…your merchants were the great men of the earth,
all nations were led astray by your magic potion. (Rev 18:23)
Greek for “magic potion” : φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia) —
the use of medicine, drugs or spells
AN article in the National Catholic Register (NCR) warned recently:
The messages in these volumes are a treatise of spirituality, divine wisdom, and morality for those who welcome them with faith and humility, so I recommend them for you to read, meditate upon, and put into practice. I DECLARE that I have not found any doctrinal error that attempts against the faith, morality and good habits, for which I grant these publications the Imprimatur. —Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara, SDB, cf. countdowntothekingdom.com
Pray, My children, pray. Do not forget that disease comes out of laboratories: use whatever I have mentioned to you for your health. (May 20, 2017)
Commenting on the messages she allegedly received from Jesus, Luz de Maria stated:
Brothers, Christ warns us about a virus that will be used as a biological weapon… (October 14, 2015)

Suddenly, our Mother raises her other hand and human beings appear who are sick with great plagues; then I see a healthy person approaching another who is sick, and they are immediately infected… I ask our Mother, ‘How can we help these brothers and sisters?’ and she says to me, ‘Use the Oil of the Good Samaritan. I have given you the necessary and appropriate ingredients.” Our Mother told me that genuine plagues will come and that we should consume a clove of raw garlic in the morning or oregano oil: these two are excellent antibiotics. If you cannot obtain oregano oil you can boil it and make a tea from it. But oregano oil is better as an antibiotic. —countdowntothekingdom.com
The benefits of garlic and oregano are well documented and so I won’t treat them here. The “Oil of the Good Samaritan”, also known as “Thieves oil”, is named as such after four thieves who used this particular oil blend during the bubonic plague to protect them from the disease and allow them to rob the dead.[2]The Healing Powers Of Olive Oil: A Complete Guide to Nature’s Liquid Gold”, by Cal Orey, p. 26
The author of the NCR article then makes this conclusion:
Such oils have been used for centuries in witchcraft for “protection” and are touted by essential oil distributors who claim they improves the immune system and protect people from infections such as the flu and viruses… Alternative medicine, such as essential oils, is typically defined as treatments that have not been scientifically tested or have not met the standards of what would be considered accepted medical interventions. This is why Our Lady’s alleged recommendation to use essential oils to prevent contagion is suspect. —ncregister.com, May 19th, 2020
No doubt, the author of this article is well-intentioned. Unfortunately, she is not well-informed. The idea that Heaven would recommend natural remedies finds its basis directly in Scripture. The Archangel Raphael recommends to Tobiah that he apply fish gall to his father’s eyes, “…and the medicine will make the white scales shrink and peel off.” [3]Tobit 11:8 And we read elsewhere:
The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a sensible man will not despise them. (Sirach 38:4 RSV)
Their fruit is used for food, and their leaves for healing.(Ezekiel 47:12)
…the leaves of the trees serve as medicine for the nations.(Rev 22:2)
Precious treasure and oil are in the house of the wise… (Prov 21:20)
God makes the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent should not neglect… (Sirach 38:4 NAB)
And again,
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected when received with thanksgiving… (1 Timothy 4:4)
Given the aforementioned biblical endorsement of oils and the plants from which they are derived, it is no surprise that the New Age, Wicca, and the like have used oils for occult ends. This is what Satan has always done: mimicked and distorted the good and blessed things of God (more on that in a moment). This is why I wrote that it is time to Take Back God’s Creation! But to suggest that essential oils should, therefore, be abandoned for any medicinal purposes because witches have used them too, and that there is no science at all behind oils, is not only unbiblical but contrary to thousands of years of knowledge about their medicinal benefits.
Applying the same logic as the author of that article, the fact that people carve evil faces into pumpkins each year on Halloween should therefore mean that pumpkins are henceforth evil (and Catholics who eat pumpkin pie are at risk of being possessed). Of course, pumpkins are neither good nor evil; the same with the essence of plants. It’s our intentions in how we use them that may or may not bear spiritual consequences.
