The first step towards regaining the state of primitive liberty
consisted in learning to do without things.
Man must divest himself of all the trappings
laid on him by civilization and return to nomadic conditions —
even clothing, food, and fixed abodes should be abandoned.
—philosophical theories of Weishaupt and Rousseau;
from World Revolution (1921), by Nessa Webster, p. 8
Communism, then, is coming back again on the Western world,
because something died in the Western world—namely,
the strong faith of men in the God that made them.
—Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen,
“Communism in America”, cf.
OUR Lady told Conchita Gonzalez of Garabandal, Spain, “When Communism comes again everything will happen,” [1]Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal – The Finger of God), Albrecht Weber, n. 2 but she did not say how Communism would come again. At Fatima, the Blessed Mother warned that Russia would spread her errors, but she did not say how those errors would spread. As such, when the Western mind imagines Communism, it likely darts back to the USSR and the Cold War era.
But the Communism emerging today looks nothing like that. In fact, I sometimes wonder if that old form of Communism still preserved in North Korea — gray ugly cities, lavish military displays, and closed borders — is not a deliberate distraction from the real communist threat spreading over humanity as we speak: The Great Reset…
The Right to Private Property
One of the foundational errors of Communism, the social system hatched by Freemasonry,[2]“…Communism, which so many believed to be an invention of Marx, had been fully hatched in the mind of the Illuminists long before he was put on the payroll.” —Stephen Mahowald, She Shall Crush Thy Head, p. 101 is that there is no right to private property. To possess is the root of all evils, according to French philosopher and Freemason Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
“The first man who bethought himself of saying ‘This is mine,’ and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. What crimes, what wars, what murders, what miseries and horrors would he have spared the human race who, snatching away the spades and filling the ditches, had cried out to his fellows: ‘Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one.’” In these words [of Rousseau] the whole principle of Communism is to be found. —Nesta Webster, World Revolution, The Plot Against Civilization, pp. 1-2
However, only a dash of logic is needed to expose the absurdity of Rousseau’s thought. As Webster says, “the law of property was not man staking out his claim, but the first bird appropriating the branch of a tree whereon to build its nest, the first rabbit selecting the spot wherein to burrow out his hole — a right that no other bird or rabbit has ever dreamt of disputing. As to the distribution of the “fruits of the earth”, one has only to watch two thrushes on the lawn disputing over a worm to see how the question of food supply is settled in primitive society.” Indeed, the only difference between uncivilized man and animals when it comes to shelter or food is that man has learned to be far more brutal. “Nothing could be more absurd than Rousseu’s conception of ideal barbarians living together on the principle of ‘Do as you would be done by’.”
As such, the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) affirms:
The right to private property, acquired or received in a just way, does not do away with the original gift of the earth to the whole of mankind. The universal destination of goods remains primordial, even if the promotion of the common good requires respect for the right to private property and its exercise. —n. 2403
The scars of having dispensed with this right — which is really just a reaffirmation of the seventh commandment “Thou shalt not steal”[3]CCC. n. 2401 — remain to this day in the former Soviet Union where almost every acre of land was once expropriated by the State.
Indeed, more food was grown on the tiny private gardens that Soviet farmworkers were allowed to cultivate than on the vast collective farms. (In driving through some former Soviet satellite countries in 2005, I saw miles of idle land littered with abandoned farm equipment — the graveyards of collective farms. It was grim and haunting.) —Mark Hendrickson, fellow for economic and social policy at the Institute for Faith and Freedom; September 7, 2021, The Epoch Times
Still, the mere suggestion to Westerners that their right to private property could be taken away seems unfathomable. And yet, the global levers of control have now fallen into the hands of a mere few “elites” who are telling, not asking, what their plans are for your future. Under the guise of “saving the planet” from a “climate crisis”, and employing the tools of control through endless “health crises,” countries such as the Netherlands have begun what I call The Great Theft.
