Many new readers have come on board in the past few months. It is on my heart to republish this today. As I go back and read this, I am continually startled and even moved as I see that many of these “words”—often received in tears and many doubts—are coming to pass before our eyes…
IT has been on my heart for several months now to summarize for my readers the personal “words” and “warnings” I feel the Lord has communicated to me in the past decade, and that have shaped and inspired these writings. Everyday, there are several new subscribers coming on board who have no history with the over one thousand writings here. Before I summarize these “inspirations”, it is helpful to repeat what the Church says about “private” revelation:
Throughout the ages, there have been so-called “private” revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the Magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 67
It may also be useful to understand how these words and warnings have come to me. I have never audibly heard or seen Our Lord and Lady in what the Church calls locutions or apparitions. In fact, I have a difficult time explaining this rather personal and at times profound communication in my soul that is often very clear and distinct, and yet perceived without the physical senses. I do not call myself a seer, prophet, or visionary—just a baptized Catholic who prays and tries to listen. That said, this period of my life is a conscience exercise of my (and your) baptismal sharing in the priestly, prophetic, and kingly office of Christ with a particular emphasis on the prophetic. [1]see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 897
I don’t apologize for this. I know there are a few bishops (not my own) who would prefer that I reject this aspect of my baptism. [2]cf. On My Ministry But I want to be faithful, first to Christ, and also to the Vicar of Christ. By this I mean St. John Paul II who personally addressed us youth in Toronto at World Youth Day in 2003. He said,
Dear young people, it is up to you to be the watchmen of the morning who announce the coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ! —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Message of the Holy Father to the Youth of the World, XVII World Youth Day, n. 3; (cf. Is 21:11-12)
A year before, he was more specific. He was asking us to be…
…watchmen who proclaim to the world a new dawn of hope, brotherhood and peace. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Guanelli Youth Movement, April 20th, 2002,
Do you see a common theme emerging? John Paul II perceived that this present era is coming to a painful end, followed by a glorious “new dawn.” Pope Benedict did not hesitate to continue this theme in his own pontificate:
Dear young friends, the Lord is asking you to be prophets of this new age… —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Homily, World Youth Day, Sydney, Australia, July 20th, 2008
And here is the most important point I want to make before I share with you personal words and warnings: the Lord has instructed me to carefully filter everything I hear, see, and write through Sacred Tradition.
In fact, John Paul II, knowing what this task would cost and the temptations I and other “watchmen” would face, firmly pointed us away from the rafts of individualism toward the Barque of Peter.
The young have shown themselves to be for Rome and for the Church a special gift of the Spirit of God… I did not hesitate to ask them to make a radical choice of faith and life and present them with a stupendous task: to become “morning watchmen” at the dawn of the new millennium. —POPE JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Inuente, n.9
So, the nature of this writing apostolate should already be obvious to you: to look to Sacred Tradition—the Scriptures, the Church Fathers, the Catechism, and the Magisterium—and explain and prepare the reader for what Pope Francis calls “a turning-point in history” and “epochal change.” [3]cf. Evangelii Gaudium, n. 52 As Pope Benedict said,
Private revelation is a help to this faith, and shows its credibility precisely by leading me back to the definitive public Revelation. —Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (POPE BENEDICT XVI), Theological Commentary on the Message of Fatima
In that regard, the private “lights” the Lord has given me have helped inform and guide me to this end, though I repeat what St. Paul says:
At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. (1 Cor 13:12)
I will try as best I can to briefly summarize these words and warnings. I will footnote or reference the original writings, which expand and give further context and teaching should you wish to delve more deeply. Finally, these words and warnings will hopefully be received in the right light:
Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good. (1 Thess 5:19-22)
To be honest, as I begin recalling these personal inspirations, I am deeply moved. Because there are things the Lord has said and done that only now, in hindsight, take on new meaning and depth.
It was about 20 years ago that I was struggling with the Catholic faith—our dead parishes, dismal music, and often empty homilies. When I entertained the temptation of my wife and I leaving our parish to attend a lively, young Baptist congregation, that night the Lord gave me a clear and unforgettable word: [4]cf. A Personal Testimony
Stay, and be light to your brothers.