The apostolate Catholic Answers, heard on EWTN radio, states:
A Catholic is free to use essential oils for such things as cleaning or for therapeutic purposes. Even the Vatican is using essential oils to clean and restore works of art on display outside Vatican museums. Essential oils come from plants. These plants contain aromatic oils that—when properly extracted through distillation (steam or water) or cold pressing—contain the “essence” of the plants, which have been used for centuries for a variety of purposes (e.g., anointing oil and incense, medicinal, antiseptic). —catholic.com
The idea that blending oils is akin to creating a “potion” is also sorely misguided.[4]womenofgrace.com God orders Moses to do that very thing, giving a careful blend:
The Lord told Moses: take the finest spices: five hundred shekels of free-flowing myrrh; half that amount… of fragrant cinnamon… cane… cassia… together with a hin of olive oil; and blend them into sacred anointing oil… (Exodus 30:22-25)
And Jesus underscores the healing power of oils in the parable of the Good Samaritan:
He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. (Luke 10:34)
So, would Heaven dare to step on the toes of modern science and suggest to its children remedies that are found in God’s creation? Yes, apparently it would. Our Lady opened the ground for the waters of Lourdes to flow, precisely for our healing. In a message given at Lourdes to the late Fr. Stefano Gobbi, which also bears the Imprimatur, Our Lady urges:
I come from Heaven to give you, my sick children, the medicine you need in order to be healed: go and wash at the fountain! —from “The Blue Book”, February 11, 1977
How unscientific of her! But not just Our Lady. Even the Church’s rite of exorcism over holy water invokes protection against plague:
Let no breath of infection and no disease-bearing air remain in these places. —Rite from the Roman Ritual for the exorcism blessing of salt and water
Or do we no longer believe in the power of sacramentals either? It would seem so given that most holy water was poured on the ground as churches closed en masse.
It is also said that St. Raphael gave a recipe for healing that contains “100% pure olive oil, imported from Italy, [which] is boiled with the precise amount of rose petals and rose pestals…”[5]straphaeloil.com Hundreds of thousands of bottles of this oil blend were created and blessed by the late Fr. Joe Whalen, and countless miracles occurred from those who have used it—including me.[6]read St. Raphael’s Little Healing While that was a blessed oil, other mystics such as Marie-Julie Jahenny,[7]Marie-Julie Jahenny.blogspot.com St. André Bessette,[8]“It happens that visitors entrust their illness to the prayers of Brother André. Others invite him to their house. He prays with them, gives them a medal of Saint Joseph, suggests that they rub themselves with a few drops of olive oil which is burning in front of the statue of the saint, in the college chapel.” cf. diocesemontreal.org Servant of God Maria Esperanza,[9]spiritdaily.com Luz de María de Bonilla,[10]countdowntothekingdom.com Agustín del Divino Corazon,[11]Message dictated by Saint Joseph to Brother Agustín del Divino Corazón on March 26, 2009 (with Imprimatur): “I will give you a gift tonight, beloved children of my Son Jesus: THE OIL OF SAN JOSE. Oil that will be a Divine help for this end of times; oil that will serve you for your physical health and your spiritual health; oil that will free you and protect you from the snares of the enemy. I am the terror of demons and, therefore, today I place my blessed oil in your hands.” (uncioncatolica-blogspot-com) St. Hildegard of Bingen,[12]aleteia.org etc. also gave heavenly remedies that included herbs or essential oils and blends.[13]In the case of Brother Agustín and St. André, the use of oils is in conjunction with faith as a kind of sacramental.
Aside from the seeming lack of biblical knowledge on oils, the NCR article claims that the Oil of the Good Samaritan “has not been scientifically tested or has not met the standards of what would be considered accepted medical interventions.” This is perhaps the most surprising statement in the article.