Those who control the food, control the people. The Communists knew this better than anyone. The first thing Stalin did was come after the farmers. And the globalists of today are just copy-pasting that strategy, but this time around they use pretty/virtuous words to hide their true intentions. Last year, the Dutch government decided that 30% of all livestock needs to be cut by 2030 in order to meet the climate goals. And then the government decided that would mean at least 3000 farms needed to be shut down in the next few years. If farmers refuse to sell their land to the state ‘’voluntarily’’ to the state now, they run the risk of being expropriated later. —Eva Vlaardingerbroek, lawyer and advocate for Dutch farmers, September 21, 2023, “The Global War on Farming”

“END OF FOOD FROM FLEMISH SOIL”; Beligium Farmers protest against government plan to limit nitrogen emissions, Brussels, Belgium, March 3, 2023
Canada has begun following suit, proposing a 30% reduction by 2030 from 2020 levels in emissions from fertilizer as part of a plan to reduce greenhouse gases.[4] Farmers have joined in solidarity with the Dutch on these sudden and absurd demands that will dangerously shrink the food supply at a time when we’re being told that the supply chain is in jeopardy. Canada is the fifth largest producer of wheat in the world[5] while the Netherlands is the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the entire world.[6]September 21, 2023, “The Global War on Farming”
Pope Piux X warned that the “…authors and abettors […] considered Russia the best-prepared field for experimenting with a plan elaborated decades ago, and who from there continue to spread it from one end of the world to the other… .”[7]Divini Redemptoris, n. 24, 6 Now, says Vlaardingerbroek: “the attack on farming is part of a bigger agenda of total control, and we in The Netherlands are simply the pilot country. We are the tester case.”
The Great Reset
The “bigger agenda” Vlaardingerbroek speaks of falls under the banner of what global leaders are calling “The Great Reset.” Out of the blue, a revolution was announced to the world by King (Prince) Charles: “We need nothing short of a paradigm shift, one that inspires action at revolutionary levels and pace.”[8] Soon after, global leaders all over the world curiously began repeating this same mantra that a “window of opportunity” had opened for a “reset.”[9]cf. Hidden in Plain Sight They backed a plan that essentially restructures the economy, democracy, and sovereignty — a plan not a single person on the planet has voted for, I might add.
This “revolution” is driven by the demonstrable fiction of a “climate catastrophe” and orchestrated “health crises”:
Convincing the public to give up steaks and property rights is annoying, so the excuse of ‘climate emergency’ was created as a non-negotiable reason to dismantle the free market and democratic governance… A pattern is emerging. International bureaucracies use Net Zero to force governments to destroy their agricultural sectors. Wealth immediately vanishes from the middle and working classes, triggering serious civil unrest. A crisis is declared, one that can only be escaped if the public accept handouts and a permanently reduced quality of life beholden to the generosity of the State. The nation is ‘reset’ with a significant transfer of wealth and rights. —Flat White, July 11, 2022, The Spectator
But who ends up with that wealth and who dictates those rights? In a promotional video by the World Economic Forum (WEF is a UN affiliate orchestrating the Great Reset for the entire world), they casually make 8 predictions for 2030, summed up as: “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”
If you “fact check” this video, all the usual propagandists (ie. mainstream media, Reuters, etc.) deny that any such plan exists. But the WEF is clearly pushing this concept of a “circular economy”:
…a smaller number of asset owners will take custodianship of assets to keep them in use and provide services to many users based on consumption. — “How a circular economy could help tackle Sri Lanka’s economic crisis”, July 5, 2022,
In other words, it is the dissolution of private property with centralized ownership. Rather than the State owning everything, however, in this neo-Communism — which is a blend of Marxism, Socialism, and Fascism — the “stakeholders” are literally a handful of corporations working alongside various levels of government:
The idea of stakeholder capitalism and multi-stakeholder partnerships might sound warm and fuzzy, until we dig deeper and realise that this actually means giving corporations more power over society, and democratic institutions less. —Ivan Wecke, August 21, 2021, Open Democracy
Who are these other, non-governmental stakeholders?
WEF partners include some of the biggest companies in oil (Saudi Aramco, Shell, Chevron, BP), food (Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé), technology (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple) and pharmaceuticals (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna). —Ibid.
That should send up a collective chill, considering several of these corporations have not only massive dominance over food distribution, technology, social media, energy, and pharmaceuticals but have been on the vanguard of global censorship, wokism, and creating the very “vaccines” that have been and will be used to control and subvert freedom.