That was followed not long after by another word:
Music is a doorway to evangelize.
And with that, my ministry was born.
It was at the very beginning of my ministry that I had a powerful and fri
ghtening dream that I believe we are living in real-time.
I was in a retreat setting with other Christians when suddenly a group of young people walked in. They were in their twenties, male and female, all of them very attractive. It was clear to me that they were silently taking over this retreat house. I remember having to file past them. They were smiling, but their eyes were cold. There was a hidden evil beneath their beautiful faces, more tangible than visible.
There is more to the dream, which you can read here. But it ended with what I can only describe as the presence of the “spirit of antichrist” in my room. It was pure evil, and I kept crying out to the Lord that it could not be—that this kind of evil could not come. When my wife awoke, she rebuked the spirit and peace returned.
In hindsight, I believe that the retreat house symbolizes the Church. The “attractive” faces are those philosophies and ideologies that embody moral relativism, which has now entered into many quarters of the Church. The last part of that scene—being escorted out of the retreat house (and I was, in fact, led into solitary confinement) —symbolizes how the persecution of the faithful is and will come from within. How father will turn against son; mother against daughter; sister against brother as those who hold fast to the Church’s teachings will be isolated from the greater society and considered bigots, homophobes, intolerant, discriminatory, and terrorists of the peace.
While Pope John Paul II formally called the youth to the watchtower, it was about 10 years ago that the Lord started to call me personally to this apostolate through a series of prophetic words.
I was on a concert tour through the southern United States with my family (we had six of our eight children by then), which brought us to Louisiana. I was invited to a parish near the Gulf Coast by a young pastor, Fr. Kyle Dave. It was one of the few times in my life when the pews were packed with standing room only. That night, a strong word came upon my heart to tell the people that a spiritual tsunami, a great wave was going to pass through their parish and over the whole world, and that they needed to prepare themselves for this great upheaval.
Two weeks later, as we finished our tour in New York, Hurricane Katrina struck and a 35 foot wall of water surged through that Louisiana church. Fr. Kyle told me how the people remembered the warning that night, and how this storm seemed to underline the coming Storm that I spoke of.
I remained in continual contact with Fr. Kyle as we returned home to Canada. His home and possessions were utterly destroyed. He was literally in exile. So I invited him to come to Canada, which his bishop permitted.
Fr. Kyle and I decided to take a retreat to the Rocky Mountains, to pray and discern as we both sensed an urgency on our hearts as we examined the “signs of the times.” It was there, over the next four days, that the Mass readings, the Liturgy of the Hours, and other “words” came together like a planetary alignment. God used them to essentially lay the foundations for everything else I would write. It was as though God had taken the “bud” of urgency in our hearts, and began to unfold it into prophetic words. I call that foundational experience the “Four Petals”:
I. The first “petal” Fr. Kyle and I were hearing was that it was time to “Prepare!”
II. The second petal was to prepare for Persecution! This would be the culmination of a moral tsunami that began with the sexual revolution.
III. The third petal was a word about The Coming Wedding between divided Christians.
IV. The fourth petal was a word the Lord was already beginning to speak in my heart regarding the Antichrist. It was a word that God was lifting “the restrainer”, that which holds back the coming spiritual tsunami and appearance of the “lawless one.” [5]cf. The Restrainer and Removing the Restrainer As we watch the Supreme Courts continue to redefine millennial old morality, it is clear that we have entered the The Hour of Lawlessness. How close is the possible appearance of an antichrist? The important thing is that we “watch and pray” as Our Lord told us… [6]see Antichrist in Our Times
During that time with Fr. Kyle, we visited a Catholic community on top of a mountain. There, before the Blessed Sacrament, I had a powerful interior vision, an “infusion” of understanding of the coming “parallel communities.”