According to the National Institute of Health PubMed base, there are over 17,000 documented medical studies on essential oils and their benefits.[14]Essential Oils, Ancient Medicine by Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin, and Ty Bolinger Regarding the “Good Samaritan” (Thieves) oil that the NCR takes direct aim at, it has indeed been found to have “anti-infectious, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties.”[15]Dr. Mercola, “22 Ways You Can Use Thieves Oil” Clinical studies were conducted on that specific blend at the University of Weber in Utah in 1997. They found it to have as much as a 96% reduction in airborne bacteria.[16]Journal of Essential Oils Research, Vol. 10, n. 5, pp. 517-523 A 2007 study published in Phytotherapy Research noted that cinnamon and clove bud oil found in Thieves may have potential in inhibiting the growth of pathogens like Streptococcus pyogenes, pneumoniae, agalactiae and Klebsiella pneumonia, and may help treat respiratory infections in humans.[17]onlinelibrary.com The Journal of Lipid Research published a study in 2010 showing that the key ingredients in Thieves oil can help regulate inflammation.[18]ncbi.nlm.nih.gov The herb Rosemary was also the subject of a study in 2018 regarding its “antioxidant and antimicrobial” properties.[19]ncbi.nlm.nih.gov And in the same year, a study published in the American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products found that Thieves oil may have cytotoxic effects on breast cancer cells, leading to cell death.[20]essencejournal.com
But what is most apparent is that the author, and the majority of people alive today, are seemingly unaware of modern medicine’s historical roots. Before the 19th century, all that doctors used for treating patients was precisely natural remedies, such as plants, herbs, etc. for thousands of years, what falls today under the broader term naturopathy.[21]A system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by natural remedies and techniques such as control of diet, exercise, etc. The Egyptians learned the power of essential oils to help the brain release emotional trauma. Chinese practitioners used them in massage therapy. The Greeks and Romans used essential oils in their baths while Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine”, studied at Cas in Egypt where, again, essential oils were used extensively.
Dr. René-Maurice Gattefossé Ph.D., a chemist, has been called the “father of aromatherapy.” Through a laboratory accident, he discovered, also by accident, the restorative power of lavender oil that healed a burn on his arm completely, without a scar. After further studying the healing properties of lavender, he shared his discoveries with Parisian Dr. Jean Valnet, who used essential oils as antiseptics and antibiotics on the battlefield during WWII. He eventually documented his clinical results in what is commonly regarded as the “encyclopedia of essential oils.” His student, Daniel Pénoël, M.D. with Pierre Francomme Ph.D. wrote the first definitive medical textbook on the science of essential oils. Their work, along with Jean Claude Lapraz, M.D., Radwan Farag, Ph.D., and D. Gary Young N.D. have shown in their research that…
…essential oils have a wide range of chemical constituents, including sesquiterpenes, that have been found to have immune stimulating properties… and that essential oils work most effectively for people whose systems are cleansed from toxins and yeasts in the blood and digestive tract. Those with an alkaline pH in their blood and intestinal tract are likely to experience greater results when they use essential oils. —D. Gary Young, company brochure, 1998; cf. dgaryyoung.com
Perhaps Our Lady is on to something?
In my recent article The Pandemic of Control, I explained in part the nefarious beginnings of Big Pharma in Hitler’s Germany. It was in that country in the 19th century where a new breed of treatment was born called “allopathic” medicine. Back then, it was the “natural” doctors who were doing the scoffing since “allopathic” medicine sought to merely suppress or treat symptoms with drugs and/or surgery rather than treat the root causes of illness and disease. So brutal were the results that the satirists of the day said, “Patients died of the cure.”*[22]from The Corbett Report: “The Rockefeller Medicine” by James Corbett, May 17th, 2020
To make a long story short, it was the wealth and power of the Rockefeller family, through substantial grants to universities and “pressure” on governments, that laws were made such that only allopathic doctors could be licensed. After World War II, the very scientists who once worked in Hitler’s labs and concentration camps,[23]listverse.com and who worked under Rockefeller’s merger Standard I.G. Farben,[24]opednews.com became integrated in U.S. government programs to advance, in part, pharmaceutical “medicines” and the giant corporations who would sell them.[25]cf. The Pandemic of Control Of note is the occultism in the Nazi party[26]wikipedia.org that drove, in part, the horrific “scientific” experiments on humans that involved testing vaccines and drugs.[27]encyclopedia.ushmm.org
And what is the fruit of the allopathic approach after nearly two centuries of human experimentation? Prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death.[28]health.usnews.com Adverse reactions from vaccines, documented in peer-reviewed studies, are countless while a total of 4.3 billion in the U.S. alone has been paid out to a small fraction of the vaccine injured who actually sought compensation.[29]cf. The Pandemic of Control Update: by November 2022, the mRNA COVID “vaccines” now account for three-quarters of all vaccine-reported deaths and serious injuries in just two years vs. 30 years of all vaccines.[30]cf. The Tolls In 2015, the total number of individual prescription medications filled at pharmacies was just over 4 billion. That’s nearly 13 prescriptions for every man, woman and child in the United States.[31]unityrehab.com According to a Harvard study:
Few people know that new prescription drugs have a 1 in 5 chance of causing serious reactions after they have been approved… Few know that systematic reviews of hospital charts found that even properly prescribed drugs (aside from mis-prescribing, overdosing, or self-prescribing) cause about 1.9 million hospitalizations a year. Another 840,000 hospitalized patients are given drugs that cause serious adverse reactions for a total of 2.74 million serious adverse drug reactions. About 128,000 people die from drugs prescribed to them. This makes prescription drugs a major health risk, ranking 4th with stroke as a leading cause of death. The European Commission estimates that adverse reactions from prescription drugs cause 200,000 deaths; so together, about 328,000 patients in the U.S. and Europe die from prescription drugs each year. — “New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting Advantages”, Donald W. Light, June 27th, 2014; ethics.harvard.edu
So tell me, dear reader, what is the real witchcraft here?
