switched”[9]See Lea’s blog, Part I and Part II the toxic chemicals sold on store shelves and replaced them with Thieves derived agents for our dish soap, laundry, and dishwasher detergents. We also use Thieves hand cleaner and wipes, both of which avoid the carcinogenic chemicals that are in many alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
That said, a little dirt and grit are good for your immunity, so don’t over do it!
• Personal Care
Fragrance, EDTA, aluminum and propylene glycol, among other chemicals, can be found in cosmetics and personal body products, and are known to be endocrine disruptors, carcinogenic, or even impact our reproductive systems.
– When it comes to deodorant, once again, there is an answer in essential oils. Formulated without parabens, phthalates, synthetic perfumes, aluminum, etc. I use deodorants from YL derived from Black Spruce, Frankincense, or other oils. And it works!
– Because Thieves is antibacterial and contains no fluoride, it is also incorporated into a healthy toothpaste. I also use a Thieves-based mouthwash.
– Shampoos are also guilty of using several known harmful chemicals, like “fragrance”. So, we employ Lavender, Copaiba, or Black Spruce (Shutran) shampoos and conditioners — again, containing nothing but healthy and safe ingredients.
– I was happy that a lip balm was created using naturally derived coconut, jojoba, wolfberry seed oils and various oils for flavour made without parabens, phthalates, synthetic fragrance, sulphates, petroleum, gluten, or mineral oil. Again, you can’t help but ingest lip balm — it better be healthy!
• Hot Tub
The home we moved to had an old hot tub on the back deck, and so I fired it up. The problem is that chemicals like chlorine or bromine are just awful for your health. So, we did a bit of research and found out that the Thieves undiluted household cleaner (a capful a week) and a few drops of Geranium oil can maintain a safe and healthy hot tub. Not only does it smell amazing, but the water is crystal clear. Who’d have thunk? I’m still experimenting with this, but it seems to be working very well…
• Animals
Animals are able to absorb oils even better than humans. On our farm, we treat our animals with essential oils when needed, such as mastitis on the milk cow, we detonated sarcoids on a horse, and give whole body support to our dogs as well as the others. There’s a whole world of applications for animals that also help us bypass harmful pharmaceuticals to their sensitive systems.
• They Smell Incredible!
There’s a running joke in Hollywood about the soccer mom drinking her latté while she diffuses her essential oils. Hopefully, by now, you realize that essential oils go way beyond a simple scent.
Still, in biblical times, essential oils were more valuable than gold and, even today, they are traded on the stock market. It goes without saying that the scent of essential oils is one of their most luring qualities. Until you’ve filled your living room with 100% pure Frankincense, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Idaho Grand Fir or other scientifically developed oil blends, you don’t know what you’re missing! I’m a guy and I confess that I am now addicted to smelling what I call “the perfume of God.”
• Biblical Oils
As a footnote to the above, I was given a gift a few years ago of a collection of biblical oils sourced and distilled by Gary Young. It’s amazing to diffuse Spikenard, Frankincense, Myrrh, Aloes, and other ancient oils that were used in Christ’s time. It sure brings the pages of the Gospels alive!
Where do you find this stuff?
So there ya go! That’s how I’m using God’s creation to strengthen and fortify my temple — and I’ve just barely scratched the surface of what is available. Moreover, Young Living is on the cutting edge of new technologies in distillation and oils that are just beginning to be released to the public. There’s really no end because God’s creativity has no end.
One of the biggest challenges for people is education. What do essential oils do? How do I apply them? Where do I get quality oils? Fortunately, my wife is doing a wonderful job of helping many of you already begin to move away from harmful pharmaceuticals and toxic chemicals and begin to revolutionize your health. Her recent article that answers those questions can be found here: “SOLUTIONS: At Your Fingertips”. Our main goal is to help you “take back God’s creation” from the grip of regulatory agencies and the clutches of the devil, and begin to discover again what has always been there and that ancient cultures readily used. Indeed…
Precious treasure and oil are in the house of the wise… (Prov 21:20)
Related Reading
Lea’s testimony on how she was healed of an auto-immune disease using God’s gifts…
Young Living Research and Studies
Gary Young’s Story and his faith in God
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↑1 | from The Corbett Report: “The Rockefeller Medicine” by James Corbett, May 17th, 2020 |
↑2 | “New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting Advantages”, Donald W. Light, June 27th, 2014; ethics.harvard.edu |
↑3 | cf. “Truth Bomb: Scented Candles“; studies: “Fragrances may seem harmless. But the research is raising alarm“ |
↑4 | bmj.com |
↑5 | cf. msn.com |
↑6 | cf. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34399404/ |
↑7 | pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3249911/ |
↑8 | cf. www.thebloomcrew.com/essential-oils-for-your-body |
↑9 | See Lea’s blog, Part I and Part II |