The Great Theft
Essentially, the COVID-19 and climate change “crises” are deliberately causing hyper-inflation through reckless lockdowns hitting supply chains and destroying businesses (causing shortages and demand issues), while the increase in carbon taxes (and subsidized transition to “green” energy) are making daily commuting, flying, heating, and everything else dependent upon fossil fuels more expensive, which is pretty much everything. They are slowly driving up the prices of goods and then proposing forced communal sharing, ie. communism as the solution:
More local user-centric versions of business models such as Uber, Airbnb would be much needed not only to share housing and vehicles, but essential items such as tools, equipment, and electronic equipment/office spaces. In addition, wider communal access to small items such as toys, books and tools can be created through libraries for sharing. — “How a circular economy could help tackle Sri Lanka’s economic crisis”, July 5, 2022,
There are several parallel collaborations quietly brewing in the background, such as the C40 initiative. These are cities throughout the world that “are taking ambitious, collaborative and urgent climate action that aligns with science-backed targets”[10] (you can see which cities are involved here). According to their “Headline Report”…
…average consumption-based emissions in C40 cities must halve within the next 10 years. In our wealthiest and highest consuming cities that means a reduction of two thirds or more by 2030. — “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World”
Among their “ambitious” goals are “consumption interventions” that limit individuals to 3 new clothing items per year, no meat or dairy consumption, eliminate private vehicles, permit only short-haul return flights (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person, and so forth. This sounds like the daydreams of a dictator — except that close to 100 hundred cities have already signed on. No doubt, these interventions are intended for “smart cities” — neighbourhoods where people are restricted to 15 minutes of movement.[11]cf. The Final Revolution
A smart city is a cute word for an invisible, open-air concentration camp… where they want to limit human movement and human activity… That’s the long-term goal. —Aman Jabbi, The David Knight Show, December 8th, 2022; 11:16,; cf. The Final Revolution
At the beginning of the pandemic when COVID-19 had barely spread through most communities, Schwab somehow had a book ready to go in early 2020 on the “pandemic,” filled with astonishing statements and conclusions before hardly any data had been accumulated. Perhaps most appalling is his clear disappointment — not that the lockdowns failed to stop the virus — but that they did not reduce carbon emissions. The hubris in his words are truly breathtaking:
Even unprecedented and draconian lockdowns with a third of the world population confined to their homes for more than a month came nowhere near to being a viable decarbonization strategy because, even so, the world economy kept emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide. What then might such a strategy look like? The considerable size and scope of the challenge can only be addressed by a combination of: 1) a radical and major systemic change in how we produce the energy we need to function; and 2) structural changes in our consumption behaviour. If, in the post-pandemic era, we decide to resume our lives just as before (by driving the same cars, by flying to the same destinations, by eating the same things, by heating our house the same way, and so on), the COVID-19 crisis will have gone to waste as far as climate policies are concerned. —COVID 19: The Great Reset, Prof. Klaus Schwab & Theirry Malleret, p. 139 (Kindle)
Wasting the COVID-19 crisis — ie. that biological weapon released on humanity??
The ambitions of Klaus Schwab and his partners in the World Economic Forum, including Bill Gates, are not restricted to urban districts. At the heart of their ideology is a neo-paganism that places “Mother Earth” at the center. Humanity is considered a scourge, an overpopulated species that has doomed the planet by merely existing.[12]“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” —Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, p. 75, 1993; Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider As such, the WEF has plans for “rewilding” rural areas.
Letting trees grow back naturally could be the key to restoring the world’s forests. Natural regeneration — or ‘rewilding’ — is an approach to conservation… It means stepping back to let nature take over and let the damaged ecosystems and landscapes restore by themselves… It can mean getting rid of manmade structures and restoring native species that are in decline. It can also mean removing grazing cattle and aggressive weeds… — WEF video, “Natural regeneration could be key to restoring the world’s forests”, November 30th, 2020;
The question is what you do with the people and cattle that occupy those lands?[13]Bill Gates has become the largest private farmland owner in the United States but denies it has anything to do with climate change; cf.
There is a “global goal of effectively conserving and managing at least 30 percent of the world’s land and ocean by 2030” according to The High Ambition Coalition (HAC) for Nature and People, an intergovernmental group of more than 115 countries; At the same time, there is a strong “Land Back” movement that seeks to return lands to the Indigenous that they controlled before colonialism so that they can “conserve” the land, although Indigenous peoples account for just 5% of the world’s population. One of the largest completed land transfers began ten years ago in Australia when the federal and state governments bought 19 separate farm properties and the associated water rights for $180 million.