Is it the pharmakeia of modern medicine, or the “healing herbs” and “oil” that are in the “house of the wise”? Is it the synthetic drugs that mimick and distort God’s creation that are literally killing millions, or is it the ancient remedies that have treated and supported the human race for thousands of years? This is not to say that modern medicine does not have its place at times. But the utter control, suppression and propaganda against natural remedies by Big Pharma and bought-and-paid-for government officials, is the true war on our health.
Going back to our opening verse, St. John writes that “all the nations were led astray by your magic potion.” Other versions say “sorcery.” Yes, today, the “great merchants” ie. the Rockefellers, Bill Gates, George Soros, etc. whose billion dollar investments in chemicals, genetic modification, contraception, vaccines, etc. in order to reduce the population growth of the world and control the food and seed production of the masses… are the actual wizards of our time. St. John writes of this “Mystery Babylon,” a world empire controlled by a handful of men “which has dominion over the kings of the earth.” [32]Rev 17:18
The Book of Revelation includes among the great sins of Babylon – the symbol of the world’s great irreligious cities – the fact that it trades with bodies and souls and treats them as commodities (cf. Rev 18:13). In this context, the problem of drugs also rears its head, and with increasing force extends its octopus tentacles around the entire world – an eloquent expression of the tyranny of mammon which perverts mankind. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, On the occasion of Christmas Greetings, December 20th, 2010; http://www.vatican.va/
At the conclusion of the NCR’s article, they quote Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D., Director of Education at the National Catholic Bioethics Center. He says:
With respect to COVID-19, we need to rely on properly conducted research studies, rather than claims of visionaries, as we seek to develop drugs or treatments that will offer protective or therapeutic benefits. God intends for us to use science and medicine to push back disease. —National Catholic Register, May 19th, 2020
Yes—but ethical science and authentic medicine. I respectfully submit that perhaps it is the visionaries who are revealing the real deception at this hour and the very ones pointing humanity toward the right path again…[33]On January 4th, 2018, Jesus allegedly said to Luz de Maria: “My people, I look ahead, and the disease that lies ahead of humanity will find a cure with the ARTEMISIA [MUGWORT] PLANT on the skin.” A scientific study being conducted on this plant is now underway to possibly fight the coronavirus: www.mpg.de
The plague is renewed by those who serve the antichrist—and see how the economy succumbs. —Our Lady to Luz de Maria, (October 11, 2014)
Misused science has come to penetrate the pharmaceutical industry so that it dares to create vaccines contaminated with viruses in order to cause death or disease in human beings. —Ibid. (October 8, 2015)
Watch (with nearly 2 millions views to date):
On the rise of New Age infiltration in our times: The New Paganism
Oil of the Good Samaritan by Léa Mallett
*James Corbett is producing some excellent, well-researched documentaries on the historic and astonishing roots of modern medicine. The applicable segment related to the above writing starts at 19:00 and runs for about 4:30 minutes (though I recommend the whole documentary).