I saw that, in the midst of the virtual collapse of society due to cataclysmic events, a “world leader” would present an impeccable solution to the economic chaos. This solution would seemingly cure at the same time economic strains, as well as the deep social need of society, that is, the need for community. In essence, I saw what would be “parallel communities” to the Christian communities. The
Christian communities would already have been established through “the illumination” or “warning” or perhaps sooner. The “parallel communities,” on the other hand, would reflect many of the values of the Christian communities—fair sharing of resources, a form of spirituality and prayer, like-mindedness, and social interaction made possible (or forced into being) by the preceding purifications, which would compel people to draw together. The difference would be this: the parallel communities would be based on a new religious idealism, built on the footings of moral relativism and structured by New Age and Gnostic philosophies. AND, these communities would also have food and the means for comfortable survival…
You can read more about this in The Parallel Deception. [7]see also The Coming Refuges and Solitudes
After the Lord imparted these “revelations” to Fr. Kyle and I which, admittedly, left us startled, troubled, and forever changed, the Lord called me several months later to a local parish. He was about to personally invite me to take a position on “the watch.”
In August of 2006, I was sitting at the piano singing a version of the Mass
part “Sanctus,” which I had written: “Holy, Holy, Holy…” Suddenly, I felt a powerful urge to go and pray before the Blessed Sacrament.
There, in His presence, words poured out of me that seemed to come from a place deep within my soul. As St. Paul wrote,
…the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. (Rom 8:26)
I offered to the Lord my whole life, to send me “to the nations”, to cast my nets long and far. After a period of silence, I opened my Morning Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours—and there, in black and white, was the conversation I’d just had with the Father beginning with the words of Isaiah: ““Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” Isaiah responded, “Here I am, send me!” The reading went on to say that Isaiah will be sent to a people who listen but do not understand, who look but see nothing. The Scripture seemed to imply that the people will be healed once they do listen and look. But when, or “how long?” asked Isaiah. And the Lord answered, “Until the cities are desolate, without inhabitants, houses, without a man, and the earth is a desolate waste.” That is, when mankind has been humbled and brought to its knees. You can read what followed here.
A year later, I was praying before the Blessed Sacrament in my spiritual director’s chapel when suddenly I heard interiorly the words “I am giving you the ministry of John the Baptist.” That was followed by a powerful surge running through my body for about 10 minutes, as though I was plugged into an electrical outlet. The next morning, an elderly man showed up at the rectory and asked for me. “Here,” he said, while extending his hand, “I feel the Lord wants me to give this to you.” It was a first-class relic of St. John the Baptist. Since then, I feel my mission has been to help others to “prepare the way of the Lord” [8]cf. Matt 3:3 by pointing them to the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,” by helping them to embrace Divine Mercy.
In fact, before he passed away, one of the “fathers of Divine Mercy” involved in the translation and interpretation of St. Faustina’s diary, Fr. George Kosicki, invited me to his “poustinia” [9]cf. a cabin or hermitage in northern Michigan. There, he gave me everything he had written on St. Faustina’s revelations. He blessed me with her relic and said that he was “passing the torch” of this work to me. Indeed, Divine Mercy is central to everything happening in the world at this hour…
Not long after these experiences, I had the urge to take a drive into the country. A huge storm cloud was forming in the distance. It as at that moment that I sensed the Lord say that a “Great Storm” was coming upon the earth, like a hurricane.
Now, it seemed to me, given the signs of the times, that we were entering an extraordinary period in human history. There was an explosion of Marian apparitions around the world, growing lawlessness and corruption in the world, and increasingly apocalyptic statements of the Popes (see Why Aren’t the Popes Shouting?). The words of Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman rang true in my spirit:
I know that all times are perilous, and that in every time serious and anxious minds, alive to the honor of God and the needs of man, are apt to consider no times so perilous as their own… still I think… ours has a darkness different in kind from any that has been before it. The special peril of the time before us is the spread of that plague of infidelity, that the Apostles and our Lord Himself have predicted as the worst calamity of the last times of the Church. And at least a shadow, a typical image of the last times is coming over the world. —Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890 A.D.), sermon at opening of St. Bernard’s Seminary, October 2, 1873, The Infidelity of the Future
Right on cue, my spiritual director pointed me to the critical theological work of Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi. A young theologian of the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome, Fr. Iannuzzi produced two books that articulate the early Church Father’s interpretation of the Book of Revelation and the coming “millennium” or “era of peace” described in Revelation 20. Carefully delineating the heresy of “millenarianism” from an authentic “period of peace” (as promised by Our Lady of Fatima), his works have helped many pull back the “veil” on these times. After all, the word “apocalypse” means “the unveiling”.
Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. (Dan 12:4)
The key to understanding the Great Storm that is now upon us is in realizing that the “Day of the Lord”, which precedes the Final Coming of Jesus in glory, is not a 24 hour period, but precisely the “thousand years” symbolically referred to in Revelation 20. As one of the early Church Father’s wrote:
Behold, the Day of the Lord shall be a thousand years. —Letter of Barnabas, The Fathers of the Church, Ch. 15
He was echoing St. Peter who wrote that “with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day.” [10]cf. 2 Peter 3:8 Thus, when Jesus said to St. Faustina that the messages to her would “prepare the world for My final coming”, it indicated a period of time that we are entering, but not the imminent end of the world. As Pope Benedict explained,
If one took this statement in a chronological sense, as an injunction to get ready, as it were, immediately for the Second Coming, it would be false. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Light of the World, A Conversation with Peter Seewald, p. 180-181
And so, to help me understand what was coming, the Lord used this image of a hurricane. As I wrote recently in The Glance of God, there is coming upon the world a moment of “illumination”—a warning, as it were, that humanity has reached the brink of utter destruction demanding the intervention of Divine Mercy. [11]cf. Faustina, and the Day of the Lord Early on, I saw this as the “Eye of the Storm.” But what was going to happen before that?
While I made a point to avoid reading the Book of Revelation in order to “figure it out”, one day I sensed the Holy Spirit leading me to read Revelation, Ch. 6. I sensed the Lord saying that this was the first half of the Great Storm that was coming. It speaks how the “breaking of the seals” brings about global war, economic collapse. famine, plagues, and a minor persecution throughout the world. As I read this, I kept wondering, what about the Eye of the Storm? That’s when I read the sixth and seventh seals. See The Seven Seals of Revolution. Prior to this, I had received this word in prayer:
Before the Illumination, there will be a descent into chaos. All things are in place, chaos has already begun (food and fuel riots have started; economies are collapsing; nature is wreaking havoc; and certain countries are aligning to strike at the appointed time.) But in the midst of the shadows, a Bright Light will rise, and for a moment, the landscape of confusion will be softened by the Mercy of God. A choice will be presented: to choose the light of Christ, or the darkness of a world illumined by a false light and empty promises. Tell them not to be startled, afraid, or to panic. I have told you these things beforehand, so when they happen, you will know that I AM with you. (see Times of the Trumpets – Part IV)
The early Church Fathers taught that, prior to an Era of Peace, the earth would be purified of the wicked. This too is in Scripture, in Revelation 19, when the “beast and false prophet” are thrown into the lake of fire followed by the “thousand years.” So the “warning” that is coming appears to act as a “final sifting” between the followers of Christ and the followers of Antichrist that sets up the last half of the Storm. This helped me to understand the vivid encounter I had with the “spirit of antichrist” years before; to understand that we were now, it appeared, entering “the final confrontation” of this era…
Before being elected Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla came to America, and speaking to the bishops prophetically announced:
We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the G
ospel versus the anti-Gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine Providence; it is a trial which the whole Church, and the Polish Church in particular, must take up. It is a trial of not only our nation and the Church, but in a sense a test of 2,000 years of culture and Christian civilization, with all of its consequences for human dignity, individual rights, human rights and the rights of nations. —Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (JOHN PAUL II ), at the Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, PA; August 13, 1976
I felt the Lord wanted me to write about the Great Storm in a book, and so I chose John Paul II’s words, “The Final Confrontation”, as the title. Before long, I had over a thousand pages written and was getting ready to publish it.
Or so I thought.
I was driving through the hills of Vermont where I was giving retreats. I was thinking about my book when I heard in my heart the words, “Begin again.” I was stunned. I knew this “voice” by now. So I immediately called my spiritual director and told him what happened. He said, “Well, do you feel it is the Lord speaking?” I paused, and replied, “Yes.” He said, “Then start over.”