This is nothing but a rehashing of the United Nations’ radical tenets insinuated in the fine details of Agenda 21 that was signed onto by 178 member nations — and later absorbed into Agenda 2030. Among their aims: the abolition of “national sovereignty” and the dissolution of property rights.
Agenda 21: “Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes.” — “Alabama Bans U.N. Agenda 21 Sovereignty Surrender”, June 7th, 2012;
But how would it even be possible for such a massive land grab to occur? Aside from the lessons from history, the last three years alone have provided enough answers: given the right set of crises, emergency powers can be invoked making the unthinkable possible. Any number of excuses can and will be made that populations must move, surrender, or mitigate their carbon footprints through material surrender in order to “save the planet.” The only key missing, and just approved by the G20 nations,[14]Sept. 12, 2023, are digital ID’s that will monitor, track, and control how and when we can buy and sell.
But wouldn’t this require a certain coordination among a vast number of individuals?
…few people are aware how deep the roots of this sect [Freemasonry] actually reach. Freemasonry is perhaps the single greatest secular organized power on earth today and battles head to head with the things of God on a daily basis. It is a controlling power in the world, operating behind the scenes in banking and politics, and it has effectively infiltrated all religions. Masonry is a worldwide secret sect undermining the authority of the Catholic Church with a hidden agenda at the upper levels to destroy the papacy. —Ted Flynn, Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World, p. 154
But not everyone is a Freemason, of course. They don’t have to be. Speaking to Dr. Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican magazine, an unnamed retired Vatican official said:
The fact is that the thought of Freemasonry, which was the thought of the Enlightenment, believes Christ and his teachings, as taught by the Church, are an impediment to human freedom and self-fulfillment. And this thought has become dominant in the elites of the West, even when those elites are not officially members of any Freemasonic lodge. It is a pervasive modern worldview. —from “Letter #4, 2017: Knight of Malta and Freemasonry”, January 25th, 2017
The Mother Earth/Pachamama scandal at the Vatican[15]cf. Putting the Branch to God’s Nose is an appalling footnote to all of this, and may, in fact, be the reason that the “restrainer” holding back the chastisement of the Antichrist may now be completely removed, paving the way for this global communism and his brief reign…[16]cf. The Coming Collapse of America
Prophecy In Fulfillment?
I am convinced that this Great Storm that we are passing through is the “seals of Revelation” that speak of war (2nd seal), hyperinflation (3rd seal), plagues (4th seal), depopulation/martyrdom (5th seal), leading to the “Warning” (6th seal); [see Brace For Impact]. They are man-made crises in order to overthrow the present order and generation and “draw them over to the wicked theories of this Socialism and Communism”[17]POPE PIUS IX, Nostis et Nobiscum, Encyclical, n. 18, December 8, 1849 in a reduced, highly controlled population.
Marxism does not create, it negates. And we’re going through a very dark period of time… when the autocrats, those who want power, the oligarchs, the New World Order crowd that are insane depopulationists, have the ability to gain control because people aren’t thinking. It’s time, instead of being woke, we should be awake to the lies we’re being told in this age of disinformation. —Dr. Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., April 19, 2023, PROJECT SENTINEL & London Center for Policy Research, 18:22
Remarkably, this has been prophesied in Sacred Scripture.
Woe to Assyria! My rod in anger, my staff in wrath. Against an impious nation I send him, and against a people under my wrath I order him to seize plunder, carry off loot, and tread them down like the mud of the streets… it is in his heart to destroy, to make an end of nations not a few. For he says: “By my own power I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I am shrewd. I have moved the boundaries of peoples, their treasures I have pillaged, and, like a giant, I have put down the enthroned. My hand has seized like a nest the riches of nations; as one takes eggs left alone, so I took in all the earth; no one fluttered a wing, or opened a mouth, or chirped!”