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↑1 | While some scientists in the UK assert that Covid-19 came from natural origins,(nature.com) a new paper from South China’s University of Technology claims ‘the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.'(Feb. 16th, 2020; dailymail.co.uk) In early February 2020, Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the U.S. “Biological Weapons Act”, gave a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus is an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about it.(cf. zerohedge.com) An Israeli biological warfare analyst said much the same.(Jan. 26th, 2020; washingtontimes.com) Dr. Peter Chumakov of the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology and Russian Academy of Sciences claims that “while the Wuhan scientists’ goal in creating the coronavirus was not malicious—instead, they were trying to study the pathogenicity of the virus… They did absolutely crazy things, in my opinion. For example, inserts in the genome, which gave the virus the ability to infect human cells.”(zerohedge.com) Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine and the man who discovered the HIV virus in 1983, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.(cf. gilmorehealth.com) A new documentary, quoting several scientists, points toward COVID-19 as an engineered virus. (mercola.com) And a team of Australian scientists has produced new evidence the novel coronavirus shows signs “of human intervention” (lifesitenews.com). [Update: In a letter to Representative James Comer (R., Ky.), Lawrence A. Tabak of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) cited a “limited experiment” that was conducted to test if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” This contradicted and corrected Dr. Anthony Fauci’s claim that no “gain of function” research took place, thereby, affirming that the SARS-CoV-2 virus may potentially be of man-made origin. cf. nationalreview.com] |
↑2 | The Healing Powers Of Olive Oil: A Complete Guide to Nature’s Liquid Gold”, by Cal Orey, p. 26 |
↑3 | Tobit 11:8 |
↑4 | womenofgrace.com |
↑5 | straphaeloil.com |
↑6 | read St. Raphael’s Little Healing |
↑7 | Marie-Julie Jahenny.blogspot.com |
↑8 | “It happens that visitors entrust their illness to the prayers of Brother André. Others invite him to their house. He prays with them, gives them a medal of Saint Joseph, suggests that they rub themselves with a few drops of olive oil which is burning in front of the statue of the saint, in the college chapel.” cf. diocesemontreal.org |
↑9 | spiritdaily.com |
↑10 | countdowntothekingdom.com |
↑11 | Message dictated by Saint Joseph to Brother Agustín del Divino Corazón on March 26, 2009 (with Imprimatur): “I will give you a gift tonight, beloved children of my Son Jesus: THE OIL OF SAN JOSE. Oil that will be a Divine help for this end of times; oil that will serve you for your physical health and your spiritual health; oil that will free you and protect you from the snares of the enemy. I am the terror of demons and, therefore, today I place my blessed oil in your hands.” (uncioncatolica-blogspot-com) |
↑12 | aleteia.org |
↑13 | In the case of Brother Agustín and St. André, the use of oils is in conjunction with faith as a kind of sacramental. |
↑14 | Essential Oils, Ancient Medicine by Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin, and Ty Bolinger |
↑15 | Dr. Mercola, “22 Ways You Can Use Thieves Oil” |
↑16 | Journal of Essential Oils Research, Vol. 10, n. 5, pp. 517-523 |
↑17 | onlinelibrary.com |
↑18 | ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
↑19 | ncbi.nlm.nih.gov |
↑20 | essencejournal.com |
↑21 | A system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by natural remedies and techniques such as control of diet, exercise, etc. |
↑22 | from The Corbett Report: “The Rockefeller Medicine” by James Corbett, May 17th, 2020 |
↑23 | listverse.com |
↑24 | opednews.com |
↑25 | cf. The Pandemic of Control |
↑26 | wikipedia.org |
↑27 | encyclopedia.ushmm.org |
↑28 | health.usnews.com |
↑29 | cf. The Pandemic of Control |
↑30 | cf. The Tolls |
↑31 | unityrehab.com |
↑32 | Rev 17:18 |
↑33 | On January 4th, 2018, Jesus allegedly said to Luz de Maria: “My people, I look ahead, and the disease that lies ahead of humanity will find a cure with the ARTEMISIA [MUGWORT] PLANT on the skin.” A scientific study being conducted on this plant is now underway to possibly fight the coronavirus: www.mpg.de |