And so I did. Suddenly, I was no longer “writing” a book, but it felt as though I was taking notes from Heaven. I sensed our Mother guiding me. I began hearing words in my heart such as “revolution” and “Enlightenment.” To be honest, I couldn’t remember what the Enlightenment was.
I felt led to read Revelation 12. There, the confrontation between a “woman” and a “dragon” unfolds. The “woman”, wrote Pope Benedict, is a symbol of the whole People of God as well as Mary. The dragon is, of course, Satan whom Jesus said is a “liar and the Father of lies.” I was led to read how the Enlightenment began with a “critique of Christianity” and the philosophy of deism. This led to the emergence of more and more “isms” or lies (materialism, Darwinism, Marxism, atheism, Communism, etc.), until our present day and the arrival of the most subtle and destructive of isms: individualism. Here, the sole criterion for reality is what one wants and believes it to be, effectively making man himself into a little “god”. It was clear that the dragon had “appeared” in order to poison mankind with sophistries.
But what about the “woman clothed in the sun”? The Enlightenment was essentially born in the 16th century. It so happens that shortly before deism was birthed, Our Lady appeared in what is today, Mexico. St. Juan Diego described her this way:
…her clothing was shining like the sun, as if it were sending out waves of light, and the stone, the crag on which she stood, seemed to be giving out rays. —Nican Mopohua, Don Antonio Valeriano (c. 1520-1605 A.D,), n. 17-18
It is signficant for two reasons. She appeared in a “culture of death” where human sacrifice was taking place. Through her apparitions, millions of Aztecs converted to Christianity, and human sacrifice was ended. It was a microcosm of the culture of death that now pervades mankind. The second significance is that the image of Our Lady, which miraculously appeared on St. Juan’s cloak, remains hanging to this day in the Basilica in Mexico City—a constant sign that the “woman clothed in the sun” is with us until the dragon is crushed once again.
To my amazement, as each of those ideological isms emerged, so too, a major apparition occurred almost always within the same year. And that includes the last sophistry of individualism, marked by the emergence of the “personal computer” in 1981. What apparition happened then? Our Lady of Kibeho appeared with dire warnings not only for Rwanda, but for the entire world (see Warnings in the Wind). At the same time, in the Baltics, on the feast of John the Baptist, the alleged apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje also began under the title “Queen of Peace”, as if to herald the coming Era of Peace. While still under investigation by the Vatican, the messages of Medjugorje and the apparition site itself have reaped perhaps one of the greatest harvests of vocations and conversions since the Acts of the Apostles (see On Medjugorje).
Still, when is this Great Storm going to culminate? Many have become discouraged, even cynical, as the apparitions appear to “drag on” and predictions from the likes of Fr. Stephano Gobbi and others have seemingly either not come true, or been delayed.
For me, at least, somewhat of an answer came in 2007…
It was after Christmas in 2007 on New Year’s Eve, the feast of the Holy Mary, Mother of God, that I heard these words in my heart:
This is the Year of the
I had no idea what that meant. But in April of 2008, another word came to me:
Very quickly now.
I sensed that events around the world were going to unfold very rapidly now. I “saw” three “orders” collapse one upon the other like dominoes:
The economy, then the social, then the political or
Sure enough, in the Fall of 2008, the economic bubble burst and the global economy began to unravel (and continues to this day). That crisis, say economists, is nothing compared to the next bubble about to burst any moment (see 2014 and the Rising Beast). We see the warning signs in Greece, Italy, Spain, etc. not to mention that America, once the world’s leading economy, is barely staying afloat by stuffing it’s proverbial life jacket with printed money.
Since that New Year’s Eve, I have sensed the Lord say over and over again that “time is short”. I asked Him once what He meant by this. The response was swift and clear: “Short, as in you think short.” My spiritual director permitted me to share with you the “private” words the Lord has said about the shortness of time in this writing: So Little Time Left.