I explain who the “he” likely is in this passage in Isaiah’s Prophecy of Global Communism. Early Church Father, Lactantius, also describes The Great Theft:
That will be the time in which righteousness shall be cast out, and innocence be hated; in which the wicked shall prey upon the good as enemies; neither law, nor order, nor military discipline shall be preserved… all things shall be confounded and mixed together against right, and against the laws of nature. Thus the earth shall be laid waste, as though by one common robbery. When these things shall so happen, then the righteous and the followers of truth shall separate themselves from the wicked, and flee into solitudes. —Lactantius, Church Father, The Divine Institutes, Book VII, Ch. 17
Or what we call today “refuges.”[18]cf. The Refuge for Our Times
Finally, perhaps The Great Theft was prophesied in 1975 in the presence of Pope Paul VI in what I call the “Prophecy at Rome.” Several of my readers, including my Aunty, were there to hear it that day:
Days of darkness are coming on the world, days of tribulation… Buildings that are now standing will not be standing. Supports that are there for my people now will not be there. I want you to be prepared, my people, to know only me and to cleave to me and to have me in a way deeper than ever before. I will lead you into the desert… I will strip you of everything that you are depending on now, so you depend just on me. A time of darkness is coming on the world, but a time of glory is coming for my Church, a time of glory is coming for my people. —Dr. Ralph Martin, Pentecost Monday, May 1975, St. Peter’s Square, Rome. Read the full prophecy: The Prophecy at Rome
The late Fr. Michael Scanlan, TOR, gave what seemed another layer to this prophecy in 1976. I quote this powerful word here in part, noting that Jesus is calling forth authentic Christian community against this backdrop of communism:
The structures are falling and changing — it is not for you to know the details now — but do not rely on them as you have been. I want you to make a deeper commitment to one another. I want you to trust one another, to build an interdependence that is based on my Spirit. It is an interdependence that is no luxury. It is an absolute necessity for those who will base their lives on Me and not the structures from a pagan world. Look about you, son of man. When you see it all shut down, when you see everything removed which has been taken for granted, and when you are prepared to live without these things, then you will know what I am making ready. —Prophecy of 1976
And then again in 1980:
So this time is now come upon all of you: a time of judgment and of purification. Sin will be called sin. Satan will be unmasked. Fidelity will be held up for what it is and should be. My faithful servants will be seen and will come together. They will not be many in number. It will be a difficult and a necessary time. There will be collapse, difficulties throughout the world. But more to the issue, there will be purification and persecution among my people. You will have to stand for what you believe. You will have to choose between the world and Me. You will have to choose what word you will follow and whom you will respect… For there will be casualties. It will not be easy, but it is necessary. It is necessary that My people be, in fact, My people; that My Church be, in fact, My Church; and that My Spirit, in fact, bring forth the purity of life, the purity and fidelity to the Gospel. —Prophecy of 1980
Related Reading
Isaiah’s Prophecy of Global Communism
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↑1 | Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal – The Finger of God), Albrecht Weber, n. 2 |
↑2 | “…Communism, which so many believed to be an invention of Marx, had been fully hatched in the mind of the Illuminists long before he was put on the payroll.” —Stephen Mahowald, She Shall Crush Thy Head, p. 101 |
↑3 | CCC. n. 2401 |
↑4 | |
↑5 | |
↑6 | September 21, 2023, “The Global War on Farming” |
↑7 | Divini Redemptoris, n. 24, 6 |
↑8 | |
↑9 | cf. Hidden in Plain Sight |
↑10 | |
↑11 | cf. The Final Revolution |
↑12 | “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” —Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, p. 75, 1993; Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider |
↑13 | Bill Gates has become the largest private farmland owner in the United States but denies it has anything to do with climate change; cf. There is a “global goal of effectively conserving and managing at least 30 percent of the world’s land and ocean by 2030” according to The High Ambition Coalition (HAC) for Nature and People, an intergovernmental group of more than 115 countries; At the same time, there is a strong “Land Back” movement that seeks to return lands to the Indigenous that they controlled before colonialism so that they can “conserve” the land, although Indigenous peoples account for just 5% of the world’s population. One of the largest completed land transfers began ten years ago in Australia when the federal and state governments bought 19 separate farm properties and the associated water rights for $180 million. |
↑14 | Sept. 12, 2023, |
↑15 | cf. Putting the Branch to God’s Nose |
↑16 | cf. The Coming Collapse of America |
↑17 | POPE PIUS IX, Nostis et Nobiscum, Encyclical, n. 18, December 8, 1849 |
↑18 | cf. The Refuge for Our Times |