In 2009, a word fell into my heart like thunder: “Revolution!“
At that time, before my study of the Enlightenment, I did not realize how that period of history culminated in the French Revolution. But after my studies, I began to see these wars, revolutions, and periods of upheaval in a biblical light:
You will hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen,
but it will not yet be the end. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes from place to place. All these are the beginning of the labor pains. (Matt 24:6-8)
What came next were the words Global Revolution!. That is, all of these “little storms” are labor pains that lead up to the hard labor—the Great Storm. Indeed, the “woman clothed in the sun” in Revelation is laboring to give birth. The “son” she gives birth to, while representing Christ, also represents the People of God—His mystical body—that will reign with Him in the Era of Peace.
…they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for [the] thousand years. (Rev 20:6)
The Lord has also given me glimpses and warnings of these hard labor pains. These have not been easy, to be honest, and have come at a cost in writing them. But prayer, the Sacraments, my spiritual director, your letters of encouragement, and my dear friend Lea, my wife, have been sources of grace and strength to bear what is now unfolding over the earth in real-time.
In no particular order, these are the warnings that I have felt compelled to give, under spiritual direction.
• There are going to be exiles—vast populations of people displaced in various regions. See Trumpets of Warning – Part IV.
• During another concert tour through the United States after Hurricane Katrina, the Lord began to show me how corruption had entered into the very foundations of society, from the economy, to the food chain, to politics, science and medicine. The Lord described it as “cancer” that cannot be treated with medicine, but has to be “cut out” in what amounts to a Cosmic Surgery.
If foundations are destroyed, what can the just one do? (Ps 11:3)
I “saw” in my mind’s eye, often quite unexpectedly, the utter collapse of infrastructure through some or several disasters.
• One of the most dramatic and supernatural warnings I received came to me on that same concert tour after we unexpectedly visited three major natural disaster sites in the United States: Galveston, TX, New Orleans, LA, and the site of 911 in New York City. It was a warning for Canada as we concluded the tour by driving to its capital, Ottawa, Ont. Read 3 Cities and a Warning for Canada. With the approval recently of the over-the-counter abortion pill by Health Canada, this warning is more urgent than ever.
• The past few years, the Lord has lifted the veil on a deeper understanding of America and her role in the “end times.” As I flew over San Francisco three years ago, the Lord began to take me on an unexpected journey into the history of the United States, Freemasonry, and Revelation 17-18. The identity of Mystery Babylon continually points to America. The continued path of individualism portends The Fall of Mystery Babylon.
• As I explained above, the Lord began to reveal the nature of the first half of the Great Storm in the seven seals of Revelation Ch. 6. The second seal is symbolized by a rider upon a red horse.
Its rider was given power to take peace away from the earth, so that people would slaughter one another. And he was given a huge sword. (Rev 6:4)
What is this sword? Is it the events of 911? Is it the sword of Islam that has broken out upon the world? Is it the advent of terrorism that they or others may use? [12]cf. Hell Unleashed While in California two years ago during a particularly powerful time of prayer on Easter Vigil, I sensed the Lord say,
There is so little time left now before the explosions.
It was surreal to read a few days later in the news:
North Korea dramatically escalated its warlike rhetoric… warning that it had authorized plans for nuclear strikes on targets in the United States. “The moment of explosion is approaching fast,” the North Korean military said, warning that war could break out “today or tomorrow”. —April 3rd, 2013, AFP
My sense is that 911 was a warning and preliminary stage to the “big event”. I have had several dreams about this, which at this time, my spiritual director has asked me not to speak about.
ut I want to say that I feel a greater urgency than ever to repeat what I wrote in that first petal, Prepare! And that is that souls need to be in a constant “state of grace”. For we are living in times when vast numbers of people may be called home in the blink of an eye… (see Mercy in Chaos).
• After Pope Benedict resigned, a lightning bolt struck the Vatican and a very clear and constant warning resounded in my soul like thunder: You are entering into dangerous times. The sense was that great confusion was going to descend upon the body of Christ, what Sr. Lucia of Fatima prophetically referred to on several occasions as a “diabolical disorientation.” Indeed, the past year and a half have already begun the “great shaking” that is coming upon the whole world. Read Fatima, and the Great Shaking.
There are other words and warnings that the Lord has given over the years, too numerous to recount here (though they appear in many writings). But they are mostly extensions of what I’ve described above. Perhaps the greatest warning is that of a coming Spiritual Tsunami. That is, the deception described in Revelation 13. Read The Coming Counterfeit. The only means to persevere through this coming wave is to be faithful, to remain upon the rock which Christ established, [13]cf. The Testing and to enter the refuge of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through consecration to her and the Rosary. [14]cf. The Rapture, the Ruse, and the Refuge
All of the above, brothers and sisters, can essentially be described in one sentence: the coming Passion of the Church.
It has been pointed out by several Scripture scholars that the Book of Revelation parallels the Liturgy. From the “Penetential Rite” in the opening chapters, to the Liturgy of the Word through the opening of the scroll and seals in Chapter 6; the Offertory prayers (8:4); the “great Amen” (7:12); the use of incense (8:3); the candelabra or lampstands (1:20), and so forth. So is this in contradiction to an eschatological interpretation of Revelation?
On the contrary, it completely supports it. In fact, St. John’s Revelation is likely a deliberate parallel to the Liturgy, which is the living memorial of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord. The Church herself teaches that, as the Head went forth, so too will the Body pass through her own passion, death, and resurrection.
Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers… The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. —Catechism of the Catholic Church, 675, 677
Only Divine Wisdom could have inspired the Book of Revelation according to the pattern of the Liturgy, while at the same time paralleling the diabolical plans of wickedness against the Bride of Christ and her consequent triumph over evil. [15]cf. Interpreting Revelation
And let me conclude on that note, taking you back to the primary mission entrusted to us youth by John Paul II: to “proclaim to the world a new dawn of hope.” I summarized this entire Storm in an open letter to Pope Francis: Dear Holy Father… He is Coming! Jesus is coming, brothers and sisters. That letter explains how just as the morning is already bright with the dawn, even before the sun rises, so too, the era to come is as though the brightness of Christ’s coming (see The Rising Morning Star).
When the Great Storm is over, the world is going to be a very different place in many respects, but most especially in the Church. She will become smaller, more simplified, and ultimately purified in order to become a Bride ready to receive her King in glory. But there is much to come first, especially the harvest at the end of the age. [16]cf. The Coming Harvest
In that regard, I leave you with a powerful word I sensed Our Blessed Mother speak while I was on retreat with my spiritual director:
Little ones, do not think that because you, the remnant, are small in number means that you are special. Rather, you are chosen. You are chosen to bring the Good News to the world at the appointed hour. This is the Triumph for which my Heart awaits with great anticipation. All is set now. All is in motion. The hand of my Son is ready to move in the most sovereign way. Pay careful attention to my voice. I am preparing you, my little ones, for this Great Hour of Mercy. Jesus is coming, coming as Light, to awaken souls steeped in darkness. For the darkness is great, but the Light is far greater. When Jesus comes, much will come to light, and the darkness will be scattered. It is then that you will be sent, like the Apostles of old, to gather souls into my Motherly garments. Wait. All is ready. Watch and pray. Never lose hope, for God loves everyone. [17]cf. Hope is Dawning
First published July 31st, 2015.
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↑1 | see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 897 |
↑2 | cf. On My Ministry |
↑3 | cf. Evangelii Gaudium, n. 52 |
↑4 | cf. A Personal Testimony |
↑5 | cf. The Restrainer and Removing the Restrainer |
↑6 | see Antichrist in Our Times |
↑7 | see also The Coming Refuges and Solitudes |
↑8 | cf. Matt 3:3 |
↑9 | cf. a cabin or hermitage |
↑10 | cf. 2 Peter 3:8 |
↑11 | cf. Faustina, and the Day of the Lord |
↑12 | cf. Hell Unleashed |
↑13 | cf. The Testing |
↑14 | cf. The Rapture, the Ruse, and the Refuge |
↑15 | cf. Interpreting Revelation |
↑16 | cf. The Coming Harvest |
↑17 | cf. Hope is Dawning |